Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia...

By HopelessAmorous02

926K 23.1K 3.7K

Highest Rank: #2 in passion : #1 in kidnapping : #3 in posses... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chpater 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 31

12.7K 368 36
By HopelessAmorous02


Our precious Xiden (Mario Ermito) is winning in life and I wish him all the best and much more success and good luck.

Not proof read.

Amira's POV

It's been a week since the whole ordeal that happened at the cabin with Xiden and everyone.

I remember the words he uttered to me when we were wrapped up in each other that night:
"Sei di gran lunga la ragazza più bella, tremenda, innocente e gentile del mondo e sei troppo buono per me ma è troppo tardi, non puoi andare da nessuna parte ora."

I asked him to translate but he silenced me with a tender kiss but after that night Xiden started to get distant. Always in his office and going out early in the morning before I wake and coming in when I'm asleep.

I tried to stay up to greet him but I could never keep my eyes open.

Even though he isn't home much my days are always full. In the mornings I help Elethia prepare breakfast, then I go jogging with the twins, bike riding with Armanno and then baking with Alfanso.

I tried talking to Marcello but all he does is stare at me like I'm interrupting his none talking thing which is supper annoying. I try to make him like me but it's like I'm a fly that keeps bothering him. I frown as the though cross my mind.

Today though I am going to visit Lily, Pierro's wife at her diner. It's been so long since I've seen her. And speaking of Piero he is such a kind soul, always taking time to talk to me and give me advice.

He is like the father figure that I never had and we are growing closer with every passing day.

Speaking of father figure I was thoroughly shocked and happy when I saw Salvestro casually sitting in the kitchen whispering with Elethia but when they felt my presence the talking stopped immediately.

I wasn't too worried about at that because Salvestro looked so different in a nice suit and gentleman shoes with his hair sleek back and his face clean shaven, even his brown eyes has a sparkle to them now.

I was happy that he's happy.

Turns out that Xiden offered him a job and the job required him to move all the way out here with him where it is more convenient.

And it was easier too because he doesn't have any living family.

But at the same time it is also weird because he is always hovering around me. Wherever I go in the house I would see him in the distance before he walks away or looking from the window with a sad look on his face at Armanno teaching me how to ride the bicycle.

It was starting to get strange.

I was seated at the vanity in mine and Xiden's room brushing my hair when a sharp knock sound on the door and Enrico walks in, "Piero is here." Smiling at him I walk out the door with him behind me.

"Are you okay, Amira?" Enrico asks. I stopped in my tracks and look over my shoulder to see him standing there in his usual suit but his hands are behind his back.

Giving him a wide smile I nod my head, "I'm fine Enrico. Don't worry." He made a humming sound before giving me a firm nod, "Very well then."

I know that he knows that I'm lying and I'm happy that he didn't try and push the subject any further.

"Where is everyone?" I enquire because I haven't heard any of them since morning.

"Business," came his vague answer, "Xiden?" I ask quietly but I know that he heard me.

"The company."


"Piero," I screech happily when I see him waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I ran down the stairs and into his awaiting arms. He catches me and spins me around and I giggle happily.


"Hey Bella, you ready to go?" He asks holding my hand in his, his eyes softening.

"Yea," as I'm about to walk off Enrico took hold of my hand, "Be careful," he says with a fierce look in his eyes. I told him and Alessandro that I don't need them today seeing as I was only going to the diner with Piero, but, getting to know them better; I know that they will be close by.

I smile at him and let go of Piero's hand to hug Enrico, "I know that you are still going to follow us, so I think that I will be safe." He let's out a chuckle before bringing his hands up to return the hug, "Damn right, I'll be close by," he whispers in my ear.


I skip happily over to Piero and took his hand once again as he leads me out to the awaiting car. He opens the back door and I thank him as I got in and he bows as he shut it behind me then getting in the driver side and we are off.

There was no another car behind us as we leave the estate but I know that soon enough the twin will be close behind us.

Although a week has gone by and I haven't heard or received anything from the stalker they still have my protection a priority even though I don't leave the house.

'The man that killed your father.' The haunting words flash in my mind and I jerk in my seat, my heartbeat speeding up.

That though has been constant in the back of my mind but my heart refuses to believe it. I know my Xiden.

'But do I?'

Shut up, of course I do.

I know my sweetface.

But what if he really did kill my father? Should I be upset about it even though it was before we even met and beside, I didn't even know who my father was. How can I grieve over someone that I didn't know?

"Are you okay back there? You seem confused about something?" Piero asks and our eyes connect briefly through the rear-view mirror before he direct his gaze back on the road.

"No no, I'm just lost in thought," I reply and he makes a humming sound, "Do you want to talk about it?" I smile at this, "No, it's not important."

A few minutes later we pull up to the diner and we both got out of the parked a car and enter into the warm homey setting. Piero sets me in a seat and disappear to find his wife Lily.

Piero comes back a minute later with a frappe and a slice of red velvet cake, placing them in front of me and I look at him weirdly, "What, did I get it wrong?" He asks with slight concern.

"No no, you actually got it right and it just surprised me that you know that this is what I like is all." I rush out and instantly Piero face gets happy again but my brain is trying to understand how he knows this about me when I didn't tell him.

I gave him a hesitant smile, my gaze dropping to the sweet treats in front of me. I hesitantly pick up the fork and took off a small part of the cake. "The boss man talk about you all the time you know," Piero suddenly says and my gaze snaps up to his.

"I don't know what happened but something is different with him, he's more colder now a days, is everything okay with you guys?" He asks and my gaze drops to the cake again. Not knowing how to answer his question because I don't know what's wrong with Xiden to make him like this I just keep quiet.

"I'm sorry Bella, it isn't my place to ask such personal questions; forgive me."

"To be honest with you Piero, I don't know what happened and it's hurting me." I confide in him as I stop the tears from falling. A warm hand is place on mine and through my hazy vision I saw Piero hand covering mine, "It's okay Bella, the boss will come around but until then I'm here for you," he says with a wide smile on his face, his eyes crinkling and it brings a smile on my face as my mind ignore the dark look in his eyes.

"Amira!" I hear Lily's voice behind me and Piero removes his hand from mine as I turn to get up out of my seat and greet her. She pulls me in a warm hug and I return it instantly. "How have you been Lily?"

"Everything is going great dear but when did you get here?"

"What, I thought that you knew that we already came," looking at Piero with a frown on my face he quickly walks over to his wife and place a kiss on her lips and whispers something in her ear. Lily gaze turns to me and she gives me a smile, "Do you have time to sit with us or are we taking you away from your work?"

"No dear, and they can manage without me for a few hours."

Xiden called Piero to pick him early from work which means that we had to say good bye to Lily but Piero disappear for a few minute with Lily and when he came back out he was angry. He grabbed mg hand and practically dragged me out of the diner.

I was stunned speechless that I couldn't react until he place me in the car and slammed the door shut, got in his side and speed off down the road. I look down at the forming bruise then at Piero from where I was. I've never seen him that angry before and it scared me to the point that I can't help but wonder what he and Lily could have been talking about.

The car is now parked outside of Luciano Co. and Xiden is walking directly towards the car in long powerful strides and my heartbeat quicken as he opens the door and got in, leaning his head on the back of the car seat, his eyes close as he sighs. "Piero take me to the Chinese restaurant on our way home I-" Xiden stop taking immediately and I see his body git tense, his hands closing in fists on his thighs.

A gush of wind dances around us in the car and I shiver as it sends chills down my spine. It brushes my hairs over the right side of my face, my heart singing that same old tune it always does when he is near by.

Xiden open his ocean blue eyes and look at me, his gaze intense and I couldn't help but swallow the lump lodge in my throat as his calculating eyes roam over my body before the settle on my eyes.

Blue to brown.

Then he opens his mouth and utter the two words I haven't heard all week, "Brown eyes."

Welp, so, hey guys 🤗. This chapter is late because I have been having the weirdest week.

First I almost cut off my pointer finger *exaggerating a bit* then after it started to get better I cut my pinky finge....on the same hand, like wth?

Vote, comment and share.


Xoxo J ❤

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