A Different Kind of End - Boo...

By Toasty-Writer

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Hatred is like an infection, if left to fester it only spreads and becomes worse, until there is little to no... More

Chapter 1 - Enter the Ruins
Chapter 2 - Ruins Exit
Chapter 3 - Skeleton Puns
Chapter 4 - Jinks, Puzzles, Capers and Japers
Chapter 5 - Feverish Battle
Chapter 6 - Moving Onward
Chapter 8 - Spear of Justice
Chapter 9 - Friendship is Important
Chapter 10 - Quiz Time
Chapter 11 - The Royal Scientist
Chapter 12 - Muffins and Musicals
Chapter 13 - Dates and Determination
Chapter 14 - The True Lab
Chapter 15 - Is THIS The End?

Chapter 7 - Waterfall

145 2 3
By Toasty-Writer

She ran all the way back to Waterfall, out of breath she glanced around but could not see Chara, 'I hope he's ok...' she then spotted Sans back at his post, with a small shake of her head she approaches him. He gives her a grin as if knowing she is wondering just how he got here so fast, "Let's hang out again sometime," she smiles and nods,

"Oh," she quickly takes off his jacket and holds it out to him, "thank you for lending me your jacket,"

"No problem kiddo," he winks as he takes the jacket back and shrugs it on, "be careful up ahead now won't you," she nods and hurries off. 'I need to find where Chara went...' with a sigh she moves on forward. Remembering from the sheer chance coincidence she stumbled upon last time, she checks for the hidden room behind the waterfall and acquires the tutu. Once again, she wonders who it had belonged to,

"Probably one of the other children, maybe one of them was a dancer?" she twirls a little then frowns, missing Chara. Knowing he would have had some kind of comment to make. She trudges on feeling lonely, soon having to push through some tall grass only to find herself freezing upon hearing voices,

"H... HI, UNDYNE! I'M HERE WITH MY DAILY REPORT..." it was Papyrus, 'he sounds nervous... wait... he's talking to Undyne!' she really wanted to see Undyne, but knew it was best to stay still for now, "UHHH... REGARDING THAT HUMAN I CALLED YOU ABOUT EARLIER..." Undyne seems to ask him something but it is too quiet to hear over the sound of rushing water, "HUH? DID I FIGHT THEM? Y-YES! OF COURSE, I DID! I FOUGHT THEM VALIANTLY!" he pauses, "WHAT? DID I CAPTURE THEM...? W...W... WELL ... NO. I TRIED VERY HARD, UNDYNE, BUT IN THE END... I FAILED." 'oh Paps...' she felt really bad, 'technically he did win, after all, I did pass out...' "WHAT... YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE THE HUMAN SOUL YOURSELF! BUT UNDYNE, YOU DON'T H-HAVE TO DESTROY THEM! YOU SEE... " there is a very long pause, "I UNDERSTAND. I'LL HELP YOU IN ANY WAY I CAN." he then walks away, Frisk's heart going out to him as she takes a step to continue but freezes once more as the grass rustles announcing her presence. The sound of Undyne's clanking armour moves towards her, Frisk closes her eyes and waits. Not soon enough, Undyne leaves and she lets out a breath before exiting the tall grass.

"Yo!" Monster Kid charges out of the grass causing Frisk to yelp in shock, 'I completely forgot he was gonna be in there,' "did you see the way she was staring at you? That... was AWESOME! I'm so jealous! What'd you do to get her attention? Ha, Ha, C'mon! Let's go watch her beat up some bad guys!" he runs off but not before tripping and face planting the ground pretty hard, Frisk cringes but before she can move to help the little yellow monster he is up and running again, 'I'm not even going to contemplate how he was even able to get up with no arms...' as she moves forward she feels the rush of warmth from a save point, now she misses Chara even more,

"He would say something, hmm, maybe I can try," after a few moments of thinking, "A feeling of dread hangs over you... But you stay determined." she frowns, "Chara is much better at these." She continues on, having a flexing contest with Aaron and singing with Shyren, to which she spotted Sans selling tickets made of toilet paper. She also received a phone call from Papyrus asking about what she was wearing, she responded before she remembered why he was asking. In the end, she decided not worry as it meant neither of them would be lying. She crossed over to a platform and took a deep breath, knowing what would be next but then, she heard, breathing. She spun around hoping it would be Chara only to be disappointed, at first, she thought it was Monster Kid since he had, after all, kept popping out on her but this kid, although similar in appearance, was grey. It looked unnatural to Frisk,

"Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same..." their voice echoed as is speaking from a distance, it freaked Frisk out, "except you don't exist..." now she was even more freaked out, the kid stared at her with blank milky eyes, "Everything functions perfectly without you... Ha, ha..." the laugh sounded forced, "The thought terrifies me." The kid then turns around and stares off, Frisk takes a few hurried steps back before turning around all intents to just run. But then that spear slams down in front of her, a spear that should have hit her if not for her body seeming to freeze without her permission. This had happened before, during the fight with Papyrus. Not understanding it but being extremely thankful since although she could come back should she die from a save point, it still hurt. A lot. More spears come flying towards her and she feels her body nudged forwards, she starts running, dodging where she can and at other times not fighting against the mysterious pull. She dives for a patch of tall grass and waits as still as she can, lucky Undyne seems to have lost her instead finding monster kid, she lies back and stares at the ceiling, 'maybe doing this all again wasn't the best idea I've ever had...but I have to stay determined, I have to help everyone get out!' after Undyne left confused she listened to Monster kids excited ramble before he ran off again. With a small shake of her head she plodded on forward finding another mouse hole and cheese,

"Knowing the mouse might one day extract the cheese from the mystical crystal..." she sighs, "it fills you with determination... I miss Chara..." now with a bit of a sulk on she pushes forward only to frown, "was that door there last time?" she comes to a stop by a grey door. It stood out starkly against the midnight blue stone wall, "I'm sure it wasn't..." she reaches for the handle and hesitates, "they say curiosity killed the cat..." she pushes the door open, "but they always forget... satisfaction brought it back," she peeks inside to find a grey room and... 'a monster?' a figure stands at the end of the room, tall yet disfigured. She could not quite focus on it but they seemed to be wearing some kind of black coat though it also seems to have become one with its body. She steps fully inside, "Hello?" she calls out to the figure, but it either does not hear her or it is unaware of her presence. More curious she walks up to it, a lop-sided grin on its face, 'it looks kinda melted...' and cracks on its skull, 'wait skull? That's definitely a skull right, so are they a skeleton?' the figure suddenly looks at her and it looks like it tries to say something but it just fades out of existence. "Ok, I'm officially spooked..." she turns and runs from the room, closing the door with a slam, "What was that? A monster? A skeleton? Some kind of ghost or glitch in the universe?" okay now she knew she was being silly, "A glitch...really Frisk," with a shake of her head she moves away from the door, "like that's even possible," what she did not notice as she walked away though, was the door vanishing in a flicker of static.

Still thinking about the mysterious figure, she happens across Sans again, stood by his telescope. Now she could have just continued on since she knew what the conversation would entail, but she was feeling lonely with the absence of Chara and the sight of Sans grin as he spotted her warmed her soul. "Hey kiddo, I'm thinking about getting into the telescope business," he nods towards his telescope, "it's normally 50000 G to use this premium telescope... but," he grins wider with humour, "since I know you, you can use it for free. Howzabout it?" he winks, with a smile she has a look, but all she sees is red,

"Sans... it's all red...?" she turns to look at him and he cracks up, "what?" she tilts her head to the side and he just bends over slightly laughing, then it dawns on her, 'damn I fell for it again!' she touches a hand to her face pulling it back to find ink, "Sans!"

"He..Heh... sorry kiddo but that was too funny, come on," he takes her hand and pulls her over to the water, using the edge of his sleeve he dips it into the glowing water and wipes away the ink, 'he didn't do this last time...' she fights a small blush that rises to her face, "there all gone...uh.." he pauses looking at her, she raises a brow when he says nothing else and that dusting of blue appears on his cheekbones, 'could that be a blush? Papyrus did something similar...but it wasn't blue,' "well I'm sure you have places to go, people to see heh..." he rubs the back of his skull, Frisk nods and with a small wave moves on, 'could it have been a blush?' the idea ran around her head for a while as she traversed through the area. She soon pushed the thought from her mind and focused on where she was going, listening to the echo flowers as she went by,

"I can't run any longer...Somebody, anybody..." that one made her freeze, 'did I hear that one last time, it sounds like a girl...I wonder if,' she stopped the train of thought. It would not do any good thinking of those who fell before her. She continues on, "So? Don't you have any wishes to make?" she smiles, this conversation she remembers and finds endearing, "...hmm, just one, but...it's kind of stupid." moving onto the next one excitedly, "Don't say that! Come on, I promise I won't laugh." she was starting to think waterfall was her favourite area in the underground when Papyrus rang again. They had a brief conversation, one where he did most of the talking and then she kept going. A yawn escapes her and she knows she has to stop even for a little while. She moves over to a patch of grass and sits down, feeling exhaustion flow over her she decides to lie down and hope that she is not spotted by Undyne.

Sans stares down at the human and shakes his head, "Of all the places to take a nap, and she's shivering," with a sigh he crouches beside her removing her boots and soaking wet socks, wringing them out and then draping them across the boots to dry. He then places his jacket over her. He notes as she snuggles under it that the sleeve is definitely stained from that ink, "Paps is gonna question that... oh well," he sits down beside her, watching over her, "just doing what I promised...yeah... definitely only because of the promise," he rubs his face with one hand, because he could not even bring himself to believe that lie.

She woke up, confused. Her boots and socks sat beside her and there was a faint scent of ketchup in the air, "was Sans here...nah not possible... right?" she shakes her head pulling on her socks and smiling at finding them dry. As she pulls on her boots she blushes, "wait...if it was Sans..." she shakes her head again, "no, get your head in the game. Keep going forward." With a deep sigh she moves on. She makes friends with what she believes to be some kind of octopus or onion with tentacles called Onionsan, she paused for a while to listen to the music of the statue, once she put an umbrella over it that is and then met up with Monster Kid as the "rain" started to get heavier and he walked beside her to stay dry. This made her think of Chara once again, 'I should have listened to him...' she soon had to say goodbye to Monster Kid again, after he gave her a boost up and she watched him fall flat on his face again. With a small cringe she moves on only to stop on the wooden platform she now finds herself on. She had a very brief moment to utter a small "oh no," then she was running, trying to avoid the glowing circles as spears shot up. She just ran and ran, with no idea if she was going the right way. The clanking of Undyne's heavy armour a constant reminder that should she stop she would be inviting death in. She kept up the pace, running fast across a large platform barley missing more spears until finally she was across and running down another narrow pathway. That regrettably ended up in a dead end, she spun on her heals hoping she could somehow back track quick enough but she then stumbles to a stop. There before her, stood Undyne in full armour and looking terrifying, Frisk could not even begin to beg for her life as Undyne lashed out. She was not hit though, instead the floor of the platform was. Wood splintered and broke apart. There was a moment of vertigo where she almost seemed to defy gravity. Then she was falling, falling into the darkness. Panic bubbling through her and she screamed out, "CHARA!" then everything went black. 

A/N - I'm back to updating this story. It will be slow going most likely and I'm still writing my super chaos story as well, along with another story that isn't going up on here. I may be taking on too much but the ideas are in my head and if I don't get them out they will be forgotten and lost and I really don't want that! Any-hows hope you liked this chapter! Next part will be soon! 

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