The Sun's Promise

By Exterestrial

192 6 3

After being shot by Eros, Nico starts to develop feelings for Will Solace, his doctor. Everything seems to be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
10 + A/N

Chapter 7

12 1 0
By Exterestrial


I didn't leave, so i'll be able to update like usual


I kissed him back and I could feel the heat radiating between us. We pulled away from each other and he led me inside the tent. If the tent's outside looked nice, then the inside of it was magnificent. Big, fluffy pillows were placed on an air mattress, where an equally fluffy blanket was placed. On the other end of the tent, a tv with a big selection of movies were placed. There were also board games, video games, and even books.

"I don't know what you liked to do, so I brought a lot." Will rubbed the back on his neck.

"Games are nice." I replied while grinning. I walked over and picked one up and set it down on the bed. It was monopoly.

Will sat down next to me smiled giddily. "I'm going to kick your ass at this game." He said.

"No way am I going to let you win.' I replied. I opened up the box and set up the game board. I sat cross legged and got ready to play.


"I win." Will shouts.

I sat there with my mouth open. How the hell? Will looked up at my face and started laughing. I crossed my arms and looked at him with frown and an eyebrow raised. He continued to laugh and held his sides. Shaking my head, I got up and put the game away, then went over to the bed and lay down. I don't know how long we were playing that game, but it felt like forever. I yawned and took off my jacket before throwing it on the floor. WIll turned over to me and ran a hand through my hair.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"You can pick one since I picked the game." I replied.

Will got up and went over to the tv and the movie player. Picking one up he popped it in, pressed play, and came over to the bed. In the time frame that he did such, I took off my shirt and hopped under the blanket. He laid down next to me and I grabbed his hand. He squeezed my hand and got situated, too. The glowing outside dimmed until it disappeared completely. Will pulled me to his side and wrapped an arm around me. His warm hand made me jump and he snickered. I hit him lightly in return and laid my head on his shoulder.

"What movie is this?" I asked

"Unfriended." Will replied.

It wasn't until later in the movie when I got bored. I knew what was going to happen before it happened, it just wasn't original.

I placed my hand under Will's shirt and explored his skin. I liked the warm and soft feeling underneath my hand. I leaned up to his cheek and kissed him. Will sighed in response and I smiled. Will grabbed the remote and turned off the tv, so we were now clouded with complete darkness.

"Nico, may I ask about what it was like in tartarus? I heard Percy and Annabeth talking about it before they left, and it sounded terrible. I heard you went through it alone, and I don't know exactly, but I know from what they said that it was basically something you don't want to go through alone, or at all."

I closed my eyes tight as my memory of my time there came back. My lungs refused to bring in air, probably because of the memory of the toxic air there. I felt Will turn on his side completely and he held my face in both of his hands.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about, I'm sorry for asking. I shouldn't have made you think of it again." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I took in a breath and held it, then let it out and said, "I kind of want to, but I'm scared. Reyna taught me that I should talk about things sometimes, that it will feel a little better, even if I don't want to, or don't feel like it." I told him.

Will sat up against the pillows and pulled me toward him. I sat up and moved in front of him, before laying on my side against his chest. He held onto on of my hands and put the other on the back of my head, and played with my hair.

"Just don't push yourself, okay? Take your time, and if we need to stop, or talk about something else, I'm completely fine with that." Will said.

I swallowed before saying, "It wasn't exactly dark, but it wasn't exactly light, either. The ground was dirt, but in some places, it pulsed and felt like flesh. Some places it was, actually."

Will placed a kiss to my temple and moved his hand that was resting on my head to my back.

"It wasn't hard to find the doors, monsters kept moving in the same direction, but it was hard to try not and get killed. I had to find the Phlegethon, and gods did that river burn," I swallowed at the thought of the burning sensation it left while drinking from it,"I got close to the doors, but I was captured by the two giants, Ephialtes and Otis. After that, I was then placed in the jar and nearly died, again. It's not the best detail, but I don't think I can go that deep."

"That's okay, I'm glad you let me listen." He rubbed my back in small circles. I sighed and replaced my hand back under his shirt. The warmth of his skin calmed me and I smiled a little.

"Will, may I ask what your worst experience was in the infirmary?" I asked. I felt his body tense under mine and I stretched up to kiss him reassuringly.

"I've had a few. Each time, the person I was supposed to be helping, they died. One, I couldn't keep them stable, and their organs just shut down. Another time, I couldn't keep their wound closed and they bled to death. More bleeding to death, and some I just didn't know what was wrong, they just died." He wiped at his eyes and I turned and hugged him.

"Will, I want you to know that no matter what, sometimes death is just supposed to happen, and we can't interfere. It's not your fault. Trust me, I know how death works."

"Is that why you let Octavian do his thing?" He asked me.

I nodded in response. "We couldn't or shouldn't have done anything, it was just his time at that moment."

Will hugged me back and nuzzled into my neck.

"What else do you want to know, Will?"

"What's your favorite food?" He inquired.

"I don't think I can settle for just one, but pomegranate seeds are good." I said.

"What's your favorite time of the day?"

"The moment right before night, when it's golden and the sky is colorful with dark colors." I didn't exactly have a favorite time before, but feeling this way for Will, anything that shined reminded me of him.

"Hmm, what's your favorite type of music?"


We went off and on, asking each other questions, taking turns asking and answering. I yawned and Will yawned with me. I smiled and asked, "Is it okay if I lay here tonight?"

"Are you kidding? Of course you can." Will replied.

I sat back a bit and took of his vest and the shirt underneath. I tossed them away and then placed myself back against his chest.

"You're warm, and it's comforting." I explained.

Will wrapped his arms around me and pulled up the blanket so it covered us. "I'm glad I could be of service." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and yawned again.

"Goodnight, Will."

"Goodnight, Nico."

Will kissed the top of my head before we both drifted off. 

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