My mind won't work (Klance/La...

By Brooke1343

135K 4.2K 2.8K

❗️WARNING PLEASE READ❗️ Yes another Klance FanFic. This fic does have some 'triggering' content like depress... More

1-My dad
11-Lime Chips
12- Mari
14- Car Radio
15- Memories
19-Road trip
20- Somber Melody


8.2K 245 359
By Brooke1343

Walking back to the class, Lance wasn't entirely sure what just happened but he was just glad he had his friend back.

He thought that it would take some time for Hunk and Pidge to adjust but they just acted like they did before Lance started to drift away.

He finally felt at home.

Walking home from school Keith noticed something bothering Lance, he kept on looking behind him and trying to walk as slow as he could.

Pidge had just got to her house and Lance was next. Keith wanted to help Lance but didn't want to push him.

"Hey Lance you wanna come over to my house we could play on my XBox." Lance looked up to Keith like a giant weight was taken off his shoulders.

"Yes, thank you" Keith guessed that Lance was trying to nudge to Keith that he didn't feel comfortable going home.

They walked silently to Keith's house avoiding the street that you could walk down because Lance's house was on that street. Keith couldn't stop himself from looking over at Lance, he was beautiful. Sure he had some bruises on his cheekbone but he looked amazing. One time while Keith was looking over at Lance he looked back at him, their stares lasted longer than comfortable and than normal and they both turned away with a blush on their cheeks.

When they were at Keith home he walked up and opened the door to see Shiro in his boxers playing wii sports and his mom yelling at him to get dressed and do something. He yelled back saying he was doing something. Keith slapped his own face with his hand because 'seriously, now.' Lance just snickered.

When Shiro noticed Lance he jumped up and walked over and gave him a big hug saying it was good to see him again.

Keith's mom walked over to them hitting Shiro's arm lightly and hugged Lance. She pulled away holding Lance's hands in hers and told him that he was welcome to come over when ever he wanted, Lance nodded in acknowledgment. She put his hands down and turned to Keith saying that they'd have lasagna for dinner. He nodded and pulled Lance upstairs to his room where they could put their bags down.

Keith had noticed that Lance didn't have a extra pair of clothes, and then also remembered that he didn't know if Lance wanted to stay over or not.

He turned to Lance, "Hey, so are you gonna like sleepover or....." Lance looked up to him shyly.
"Uh, I don't know. I mean I don't want to be a bother."
"No!" Keith yelled not meaning to, making Lance stiffen up.
"I mean, your fine you can stay over it's really no big deal." Keith said trying to find a place to rest his gaze, he found the small Photography Trophy on the far wall interesting.
"I don't have any clothes or anything so..." Keith looked over at Lance because that's what he was going to point out.
"You can just wear my clothes!" Keith said a little too fast making Lance snicker a little. "Plus it's a Friday so it's not like anyone will see you." Keith looked to the ground, "except me that is."

Lance was confused why he was so red. But before he could even begin to catch on Keith's mom had called out to them telling them dinner is almost ready and telling Shiro he better have some clothes on.

They walked down stairs seeming Keith's mom taking out the lasagna. "Keith honey, could you get some plates out. Also only get out four because your father is going to be late getting home."
"Sure mom." Was his reply.

They ate together at the bar talking about school and life, Keith's mom asking what he's been up to, he just replied with the same old stuff. 'Oh nothing' or 'the usual'. Except on the inside he was falling apart, and Keith could tell.

He was definitely going to ask him about that latter.

Since Shiro took so long to finally get dressed he was forced to do the dishes.

Keith and Lance went to Keith's room to play some video games. They played Watchdogs 2 switching control every few minutes. Then played Injustice 2 (and, if he was being honest was probably one of Keith's favorites).

But finally they played a two player Mario Kart. The first round Keith won but Lance promised he would win and that he was just warming up.

They played 5 whole games 3 different worlds on each, and to his word Lance won overall from winning the last 3 games. He leaned back on the bed proud of himself.

Keith looked back at Lance, and God that boy is beautiful.

Lance's smile faltered, his mouth looked like it tasted something sour, and he through his hand over his face to cover his eyes.

Keith was stuck, he didn't know what to do. So he rubbed Lance's shoulder and told him quietly that he was here for him. Lance took a shaky inhale and sat up looking at Keith.

"I know but you don't deserve this," Lance shook his head and looked down again. "all these things you shouldn't have to deal with, it's my problem." Keith was confused by Lance's words.

"Lance what do you mean?" Was all Keith could manage, although he had an idea of what he meant.

Lance looked at Keith with watery eyes. Lance was weak and he rested his head on Keith shoulder not really knowing how to say it.

Keith started to rub small circles on Lance's back. Lance exhaled sharply letting tears fall on Keith's shoulder. "Hey, it's alright you can tell me anything. You know that right?" Lance shook his head in agreement.

"My dad..." Lance tried to continue but his voice failed him.

Keith spoke up, "I-i know." Lance froze pulling his head away looking at Keith, "What?" He said so quietly Keith would have missed it if the house wasn't completely quiet besides their voices.

Keith reached out and held Lance's hands the same way his mom did.
"I mean I wasn't completely sure but I thought that could be a reason you were being so secluded." He paused making sure his friend understood him.

"Lance I care about you and don't want you to get hurt." Lance was still confused, "But how did you?"

" I noticed your black eye the other day and the way you try to avoid talking about your home life." Keith paused looking at Lance to see if he wasn't pushing it, he saw no hatred in Lance's eyes so he took that as a sign to continue. "And I remember how you told me that he started drinking after the accident."

Lance looked up at Keith. Keith wasn't sure what was going to happen and began to panic but then Lance hugged Keith so tight he thought he was going to crumble under the pressure.

Lance sniffled, "Thank you for caring Keith." Keith was confused by the statement but decided against thinking very hard and hugged Lance back.

When they finally let go they were still close enough for Keith to see the little dark blue flecks in Lance's eyes. When Lance met Keith's eyes they held their gaze too long and awkwardly pulled away.

"Um I think we should start to get ready to go to sleep." Keith said quietly, he continued, "that is if you want it's fine by me if you wanna keep talking or kicking my butt at Mario cart." Keith snickered and Lance playfully nudged his arm with a smile on his lips.

"Its fine by me. Plus I wanna get out of this sweater it's really hot." Keith nodded and walk over to his dresser getting out some pajama pants and a t-shirt and handed it to Lance.

Lance hesitantly took the shirt wondering if Keith would ask questions about his arms or if he could possibly cover them.

Lance didn't want to make that big of a deal so took it and went into the bathroom.

"Keith can I take a quick shower?" Lance asked.

Keith replied, "Ya sure, whatever you want."

Lance took a nice calming shower thinking of how well Keith took it all and that he was surprised that Keith hadn't exploded, because usually he was hot-headed but he was being so nice about the whole thing. Lance was sure Keith would be mad at him for not telling him sooner. But he was so calm and understanding. That thought warmed Lance's heart.

Once Lance got out of the shower, his arms at his side trying to hide them, Keith looked up from the where he was setting up a pallet to sleep on.

Lance stared at him and Keith realized that he should explain.

"Uh, I just thought you might want to sleep on the bed considering it's a full sized so I made this." He swallowed "I can go sleep on the couch if you want some space or something."

Lance shook his head, "No no. That's fine." He stopped and looked to the ground, "actually could you sleep up here I don't want to be alone and," Lance closed his eyes not really knowing what to say. "I just feel like I need human contact or some thing... just" he exhaled loudly, and looked up at Keith. "Be with me."

Those words rang in Keith's ear, not to long ago Lance wanted nothing to do with him but now he was asking him to sleep in the same bed as him?!

"Uh, ok. I-I understand." Lance looked very relieved with Keith's response. So Keith picked up his pillow and shuffled over to the bed. They got tucked in and turned the lights off.

Neither one of them could sleep, finally Lance asked, "Keeeith, you awake?" Very quietly. "Ya" was all he said.

"I can't sleep."
"Me neither."
"You wanna cuddle?"
Keith almost died from a heart attack.
Lance regretted saying anything.
"Nev-never mind, I just.... never mind."
Keith turned to look at Lance, who was illuminated by the pale moonlight.
"I didn't mean to sound like that."
Lance looked away from his face.
"I shouldn't have asked it was weird."
"No! I, I was just surprised that's all."
Lance exhaled the air he was holding in.
"We," Keith started slowly,"we can cuddle."

Lance looked back up a Keith and managed a small smile.



Also the hug:
Ok so I've been going through some hard times and I always need hugs, like a lot of the time.
I found out it's called like 'skin hunger' and it sound weird but that's what I'm portraying in Lance.
Cause it's not only like hugs it's just like holding hands with someone I know or just like resting my hand on their shoulder. And that might just sound like lonely or something but that's what I'm doing for Lance because he hasn't really had someone to touch or be with in a non romantic way( and romantic) but ya that's what's going to happen.

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