Broken Vow

By serial_kisser

86 2 4


Broken Vow

86 2 4
By serial_kisser

Marriage. Is something that I always dream of. White wedding. Long gowns. And marry the man I wanted to be with all my life. But its not going to happen I think. for the past 35 years of my existence in this world, I never experienced having a someone special is making me smile and experience the "adrenaline rush". 

I am Mary. A successful entrepreneur of our family business. My younger brothers were all married. I am the only one left. I am the firstborn and yet, they were the first ones to married before me. Maybe the reason was I am scared to or I am busy and have no time for my love life.  My parents once said that "marriage is not something you'll swallow and let it out once you have feel the pain."

My mom always brag me when will I get married. "You are 35 years old. And yet you have no plans of settling down. Look at your brothers, Marcus and Max. They already have 4 children."

"Mom, that plan will come at the right time. Just don't worry about that.It will come maybe when I'm ready. Right now, I just want that before I get married I want to ensure the future of my children."I said.

"When will you be ready? You're already getting old my daughter.Time is running fast. Don't waste it, Mary."

That words my mom said made my world stop. Yes, time is really fast. When will Mr. Right will come to my life? I don't want to get old having no experience of having my first kiss, my first date and my first "puppy love".

I always go to places I wanted to have a vacation and away from the stress my job is making me. One of my favorite and my unforgettable place is Hawaii. This place made me feel calm, serene and help me think things over. 

I have a business trip there and my investors invited me in their new yacht. We were traveling the seas while getting drunk, socializing and most of all getting laid. My friend, Anice was really drunk and had no idea that she had already drank 8 shot glasses of martinis.She went towards me and said something I really didn't understand and accidentally had pushed me out of the yacht.

One thing I am not good at is swimming. I am drowning. I heard alot of people shouting for help as I go down deep in the ocean.One thing on my mind was "Lord, Please don't let me drown. But if this one of your plans for me...I will not stop you Lord." Then I slowly closed my eyes and felt my heart and my body being paralyzed.

Then a man about 29 years old in age..tanned skinned..and have this "boy next door" looks jumped and saved me from drowning. He have done CPR on me for about 5 times until I coughed louder and opened my eyes. I saw this person who saved me smiling for his relief. Then everyone clapped.

We went back at the resort and have our dinner served. I decided not to eat anything until I haven't thank that man who saved me. I searched for him at the resort and saw him by the beach laying down in the sand watching the stars. 

"Hi."I said shakily.

"Come, sit down."He said looking at me while he smiled sweetly."They're beautiful isn't it?"

"Um, Yeah. When I was a kid I always used to think that the people whom we love when they die, they became stars...shining on people whom they love not to lose hope and not to cry..because they have are always there guiding them with their light."

"I also believed in that. But of course, its just a fallacy."

"Um, listen.. I wanted to thank you for saving me a while ago. How could I ever repay you?"

Then he sat down and sighed."Your welcome. No, thank you. I don't need you to repay me. Just a simple thank you is ok."He said smiling.

I smiled back shyly.

"By the way, I am Eric Wolfe.I am a heart surgeon i n New York."

"Mary...Mary Johnson. I am running our family business which is an Italian restaurant."

"Wow, that's great. Nice to meet you Mary. hmmm... I think you I want now my reward."

"But you have just said you don't want to be paid?"I said laughing.

"I was just joking"He replied laughing.

"Well then, what do you want?"

"hmm... you owe me a date."

"A date?"

"Yeah. A date. Is there a problem? Wait, are you single?"


"Really? no offense but my first impression on you was you're married with a rich man."he said laughing.

"Wow. Well I am 35 years old.I am single and virgin." I said.

We both laughed.

"Well, I'll fetch you at your villa tomorrow morning.At around 8 is it okay?"

"yeah, its okay.After all, I am an earlybird"

"good to know about that."he said smiling.


As I go to sleep I was thinking about what had happened this day. I was thinking how lucky I am to have been saved by a hunk and been asked out by Eric. His smile makes me melt and made me go crazy about it. I wasn't able to go to sleep that night because of my excitement. It is my first time to be asked by someone on a date. Someone that will really make you feel your in heaven. Someone whom I called my "Prince Charming".

I prayed to God and thank Him for saving me that time. Maybe he had a plan for me that's why He had sent someone to saved me from drowning.I asked Him for a favor to give me a sign if he is the one that is sent down for me and the right person for me. Or is it the right time for me to get married.

I woke up 5:30 to get ready. I don't want to look like his grandma so I have some set of clothes to wear so I picked up the right attire. Something simple but elegant. I don't want to overdo it...It will make me look like a desperate housewife or his sugar mommy.

I sat down at the couch watching a love story... Where there is a cute kissing scene of a man and a woman kissing down while the sun sets and lasted for a minute. They kissed passionately that I can't help to imagine if me and Eric will do that. And then I heard a knock. It was him. I fixed my floral pink dress and my hair and open the door. 

He was wearing a white polo shirt and a khaki shorts and his designer rubber shoes. He smelled really good. That I can't help but smell him all day.

"Hi."he said smiling." A rose  for a very beautiful lady." 

"thank you." I said blushing as I smelled the flower.

"So let's go. I know a place where we can enjoy seafoods."

I just smiled.

We went to this restaurant where they served us a very delicious dish.

"So, do you have a girlfriend or a wife or something?"I said.

"Well, I have a wife but she died because of leukemia."He replied.

"I am so sorry to hear that."

"Its okay, it has been 2 years since then."

"but didn't you find another one to replace her?"

"No, I don' t think I could do that. But after a year I open up my heart for some possibilities. I mean, what for is my charm if I'm just going to mourn her for many years to come. Everything happens for a reason."

"Well yeah, thats so true."

"how about you, why didn't you have a boyfriend?"

"well, I guess I never have find the person right for me."

"maybe this time, you'll find him."

"yeah, I wish so."


After that breakfast, We toured Hawaii in my 1 month stay in this island that had made me met this guy that I was wishing for... We went hiking at Manuka Nature Trail, helicopter tours, we also went fishing and had taught me to swim...

It was the best vacation I ever have. We still see each other. I mean, our deal has no limitations. Its like I'm starting to fall for him. Now I know what "first love" really feel. Its like I'm like a teenager again. The fact that it was my first time to be held my hand like the way he held it. That time I started to fall for him and I think he is too.

One day, while we were in Akaka Falls swimming he knelt down and held my hand.I was really shocked that time. I don't know what to do. Is he going to ask me to marry him?

"Mary,"Eric said smiling

"Yeah?"I replied giggling

"Will you marry me?"


Then he shouted "yes" and jumped at the falls. "I'm the happiest man in the world!!!!"

I also jumped and joined him down the falls. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. At last my dreams are coming true. My mom will be happy that finally the firstborn is going to be married to a man.

I break the news to my mom and she's happy about it also my brothers are happy for me. Eric wanted that we get married as soon as possible so all the preaparations are done. A beach wedding at Hapuna Beach in Hawaii... The food will be cooked by my chefs in our restaurant and that we will spent our honeymoon there. 

It will be a magical wedding. It will be held when the sunsets and that we had invited our dearest close friends and families and even our business partners.


The day has come. I was really nervous.What if Eric will run away? or what if I have a nervous breakdown? My mom saw me thinking too much so she tapped my shoulder and said." Mary, don't get nervous. If you felt that he is the one then don't get nervous. But of you felt that this isn't a good idea, you can run away if you wanted to."

"No, I am not going to run away just like what dad did to us. This is just going to happen once in my life."

As I was walking the aisle, I can see that Eric was smiling. Never thought that this is gonna happen...Its like a fairytale story.. The flow of the wedding was great. The best part of it was kissing him and the priest proclaimed us as HUSBAND and WIFE.

Our first night of being together was really sexy and at the same time passionate. He sat down beside me at the bed and kissed me passionately. I looked at his eyes and he whispered in my ear and said "i love you" then started to kissed my neck as he removed the strap of my dress and unhooked my bra. then he slowly lay me down at the bed as he started to removed my dress and he removed his too. By candle light we make love throughout the night.


After our honeymoon, we decided to get a condominium at New York so that Eric will be near to the hospital he is working at and I decided to expand our business there so that I'll never be bored at home. Everyday when we are together at our home we always do stuffs together... like making love every night and cooking dinner together or playing billiards and nintendo.

It was only 4 months after our wedding and our relationship became cold. Eric has been assigned at other places while I stayed at our condo waiting for him. It was only 2 weeks when every hour he called  me to checked if I am okay that I am all alone at our home then suddenly it was cut off. At first I think that its because of his job, of course not all the time he's going to call me. So I let it slip for a week but I started to worry that what if something happened to him? so I called his parents where is he and they said he is in Mexico this time so I booked my flight there to see him and also to surprise him. 

I called his secretary to know where is he and he is in his so I decided to go their and surprise him and to know why he is not calling back to me. And so as I had arrived at his apartment, I was going to knock at his door when the door suddenly opened. I looked at the apartment and saw that it was perfectly arranged. Its like a woman stayed in here for years. 

"Eric?Is there somebody here? I went in because your door is unlock. I am so sorry that I break my promise that I'll never intervene your work here...Its just I am worried and that I miss you so much."I said. 

Then I heard two people giggling. I followed the voice and end up at a bedroom.. I opened it and saw Eric on top of a woman naked. I was really shocked. I wanted to walked away but I can't moved my feet. I felt that my heart fell on the ground... My bag slipped away from my shoulder and that the heaviness of it made a sound that the two of them looked at me shockingly.My tears started to fell that I couldn't breathe.

Eric immediately went to me and hugged me... I pushed him away and he said "let me explain Mary."

I slapped his face so hard that there was a sound created because of the impact of my hand on his cheek. " Fuck you!"

"let me explain please"

"explain what?that you're making out with a hot Mexican woman in your bed that it is one of the therapy that will help your patient?I am your wife Eric and I didn't even think that this is going to happen. Why are you doing this to me?God Eric! It has only 4 months afer our wedding and you're cheating on me so fast."

"Why? don't you get it Mary? Do you think I married you because I love you? No. I just don't want to be the loser at our bet that time that I met you. That the first man ever to court you will have a $1,000 money and that is a great money.  Well, guess what fairy tales don't exist Mary. "

I again slapped his face."You're a piece of shit!"I said as I throw in his face the ring that he had given me. Then I get my bag and run as fast as I could. I don't want to looked back....Its just gonna hurt me again so bad. And then I stopped and knelt down.... It was the first time my heart was broken by the person whom I called my prince first love... And now I know why a lot of teenage boys and girls cry when there first love has another man or woman flirting to them. 

I thought the line " 'til death do us a part." is a promise that can not be broken...but the words Eric said to me a while ago was a deadly weapon that can break our promises at our was devastating.I find It hard to believe that this happen to me. I asked God why did he let this happen to let me feel this brokenheartedness on me...did I did somehting wrong? Well maybe that I think too much of getting married....It was the saddest moment of my life that I wanted to die right now.....Maybe fate said that I am too old for this...That maybe I am really not yet ready for this....


It was six years since then....My mom and I moved to Barcelona for the expansion of our business... Everytime I saw two couples in our restaurant having fun each other and planning for their future I always cry and reminisce the time I made a mistake. Before me and Eric decided to be divorced, I had a daughter. and now she is 4 years old. Her name was Wynona...I was really thankful that from that mistake I had a blessing that God had given me and that is my daughter who had made me happy everyday...

One day while I was fixing some old stuff a letter fell down on my old notebook. I picked it up and opened it and it is from Eric:

Dear Mary,

If you have are reading it now, It means its time for you to know. I want you to know that I married you because of a stupid bet that my friends agreed upon. I just want you to know that I really enjoyed your company, I really do.Honestly, there are times that I can see my wife in you and that there are moments that I really have the feeling the way I felt in my wife before. And that I am so sorry for making you a fool to believe in a lie. I am really so sorry. You have a bright future ahead of you without me. I know you are the kind of person that can't be tamed.  Don't be sad...there willl be someone who can really make you happy and that your fairytale story will come true...Its just only starting. ...





And then I started to cry. I realized that Eric was someone that made me realize things about getting married that my mom's quote on getting married was true and that not to rush things...sometimes it is better to know something before saying that it is really the perfect one for you. And that there should be trust in each other. May be that thing I never give him that's why he find another woman to have sex with...the point is, life is to short but it doesn't mean that you should rush into things and never use your brain. Yes, sometimes what we think is wrong and that what the heart says is the true one..I was just carried away by my emotions and of my dreams. Even though he broke my heart so badly, He had taught me things that I already know but I 'm just too daring that I didn't even mind to look at it.....The person Eric is saying was my daughter. He already knew that there was someone special coming and that is her. 

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