A Complicated Love with a Com...

By LeoHri

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What if one day, Kirino has to decide? A complicated Love with a Complicated Choice that will end up hurting... More

Chapter 1: Dream
Chapter 2: Let's go Senpai!
Chapter 3: His Inner Self
Chapter 4: Troubled
Chapter 5: The Sun Garden
Chapter 6: Further Understanding
New Year Chapter (Special)
Chapter 8: E)3+@ <3 Pt. 1
Random Crazyness and Author's Note
Chapter 9: E)3+@ Pt. 2
Chapter 10: Nature
Someone Requested
Chapter 11: Mind

Chapter 7: Reasons

395 8 8
By LeoHri

Kariya's POV //OC alert//


I freely let my body fall in the grass as I rest myself. I can heard cheers from my team and sighs of relief from the opposite side. Man, what a win. If it weren't for Tenma having that crossover plan, we could've lose. Captain is one of a kind. Before I could stand up, Kirino-senpai was in front of me and held his hand. I looked up, and smiled mischievously.

I took his hand gladly and helped me stand up. "You did pretty good Kariya. You completely had me when the ball is in my possession." He said and I scratched my nape, somewhat feeling proud?

"H-hai..." He then left, going towards Shindou-senpai which made me frown. I ignored them and head towards the changing rooms and surprisingly, I was the only one there. 

I changed my clothes and wore my plan t-shirt, keeping the school pants on and left the room, saying goodbye to some my teammates which are technically in the field, resting.  

"Kariya!" I was cut in by Tenma, our new captain who's with Tsurugi by his side, having a ecstatic face and fully dressed. What's the big deal anyways? What does he want? "You did an awesome job! And that passing from Kirino-senpai was amazing I mean look how it connected! Did you see him and captain though? They made a pretty cool combination play!"

Tsurugi corrected him "It's Shindou-senpai now, captain" He smirked making Tenma blush.

Remind me how I pretend to care what the people babbles about? Oh wait, I couldn't care less, I'm already doing it right now. I couldn't help but to notice the couple having the time of themselves, talking to each other. I want to puke, bleghh.

"But, Soccer must be happy right now! Right Kariya?" My attention is now at Tenma who is beaming with light. Imagining him shining as I narrowed my eyes, covering them for protection. Oh Kami-sama , he's too darn bright how could I not avoid his stupid smile?

So I smiled before placing my hands in my pockets "Mhm, I'm sure Soceer is" And my reply, gave Tenma in his fullest, smiling like a kid. In my perspectvve, he was glowing rather than shining. 

"See Tsurugi? Kariya understands me!" Since when? 

Tsurugi nodded in reply, smiling. I was about to excuse myself to go when Tenma asked:

"Hey Kariya I was wondering, Shindou-senpai and Kirino-senpai are always there to each other. I know they're best friends but, I can't seem to get rid of my mind that they are... acting like a couple"

After understanding Kirino-senpai about his problems, I too can't get rid of my mind about it. Heck, I don't even know what happened afterwards, so I planned to stay, being curious for the first time. "Why would you think of that Tenma? I'm sure you and that silly thought of yours---"

"It's true Kariya!! One night after I bought some groceries, I took a short cut so that I could get back to my house faster!! But unexpectedly, I saw two people hugging each other them one of them kissed the other person in the lips! I think it was peck...But it was Shindou-senpai and Kirino-senpai!"

I covered Tenma's mouth on how very loud he is and Tsurugi was taken back. I look over where the couple is standing earlier but, they're gone. I sighed in relief but a heated feeling in my chest was felt and I don't know what it is.

But I tried ignoring it but it's still there. I then looked at Tenma and said.

"TenMa" "Did you know how to control your voice?" I asked in ease as he nodded. A ticked mark appeared on my forehead

"Then do me a favor, speak like a normal person and" I remove my hand on his mouth as I motion my hand saying Continue.

Tenma nodded but before he could even speak, Tsurugi cut in with a suspicious look on me. "I don't mean to you ask this but since when are you curious about Kirino and Shindou? We know that you're trying Kirino to notice you, but I can't exactly figured out what's the reason behind that"

Tsurugi exchange looks. "Not only you both are smuggling in other people's privacy, you're currently trying to get into it. Especially you Kariya" Oh here we go.

"I-I'm sorry Tsurugi! Really sorry..." I saw the ex-seed smile at him. I roll my eyes and argue.

"Do all of you people think I'm up to doing no good at all? This is like how I transfered here all over again." Tsurugi's eyes narrowed.

"Can a guy be curious for the time being? And besides, this is Shindou-senpai and Kirino-senpai we're talking about" In shock, I saw Tsurugi stepped in and looked down at me.

"Don't think I don't know about you being an ass around Kirino when you first joined in. Even if you're our teammate, I don't trust a single word you say." I chuckled

"Then have it your way, nothing is gonna change. And besides, arguing doesn't lead to anything." It was Tsurugi's turn to chuckle, but it quickly turned into a laugh.

"I guess that's how being a stuck up child you are after being abandoned by your parents"

I widen my eyes as I felt my blood raising up. The memories of me being alone flashed in my mind as I clench my fist, gritting my teeth.

"Tsu-Tsurugi!" "I'm sorry Kariya! Please Tsurugi, apologize to---"

"It's okay..." I lied as I looked at him, narrowing. He did that on purpose but for what reason?

"It's true I'm a stuck up. But whatever reasons they come up with, I'm never going to forgive them. I trusted them, and look where I am right now."

"It's their fault I'm living in a miserable position right now. And there's nothing to blame, it already happened." I turned their back on them.

"I'm leaving..." I didn't gave them a chance to talk because I've already left. 


I stopped by at Rairaiken to let loose to all of my stress which is not working at all, even the Ramen is not working. I heard the door being opened but I paid no attention to it. My bowl was halfway done but I didn't have the appetite to do so, I just want to stay here for a bit and clear my head.

"Ah Ryu, the usual?" I heard the owner of the shop spoke but I didn't hear a single reply. I look over to see a pair of amber eyes and celeste hair with pink tips. My mouth agape in the sight I was looking. It can't be her.

"Ryu?! What the are you doing here? I thought you're in America!" I shouted, almost angry. Though he looked at me with an unimpressed look but she shrugged. 

Meet Ryu, the most idiotic and craziest person you'll ever meet. And no, she doesn't know how to play soccer, but basketball is her passion. And unlike other girls, she's different among the rest, she's a bisexual. I don't hate nor disgust her because of her sexuality, though if she tried to back stab me I'll do worse than what I said.

"What's with the ugly face Ri? You got heart broken?" I scoffed. "As if..."

"Oh come on, for once in  your life, did somebody let through your walls?" I frowned "No? As expected, I never knew you were the rough one. Or most likely tight

"Stop, whatever you are doing, you aren't going anywhere" She flashed an innocent smirk at me and leaned.

"Even if we have sex then?" I push her away from me as I blush "NO!!!!!"

"Jeez relax! And stop yelling! Heck, I don't want you to be the one taking my virginity!" She made a disgust face which I imitated. 

"Like gods, f*ck no." She rolled her eyes with disgust.

"Sore o 2tsu tsudzukete kudasai. I don't want my costumers being cringed" He smiled as he hand over the ordered ramen to Ryu. "Arigato Seiyu-san"

He nodded as he head over to the kitchen. "Say Yu...I need you to do me a favorRyu eats her noodles slowly. I took a deep breath and said "How do you know if you're in love?"

She almost choked down the hot noodles and looked at me like I'm out of my mind. "No sh*t Sherlock!" And believe me, she's the first ever person I've met, cursing.


Kirino's POV

I yawned as we made our way to my house carrying food for dinner. And yes, you heard it right, we. I'm with Shindou and gods, I can feel my heart thumping again!

"Are you okay Kirino? Your face looks beet" I didn't realise that I'm blushing, god dammit Shindou your charming and caring as always.

He got near to me and slipped his hand, intertwined.

"It's okay, you look cute" He smiled, making speechless as I smiled back like a dork.

I felt a chill and hugged myself to warm up. Winter is coming.

"Say Kirino, what do you want this Christmas?" Shindou said

"Eh? I thought it's obvious for now, I mean, we are close to each other for years now"

"True, but I want to make it special" He kissed my cheek as I look around, poking his cheek afterwards.

"Shin~ Don't do that!"

"Don't do what?" He smirked as I scoffed, followed by a smile.

"You know what I mean! What if people might see us?" I worriedly ask but he gave me a smile.

"Is that your reason why your conscious about this relationship?" I nod slowly "Don't worry about it Kirino, I'm here for you."

I look at him straight in the eyes filled with seriousness and care. I poked him in the forehead and chuckled "Promise?"

He smiled "Promise."

I LOVE YA ALL AND THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!!!! I'm no expert when it comes to this certain weather because we don't feel it here in the Philippines.  And..That is, Class is starting.

We have our little break that can lead to slow update. Guys, I'm sorry If i'll tell you this but The New Year Special and the upcoming chapters might take awhile. The new year special might not be publish to it's exact which is January 1.

I'll have to make it up to you all. And as promised:


***Christmas Special***

No One's POV
The cold in the morning swirled all around Japan and one way to wake up the people because, SNOW! During the cold and snowy night, the snow might've passed and brought snow in Raimon. And of course some stay in their houses to warm themselves or often because of the cold weather, they lock themselves in their house to get cozy and sleep. Having the time of their life lazily.

Tenma, who is already out in the house building snowman. Since Aki-chan was finished decorating, all is left was to wait.


He was waiting for Shinsuke and Aoi going out for a snowy walk to see what the outcome is like when it snowed.

And as some our young protangonist in this fanfic, Kariya locked himself in his room, wrapped by his thick blanket. Yet, it wasn't still very warm. But suddenly, a bang was heard.

"RISE AND SHINE MY CHILD!" Kariya shot right up to see Afuro with his arms held with bright aura behind him but Kariya's gloomy side however, wasn't enough to weakened it.

"Afuro-san... it's still early..." The teal haired boy went back to sleep but felt a chill down to his spine. He immediately looked at the older boy who opened the window letting the cold air enter the room.

Kariya's mouth agape.  "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Getting your lazy butt out of your bed and come experience this lovely time of the year! You love the snow right?"

"That was a long time ago, I don't like it. And I feel like I'm isolated everytime I step on it! It's cold! And....PURE WHITE!"

"That's ridiculous! Have you gone in the mental asylum just now?" Kariya was going to speak but was tackled by Afuro, grabbing his wrist. "Try and imitate Suzuno, he loves the snow!"

Kariya scoffed "I'm nothing like--- wait, why are we going to the--- WAIT HOLD O--- AHHHHH IT'S COLD!!!!"


"I-i-i-im go--oing t-t-to kil-ll y-you!" Kariya stuttered, wrapping himself due to the cold he was feeling inside. Even the warm suit he was wearing wasn't enough to heat him up.

"You did that on purpose did you?" Suzuno said in his emotionless state but Afuro replied, pouting. "And I'm guessing you thought that Nagumo took that cold water as his bath but Kariya stepped in"

"It's not fair! I had him! He was too smart this time! I'm really sorry that Kariya went further this time!" Afuro made a crying face as Suzuno comforted him. Nagumo and Kariya were standing each other and heard the enter conversation.


Just then, Kariya's phone was vibrating so he went to check it and much to his surprise, it was Kirino.


[Kariya I want you to do me a favor but first, are you busy?]

[What kind senpai? And no in the moment]

[Perfect! Let's meet up in the park. I'll tell you all what you want to know once we got there]

[Be sure I get something in return ;)]


Kariya didn't expect this day to be happening right now. It's like how he wished to be! Now he has a chance to make his senpai to notice him!

"You seem pretty jolly, what's up?" The adult blonde asked with a smirk. Kariya frowned.

"The sky? Y'know---- never mind I'm going" Kariya turned his back on them and leave. Suzuno called out before he could leave completely in their sights.

"Be sure to get back soon before the countdown!"


Kirino's POV

I stood in front where the entrance of the park is and had no intention to enter since it's filled with snow. That snow last night might have bulldozed it all the way here. Though, I am currently waiting for Kariya and surprisingly, not Shindou. Why you ask? Akane invited him to hang out this entire day and he couldn't help but to apologize to me. 

It's no big deal, though I feel lonely without him by my side. And that's where Kariya comes in. And why invite Kariya? We may have a bad introduction to each other in the past but yet, he changed. Kageyama might've told us a tiny detail about him, I felt sorry. 

To be honest, deep inside me, something is crying out to me every time I mention his name. But I have one person in mind, but yet, something isn't completely complete.

 I want to know the reason why.

"Senpai~" I felt a chill down in my spine as I saw the teal haired prankster giving me a mischievous smile. I seriously wanted to wipe that look in the deepest abyss.

"I seriously want to regret the favor I've asked for" A ticked mark appeared on my head. 

"Don't be like that senpai, Santa might've put you in the naughty list~"

"Do you actually believe that?"

"God knows"

"I can hear your sarcastic tone judging by your voice."






"....About the favor by the way" I got Kariya's attention slightly "I technically don't have anyone to come and help me out since they're all, busy and takened"

Kariya's eyes widen a little "That explains why...Where is he though?"

I sighed "He's with Akane-chan"

"That girl might be experiencing the time of her life before Shindou could leave her"


"Nothing...Hurry up so this favor of yours will be done in a hinch." Kariya crossed his arms and pouted, making him look like a kid. Cute

"You, are going to assists me in shopping for gifts. No buts, no retreat" That made him laugh, replying:

"Why should I senpai? You should be thankful I'm helping you, and this is your lucky day because I'm in a good mood. And you''ll be thank me later." He proudly stated as I roll my eyes at him, though it's pretty funny on how the way he says it. And at the end of the day, he'll receive a special something from me.


After several shops and stops, I bought dozens of gifts just for my friends and loved ones including Kariya. He was helping me carry plastics which contained a specific gift to a specific person. And it's a secret.

"Are we done yet...?" Kariya whined. I looked at him and putted my hand on my hip.

"Nope, you'll have to keep your endurance in check. We have a lot of shops to visit by." I said as Kariya shook his head.

"Fine, Fine fine!" Me and Kariya often tease and argue each other but we always end up laughing together. And for once in my life, I've never seen him happy before, and it suits him.

We stopped by at a Cafe since the both of us agreed that a nice cup of coffee and tea would be nice in a cold weather like this. And surprisingly, Kariya was the one paying the expenses.

"K-Kariya...You don't really have to" Kariya groaned "Don't bother on paying it, consider this my treat." I nodded in reply and I couldn't help but to stare at him. Is he really in a good mood? This is a sudden change...


Another wave of shops to visit, I finally have the things needed and we proceeded in a gift wrapping shop where you could request them to wrapped your gifts. And a while ago, I saw Kariya entered a cloth shop and I couldn't help but to feel curious. Though it's not my right to find out. What if it's for somebody?

Wait, why am I conscious? *Sighs*  Anyways...

And after a few hours, it was night time. And we headed to my house to drop the gifts and this is no sweat at all since Kariya is here with me. I saw a bag his holding and asked.

"What's that?" Before I could reach up to him and nudge, he spoke without giving any hint of emotion. "He's here..."

I widened my eyes and looked at Kariya's direction. I saw him standing and flashed a smile, walking towards us as I felt my cheeks grow warm. It must be visible since the cold is fighting over the heat in my cheeks. I saw Kariya still looking at Shindou with an emotionless face. As Shindou got closer, Kariya turned his back.

"I'm leaving...Enjoy"

I was going to run after him but my knees felt weak as soon as I step on the pavement. And without a minute, Kariya disappeared in the darkness. I suppress the fear that is stretching out in my entire body, but Shindou was able to stop it. Almost....

"DaijōbudesukaKaoirogawarui yo..." Shindou caressed my cheeks as I look straight in his brow eyes. He's worried...


I looked where Kariya run off and I couldn't help but to worry about him. "Īe, anata wa imasen. I'll tell Sangoku that we're not attending"

I look at him wide eye, putting a hand on his shoulder as I shook my head. "Shindou, I'm fine! You don't have to be affected every time. This is suppose to be a happy day, no worries. I want for the both of us to feel that way..." 

He look at me in a minute before giving up. "I won't force you then...But just in case, I'm here for you." I nodded and made a reassuring smile to him. Going back to Kariya, I didn't even have the chance to Thank him...


Kariya's POV

"He's here..."  I said to Kirino, gazing at the sight of Shindou-senpai. I glanced as I caught him blushing feeling a thorn in my chest. I wouldn't want to stay longer anymore, he has him now. So what good am I now?

"I'm leaving...Enjoy" Holding the gift I dedicated for him, I was in the edge of throwing it away. I didn't even heard his calls...Heh, maybe I assumed too much.

After a a couple of steps where I couldn't see them anymore, I threw the gift in the thrash and head back to the Sun Garden, pretending once again. this day was to be happy, but I guess I'm fooling myself. Heck, I shouldn't even feel this emotions, so why?

 I'm too utterly blind to see myself with him.


I'm finally home, where my depression and emotions come at last. Before I could even walk my way up, Midorikawa-san appeared out of the blue and grabbed my wrist, pulling me inside. "M-midorikawa-san!"

After being pulled inside, it was dark. I was about to speak when two bangs were heard and confetti's are being popped out. The room was lit and I was greeted with a warm:


I stood there in awe and looked at everybody. Nagumo-san, Suzuno-san, Afuro-san, Hitomiko-san, Hiroto-san, Midorikawa-san and surprisingly, even Osamu-sama, with a huge smile in their face. I was speechless, my insides were screaming as my emotions were bursting out, lively.


Osamu-sama took a side-step, revealing my best friend, Hikaru, with a huge grin on his face. "H-hikaru? I thought you're celebrating along with Tenma..." He chuckled in reply.

"I wouldn't abandon my best friend and there's no fun if you won't come. So I came here instead! The adults didn't mind though. And I had to pick it up where you left on" He smiled but I'm starting to get suspicious, what does he mean by that?

"Stop frowning an smile for once! You look ugly!" Speak of the devil, where did I heard this line again? It sounds familiar, very familiar.

Hiroto-san walked towards me and showed a reassuring smile before kneeling. To look at me in the same height. "Hitomiko-san said that were never really a festive type of little guy. And I heard that you've never celebrated Christmas nor New Year when your parents left you...So we want you to feel the joy once again, bring back the happy memories you locked in. And we want you to feel it with our company." Midorikawa-san approached Hiroto-san and putted a hand on his shoulder.

"You've grown so much over the past years an we've grown a lot closer to you no matter how hard the situation is. You did suffer a great pain, your trust, and loss of happiness. We know you still blame your parents after what they did to you, but we want you to forget all that. We're here for you Kariya, we're a family."

All of them smiled once again and cheered but as for me, I didn't realize that my tears were falling. Wiping them is useless because all they can do is to drop like mini waterfalls. I was actually crying for the first time. 

"Minna! let's give the little a big hug!" Nagumo-san spoke and without no time wasting, they were around me, hugging. I cried more and I felt my lips curve followed by a laugh. I wipe my tears even though they continuously drop, but I was happy. I was smiling, and I'm very thankful that I was in their hands that can make me comfortable. I am deeply thankful for them.

"Merry Christmas, minna"



 Sore o 2tsu tsudzukete kudasai: "Keep it down you two." 

Īe, anata wa imasen. : "No, you're not"

Kaoirogawarui yo... : "You look pale"


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