beautiful crime, ษชแด› ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿท๐Ÿฝ

By -valeskawhores

33K 1.4K 930

she loved too deeply, and felt herself fall alone book one ... More

( 00 || blood and tears )
( 01 || scraped knees )
( 03 || grim reaper )
( 04. || trashmouths realization )
( 05 || fire )
( 06 || georgie's bedroom )
( 07. || fire meeting gasoline )
( 08. ||last day of school )
( 09. || fear is power )
( 10. || beep beep richie )
( 11. || no one is safe )
( 12. || war of hearts )
( 13. || sun and stars )
( 14. || rock war )
( 15. || complicated )
( 16. || fourth of july )
( 17. || it's summer )
( 18. || scars )
( 19. || the kids aren't alright )
( 20. || dead to them all )
( 21. || street fighter )
( 22. || stan the man )
( 23. || back together )
( 24. || fuck sakes )
( 25. || welcome to the losers club asshole )
( 26. || wildflowers )
( 27. || blood promise )
( 28. || epilogue )

( 02 || rainy days )

1.6K 62 69
By -valeskawhores



October 3rd, 1988


 RAIN STRICKEN DOWN ON the glass hard and loud, the sky contorted of dark grey clouds. It was an awful day in Derry Maine, a day fit for horror to strike. The female had let the warm water ran down over her skin, her long hair sticking to her freckled skin as she let a sigh leave her lips. 

The day was cold and bitter, it acted as a reminder to Melody. A reminder of the person who ruined her life so many years ago, every time her eyes flickered shut the scene relived itself in her mind. 

The female shivered, as she pictured the deadly look in her father's uncanny black eyes. With the crows diving after her as she ran terrified away. Melody still didn't understand what happened, truth be told it kept her up all night. Haunting her mind as she tried her very best to fight the thoughts. Even with her brother right across the hall from her, she could never tear the images and fear from her body. 

Melody shut off the water, wrapping a black towel around her petite body as she stepped out of the comfort of the bathroom. Her hair soaked hair laying on the fabric of the towel as she stepped into the dim light of her bedroom. 

The rain beating down on the glass was all that could be heard throughout the house, Miles had left to go to work earlier that morning. Stopping in her room to tell her he'd be home later that night, she had simply nodded and fitted a small smile on her face. 

Melody missed the sun, she missed the way it brought warmth to her pale skin. The way it shone against the earth, sparkling so brightly in the world. Melody missed having warmth in her life, real warmth. Not the fake ones that ran through her skin like a mask. 

The female slipped into a yellow fuzzy sweater, a pair of blue jeans being slipped up over her legs afterward. Melody decided to leave her wet hair be, considering the looks of the outside, she wasn't going anywhere. 

The female pounded downstairs, her feet sounding throughout the house as if they were battling against the rain. Melody let her bottom lip sunk in between her teeth, as she flicked on the water. Filling up their small steel kettle with water, before placing it on the stove and letting it heat up. 

The redhead picked up an apple from the counter just as a knock at the door rang through the house. The girl raised her eyebrows, hurrying over and swinging open the door. There with a small smile on his face stood Stanley Uris, his curly hair standing out against the darkness of the day. 

"Hey Stan," Melody smiled, greeting her best friend as she stepped aside letting him come inside to the warmth of her house. 

"Mind if I hang around here for the day?" Stan asked, shrugging off his raincoat as the female closed the door behind him. 

"Yeah, of course, you don't even need to ask," the girl replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The boy smiled kicking off his shoes, as he held up a scrapbook. 

"Want to see the new birds I found yesterday?" He asked excitedly as Melody let a small laugh sweep through her lips. If there was one thing to know about Stanley Uris, was that he loved to go bird watching. Melody had often gone with him, she would draw in her sketchbook while he was bird watching. 

"Why yes of course," the female spoke as the kettle started ringing loudly throughout the rest of the house. "Have you heard anything from the rest of the guys?" She asked taking down two mugs and the cocoa mix. 

Stanley took a seat on one of the chairs at the Hopper's kitchen table, his scrapbook being laid out in front of him as the boy started flicking through pages of the book. "Richie and Eddie are hanging out at Richie's place. His parents left sometimes last night, you know what that's like." Stan answered as the female nodded. Richie's parents were almost never home, they didn't care about their son. Richie often stayed at his friend's houses or went and ate there. Melody had awoken many times before and saw Richie laid out on her bedroom floor with an old blanket and pillow.

"What about Bill?" Melody asked, pouring packs of cocoa into the mugs before carefully pouring the steaming water into the glasses.

"Sick, I called him earlier and he sounded as if he was dying," Stan chuckled as the female frowned bringing over the mugs. Melody laid one down in front of Stan before taking a seat at the table herself.

"I was with him yesterday, he seemed fine then." The female spoke wrapping her hands around the mug as Stan shrugged, taking his own mug in his own hands.

"I don't know, maybe it's a twenty-four-hour thing." He spoke as Melody nodded, biting her lip worried about the boy.

"I hope he get's better soon," she mumbled as Stanley nodded agreeing, the boy wasn't oblivious. He knew about his two best friends liking each other, in fact the whole group did. Stanley was surprised Richie didn't already make a joke about the two, considering he did for everything else. "Anyway, let's look at these birds yeah?" The girl grinned taking a small sip of her cocoa. Stanley nodded flicking through the pages as the two sat beside each other, letting warmth from their cocoa fill up their cold bodies.


MILES HOPPER HAD TWO jobs, one at the arcade that Richie Tozier was always in. The other at Derry's very own vinyl shop, in a way it was Miles very own favorite place to be. Darkness was overtaking the sky as the adult started getting ready for closing time. Soft tune of a song from one of the vinyl was floating through the small shop. 

The blonde boy was stacking away new packages of vinyl's, the rain still beating down on the glass doors. Miles had sworn he never saw it rain so hard as it was this day in Derry, it was casting the shadow of what was arriving in the town. A town that had already lost one of its loved members. 

The boy reached up placing the now full box on one of the shelves when the door swung open. "Miles," Mrs.Denbrough had spoken in a rushed and frantic voice. The young adult turned around, at the sound of the older females voice. A smile on his young lips that had quickly vanished once he saw the state the women were in. 

"Mrs.Denbrough, is everything okay?" Miles asked, worry evident in his soft voice as the female shook her head. Her auburn hair falling around her face and shoulders widely. 

"Have you seen Georgie?" She asked quickly, her hands gripping her car keys. The boy looked outside, seeing the blaring lights of her car. He could faintly make out the shape of Bill Denbrough in the car, staring worriedly in the window. 

"No, no I haven't," Miles answered looking back at the women, the male watched her whole face drop and her eyes glaze over. "Did something happen?" Miles asked, his eye's growing with worry. 

"Bill let Georgie go outside by himself today, and now he's missing. He hasn't come home and," the female croaked, her hands coming up to her face. "Oh god my boy, he's gone," Miles frowned coming around the counter to give the shaking and hysterical women a quick hug. 

"Have you checked at my house? He might have stopped off to see Melody," Miles asked as the women wiped away her tears and nodded her head. 

"Yeah, I and Bill stopped by. Her and Stanley had offered to come and help, but I couldn't let them outside in the cold." Mrs. Denbrough answered looking behind at her car before back at Miles. 

"If you see or hear anything please give me a call? We need him home," Mrs.Denbrough spoke her voice shaking as Miles nodded. 

"Yeah, of course, I will. Right away," Miles smiled reassuringly as the older women smiled before turning and heading outside the door. 

Miles sighed leaning back against the counter, the boy bites down on his fingernail as the blonde shook his head. All he could think about was what happened to that little boy, and then he thought about Melody. How he would be like if she ever disappeared like Georgie, Miles swore he would lose his mind. They needed to find Georgie Denbrough, but finding Georgie would be the last thing on everyone's mind. As it seemed that more kids would go missing every day for the next year. 


MELODY RESTED HER HEAD on the window beside her window seat. Her hazel eyes were darting towards the streets, illuminated by the street lights. It was just yesterday when she saw and heard the sweet laugh of Georgie Denbrough. Now the female was worried sick that the boy might be gone forever, her stomach turned and twisted as if she already knew what happened. 

"Maybe he just got lost, I'm sure they'll find him," Stanley spoke from his spot on her bed. The boy was stretched out laying down on his stomach. His chin resting on his hand as the redhead looked over at him smiling sadly.

"Yeah, I hope so." She mumbled before letting out a soft sigh. The girl stood up walking over to her bed and sitting down beside Stan. "I'm just worried about Bill, he didn't even come in when Mrs'Denbrough showed up."

Stan frowned reaching over and grasping his best friend's hand. His thumb rubbed her knuckles reassuringly, as Melody squeezed his hand.

"Why don't we call him, on the walkie-talkie," Stan offered as Melody flickered her eyes over to the black walkie-talkie on her bedside table. The female chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling. They rarely ever used walkie-talkies anymore, considering they always biked over - in Melody's case walked - to each other's houses instead. 

The female lets go of Stan's hand, the boy sitting up since she reached over and grasped the walkie-talkie. "Do you think he'll answer?" Melody asked, crisscrossing her legs, looking up at Stan. 

The boy simply shrugged, "I don't know. I guess there's only one way to find out." Melody nodded before flicking on the walkie-talkie. Turning to channel 11, the girl placed the system up to her mouth before speaking. 

"Bill? You there?" She asked, resting her elbow on her knee as she waited for a reply. Her eyes stared down at the system, waiting for the static indicating someone was going to reply. 

It started out slow and quiet, but loud enough for the two to hear it. "Melody? What the hell are you doing on here?" Richie Tozier rang through the device, the female sighed as Stan rolled his eyes. "Looking for some action are ya?" The Tozier boy answered as the female screwed up her mouth. 

"Richie, shut up," Stan spoke taking the walkie-talkie from Melody's hand. The female snorted slightly knowing the raven-haired boy would never do that. 

"Oh, a threesome? Freaky," Richie spoke as the female huffed out her head falling back against her pillows. She swore Richie Tozier was a helpless person. 

"That's disgusting, do you know how many germs there is from just doing that?" Eddie Kaspbrak rang through. Melody let out a soft laugh, as she sat back up seeing Stanley sigh softly, 

"That's what your mom said when I did her," Richie laughed lightly, as Melody couldn't help but snort. Even Stan cracked a small smile shaking his head.

"That's so disgusting," Eddie answered even though Melody couldn't actually see the boy. She was sure his face was contorted into a look of disgust. 

"Guys you're both are helpless," Melody spoke through the walkie-talkie, taking it from Stan's hand as he leaned back on his elbows. 

"Say's the one who jumped into the quarry once in the middle of fall," Richie replied as Melody rolled her eyes. 

"First off, you dared me to do that. So what was I suppose to do four eyes? Chicken out?" She asked a smile on her face as Stan shook his head knowing very well, that the girl would never do that. 

"I'm surprised you didn't die," Eddie replied as Melody nodded. She remembered that day being the coldest she had ever been. Her hands had gone blue, as well as her lips. It was the worse she had ever been, which is a lot saying for her. 

Stan reached over taking the walkie-talkie before placing it up close to his mouth, "Have any of you heard from Bill?" Stan asked, his eyes flickering towards Melody who felt her face turn into a frown. There was silence on the other line before static rang through. 

"H-hey guys," Melody's eyes widen as she reached over grasping the walkie-talkie from Stan's hand and placing up near her mouth. 

"Bill? Are you okay?" She asked rushing out, her hand gripping on to the system so tightly. 

"I d-don't know," the boy mumbled stifling slightly, Melody felt her heartbreak as Stan reached over and grasped her hand. 

"Bill, I'm sure he's alright," Richie's voice rang through the walkie-talkie. His voice had lost all its jokingly and sarcastic tone it usually held. Instead, it was built like a wall of stone, serious and calm. Something that was extremely strange for the boy. 

"I h-hope so," Bill muttered back, Melody bit her lip letting a sigh flow through her lips before she finally spoke. 

"Bill, whatever happens, we'll always be here for you. Through thick and thin remember?" She spoke, smiling slightly even if the boy himself couldn't tell. 

"Yeah, we've been with each other through everything. This is going to change that," Eddie added his slightly squeaky voice ringing softly through the system. 

Stan reached over taking the walkie-talkie softly from the female's free hand. "We're like family Bill. No matter what happens, we'll be there." 

They had all meant it, the five were all always going to be there for each other. If when three more people joined their group. No matter what happens, no matter how many fights they shall have. They were always there for each other at the end of the line. That's just how they were. 

( merry christmas xxx )

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