Breaking The BadBoy

By xxCloudDreamerxx

2.5M 68.1K 22.1K

A broken girl afraid of love finds a boy who doesn't know the meaning of love. A BadBoy and a Broken Girl. Lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: The Break-Up
Chapter 18: Tell Me A Lie..
Chapter 19: I wear my heart on my sleeve
Chapter 20: my scars
Chapter 21: Breaking
Chapter 22: Confessions
Chapter 23: taken
Chapter 25: hope?
Chapter 26: Heartbreak
Chapter 27: Goodbye
Chapter 28: A New Beginning
Chapter 29: New Interests
Chapter 30: Out of Reach
Chapter 33: Being the best
Chapter 34: Danny!
chapter 35: Rebels
Chapter 36: Ours
Chapter 37: Serendipity
chapter 38: spilled ink
Chapter 39: The Letter That Changed Everything
Chapter 40: The Unbearable Truth
Chapter 41: Peace of Mind
Chapter 42: You Never Really Can Fix A Heart
Chapter 43: Free Fallin'
Chapter 44: How the Lost get Found
Chapter 45: In the arms of friends
Chapter 46: Dreaming with a broken heart
Chapter 47:....In Love
Chapter 48: I will wait
Chapter 49: Grinch
Chapter 50: Christmas
Chapter 51: I am happy
Chapter 52: 10 years later

Chapter 24: Missing Her

41.4K 1.1K 130
By xxCloudDreamerxx

"Wake up."

"Wake up!"

My eyes flew open when a large boot collided with my side and I cried out I pain. I looked up and saw a man dressed in dark. My kidnapper.... I was in pain, so much of it. I couldn't remember what happened, I remember darkness in the chapel when I was caught but nothing more like where we are. My kidnapper bent down to me but kept his face covered.

"Morning sleeping beauty, I thought you were never going to wake up, it's been three days." My kidnapper said calmly.

I straightened up and saw I was chained to a large pipe going up the wall. I scrambled on the ground, not being able to move very far. I was in a room where every one of the walls were mirrors, all I could see was myself and my kidnapper. Who would want to kidnap me? This wasn't happening, everything was just going so good.

"Where am I?" I coughed up.

"Somewhere safe baby." My kidnapper told me then he took down his hood.

Now I came face to face with my kidnapper. Mason! My mind went completely blank and I curled up in fear. Mason kidnapped me! He always scared me but this is too far! What if he hurts me, he has it in him, he's a monster. Why is he so obsessed with me.

"Mason! What do you want from me?!" I squealed.

"Marley-Rose I love you." Mason smiled.

"Mason you have to let me go." I pleaded.

"Marley don't you get it." Mason invaded my space getting scarily close to me. "I did this for us, now we can be together."

"You're crazy! I have Brody, you have a fiancé." I argued.

"I lied about Cheryl." Mason sighed.

"You even gave her a fake name. You're sick." I looked away from Mason.

"Marley you will love me." Mason grabbed me. "Even if I have to keep you here forever!"

Mason got up and rushed out of the room locking it behind him.

"Mason! Let me go!" I screamed. "Brody!"

I curled into a ball again and continued to cry out Brody's name. I needed Brody.


********brody's POV*******


"She's been missing for 10 days!" Zayn yelled at police officer.

"We're doing our best Sir." The cop told Zayn.

"Your best obviously isn't good enough! My baby cousin is somewhere out there alone with a maniac, for all we know she could be dead-"

Zayn broke down now crying. Everyone was crying. We were all here, me, Zayn, Joseph, Jeremy, Matt, Jake, Sam, Sarah-Jayne, Jamie, Sean and Jamie, Drake and even Tyler and JC. The only one still not here was Marty. We were all here for one reason. Someone had kidnapped my Marley. The one person that brought light to all our lives, the girl I promised to marry, she was gone. I blamed myself, I should have just kept here and now she's been missing for 10 very painful days. I try to keep fighting but I'm breaking. I miss my baby so much.

"She can't. She can't die." Sarah-Jayne cried. She was an emotional wreck like all of us and it was Jake, not Jamie who put his arms around her and she cried into Jake, seeking in him for comfort.

"We'll keep you updated." The cop said then left the house.

When the cop was gone Tyler spun around and punched the wall. Usually that would been me acting out, but I couldn't even do that, I was frozen, I just wanted to cry and I don't care if that made me seem weak, I was falling a part.

"She should never have come back here. We should have just took her!" Tyler lashed out.

"She wanted to be here." Drake told Tyler.

"And now look where she is! She's missing because she came back here with you lot." Tyler snapped. "As soon as we get her back, we're taking her and none of you are ever seeing her again!"

"Tyler calm down, we'll talk about this later."Jeremy told his cousin then turned to us. "You should all get to school."

Then Jamie, Sam, Ryan, Sean, Jake and Sarah-Jayne left the house to go to school. I knew Tyler was being serious about taking Marley-Rose, he wanted her safe, gone but I would let him take her away from me, not if I get her back.

"Brody, go." Drake sighed. "It'll be fine, you know I'll call if we hear anything. Being here's doing you no good. Come on. I'll drive you."

I didn't say anything but let my brother led me out to his car. Drake drove me to school in silence. At school I felt like all eyes were on me and only me. I know what they're all thinking, they think it's my fault, I think that. 'How did a beautiful young girl get messed up with a bad guy like me?' I knew they were right, I would always be bad for Marley-Rose.

I stopped at my locker and looked at the one beside it, it was Marls' locker. I remember on the first day, making a kid switch with me so I could be closer to her. I was enchanted by her since the first time I saw her.


I looked away from Marley's locker and saw Chase before me. Chase my worst enemy, calling me by my first name?

"I'm sorry about Marley-Rose, I miss her too. I'm sorry about everything that ever went down between us Brody." Chase apologised.

I know he was trying to be sincere but I was so angry at the world and I took it out on him. Then I attacked him.


I sat in the cool room on my own with a bag of ice to my knuckles after my fight with Chase, he didn't even fight back, he let me take my anger out on him and I was still so angry. Eventually some guys pulled me off him and now I'm cooling down.

I wanted to be alone but then the door opened and a pretty girl walked in. She was familiar and very pretty. I knew this girl. She had long dark brown hair, tan skin a deep beautiful brown eyes. She smiled at me.

"Brody." She smiled, she knew me too.

"Do I know you?" I uttered a few words.

"I'd like to think so." She sat beside me on the sofa. "We used to be friends, kind of, before Ally....died."

I looked at her again and suddenly I remembered, she was Ally's friend, Nelana. How could I forget her, she looks so different now. Nelena was the same age as us but I haven't seem her around since my sisters funeral. Even though she was Ally's friend, she was also mine. Nelana was one of them girls you could talk to about anything and she wouldn't judge you. She never judged me.

"Nelana?" I stuttered.

"In the flesh." She smirked.

"Where have you been?" I asked her.

"England. My parents shipped me off after Ally's funeral, it hit me hard but I'm better now and I'm back. How are you Brody?" She asked me.

"Tired" I said the first honest thing in a week. When somebody asked me how I was this week I always replied 'fine' but I could be honest with Nelana.

"I heard about your friend." Nelana took my hand. "Talk to me Brody."

I looked my old friend in the eyes and broke down allowing myself to cry on her. She put her arms around me and cradled me close.

"I love her." I cried.

"We'll find her sweetie, I promise." Nelana kissed my head. "Now dry your tears before you make me cry."

I laughed as Nelana dried my cheeks from tears.

"Marley-Rose would love you." I tried to laugh.

"I'm sure I'll love her too." Nelana smiled then stood up and pulled me up with her. "Now come on sweetie. You need to be around people that care about you which does include me."

Nelana linked her arm with mine and we left the cooler together to go to the cafeteria. In the cafeteria, I directed Nelana over to my group and we sat down.

"Hi guys." Nelana smiled at the group.

"Ne-Nelana?" Jamie asked, stumbling over his words.

"You remember me." Nelana blushed.

"I could never forget you Nelana." Jamie smiled at her.

The rest of the group made Nelana feel welcome. This was the first time in 10days I looked around my group, seeing what was going on. They all looked just as tired as me. Ryan had his earphones in as his way to deal with the world, blanking it out. Jamie's eyes had brightened since Nelana joined us but you could still see his world crashing. Sean was pushing his food around his plate but not touching any of it. Sam looked one of the worst, his eyes were swollen from crying and he kept his head down. Sarah-Jayne looked the same as her twin, swollen eyes, tired, like a child who's puppy had just died. Jake again was beside Sarah-Jayne and not actually her boyfriend Jamie who was far away from them. Jake was close to Sarah-Jayne, I think that's what's getting him through it, looking after someone weaker than him, Sarah-Jayne.

"I don't know how we're acting like everything's ok, we shouldn't be here, not without Marley-Rose." Sarah-Jayne began it cry now. "It's not fair, we're here and she's not."

Sam and Jake comforted Sarah-Jayne. She was right... It wasn't fair, it was unfair, sick and just wrong.

"Jake." I got Jake's attention just as he took Sarah-Jayne's hand. "Don't you think you're getting a bit close to Sarah-Jayne. Jamie, shouldn't you be up here, comforting your girlfriend. Sarah-Jayne, remember you're in a relationship, you shouldn't be acting the way you are with Jake."

There was now an awkward shift in atmosphere, even worse than before and I fear I just put my foot in it.

"Brody, Jamie and I broke up." Sarah-Jayne wiped away her fresh tears.

They broke up. How did I miss that. They were my best friends. Now I don't even know what's going on around me. I needed to think. I grabbed my things and stormed off. I left school and just stood outside leaning against the wall. I heard someone approach me and I figured it would be Nelana which would have been ok if it was here. When I turned my head though i didn't see Nelana but surprisingly Sarah-Jayne. She must hate me.

"Nelana wanted to come but I told her I had to do this." Sarah-Jayne explained and leaned beside me. "I really like Nelana, she makes you able to trust her and you don't trust many people."

"I trust you." I looked at the pretty twin. "I'm so sorry Sarah-Jayne about what I said back there."

"I know." She nodded. "You didn't know, it's fine Brody."

"It's not fine, I'm a jerk." I sighed.

"Brody, you are one of the sweetest, cutest, most caring boys that have ever walked this earth. You've been like a brother to me and you know that we'll get through this together." Sarah-Jayne took my hand.

"You know anybody else could have come out here telling me how I was only acting this way because of Marls and that we'll find her and things will be fine but not you." I smiled at her.

"That's not my style Bro Bro." Sarah-Jayne smirked. "I know when it gets too much for you, I know when you need somebody to comfort you and you know that I'll be that somebody."

I smiled and put my arm around someone who was practically my little sister.

"So you and Jake." I smirked.

"Shut up." Sarah-Jayne pushed me.

"Wait to Marley hears the gossip. You and Jamie splitting and you and Jake getting close." I smirked.

"You always knew how I felt about him." She shrugged.

"You are too cute." I laughed .

"Yeah well wait to Marls hears about you almost hospitalising Chase." Sarah-Jayne bit back.

"Let's just forget about that." I said awkwardly.

"So what do you think will happen when she gets back?" She asked me.

"I don't know." I put my head down.

"Do you think Tyler and JC are serious, about taking her away from us?" Sarah-Jayne asked me.

"I think they're deadly serious S-J." I sighed

"Well then they're going to have to just take us all with them too because I'm not leaving Marl again." Sarah-Jayne crossed her arms.

"I know that." I smiled at her trying to be strong.

"Bro Bro, I think we should just go get Jake and Sam and whoever else wants to come and just go home." S-J suggested.

"I think we should too." I sighed.

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