The General

By A1000Thoughts

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You're the highest ranking General in the mireanian army in the kingdom of Mireania. One day you lead the att... More

Chapter 1: A New Mission, A new Journey
Chapter 3: Arendelle's New Ruler
Chapter 4: Learning the History
Chapter 5. The New You
Chapter 6: An Unexpected Feeling
Chapter 7: Preparing for War
Chapter 8: Betrayal
Chapter 9: Tables Turned
Chapter 10: Redemption
Chapter 11: Always Together, Eternally Apart
Alternative Ending: Chapter 12: A New Life

Chapter 2: A Hostile Takeover

1.6K 29 3
By A1000Thoughts

At dawn, you were sitting on your horseback on the cliff overlooking Arendelle, and watched as the sun rose in the horizon and the city slowly came to life.

"We are ready at your signal, General." Captain Turner came up behind you.

'This is it...' you thought before you took a deep breath.

"Listen!" You said as you turned Striker around and looked at your men where they stood lined up.

"We attack in two groups. The first group goes in and seizes control of the castle before the second group quickly follows and takes control of the rest of the city. Company 1, 2, 3 and 4 will make up the first group and follow me and Captain Turner to the castle while company 5, 6, 7, and 8 will make up the second group and follow Lieutenant Roger." You said and pointed to a man who was about your height with black hair and a scar on his left cheek. "Do you understand?".

"Yes General!" they shouted in unison, and you turned to look at Roger.

"After I have left with the first four companies, wait for 30 minutes before you follow. I'll leave Striker by the city gate. After you're done taking control of the city, bring him to the castle's barracks. I'll stay there." You instructed him, and he nodded.

"Yes General."

You looked at your troops. They were a rough bunch of men. Not the kind you'd want to meet, and certainly not at night. But, they were great fighters, that was for sure, and they took great pride in their fighting skills. You weren't worried, though. You knew that they followed you, and that you were the only one who could command their respect. That's why you weren't worried that they would suddenly turn against you and follow someone else, and men like that were really handy to have in war. In addition to the men, you had also brought a few horses that, for the most part, carried the tents and food rations, and a courier falcon that you would use to communicate with King Ralph.

Then you remembered something you had almost forgotten. You reached into a bag that was fastened to your saddle and pulled out long hooded cloaks and handed out the cloaks to your group.

"Here, put these on. They'll hide our armor, so we don't raise suspicion when we move through the city."

They put them on without a word, and your group left Lieutenant Roger and his group.

You rode down to the city gate where you left Striker to proceed on foot with your soldiers through the city. There weren't too many people in the streets yet, just a couple of merchants who had just awoken and was about to open their stalls at the city square and a few other early birds. As you approached the bridge, you got an idea, and stopped.

"Okey, this is what we're going to do." You said and looked at your group "Let's split up in groups from here. Company 1, follow me through the main gate and courtyard. Company 2, you follow Captain Turner and go to the back of the castle and take care of the guards there. Company 3, you go to the bell tower and the barracks, and company 4, you go to the castle tower where they keep their courier falcons and take out the guards there, so they can't call anyone for help. We have to block every possibility they can use to reach anyone." They nodded, split up and silently went to where they had been instructed.

You and your company walked over the bridge that separated the castle from the rest of the city but as you reached the castle gates your path was blocked by a couple of royal guards.

"Halt!" One of them said, and you did as you were told.

"Who's there? State your business" he demanded, and you removed your hood so your face became visible.

"We are here to surprise the Queen" You said, but they looked at you a little suspiciously before they calmed down a bit.

"No one gets to meet the Queen without arranging a meeting. You have to go, now." One of them said and lowered his weapon.

'Your biggest mistake...' you thought as your hand slowly gripped the handle of your dagger underneath the cloak.

"As I said..." You slowly unsheathed your dagger before you suddenly grabbed him, covered his mouth and drove the dagger deep into his left side, the blade piercing his heart "It's a surprise visit..."

The guard, who was killed instantly, quietly sunk to the ground and you pulled the dagger out of his body. You brought out a small cloth and cleaned the blade as you watched your soldiers quickly, effectively and silently take care of the two other guards. You then proceeded into the courtyard.

In the courtyard, you could see more soldiers, and you hoped that the other parts of your group had succeeded in taking down the other guards. You walked towards the one you assumed to be the leader of the soldiers, and when they saw you, they looked at you questioningly.

"Gentlemen, King Ralph sends his regards!" You said, and instantly plunged your dagger in the leader's neck, cutting his artery in one swift move. Your soldiers reacted immediately and soon you had taken out all the guards in the courtyard.

You cleaned your dagger again before you sheathed it, and took off your cloak.

"No need for this now." You said and your soldiers also took off their cloaks "This is not a surprise anymore."

You drew your sword as you walked up to the castle door and slammed it open. You stepped inside and glanced around. The entrance hall was big, with chandeliers, a white stair made of marble and red walls decorated with candlesticks and paintings. Red curtains also hung in the windows.

Your group was immediately confronted by the guards, and you didn't hesitate to fight back. You glanced around as you fought your way through the castle and there was chaos everywhere. Broken glass, torn curtains, overturned furniture and soldiers from both sides in a full-on brawl. The guards from Arendelle put up a good fight, but you and your group were winning.

You ended up in the ballroom where you took on 3 guards on your own. They were good, but not good enough, and soon, you were the only one left standing. You cleaned the blade of your sword and listened as you caught your breath. The chaos had subsided, so you sheathed your sword and left the ballroom to find your group.

On your way down one of the halls, you were met by one of your soldiers. He looked tired and he was battered and bruised, but he saluted you when he saw you.

"We have successfully taken control of the castle, General (L/N)." He said and you nodded.

"Good. Where's the queen?"

"She's in the Great Hall. Captain Turner is there as well." He answered and you headed towards the Great Hall.

'Now let's see who this ice witch really is, and if she really is as powerful as the legends say' you thought as you saw the door to the Great Hall appear.

But the moment you stepped into the Great Hall, your heart stopped for a second. There, perched on the throne at the top of the stair, sat the most beautiful young woman you had ever laid eyes on. She wore a beautiful, shimmering ice blue dress, delicate ice blue heels and her platinum blonde hair was styled in a long french braid that was draped over her left shoulder. But the thing that really caught your eyes, were her amazing blue ones.

At her right side stood a strawberry-blonde girl with her hair in two braided pigtails, freckles and a green dress. At the bottom of the stairs lay the body of two Arendelle guards, and two of your soldiers held the two young women in check.

"Are you the ice witch?" Turner asked the queen, as you walked up to him, and the strawberry-blonde frowned.

"Excuse me, my sister is not a witch." she said but the blonde raised a hand.

"I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle, and this is my sister, Princess Anna." she said. Her voice was mature and elegant, yet soft, and it made your stomach flip the second you heard it.

"Who are you, and what is the meaning of this?" she asked and you remembered that you had to keep a professional demeanour.

"Allow me to introduce myself." You said and bowed "I am General (L/N) and this is Captain Turner. We come from the kingdom of Mireania, and this..." You smirked slightly "Is a hostile takeover."

Queen Elsa's expression went from confused to shocked and horrified in a split second and she was about to say something when you interrupted.

"You won't accomplish anything by resisting. We have already taken care of all the guards and taken control of the city. So, I suggest that you just do as we say." You said and looked at the soldiers "Take them down to the dungeon."

Suddenly, the sound of screams could be heard from the city. You could hear the mayhem all the way to the castle and you figured that Lieutenant Roger had put part two of the plan into action. The queen looked at the princess who bit her bottom lip in insecurity.

Two of your soldiers walked up to the throne, and Queen Elsa gracefully stood up and walked down the stair, and Anna followed close behind.

"Anna!" A voice suddenly echoed through the hallways, and the doors to the Great Hall soon burst open. You turned around to see a tall brawny man with blonde hair in the doorway. He was dressed in a thick dark tunic with a fur-lined burgundy dark crimson collar and a blue patch on his right elbow, a burgundy sash tied around his waist, a dark blue long-sleeved undershirt, brownish-green mittens, thick dark trousers, a dark bobble-hat and fur-lined dark brown boots with pointed toes.

"Kristoff!" Princess Anna called out and the man immediately charged towards you when he managed to comprehend the scene in front of him.

"Seize him." You said without moving an inch and soon, four of your soldiers were on him. They tackled him to the floor, and held him down.

"No! Kristoff!" The princess was about to run towards him as your soldiers bound his hands, but was soon stopped by the queen who dissuaded her.

"And you are?" you asked as the man struggled on the floor.

"Aren't I the one who should be asking you that question?" he asked back but his ribs were soon met with your boot.

"I'm the one asking questions here! Answer me! And don't try to be smart with me..." You said and he gritted his teeth in pain.

"My name is Kristoff. I am Arendelle's Official Ice Master and Deliverer."

You raised an eyebrow "That's a title?"

"Yes, my sister gave it to him." The princess said, and you turned around to look at her and the queen again.

The queen looked at you, which made your throat go dry and your body heat up. Reluctantly, you tried the best you could to avoid her gaze. If only you could stare into those magnificent crystal blue eyes...

"General?" The voice of Captain Turner interrupted your thoughts. You mentally smacked yourself and cleared your throat.

"Take them away." You ordered and your soldiers led the queen out of the hall, soon followed by the princess, and then the young man.

You also left the hall, and took a walk around the castle area to make sure everything was under control. And everywhere you went you saw guards from Arendelle's Royal Guard either dead or handcuffed after surrendering. You had been victorious.

When you were done securing the castle, you went down to the barracks where you found Striker and walked into the east wing. There, you soon found the late general's room, where you decided to settle in. It was a room of decent size with a large desk full of papers and a chair on one side of the room, and a partition wall that separated a small but very comfy bedroom on the other. The room also had a small bathroom. A little too fancy for your taste, since you liked it very simple, but it worked. You placed the cage with your courier falcon on a table near the window, and started to unpack your things.

Half an hour later you walked up to the castle again, and down to the castle's dungeon where your soldiers had taken the royal family.

You opened the door that led to the dungeon, and walked down the hall. In the other cells, you could see other members of the castle's staff and the soldiers who had surrendered. Halfway down the hall, you stopped. There, in an open cell to your right, sat the princess and in another cell to your left, her blonde haired friend.

"Why are you doing this?" Princess Anna asked and glared at you as you walked up to her cell.

"I told you. This is a hostile takeover." you stated as a matter of fact "We control Arendelle now."

"Our people will never follow you." she said, resentment clear in her voice.

"Oh, but I don't plan on giving them any choice."

That made the princess snap, and she ran towards you, only to be stopped by the bars. You just stood there.

"You're a monster! How dare you?!" She screamed, tears streaming down her face. "All those people you killed..." Her knuckles were white as they gripped the bars "You killed them!"

"Anna, be careful, don't agitate him!" Kristoff got up from the seat in his cell and tried to calm her down the best he could from where he was.

Without anyone's knowledge, the princess's words had actually stung a little. You were surprised yourself. But you didn't show it. You just stared at her for a few seconds before you opened your mouth.

"And the queen?" you asked without looking away.

"This way." the guard you had stationed there replied and pointed down the hall, and you followed him.

The guard guided you down the hall, and when you reached the door farthest down, he opened it. Right behind the door you were met by bars and behind the bars, you saw the queen herself. You just stood there and observed her for a few seconds.

She truly was beautiful. Nothing like you'd ever seen before. And for some reason, that you couldn't quite understand, you felt drawn to her. After a few seconds she turned around to look at you, and your heart skipped a bit again.

"What will happen to me? To us?" She asked, and the tone in her voice was a mix of unease and fear.

"King Ralph will decide your fate when he arrives in a few days." you said and you could see that she became even more nervous, and it made you feel something you couldn't quite comprehend. She looked so scared, so vulnerable, yet so strong and determined. But again, you brushed off the feeling.

"You don't have to do this." You didn't dare to meet her gaze "please, let us go. At least my sister and my friends." She pleaded but you lightly shook your head.

"I'm sorry, but I have my orders." You said and turned around to leave. As your guard locked the door, you could hear her break down in tears, and your heart clenched. You picked up your pace and quickly left the dungeon without looking back.

That night you were sitting in the room you had occupied at the barracks, writing a letter to King Ralph.

My King.

I bring you news that we have successfully conquered Arendelle.

We will be waiting for your arrival.

General (L/N)

You got up from your seat, folded the letter and walked over to the small table with the bird cage. You opened the cage, and the courier falcon hopped onto your arm. You then fastened the letter to his leg, and walked over to the window, which you opened and released the falcon. Your eyes followed him, and you sighed. A gentle breeze stroked through your hair and you gazed into the night as your thoughts drifted off to a certain queen who was locked up in the dungeon. You were confused. You had completed your mission. You had conquered Arendelle. You should have been happy. So, why did it feel wrong?

There you have it, guys. Chapter 2. ^^

see you next chaper :)

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