Kung Fu Panda. Po x wolf rea...

By FangtheLoneWolf

273K 5.9K 2.4K

This story has reached; #1 - Mantis (11/2/18) #1 - kungfupanda (11/2/18) #1 - Monkey (11/2/18) #1 - Crane (1... More

Readers note
Meeting Po
Exciting Morning
Dragon and Jade Warrior
First day
Strange Night
Oogway's Death
The News
Power Revealed
True Training
My B-Day!!
The Jade and Dragon Scroll
Christmas Special!!🎅🎄🎁
The Final Battle: Part 2
Readers Note and Vote
🎄🎁My gift for you all this Christmas!!🎄🎁
2nd Book!!

The Final Battle: Part 1

9.4K 225 95
By FangtheLoneWolf

(A Iittle heads up. This part is going to be when Fang and Shifu go against Tai Lung first. Then you reader-chan and Po will fight him in the next chapter. The outfit below is Fang's battle suit. And oh yeah before I forget you're going to learn some more things about Fang in this. And both chapters will be long because I wanted to add great detail for once. And I'll tell you when to play the song above.)

Author's p.o.v
The wind blew softly as the sky darkened in clouds. It was as if the sky had known of the battle that was about to start. Fang and Shifu were preparing themselves in the Jade Palace. Fang changed into what looked like her battle suit. Shifu was at the doors waiting for her.

Fang sighed softly as she lifted her hood. She walked out of the room with a slightly saddened posture. Her tail dragged behind her in sadness at the thought of having to fight her past best friend.....and her past lover. As she neared Shifu her ears flattened a little as she kept thinking.

Shifu had noticed and sensed her mood and sighed softly, "You don't have to help me Fang. You can go help the others evacuate." Fang only shook her head trying in protest and looked at him with slightly sad eyes, "No...I want to fight him. There could still be good in him. Maybe he can transfer back to being good."

Shifu shook his head and crossed his hands behind his back, "You know as well as I that he is too corrupt in darkne-" "But I can still try! Please...just let me try." Shifu sighed and nodded softly, "Ok. But if you can't make him change back then you know what must happen." Fang nodded looking down, "I know and I agree to the terms."

Shifu nodded then turned towards the door, "It's time to confront him." Fang nodded and opened the doors for him. When they stepped outside the wind had barely started. She closed the doors behind them and waited by them as Shifu walked to the top step. He stood there and looked down at the stairs seeing the doors at the entrance open.

Fang's ears pricked as Shifu had closed his eyes. Not only a second later Tai Lung bolted straight on his feet looking down at him. Fang felt a little weak looking at him. She hadn't seen him in years and he had most certainly changed. Her ears pinned back as he spoke, "I have come home...Master."

Shifu looked up at him with slight anger, "This is not your home. And I am not your master." Tai Lung chuckled then sneered at him, "Oh yes. You have a few new favorites. So where is this Po? And where is his buddy (y/n)? Did I scare them off?" Fang growled softly and stepped towards them, "My student is none of your concern Tai."

Tai Lung turned and looked at her with shocked eyes. "Fang? Why, you have changed a lot since I last saw you." She nodded and looked at him with sadness in her eyes, "Please stop this Tai. I want to be with you and hang out like how we used to."

Tai Lung's eyes showed anger and shock at her words as he growled softly, "You're going to help them and go against me?!" Her fur bristled softly from fear but she held her ground, "I will if you don't stop this." He sighed then turned around looking at both Shifu and Fang, "So...That's how it's gonna be."

Shifu glared at him, "That is how its gonna be." After his words Shifu and Fang got into defensive positions, "That is how it must be." Tai Lung's eyes seemed to slit as he growled at the two. He then crouched down and quickly leaped up into the air with a roar. Fang and Shifu looked up in confusion of where he was since his fur matched the dark clouds.

The only thing that showed us his location was the lighting showing Tai Lung spinning his body coming down fast at us. Fang grabbed Shifu and jumoed back with him before putting him down. When Tai hit the ground his right foot slammed into the ground cracking the concrete. Looking back up at Tai Lung she growled as he lifted up a large rock.

Kicking it at them Fang leaped to the left thinking that Shifu would dodge too. But when she looked back at Shifu her eyes held shock to see him destroy the rock in one movement. But when the rock broke her ears pinned seeing that Tai had managed to come up fast and punch him back into the palace. Looking inside she was watched as Shifu landed in another defensive position.

She then looked at Tai to see his fur rising with fury. His eyes blazed with anger. He stormed inside towards Shifu, "I've rotted in jail for twenty years, because of your weakness-" Shifu's ears pinned back, "Avain(?) your master is not weaknes!" Tai Lung pointed a finger at Shifu as he slowed down a few feet from him, "You new! I was the dragon warrior and that Fang was supposed to be the Jade warrior! You always knew it! But when Oogway said otherwise! What did you do?....What did you do!"

As Tai Lung took another step towards him he swung balling his fist, "Nothing!" Shifu shook his head before glaring back protesting, "Neither of you were meant to be the legendary warriors! That was not! My! Fault!" At Shifu's words Tai Lung advanced causing him to step back, "Not. Your. Fault! Who filled my head with greed!? Who told me to train till my bones cracked?! Who said it would be my destiny?!"

With each sentence he threw stuff at Shifu hoping to knock him down. But with everything he did Shifu still managed to dodge. When he had stabbed the knife(giant knife?) into the ground glaring at him, "It was never my decision to make!" Tai roared at him then leaped over to Oogways staff. Fang slowly made her ways along the wall of the Palace was closely what he's doing.

Confusion and worry filled Shifu's face as Tai Lung turned around holding the staff, "It is now." A smirk plastered onto his face as Shifu was now filled with fury. It was not long till they were throwing punches and kicks at eachother. But when Tai Lung managed to get the staff at Shifu's neck he knew he had the advantage.

He growled down at Shifu, "Give. Me. The scrolls." Shifu glared up at him trying to stay up, "I'd rather die!" Tai Lung growled and put more force on the staff. Fang growled lowly and ran over on all fours. When she was close she leaped through the air. But in that moment time seemed to freeze as the staff broke.

Tai Lung turned and caught the shocked Fang smirking. He then threw her away hard into a pillar. Fang let out a yelp of pain as her back connected to it. The then laid there whimpering at the pain and refused to move from it. Shifu looked at Tai Lung shocked being forced to be kicked into the opposite wall. Pushing off it he glared at Tai Lung as Tai crouched growling.

When Shifu leaped into the pillars it started to turn to Cat and Mouse. Tao Lung would always leap after him growling determine to catch the small Red Panda. But being bigger Tai Lung managed to catch Shifu and throw him through the roof. Fang watched with wide eyes as they rose from the roof into the air. From her spot she looked like little dots. But as they came back she noticed that Shifu was the one at the bottom.

Her wings opened slightly in surprise when they busted through the roof towards her. Leaping out and away from under them she watched worried as Shifu was kicked away from Tai Lung. Her black and red fur raised in alarm when Shifu hit the ground again. Running over she put a hand on Shifu doing a quick check on his wounds.

Her ears pricked when she heard Tai Lung's roar up fury. Spinning around she narrowly dodged his flaming blue paws. Bringing her forearms up she blocked a punch while Shifu went around and kicked at Tai. But using his large frame, Tai Lung slammed his body against Fang's side forcing her to skid on her side away. In the same motion he blocked Shifu before throwing punches at him.

Fang groaned softly as she shook her head gently rubbing it. Looking over the fur on her tail bristled in worry as she could see Shifu not being able to block the punches. When Tai Lung punched Shifu full force with flaming paws he bared his teeth at Shifu's now limp form. To Fang this moment seem to freeze in time, she started breathing slightly heavy as she looked at Tai Lung.

Fang growled softly as Tai Lung turned to her. Her mis-colored eyes held sadness, anger, and love in them. Tai Lung's eyes held anger, betrayal, and confusion as music started to play. (Play song above). Fang's ears pricked as she hummed softly. She walked towards him as he did the same. Their claws glinted in the soft light as Tai put out the flames in his paws.

The music that played was familiar to Tai Lung. It was a song that he and Fang would dance fight to many times. But over the years he had forgotten most of the attacks but remembered all the defenses. When they were almost a few feet from eachother Fang has started to sing. She stepped the beat and threw a fast punch at him.

Tai Lung easily caught it and pulled her to him. He then raised his knee to hit her stomach, but she twisted her body fast enough to miss his knee. She tugged him into a spin and elbowed his stomach making him grunt softly. He growled and gripped her shoulder and pulled her back and tried to throw her to the ground.

Instead she spun and wrapped her tail around his leg and pulled him down also. His eyes widened as he caught himself while Fang stood on her feet. She chuckled and backed up more thinking of this like a game. Tai Lung growled and got up. He started throwing punches to the beat of the song. Fang gasped softly as she continued singing. She was stepping back as she was blocking most of his punches.

Her ears flattened worriedly as she whimpered softly as a few hit her sides. The song started to get messed up in her head and the beat became messed up to her. Tai Lung noticed this and smirked. He kicked at her side hard but even when she blocked it, it still moved her to the side. She couldn't function now as the beat disappeared.

When she tried to remember the beat Tai took the advantage and sung to it. Fang looked at him shocked and tried her best to kick and punch at him. But even her attempts were futile as he blocked them all. What ended his singing was when he managed to grab onto her neck. Her eyes were wide with fear and shock as he pinned her against one of the pillars.

She grabbed onto his wrist and tried to pull him off as he smirked. He lifted her up to where she was a little over his height. He chuckled at her attempts, "Fang just because I've been imprisoned for years doesn't mean that I don't remember our song." Her tail went a little between her legs as she looked at him, "Please Tai....forget about being the dragon warrior....it was already destined before us...."

Tai Lung visibly tensed and growled squeezing her neck a little, "You knew as well as I that we should have been the dragon and jade warrior." Fang whimpered softly as she was losing air, "But it w-wasn't. Accept it please...and become g-good...." He only felt betrayal at her words and gripped her neck more cutting off her oxygen, "Since you won't help me then I shall just get rid of you myself."

Fang felt pure sadness as she tried to get oxygen. She squirmed hard as she flapped her wings, feeling ho tunder her fur. Slowly she started to go limp as darkness reached the edge of her vision. But just as Fang was consumed by darkness Tai Lung dropped her baring his fangs. Fang's limp body slumped before laying on its side. Walking away from her Tai headed back to Shifu with blazing eyes.

Shifu was struggling to stand as he looked at Tai Lung with sad eyes, "I-I've always been proud of you... From the first moment I've been proud of you... And it was my pride..that blinded me... I loved you too much to see what you were becoming... What I... was turning you into... I'm s-... I'm sorry." At Shifu's words Tai's face had a flash if regret and sadness in it.

But not long after it had come it was gone. A low growl resonated from Tai as he reached down grabbing Shifu by the throat, "I don't want your apology!" Lifting Shifu into the air he continued his tight grip, "I want my scrolls!" As he held Shifu up he took a look at the dragons only to see the scrolls gone, "What?" In anger he slammed Shifu down cracking the steps, "Where is it!?"

Shifu grunted before looking up at Tai Lung, "The Jade and Dragon worry have taken it half way across China by now! Oh-You'll n-never see those scrolls!" Tai Lung extended his claws almost sounding like metal. Shifu saw darkness at the edge of his vision as he struggled to breath, "Never! N-Never!..." At his words he fell into darkness as Tai raised his claws to slash down at him.

Before he could slash down a low bark sounded and pushed Tai Lung away from Shifu, in result of him dropping him. Tai grunted in surprise before getting up glaring at the panda and wolf at the entrance. Po yelled out at Tai Lung, "Hey!!"

To be continued...

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