The Blood on Your Hands

By doctorbeam

7.2K 457 115

The story of Prem, a vampire running from a group of hunters, and Wad, a hunter that stuck his neck out for t... More

A Beginning
A Middle
An Epilogue

An End

2.1K 101 60
By doctorbeam

Knot was an intimidating man. As Prem spoke to him and came clean, Knot remained silent, unmoving. That terrified Prem to his core.

Wad sat behind him with his wrapped leg propped up on the ottoman. He would interject bits and pieces of information that Prem forgot. They told the story of what happened very fluidly despite not having rehearsed. When they finished explaining themselves, the air between them all stopped moving. They were frozen in silence as Knot looked from his best friend to the broken boy on the couch.

"I'm not a hunter, not anymore," Wad decided to add, "I have nothing. I'm starting from scratch. Prem is... my friend. He means a lot to me and I don't care that you guys are different."

"We aren't just different. We're blood-thirsty animals. One wrong move and we'd tear you to shreds, do you understand?" Knot finally spoke, making Prem jump slightly. "And you," he said, turning his attention to Prem, "you should fucking know better than to put your blind trust into anyone, even if they weren't a hunter!" Knot's voice was booming, echoing through the cabin. "Deer didn't die by the hands of a hunter for you to try and take a weak one in and 'fix' him. I knew you were sneaking off somewhere, but this... this is worse than anything I could have imagined." Prem flinched at his words.

"You have every right to be upset. And I'm sorry I've been deceiving you but you have to see it from my point of view. He saved me first, Knot. And he doesn't want to go back. I..." Prem's words drifted off when he set his gaze on Wad. He lost himself in studying him. Wad returned his gaze with equal fervor, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Um, hello? Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Knot said, exasperated. Prem whipped back to focus on his friend, flushed and embarrassed.

"Please, P," Wad started, holding his scarred hand up as a sign of peace, "I don't expect you to trust me right away. But I promise; I promise that I mean no harm. They probably aren't even looking for me anymore, if they were even looking at all..." Knot's eyes closed in on the scar on Wad's hand.

The room fell silent again as Knot took a step forward. Wad, in turn, paled. He looked as though he was shrinking as the man made his way closer and closer to him.

"Knot..." Prem tried to start, but Knot dismissed him with a wave.

"Show me your hand again," he ordered, and Wad obliged. Knot studied it closely. The jagged edges were raised. He could tell the cut had been deep and it hadn't healed properly.

"He didn't even hesitate, Knot," Prem whispered.

"And I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. For either of you," Wad added. "P... I'm sorry you're forced to hide. You don't deserve that. I just hope one day you'll believe me. Maybe even trust me."

"That day isn't today," he responded, then turned and started walking away. He froze just as he reached the door. The room was still; it was silent for a beat. "Take him to the condo. You know it's not safe for humans to be out here." Knot finished before closing the door behind him.

"That honestly went better than I expected," Prem said with a nervous chuckle.

"I think I just had a heart attack." Wad half-joked, eyes still wide from the encounter.

"He suggested we go to the condo. He isn't kicking you out. So we're going there, together." Wad bit his lip at Prem's words. He fell back into his usual quiet. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Wad answered, absentmindedly rubbing his shin, "I think I'm okay." Wad looked up then, to meet Prem's gaze as he took a seat on the couch next to Wad. "I'm glad I'm with you."


Prem had heeded Knot's advice and brought Wad to their shared condo. Knot, however, didn't come home that night, the next day, or the day after that. It was quiet in the house and Prem felt a lingering sense of unease around him there.

Wad didn't show it, but Prem could tell his apprehension. They just weren't quite comfortable with each other like they used to be. It was a different dynamic. Prem felt... different.

Wad was able to start walking on his leg more, but there were things that Prem still had to assist him with. Having Wad pressed against him as he carried him up the stairs every night made his chest feel tight and it was always in silence, neither man really knowing what to say. They still spoke normally, about books and games, but it all had a different energy to it. Prem didn't know what Wad thought, but he wasn't sure if they made the best decision.

They didn't get a chance to sort it out on their own because Knot came back on the third day.

Prem knew he was still upset, extremely upset, but an average person wouldn't be able to tell. Knot stewed in his anger silently. Prem spent years learning how Knot operated, so he knew how to handle him.

Despite being upset, he also knew Knot was coming around. Prem had explained to Wad that Knot was a really logical person. He knew that Knot had to think over some things, but he wasn't heartless. Wad and Prem decided to postpone addressing it, but Knot started bringing some food for Wad. Soup, noodles, meatballs, a variety of things that he'd just leave in the refrigerator.

Knot would pick up on what Wad liked to eat and what he didn't.

He also started talking to Prem again after a couple days of dropping off food. He even started acknowledging Wad. Prem and Wad approached him delicately, not wanting to make the situation any more volatile than it already was.

A week into the strange dance around each other, Knot stopped by while Prem was out hunting. Wad was waiting for him in the kitchen, reading a book to pass the time.

"Oh," Knot said, surprised to see him sitting at the counter.

"Hi, Knot. Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just thought it was time to thank you." Knot's eyes softened. "I know Prem said to just let you cool off, but I needed to let you know how much I appreciate you coming back. There were definitely better ways to have gone about coming to you, and I sincerely apologize for that. The whole situation was kind of impromptu. We left some important things behind, too," Wad told him, the guilt in his stomach bubbling up as he thought about Tew. "But yeah. You mean a lot to Prem, and to me too, now, because you bring me pork omelets," Wad smiled at him.

Knot couldn't seem to hide his own smile. "What are you reading?" Knot asked, wanting to divert the conversation a bit.

"Oh." Wad closed the book to show the cover to Knot. "I've already read it a few times, but it's one of my favorites."

"It's one of mine, too," Knot replied, nodding slightly. He already knew this kid was getting on his good side, and he couldn't really do anything to stop it. He hadn't done anything to make Knot doubt his sincerity or his loyalty to Prem.

"Well, if you ever want to talk about the book or the author, believe me, I've got plenty of opinions to share." Knot smiled as he nodded gently in response.

The beginning of their friendship started on thin ice. One wrong step and it would have shattered, but amazingly they made it, mostly unscathed. From that point forward, Knot seemed to consider Wad not as an imminent threat, but something of an acquaintance.

They chatted in passing. Knot started leaving books in the kitchen when he brought food.

Knot had plenty of novels in his room. He didn't think anything of leaving them out on the counter and then seeing Wad's bookmark in it the next day despite it being in exactly the same spot he left it.

"You know," Knot started, causing Wad and Prem to look over to him from their spot on the couch, "You're allowed to read the books. I leave them out for you," he continued, his eyes not leaving his laptop in front of him.

"Oh," Wad replied shyly, "I wasn't sure." Prem raised an eyebrow, glancing from the boy that was curled up next to him to his best friend across the room. Knot decided he didn't need to reply and went to focus back on his work. He managed to type a few words before Wad spoke up again. "P'Knot, will you go on a walk with me?" Prem's glances became more frantic then, unsure of how that proposition came to be.


"Yeah," Knot interrupted Prem, "that sounds like a good idea." He shut his laptop before standing up from his desk.

Wad stood too, stretching his legs out a bit. "We won't be gone too long," he told Prem as he softly brushed the wisps of hair from Prem's face. The motion stunned him long enough for Wad and Knot to make it out the front door.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Knot shoved his hands into his pockets and started walking. He could feel Wad right behind him, struggling to catch up for a moment. Knot unconsciously slowed down for him, knowing his leg wasn't 100%.

"Thank you, again," Wad said softly. Knot wasn't exactly sure what he was referring to, but just let him continue. "Knot, I know you still don't trust me, but I appreciate your kindness," Wad told him earnestly.

"Wad," Knot started hesitantly, leading the duo to the walking path off of the sidewalk, "I'm going to be honest. I've been watching you, as well as Prem. He seems... like a completely different person since you've been around. He used to be... explosive. We've been through some tough stuff, and he became bitter. But, he's calm. You balance him out."

Wad blinked, completely taken aback by what Knot was saying. "I... he..." Knot stopped walking to face the other. Wad stumbled to a stop.

"As far as I can tell, you are what you said you were. You changed. But believe me, if you ever betray him, I'll get rid of you myself." Wad met his gaze, frightened but unwavering.

"I won't betray him." He told Knot. Knot understood the unsaid 'I love him' that went along with Wad's statement. Knot nodded curtly and started his pace forward again.

"So how do you like the series I brought out for you this week?" Knot asked. He didn't hear anything for a moment and then a sudden huff of air as Wad scurried to catch up with him again.

"Um, it's good," he replied uneasily.

"Wad, relax. I just said I liked you, didn't I?

"Um, not really," he replied, causing Knot to chuckle.

"Well, I like you. Just don't fuck it up." It was Wad's turn to laugh then.

"I'll try not to."

Prem was waiting anxiously by the door for them to return form their walk. The most realistic outcome he came up with was that they killed each other somewhere along the walking trail, which is why he was dumbstruck when the front door swung open and their soft laughter filled the hallway.

"Prem, don't look so shocked that I have the ability to make friends," Knot joked, finding his place at his desk again.

"Friends?" Prem asked Wad, eyes wide.

"Yes, friends, Prem." Wad replied casually, heading to the kitchen to grab the book off the counter. Prem was still standing in the middle of the living room, looking to and from his friends, as Wad curled up on the couch once more. He cracked open the book, but looked up at Prem expectantly. "Come sit, you dork." Prem followed the suggestion and took his spot on the couch next to Wad. He shook his head as Knot and Wad went back to their activities. Prem pulled out his phone and started up his game from the latest save point.


"Do you think Tew has seen the character updates? Look at these new skins..." Prem said absentmindedly, turning his phone to Wad.

"Who is Tew? I've heard you mention that name a lot." Prem glanced in Knot's direction, surprised that he voiced his curiosity.

"He is.. uh, was our friend. He's a nurse at the hospital," Prem replied solemnly. "We haven't spoken to him since the day we dodged out on him..." Prem drifted off, the familiar weight of guilt settling in his stomach.

"I miss him," Wad added.

"So text him. It's been, what, two weeks? Things have probably cooled down. Just text him 'hi' or something, he'd probably appreciate it." Wad and Prem shared a glance before Prem pulled up Tew's contact on his cell phone.


Knot was just about to leave for a solo walk, as Wad had said he wasn't feeling up to it that day... He opened the door and instead of an empty threshold, there stood a man. He was a shorter, younger looking man with tired eyes. He looked taken aback, clearly not expecting the door to open before he could knock with his raised hand. Knot sighed heavily and stepped to the side.

"Is this something I should get used to?" He called out to no one in particular. "Having strange humans just show up at the condo now?"

The man furrowed his brow, looking absolutely bewildered. "Humans? What?"

Knot groaned, rolled his eyes, and set out the door once the man was fully inside "This wasn't what I meant when I told you to text him," he called back before the door closed behind him.

"Bye Knot! Hey Tew! I'm so glad you actually came!" Prem told him excitedly, bounding over to him, phone in hand. "Have you gotten a chance to play the new update—"

"I have a bone to pick with you two. Do you know how much trouble you got me into?" He was frantic, flailing limbs and a puffed out chest. He barreled forward, making Prem back up and out of the front hall and into the living room."You're not supposed to just walk out of the hospital! And then- then you don't answer my calls or texts? It's been two weeks!" Tew was practically hyperventilating as he continued. "Then you just send me a vague text and expect me to just show up at the address you sent me with no context? I'm over here thinking that I might get murdered by the strange, hot man that answered the door but nope, just you two acting like everything is fine! Feel free to let me know what's going on at ANY TIME NOW."

The two just blinked at him, at a loss. Prem never thought quiet, tired Tew could even raise his voice, let alone berate them. Prem cleared his throat, trying to push past the guilt he felt in the pit of his stomach.

"We had to go, Tew, I'm so sorry we couldn't tell you then. But we're telling you now. We're sorry."

"There are things that are hard to explain. Things you probably aren't privy to, and you probably wouldn't even believe us if we tried to tell you," Wad added.

"Try me," Tew challenged. Wad and Prem shared a glance.

"There are things in the world that are... kept secret. For good reason." Tew narrowed his eyes at Prem. "Legends and myths... childhood stories... they're all... real."

Tew blinked at him. "What?"

Wad rolled his eyes at Prem's attempt. "Tew, there are creatures that live alongside us, and there are people who swear to protect the humans from the dangerous ones. Our story is a long, convoluted one, but... Prem is a vampire, and I used to be a hunter. We're pretty much just hiding. There are people looking for us."

Tew blinked again. The room was still and the air between them was tense.

And then Tew laughed.

"Are you really trying to lie to me right now? You guys are ridiculous! Can't you just spare me and tell me the fucking truth?" Tew asked, after being able to catch his breath.

"Tew, we are telling the truth."

"You know what? No. I'm going right to the hospital and I'm telling them where you guys are. There's plenty of people looking for you, you were right about that," Tew exclaimed, heading towards the door. Prem tried to run after him, but Wad grabbed ahold of his wrist.

"Let him go, he'll be back."

Tew walked in a huff. He flew down the few steps off the porch and walked the sidewalk with his head down. He thought those two were actually his friends. Couldn't they come up with a better lie than vampires? He was angry. Beyond angry; he was livid. He was so deep in thought that he walked straight into a tree.

Or what he thought was a tree.

"Whoa, you don't look happy." Tew stepped back, looking up to meet the gaze of the man he just walked into. It was the hot guy that was at the house earlier. Knot, he remembered.

"Yeah, I'm not. Your friends are assholes." Knot cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Sorry for running into you."

"Don't be sorry. And they are assholes, but may I ask which thing you're referring to?" Tew shoved his hands into his scrubs pockets.

"Prem and Wad they... " Tew shook his head. "You know what? Don't worry about it." Tew tried to walk past him, but Knot put out his arm, effectively blocking his way. Knot pursed his lips and took a deep breath. Tew glared at him. "What are you doing?"

"You know, I know they're assholes. I really do. But I'm assuming they told you something you didn't really like, right?" Tew's nostrils flared, and Knot moved to stand in front of Tew again.

"Let me go."

"I really wish I could, but that info pertains to me, too," Knot said before he brought his face down to Tew's level. Tew was stunned by the action, giving Knot time to blink and flash his glowing red eyes. Tew stepped back as Knot bared his teeth, his fangs practically glistening from the incandescent lights above them and Tew let out a gasp.

Knot watched as Tew's eyes rolled back and his knees buckled. Knot managed to catch the fainted nurse before he fell and hurt himself. He silently cursed his friends as he carried Tew back up to his house, limp in his arms. He silently prayed none of the neighbors happened to be looking out the window.


"He's waking up." Tew heard a voice say.

"I still can't believe you made him faint in the first place, man." Tew recognized that second voice. He furrowed his brow before tentatively opening his eyes. Standing over him were the three men he had been trying to get away from. He somehow was back in their living room, laying on the couch as if anything about that situation was casual. Tew started scrambling to get up.

"Whoa, Tew, take it easy," Wad tried to calm him down.

"No! What weird fucking cult did I stumble into? You guys seemed so normal--"

"Tew, please, just listen to what they have to say," Knot spoke, making Prem raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"Dude! No! I don't feel comfortable in a place where a bunch of freaks wear fake teeth and pretend to be vampires." Prem groaned inwardly, but before he could try and prove to him what he was, Tew jumped a mile from his seat. "Can you please stop doing that? I don't know how you're pulling that off, but just cut it out!" Prem and Wad looked to Knot, confused, until they caught sight of his eyes.

"Knot..." Prem started.

"You have a better idea? Want to try and suck his blood?" Knot joked, but the humor didn't quite reach his voice.

"You think that's helping?" Prem asked, smacking his arm. Knot chuckled humorlessly. Prem took a deep breath, knowing that Knot had a point when it came to their eyes. There was no better way to try and get Tew to understand. He turned to him and showed him his eyes. "No tricks, no gimmicks," Prem said, "We hide because it's safer, for everyone, when we do."

Tew clenched his jaw.

"And what about you?" he asked pointedly at Wad. "Where are your glowing eyes?"

Wad shook his head. "I'm human, just like you."

"So what, you're here so they can drink your blood?" Prem couldn't tell if Tew was asking facetiously or if he was actually asking. Wad just shook his head no, a small smile on his lips.

"No. I'm here because Prem is my friend. And Knot is too. Tew, you remember at the hospital. We were all normal there, and we all got along great. Nothing has changed. I'm still Wad and he's still Prem. I still like noodles and rice cakes for lunch. You ever wonder why Prem never ate with me? He prefers something... fresher. He hunts for animals in the woods, Tew. He and Knot, they drink from deer, mostly. But Prem still loves his games and his anime and his music..." Wad drifted off, unable to look away from Prem. He hadn't seen his real eyes before.

Tew looked to Knot, somewhat used to their habit of getting lost in each other. "At least I know that is the same."

"Oh, for the love of..." Knot leaned over and slapped the back of Prem's head. "Focus." Prem shot him a glare before moving his gaze back to Tew.

"I know it's a hard thing to believe, but the truth is, we miss our friend. And I know he misses us despite the fact... we, uh... abandoned him."

"Wow, you really suck at apologizing," Knot announced to the room. "Listen, Tew, they aren't lying. And if I had my way, you would have never stepped into my house. It took me some time to understand why Prem brought Wad back with him, but I know now. And I know why they'd want to make amends with you. Prem is a good guy, and Wad is too." Wad had to bite his lip from smiling too wide at the compliment. "Am I a little mad that they invited you to my home? Yeah, a bit. But that's how I know they care for you," Knot explained, leaving Prem dumbfounded. Tew sighed deeply.

"I just... can I have some time? I'm very tired, I just got off a double, and I'm having trouble believing that any of this is actually happening. I just want to go home."

"I'll drive you--"

"No, no," Tew interrupted Prem, "I'm fine to walk."

Knot inhaled sharply. "You alright to stand?" Knot asked, feeling the remnants of the guilt in his stomach from making the man woozy. Tew scrunched up his nose.

"I think so, but I suppose we'll find out," Tew said before lifting himself off the couch. "You're the one that made me faint in the first place."

"That was unintentional, you know." Prem and Wad shared a glance as the two bickered lightly as Knot walked Tew to the door. Tew paused and looked back at them.

"We'll talk again tomorrow," he told them before shutting the door behind him. He took a deep breath and started the trek down the street once more.

Back on the other side of the door, Knot turned around to his roommates. "Would have loved to have been consulted before telling another person about us," he said with a sigh. He roughly rubbed at his face with his hands as the tension in the room became even more palpable. "You're lucky I'm good at diffusing situations." Prem snorted at the comment, making Wad flush and let out a soft laugh as well.

"Knot, you made the poor man pass out. I wouldn't say that's a great way to diffuse a situation," Prem told him. Knot bit his lip.

"Well, it worked didn't it?"


As he promised, Tew came back the next day. He knocked a few times before the door swung open.

"Hi, Knot," he greeted timidly. "Still a vampire?"

"Unfortunately for you, yes," Knot answered before stepping aside to let him in.

"I was really hoping I hallucinated that," he groaned, burying his face in his hands momentarily. Knot placed his hand on Tew's back gently before pushing him toward the end of the hall. "Or maybe that you guys were pulling an elaborate prank. To make me think I was going crazy. Or as a way to make me forget I was mad about them leaving. Or-" Knot stopped pushing him.

"Tew." He froze at Knot's voice. "I know you know that this isn't a prank. No bamboozle," He told him. Knot cracked a smile before continuing with "if you need more convincing, the offer still stands for me to suck your blood," he joked, moving his arm in front of his face as if he had a cape like Dracula. Tew has to bite his lip as to not smile.

"I can't tell if that's a bad attempt at humor or if you're just trying to ease me into this..." Tew waved his hands around aimlessly in attempt to make his point, "...stuff."

"I'd say it's a mix of both. Except it was at least a decent attempt at humor."

Tew shook his head, but let himself smile a bit. "Alright. Take me to the ding dongs," he said. Knot led him once more to the living room. Upon emerging from the hallway, Prem visibly restrained himself from jumping up to greet him, having been so scorned the day before from trying the same thing. He smiled weakly at him instead.

"It's good to see you, Tew, really. We're glad you came back," Wad told him from his spot next to Prem on the couch. Knot then nodded curtly before turning on his heel and leaving the three alone. Tew slowly took a seat on the chair adjacent to them.

"Okay," Tew started, "let's take it from the top. The whole story would be nice." He looked at Prem pointedly.

Prem cleared his throat, feeling an anxiety bubble up in his chest, but not entirely sure why. "I was born in 1907," he spoke softly, assuming this is the information Tew wanted to know. "I was turned when I was 22. It wasn't something I had a choice in." Wad reached his hand out and let it rest easily on Prem's thigh. He knew it was an encouragement to continue. "There were a few of us back then. We had all found each other. Knot has been around about a century more than I have. We started in Thailand but moved around a lot. Can't stay in one place for too long, you know? We were in Hawaii before we came back to Bangkok because the war broke out. Man," he chuckled lightly, "I miss Hawaii." Prem told Tew about his life leading up to then, pausing when Tew had questions to answer him.

This was also the first time Wad was hearing about Prem's lives he's led over the years, and he hung off of every word with stars in his eyes. Prem absentmindedly patted the hand on his leg and fiddled with the fingers as he told his friends about himself.

"Ever since our trio became a duo, we moved out of the city. We've been lying low. We do freelance work from home to make ends meet and it's worked out for us. I grew bitter, though. Stuck in one place, with only one other person gets... it's hard to deal with, especially after losing someone close. Had to control a few outbursts at Knot now and again, but for the most part we made it unscathed. Until I got ambushed while hunting. There had been murmurs about a group of young hunters being trained, being raised to hunt supernaturals." Wad's grip on Prem's leg tightened as he spoke. "There were too many, and they were coming from every direction. I did manage to evade, at least a little bit. I hid in the basement of an old factory building but I knew they were coming. I was losing life faster than I was able to heal and that's when one of the hunters found me. On death's door."

Tew looked like he was on the edge of his seat. "How did you get out of there?" He asked.

"Because it was Wad. And he saved me." Prem and Wad shared a glance, a knowing one. Prem knew that Wad had words he wished he could say, but couldn't make them out.

"So how did Wad end up being the one at the hospital?" Tew broke their concentration on each other to ask.

"Because not all vampires are like Knot and me. There are some that still feed on humans." Prem nudged Wad to signal it was his turn to talk.

"My dad is a hunter. And all my uncles. They had my cousins and I start training when we were five. We were taught that all supernaturals had it out for humans and we were the chosen ones to help protect the 'innocent'. I got wise when I was fourteen. I started lashing out. My dad said I had a problem with authority and worked me that much harder because of it." Both Prem and Tew had trouble believing Wad could even lash out; Wad was cool and collected. Prem didn't believe Wad used to be hot-headed like him.

"Of course, that just made me more resentful. I hated them. I was able to form my own thoughts and opinions and when it came to taking someone else's life, I wanted nothing to do with it. I helped Prem because I knew it was the right thing to do." He paused for a moment to take a deep breath. "I'd been avoiding the group since we had 'lost' the target and I ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. I fell into a trap and..." another pause. "I knew Prem was good because I'd seen him hunt. It was my area in the woods to scout. I was going to the safe house. To see if you made it okay." Wad didn't look Prem in the eye as he spoke, and Prem just stared at him, mouth agape.

"I knew I was in deep shit when those two guys came out of nowhere. They knocked me down so easily and then the one grabbed my leg and snapped it like it was nothing. It didn't take long for Prem to find me after that. And then we met you!" Wad exclaimed, trying to change the somber mood after he told his story. The tone was off and his voice was strained so it didn't help the thick atmosphere.

Tew blinked. He hadn't even realized he was so mesmerized by the story.

"I, uh, can see why you were hesitant to come back at the beginning," he commented, directing his words at Prem. He chuckled lightly in response, the tension in the air finally dissipating. "That was a lot of information."

Just as he finished his thought, Knot returned and placed two paper cups on the coffee table between the friends. He walked back out again without a single word. Tew watched him go. "So what's his story?"

Wad picked up one of the cups to take a sip of water before answering, "You'd have to ask him that yourself."


Tew decided he could live with his friend being a vampire. It honestly didn't seem that different. It was strange, and it wasn't something he could talk to anybody about, but it didn't take long for the odd group to reach a new level of normalcy (as close to normal as they could get).

Tew still seemed stiff at times, but the other two worked hard to build the trust back up between them. Tew would stop by a couple times a week after his shifts at the hospital and he'd often bring a nice, hot meal for him and Wad to share.

And then there was Knot. Tew didn't notice it at first, but Knot was growing on him. He was surprised the first time he'd met Knot outside on the porch rather than him greeting him at the door after he'd knocked. But it became the norm. Knot was always sitting in his chair on the porch when he came over to the condo.

His visits turned almost daily. His crummy, lonely apartment didn't miss him much, and he found himself dozing on their couch one too many times for it to be accidental. He'd go from the condo to work, stop at the apartment for a bit, but then go back to the condo.

Knot started offering to go with him to the shops and food stalls just down the road when Tew was going to get some food for him and Wad. He'd have an excuse every time.

'Prem is hogging the television for his game.'

'Wad is really focused on his new book so he can't hang out.'

'I'm just bored.'

Eventually, that too became a norm. Whenever Tew would announce he was going to go get food or groceries for the house, he expected to have Knot be his shadow out the door.


Prem wasn't exactly sure when the change in the tide came, but he was content that it did. He assumed it had something to do with Tew coming back to them, their familiar dynamic returning with him. He also knew something changed between just him and Wad as well. They had been timid initially, practically walking on eggshells with each other. Moving Wad into the condo was a risk they both took and they had to get used to each other. The awkward shuffling and their passing glances evolved into fluid, meaningful movements and captured gazes.

They regained their level of comfort they shared in the hospital and then some. Prem let his hands linger on Wad's shoulder and Wad would stare just a bit too long.

They sat on the couch together and watched a movie they had both already seen. Knot was off at his desk, typing away at some work he needed to finish and Tew was working a double. Prem had Wad's hand gently cradled in his own.

Wad always let Prem trace the scar on his palm. It was a soothing motion that evolved as well, into a much more intimate gesture between the two of them.

Prem was always reminded of how Wad was the reason he was still around. Prem thought most things about Wad were beautiful, but he fell in love with Wad's selflessness.

He felt a shiver down his spine.

"Are you okay?" Wad asked, noticing Prem was looking at him and not the movie.

"Yeah," he answered, flashing a toothy grin, ".


Things continued in normal progression. Tew would come from work, either early in the morning or in the late afternoon, depending on if he worked a double shift or not. Tew had a habit of collapsing immediately on their couch to nap. During the early morning nap time, Knot and Prem would get some of their work done while the other two slept. Once everyone was up, they'd generally break off into groups: Prem and Tew to play games while Wad and Knot talked about books and went for walks. Wad and Prem watching tv together while Knot and Tew went to get food. Tew and Wad eating together while accompanied by the other two men. The meals times would look very normal and mundane if one didn't pay close attention.

And there were those in between times.

Prem had a habit of following Wad around the condo. He didn't really realize it until Knot decided to point it out.

"You're like a puppy dog. You seem so lost without him," he said nonchalantly. Prem had been fidgeting, waiting for Wad to wake up for the day.

"I don't follow- I'm not-" he stuttered, which just made Knot raise a skeptical eyebrow at him. "I just like being around him. I don't know." Prem shifted uncomfortably.

"I think you love him." Prem's head snapped up to meet his best friend's eye. He could try denying him, but he knew Knot would see right through him.

"I didn't mean... I... it wasn't supposed to happen. I'm fully aware of the rules, what we should and shouldn't do but... he's just... everything." Knot nodded at first. Prem felt like his words hung in the air the more Knot didn't say anything. He watched while Knot brought his hand up and roughly rubbed his chin, as if to convey deep thought.

"I think he loves you too." Prem's jaw dropped. "I'm not sure how you plan on making things work but... you should talk to him." Prem just stared at Knot, too shocked to speak. Prem just blinked at him. "What?"

"Are you giving me relationship advice?"

"Not anymore." Knot stood, making a point to roll his eyes. "Listen, I'm just telling you my observations. You have a history of disregarding logical courses of action, so I'm assuming you'll do whatever you think is right." And with that, Knot headed down the hallway. Prem swallowed hard. He sat, thought racing, for what felt like hours, until he heard shuffling upstairs.

Immediately his thoughts ceased and he sprung up. He didn't think about his feet taking two steps at a time. He didn't think about pushing through Wad's bedroom door without knocking. He didn't think about the confused look on Wad's face. He did register that Wad was only half dressed, still wearing his pajama bottoms.

"Are you okay?" Wad asked, a look of concern on his face. Prem watched him, entranced by Wad's fluid movements as he discarded the shirt he was about to put on back on the bed. Wad gravitated a step closer to Prem, who was seemingly unable to speak.

The small amount of light that streamed through the window radiated off of Wad's bare skin.

Prem took a step closer, making Wad shutter under his gaze. Prem couldn't tear his eyes away. He thought Wad looked ethereal, like an angel sent just for him. He wanted nothing but to touch him, to feel him. He was his friend but he was also something more. He realized in that moment he would do anything for Wad, and he already knew Wad felt the same.

So he reached out. He pressed his hand against Wad's bare chest. Wad had goosebumps rise slowly as his eyes fluttered closed.

"Prem..." he said, so low and quiet. Prem put his other hand on the nape of Wad's neck. He pulled Wad into him and let his forehead rest against Wad's. His nose unconsciously nuzzled against the other's, and, for a brief moment, everything was still.

It was Wad who leaned up and connected their lips. He snaked his arms around Prem's neck. Prem breathed him in, intoxicated by the taste of Wad's lips on his own. He let his hand drift from Wad's chest, grazing the sensitive skin on his side, before finding a home on the small of his back. Prem felt Wad shiver from his touch, but it just encouraged him to pull Wad closer.

Prem felt that familiar white-hot heat run through his veins. Wad was flush up against him, kissing him like he was starved for it. Prem realized Wad made him feel alive.

Wad's lips parted and Prem grew more confident listening to the low moans Wad was emitting. His movements were still careful as he kissed Wad deeply. Prem wanted Wad to know how he felt; he wanted Wad to know how much he meant to him.

Prem led him back a few steps until Wad's legs hit the edge of his bed. They fell back with a soft thud on the mattress. Their legs entwined and their hands roamed. Every spot he let his fingers explore had Prem feeling like he left a trail of burning embers.

Wad's hands toyed with the hem of Prem's shirt and he was quick to sit up and take it off. He tossed it to the side but paused when he saw Wad looking up at him. His face was flushed and his eyes were glazed.

"Prem..." he said, voice a bit horse.

Prem took either side of Wad's face into his hands and studied it. He leaned back down and pressed a quick kiss to Wad's lips. Wad hummed against him, but Prem pulled away again. "I just... maybe I should have used my words first but-"

Wad cut him off by bringing their lips together again. "You know I love you. So much in such a short time. It scares me to death, Prem. But that's all I've wanted to do for months now."

Prem smiled, gently caressing his cheeks with his thumbs. "I love you, too," he said. "I don't want you to be scared, especially of me. I'll do everything I can to protect you."

Wad reached up and put his hands flush against Prem's chest. "I know. I know."

Prem leaned down to kiss him again.


Things didn't change drastically. Everything was at their level of normalcy, but Prem and Wad spent a bit more time tangled together while watching television.

Knot wandered into the kitchen. Prem and Wad were wrapped up in each other on the couch and he wanted to give them some space. Knot knew their relationship was... different as soon as Prem brought Wad home. But he couldn't really comprehend how a human could love a vampire. Knot never considered it a possibility.

He pushed away his thoughts when he saw Tew at the stove. He was obviously cooking something for him and Wad, but Knot couldn't place the familiar scent.

"Smells good," Knot told him after taking a seat at the counter. Tew jumped slightly, having not heard Knot come in.

"Thanks, it's Lad Na. It's one of my favorites," Tew explained.

"Used to be one of mine too," Knot smiled, but it made Tew frown. He took the dish off the heat and turned his attention to Knot. He leaned against the counter where Knot was sitting.

"You miss it, don't you." He didn't say it as a question, he stated it as fact. It made Knot feel uneasy.

"Of course I do. But it's been long enough that I'm used to it, I guess." Tew seemed to consider his answer. He took a moment before placing his hand on top of Knot's. Knot raised an eyebrow. He could feel Tew's pulse against his hand, and his heart was beating too hard, too fast for how calm he was acting.

"You'll have to forgive me, I'm still kinda new to this... vampire stuff," Tew said, chuckling awkwardly. He removed his hand after seeing Knot's expression.

"No, it's fine- I didn't mean to, uh, you know, scare you?" He was acting nervous. He never acted nervous, especially around Tew. His hand felt too warm after Tew touched it. Knot was torn from his thoughts when Tew's laughter bubbled out of him.

"You didn't scare me. You could never really scare me, Knot. I know you're actually soft," Tew said passively, almost turning back to the stove. Knot surprised himself with a burst of laughter. He almost missed the tinge of pink that graced Tew's cheeks as he froze. Knot stood up then, making himself look as large as possible.

"Do these look soft?" He bared his teeth as he smiled down at Tew. "They don't scare you?" He asked, getting right in Tew's face.

Tew didn't answer initially. He waited a beat before saying, "They really don't scare me."

"Knot, let's go for a walk." A new voice interrupted the two of them. Knot turned his head to look at Wad, who was suddenly in the doorway of the kitchen. There was a certain sternness in his voice he wasn't used to. It reminded him of the first time that Wad asked him to go on a walk with him. "My leg has been feeling a bit tight," he continued. Knot nodded, just before moving away from Tew. He knew Wad had something on his mind. On his way to the door, he glanced back to Tew. He pushed away any thoughts that dared pop into his head about the man that wouldn't meet his eye.

It only took a moment and two steps down the sidewalk for Wad to start talking. "We've talked about this, Knot. You don't think it can work."

"What are you referring to?"

"That scene in the kitchen? You shouldn't lead him on if you're just going to break his heart. He has a thing for you, you know," Wad explained as the reached their normal walking path.

"What, are you talking about Tew?" Knot almost scoffed.

"You know, for as observant as you think you are, you're kind of dense. Were you in that kitchen just now?" Wad said lightly. They followed their usual path as they talked.

"We were just talking-" Knot was cut off by a deafening sound Wad was all too familiar with and he watched Knot fall to the ground. His body landed on the dirt path with a heavy crash.

"Knot!" He yelled, kneeling down next to his friend. There was already blood pooling around him.


He spun around, reacting out of instinct. It felt like his blood ran cold when he laid his eyes on the man in front of him. The man let the barrel of the gun he was holding slowly fall.

"D-din! What are—"

"We thought you were fucking dead! What are you doing here?" Din looked from Wad to the bloodied figure curled up in the dirt by his feet. "You've been... here the whole time? Why? Why are you standing over that thing?" His voice deepened, angry. Wad watched as his eyes turned dark. "Why aren't you ending its undeserving life? Answer me!" He boomed. Wad was frozen. Knot was shuttering at his feet and he knew what he had to do.

"I'm sorry Din. I really am. But you don't understand, and I don't expect you to." And with that, Wad flipped open his pocket knife and reopened that jagged scar on his hand. He leaned over Knot and let him drink.


Prem and Tew were engrossed in their game. Tew had put off cooking until Wad returned. They'd played for only 15 minutes, just reaching the end of the stage they were working on when a BANG made them jump out of their skin. The game displayed on the television screen was immediately forgotten as Prem stood up.

"That sounded like a gunshot," Prem said, his feet taking him towards the door.

"So you need to go outside and check? Are you crazy?!"

"Wad and Knot didn't leave too long ago..." his voice drifted off. His thoughts darkened, his mind automatically assuming the worst. At the mention of Knot, Tew rose to his feet as well. "You stay behind me, understand?" Tew nodded, fear in his eyes.

Prem listened closely as the wind whistled past his ear once they made it outside. Another shot sounded through the thin line of trees and Prem's feet moved him along quicker. And then, a scream pricked his hearing and Prem bolted towards the noise, past the dead end of his street and into the thick of the trees and Tew was close behind.

They stumbled to a stop when they reached the scene. A gun was thrown carelessly to Prem's feet.

"I could do a whole lot worse," Knot warned the man he was standing over. His leg was broken, with bone peeking out through his shin. He had tear stained cheeks, but he looked angry.

And then Prem smelled it. He shifted his view to behind the two and his stomach dropped. Tew must have seen it too, because he sprung into action.

"Knot, give me your jacket," he said, voice shaky. His hands acted confidently even though his cheeks were already wet with tears. A pool of blood surrounded Wad's limp body. Tew checked for a pulse in Wad's neck, feeling a faint heartbeat. He took the jacket to press against Wad's wound in his abdomen.

"Wad, come on man, you can't do this," Tew started. He pushed into him harder, blood spilling over his fingers. "Wad, COME ON," he was yelling, over and over. Prem hadn't moved. He couldn't move. He watched in horror as Knot pulled Tew up from the ground, knowing full well there was nothing Tew could do. Knot pulled him into his chest and let him sob. He held Tew close as he shook, biting back his own tears.

Prem felt his feet bringing him forward. It didn't feel real.

He fell to his knees.

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