Honey, I'm Pregnant...Again |...

By _xItsSarahx_

24.9K 481 67

Mark goes on his Japan tour with the boys leaving Jayda home alone with the kids only to find out she's two m... More



1.1K 22 6
By _xItsSarahx_

"What?" I asked, wanting to know too. 

"Mark ran away." Jinyoung pressed his lips together. 

"What do you mean...he ran away?" My came out shaky. "What about my babies?" 

"Jaebum went to the bathroom and when he came out only the kids were in the living room." Jinyoung explained to me. 

"We have to find him." I stood. "Where could he have gone." 

I held my stomach feeling sick. 

"Please Mark don't do anything stupid." I looked at the sky. 

"Come on." Jinyoung grabbed my hand. 

We drove slowly around the town looking for him. He was no where to be found. Night fell and he still hasn't showed up. I took out my phone and tweeted. 

Mark is missing, please if you find him contact me. Do not leave his side. Try and cheer him up. 

After I tweeted a lot of fans started asking questions. I sighed. And tweeted back. 

I don't have to answer questions. Please help us. 

~* Mark's POV *~ 

She left. She's not coming back. I looked down at the water. It was calm. I looked up at the dark blue sky filled with stars. 

"Mark!" I looked to see two girls running towards me. 

"Don't do it." They cried. 

"Do what?" I asked. 

They looked at the water. 

"Ohh." I smiled. "Don't worry, I can't leave my family beh..." I paused. 

"What happened?" One asked. 

"What's your name?" I asked. 

"Mina and this is Jisu." Mina said. 

"Jayda is worried about you." Jisu sighed. "She asked fans for help to find you." 

"Why did run away." Mina asked. 

"I needed to think." I sighed. "I did something that I'm not proud of." 


"I got drunk and this girl kissed me." I admitted. 

"Did you kiss back?" They asked. 

"Of course not, I was so drunk I thought she was Jayda but the moment her lips touched mine I pushed here away." I looked away. 

"He's been beating himself up ever since then." I looked to see Jinyong. "I don't know what you're doing here, or what your thoughts where but you have a family." 

"She left me." I sighed. 

"She didn't leave you." Jinyoung shook his head. "Even if she had the chance to leave you, she wouldn't. Her heart won't let her." 

"What?" I walked towards him. 

"She loves you." Jisu smiled. 

"Her twitter feed is nothing but her talking and taking pictures of you." Mina smiled. "Fans were upset at first but we show much she loves you. We can't be mad at that." 

"Where is she now?" I looked at Jinyoung. 

"In the car. She's been crying for the longest." He sighed. "Crying, praying, throwing up. Oh don't tell her I told you but she's pregnant. Again." 

The girls squealed while I fell to my knees. 

"Pregnant." I repeated. 

I stood and ran. I saw Jayda walking looking around. She looked up at him. I stopped running and walked to her. She rushed into my arms hugging me tight. 

"I so sorry." She cried. 

"Shhh." I rubbed her back. "I'm the one who should be sorry. You have every right to be angry at me." 

Even looked down at her. Pregnant? How many months. When she going to tell me? I smiled. She'll tell me when she's ready. 

I kissed her forehead. Holding her tightly. 

"Didn't you love her too, Jinyoung." Mina said. 

"Yeah." He sighed. "I still do, but as a friend." 

"Lies." Jisu laughed. "Feeling never fades." 

"I wish they did." Jinyoung walked passed us. 

I looked back at the girls. They smiled. 

"Give me your social medias I would like to follow  you." I smiled. 

They quickly pulled out their phones giving me their Instagram and Twitter names.


I was so exhausted that I fell asleep on the couch. I was woken up by someone knocking on the door. 

"Food is here." Jayda rushed happily to the door. 

She smiled letting him in. He placed the food on the table. 

"Thanks." She smiled, paying him. 

He bowed and walked out. 

"Kids food is here." She shouted. 

I watched her as she fixed plates for them. She looked at me and smiled. 

"Are you just going to stare or come and eat?" Her smiled never faded. 

Can things go back to the way they used to be? 


Quote: Open your heart, someone will come. Someone will come for you. But first, you have to open your heart.  

* I hope you all are enjoying my book :) WARNING next chapter is...well...you know ;) ...I hope you know lol

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