
By Bluedreameer

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"Deku covered his mouth, there it was again, that suffocating feeling in his chest. Bending down, he tried c... More

Toshinori Yagi
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By Bluedreameer

"Yellow, just like the color of your smile."


Midoriya sat in his room, gaze never leaving his notebook full of information of what he had just learned. He noticed some scrawling at the side of his notebook.

'Hana Syndrome strikes again, claiming 2 heroes whom just debuted!'

Midoriya cocked his head, he didn't remember writing this. Perhaps he was so lost in thought that he penned it down.

He looked down at his arm, barely recovered ever since the USJ attack, he didn't feel any tightness is his chest, and hoped he wouldn't live to the day he felt it.

Unconsciously, his thoughts wandered off to Bakugou, his childhood friend. He knew, that with all his heart, he had loved the spiky blonde, ever since they were young. What he thought was admiration slowly morphed into something more dangerous, obsession, and finally, love. He loved the way Bakugou was so determined, how he always wanted to achieve so much, yet keeping a strong sense of morality , albeit his own weird ways. He's unpleasant, but in some way charismatic.

Midoriya knew, that he would do anything to become a hero, even if it means forgetting the one he loved the most, his unknown soulmate.


Kacchan... if there was a chance that you are my soulmate, I'd rather die in the hands of the Hana Syndrome than to forget you.

Midoriya's gaze wandered off to the flower vase perched nicely on his window ledge, in it laid countless dandelions. He smiled, as his mind drifted off to those days he loved the most.

They sat underneath a great oak tree, he would let out mini explosions from his hands, making them dance like fireworks.

"Wow Kacchan! You're so cool!" I would always say. Kacchan' s face would always brim with happiness whenever those words left my mouth. I would always think about the day when I finally could get my quirk, maybe I could do these little things to make Kacchan happy too.

Which was why it hurt so much when I found out I was quirkless.

One day, while sitting under the same tree, Kacchan pouted impatiently, "Deku, when are you getting your quirk?" I flinched, how was I supposed to tell Kacchan now? Tears formed in my eyes, Kacchan saw it, and he immediately stood up.

"Deku, what's wrong?"

"I...I don't have a quirk..." I muffled in between sobs. I could see Kacchan's eyes widen as he processed what he just heard.

"So you're... quirkless..."

I couldn't control it anymore, I started crying, tears streaming down my cheek and my face, dripping onto the wet grass still sparkling from the morning dew.

"Sorry Kacchan... I'm, not worth your time.." I sniffled.

I thought Kacchan would get mad knowing that I was useless, a burden to society. But what he did next surprised me. I felt a warm hand rest against my cheek, lifting my face up, green, soft eyes met fiery red ones. Kacchan was smiling sadly.

"Deku, don't cry, I don't like it when you cry." He said, planting a kiss on my forehead. My face turned a crimson shade of red as I started blushing furiously, I watched as Kacchan plucked a flower from the ground.

It was a small dandelion.

"Did you know, Deku, that there's such a thing as flower language?" Kacchan asked softly, I nodded. "Well then..."

Kacchan inserted the small dandelion into my green curls.

"I read that dandelions mean happiness, if Deku's quirkless, that means that I have to become a stronger hero to protect you!" Kacchan's face lighted up like the sun. My eyes widened at his proclaim as my hand reached out to touch the soft petals of the dandelion flower.

Kacchan turned and looked at me, his face shining like I've never seen before.

"I'll become a hero to make Deku happy, I promise!"

It took him awhile to realize he had been crying the whole time, the tears were falling on the window ledge as Midoriya glanced at the dandelions in the vase. He had never truly forgotten what happened on that day, but still, when All Might asked him to be his successor, he still couldn't shake off his dream to become a hero. He knew that Bakugou and him had drifted for years already, as their worlds and friends pulled them apart, but there was no telling the shock and anger he saw in his eyes as he stepped into Class 1A on the first day. It felt like all friendship and innocent memories they once had together were reduced to nothing but mere dust. Bakugou started to ignore him and treat him like he was invisible, just like most of his classmates, it hurt him a lot to think that they had shared a past before, but it was all gone now.

Midoriya wiped away the tears on his face. Picking up one of the dandelions that had ripened into a fuzzy ball. He blew hard, and watched as the dandelion seeds dispersed and flew away.

He, too, hoped that one day, his happiness would be freed from his imagination.

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