Rebelious blossoms

By NobbuNobbu

3.5K 52 33

After the destruction of the holy grail. Arturia, Rin and Shirou thought that it was all over, they "thought"... More

0. Arival at Tomoeda
1. The summoning
2.Strange names
2,5. Just some context~
4. The strategy
5. Festival time
5,5. Drinking game ideas
6, Happy Birthday Sakura(s)...and Syaoran(s)
6, the actual 6th one

3. A trip around the town

270 4 5
By NobbuNobbu

Jekyll's POV
It was the next day and I was just casually going through the books they have in the store when I heard a voice behind me:
"Hey Assassin, what are you doing?"
"Eek! Oh, S-Saber? You really surprised me. Well, I was just thinking of buying some books to read and what are you doing here?"
"I was walking around when I saw you entering the store." She answered
"And where's the others?" I asked
"They're at the house, all of them are busy preparing for the War. Sakura, Tomoyo and the stuffed toy are at school to practice their play for that festival."
"The Nadeshiko festival?" I asked
"Yeah. Oh and do you want to go around the town with me? I'm fine on my own but it's more fun if I'm not alone." She said
"Sure. But can you wait a minute, please. I want to buy this novel."
"You don't need to buy this, I'm pretty sure I saw this at the house and I'm sure that my Master won't mind letting you borrow it." Saber looked at the novel
"Really? That's great! Let's get going then." I said
~on the street~
"So, how's Hyde?" Saber asked all of a sudden
"Master used a command seal so that he could only come out at night time." I answered
"You must be happy about it." She said
"Yes. Though I'd prefer to have him not come out at all, his strength is needed. The more power the better, I guess."
After going around the town for a while, we were standing in front of the gate to Tomoeda middle school.
"Isn't this where our Masters are at?" I said
"Yeah. Let's go say hi." Saber walks into the school
"H-hey wait for me."
We walked around the school and looked into the windows on the first floor, there were a lot of students busily preparing stuff but our Masters weren't there.
"Maybe they are on the second floor." I said as we looked at the last window on that floor
"Maybe, let's check."
Saber then grabs me and jumped onto the nearest stars.
After a minute of walking around, we finally spotted the two Masters. They were chatting with their friends.
Mordred's POV
"Hey, do you guys know why people think that cats have multiple lives?" A boy with closed eyes said

"No, why?" The girl with glasses asked
"You see, once upon a time, a king really love his cat and when it died he would have a humongous funeral for it. Then, he'd buy a cat that looks identical to it and when it died, he'd do the same thing! This really made the people confused and they thought that his cat had lots of lives!"
(Note: do not believe a single word that kid says!)
"Wow! That's amazing!" Sakura and Syaoran said with amazement

I almost fell on the ground after that. How can one be so naive, let alone two in the same place?! And they are our Masters too. Oh god, is this what Yuuko meant when she said that our team "needs more smart people"? It definitely looks to be that way.
Jekyll's POV
"JUST LOOK AT THEM! DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME!?!?" A girl with twin tails shouted while strangling the liar.

Then, the girl turned to our Masters and said:
"Don't believe it, guys. It's another lie."
"Really? I didn't know." The two children said
"Oh, it's you guys! Good morning! Sorry if I didn't notice you earlier." Master said, finally noticing us standing there
"Good morning to you too. We were just passing by and thought that we should go say hello." I said
"Aww, that's so nice of you two, thanks!" The little girl smiled
"Huh? Are they your new friends that you guys werre talking about?" The girl with twin tails said
"Yes, guys, meet my friends Chiharu-chan(twin tails), Yamazaki-kun(liar) and Naoko-chan(glasses)! Everyone, meet Mordred and Jekyll-hoe-a-ahhh!"
"Mrs. Sakura, we need to talk." Me and Saber pulled the girl outside, my Master followed shortly after
Mordred's POV
"Sakura, you really shouldn't be going around telling people your Servant's true names like that!" Syaoran said
"Hoe? Why? They are our friends, not our enemy."
"But the enemy could be watching us you know." Assassin said
"But that's impossible right now." Sakura said
"And why is that?" I asked
"I forgot to tell you guys this this morning because I was in a hurry but I had another dream again. There, Clow-san told me that we are the only Servants and Masters in the town, in fact, there won't be any Servants being summoned until the next month so-ouch! That hurts!"
"That's for not telling us sooner." I smacked her head
"I-I'm sorry."
I can't believe how idiotic this kid is. I'm really hoping that this won't be something I have to deal with all the time.
(Too bad Sakura's mental age is stuck at 10)
"Well it already happened so there's no point in talking about this anymore. Just remember not to do that again, Sakura. Let's go back inside now, everyone's waiting." The boy said
After chatting with them for a while, we...well I decided it was time to go so we said goodbye and headed out.
The trip today was fine until we saw an amusement park.

"Hey that looks like it'd be fun, let's go there!" I ran into the park
"H-hey wait for me!" Assassin ran after me
We went to all of the rides there, it was a great time. I almost laughed when Assassin started screaming like a little girl on that roller coaster.
"C...could a...bit?" Assassin said, still out of breathe from the ride
"Jeez, you are such a bean sprout. But since you did agree to go with me today, fine, we'll go to the ferris wheel next since it's calmer...I guess."
~On the ferris wheel~
"See, this isn't bad, right? You can sit here and just take in the scenery little by little." Assassin said, looking better than when before
"It's good, I'll give you that. Hmm?" I saw something peculiar at the corner of my eye
"What's wrong, Saber?"
"Look down there, that man over there, is it me or he actually have a pair of wings?"
"Yes, I see those wings too. I don't think that it's a costume since the rest of his outfit is relatively normal. Could he be another spirit? We have encountered a lot of them in this town so maybe he's one of them?"
"Maybe." I hope so, I have a bad feeling
~After the ride~
"Here's your drink." I gave him a bottle of fruit juice
"Thanks. We should head home now, it's getting dark." He sat up
3rd person's view
As Mordred and Jekyll was heading to the gate, they heard the sound of people arguing.
"What's your problem?" A man said
"Just apologize." The same man they saw before said
"I think that they don't see the wings." Mordred shot a glare at the man
"I think so too." Jekyll said before both of them walk out of the amusement park
~On the way back~
" Hey look, it's the Tsukimine shrine." Jekyll points in front of them
"Yeah, where you tried to kill me." Mordred said
"I-I though that-"
"Hey! You two there!" The man from before shouted
The two Servants turned around and saw that his wings were even bigger
"What?" Mordred said, clearly aware that this is going to turn into a fight
"You two were looking at me weren't you?! Don't even try to deny! I felt it! I felt your little eyes glaring at me! at that park!" He shouted angrily
"Yeah, so?" Mordred said calmly while still keeping her guard up
"And what if I don't?"
"Saber, we should just say sorry to that person." Jekyll said
"No, something tells me that no matter how many times we say sorry, he won't be satisfied."
"JUST APOLOGIZE ALREADY!" The man pulled a box cutter out of his pocket and ran towards the duo
However, since they were Heroic Spirits, the box cutter did nothing to them. Mordred grabbed the man's wrist but the wings suddenly detached itself from him and turned into some kind of monster.

The man passed out and was caught by Jekyll while Mordred prepares to fight the monster.
"He's still breathing, don't worry." Jekyll said
"I didn't say anything." She said
It wasn't very hard for the Knight of Treachery to burn the wings and then slice it in half. The wings started to dematerialize immediately and in a few seconds, there was nothing left of it.
"Tch. I didn't even have my armour on yet." The knight complained
"We should get this person some help, let's go to the shrine, maybe we could use the phone there." Jekyll said, carrying the man on his back
"Sounds like a good idea."

"Ok, we called the ambulance, they will be here in a few minutes, are you sure you don't want to wait?" The shrine maiden asked
"Sorry, but we have to get back now." Jekyll said
"Very well, he will be safe here." She said
As they say goodbye to the people at the shrine, the Servants told each other to remember to tell the others about the strange creature.
Happy New Year everyone! This year has been awesome and I really enjoyed it! I hope that you guys are too!
This is literally the very first thing I did in 2018

Oh and abou the cat lie, I was writing that part and was having hard time thinking of a lie for the guy when my cat decided to go sit on my feet warmer so I came up with this and the rest is history.

Don't worry about the wing monster thing, I'll explain it in the next chapter.

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