Class Crossover!

By BrayanCarvalho

11.9K 200 140

While the UA teachers were discussing the details for the End of Term exams, Midnight had the brilliant idea... More

The Two Brawlers
First Rounds
Light Shadow
The Exams Continue


2K 37 57
By BrayanCarvalho

Holy crap, almost a month later I post something. I'm such a dumbass lmao

Anyway, at the end of the chapter I'll need you guys to answer what I'll ask there, since it'll decide how fast or how slow the story will run. But enough of that. Enjoy the chapter!


-------------------------------------LINE BREAK-------------------------------------

In the next morning, Izuku had already woken up even before the sunrise. Not surprising for him, all in all. It's been like this ever since he started training for One for All a year ago, the regime ingrained on his mind to an incredibly deep level. Not like he could complain, however. The American Dream Plan ended up helping him a lot, not only in strengthening his body but also on the day-to-day problems he faced in school, distracting his mind from the usual scorn.

He held quite a lot of gratitude towards All Might.

Getting up from his bed, he picked up his cell phone and quietly opened the door as to not wake up his mother. Scrolling down some news site, he walked downstairs searching for some hero news. To his disappointment, however, all they had to offer was the usual click bait headline bashing Endeavor and a Mount Lady interview. Deciding on the less toxic news he moved to the kitchen.

Laying down his phone on the table, he went to get a spoon, bowl and cereal then picked up milk along the way. Sitting down the boy poured the liquid in the crunchy food to make his breakfast. He grabbed the spoon and started eating absentmindedly while reading through the interview.

Yuu Takeyama revealed a lot about herself in addition to her name. Favorite food, likes and dislikes, age, social status. Really, who would have thought someone like her was single? Or that of all places she could study, she went to an agricultural school in Hokkaido? Truly, her quirk must have gotten her in some trouble in her early days.

So invested in his reading, the boy didn't even notice he finished his breakfast, that the sun was beginning to rise, or that his mother entered the kitchen until she sleepily called his name.

"...Izuku?" She yawned. He jumped, looking around before calming down.

"Oh, hey mom. Good Morning." He greeted.

"Good morning, honey..." Inko yawned again. She sat down on the other side of the table before picking up the milk and cereal. Izuku quickly got up and picked a bowl and a spoon before placing them right in front of her, effectively stopping her from drenching the table.

And she didn't even notice it.

'Must've stayed up watching TV.' The younger Midoriya theorized, picking up his own bowl and spoon and taking them to the sink. He took a moment to clean both of the items before letting them in a place where they could dry properly. He then looked at the clock. 'Oh crap, I need to get ready!' The boy got his phone and rushed quickly to his room. After he changed he picked up his backpack and went downstairs again.

He looked at the kitchen, seeing his mother was still having breakfast, a tad more awake now. "Mom?" He called, and she looked. "I'll be going now, okay?"

She nodded. "Sure, sweetie. Take care." Inko smiled. "Love you!"

Izuku came into the kitchen ante the mother-son duo hugged each other. "Love you too, mom." The boy then left the house walking calmly to the train station, taking in the refreshing coldness of the morning air.

Now that he was alone, though, the weight of everything that has been happening hit him. He had a new friend. Who was a girl. A very pretty girl. And will be taking a test with him. Him, the living failure. The probability of him screwing them both up was just humungous! He sighed, trying to calm himself down. He and Kendo-san had at least a hundred plans to get over the bots, adjusted appropriately for his power loss. One hundred percent might not be advised in this test, but five percent might just be enough.

And if push came to shove, he could risk ten. It's about time for him to start working on his quirk usage, anyway. Maybe he could do that while he was on the camp?

Something caught his attention. "Huh?" There, just turning around the corner and heading towards the same direction he was going, was Itsuka Kendo. After mulling a little, he decided to catch up to her. "Kendo-san!" He shouted, making her turn around. Her face immediately broke into a smile as she saw him.

"Hey Izuku!" He blushed a little at the first name usage but ignored it, remembering just now the she did the same yesterday. Luckily, she thought his blush was because he was running.

"H-how are you today?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Pretty well actually." The girl replied, stretching her arms. "You?"

"I'm fine as well." He smiled. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you here of all places?"

She snorted, laughing a little. "Dude, what're you talking about? I live here!" She said, pointing backwards with her thumb. He followed and the house he took her to the day before came unto his vision.

"Oh." Oh is right, how the hell did he not notice this? They have barely a block in distance from each other! "I-I didn't realize!"

She laughed again. "Geez, man! Talk about autopilot! You sure you're alright?" Itsuka asked once again. Izuku blushed even more and shook his head.

"I-I'm fine, r-really!" He sighed. "Let's just go to the train, please..." The orange haired girl grinned and complied. Soon enough they were on the station, boarding a train and taking a seat right after.

An awkward silence - at least for Izuku- settle in, and the ninth user of One for All felt a desperate need to say something. When he was about to say something Itsuka opened her mouth.

"Did you see JMN's interview on Mount Lady?" She asked.

"Huh? Wait! I mean, yeah!" He stumbled in his own words. He blushed as the girl gave him an amused look. "I-I would've never imagined things like that from her... Especially considering her debut." He commented. Kendo's eyes widened.

"You saw her debut?!" She asked excitedly. "How was it? How was it?!"

He then started retelling her what happened on Tatooin station that day. How Kamui Woods was about to finish the villain off when the new blonde hero came literally out of nowhere to flying kick the villain away, giving the audience an ass show right after. Itsuka grinned when he told her this part, remembering that he wrote 'cute' on his analysis book entry for her. She certainly had no qualms with teasing him for it.

"Look, all I'm saying is that it's completely normal, man. Everyone has crushes, amirite?!" She laughed, making the boy blush. They both walked out of the train, getting ready to leave the station and head for UA.

"I-I don't have a crush..." He denied. Why did he write that in his book in the first place? Like seriously! His friend gave him a dry look. "I swear!"

"Uhuh, yeah. You keep telling me this lie, maybe by the tenth time I'll believe you." She remarked as they got out of the station.

"I-I'm not lying!"

"You're stuttering, tho."

"I always s-stutter!"


As Izuku recovered from her teasing a bit, they kept themselves silent after their conversation. For some minutes they just walked in silence, though Midoriya was more comfortable now. This time, it was Itsuka who felt the need to ask something.

"Hey, Izuku?" She called, and he faced her, humming to let her continue. "You feeling confident in the written test? I mean, I couldn't really find any will to study yesterday and even if I'm not completely nervous, I'm feeling a bit... anxious, y'know?" The girl asked.

The boy quickly understood her feeling, considering he was like that... Well, all the time basically. However, he felt different in this. "I didn't study either, but I-I don't feel like it's going to be that difficult, to be honest... N-not like I'm bragging!" He added to fix his nonexistent mistake. "I-it's just... I feel like they prepared us enough for it to be decently challenging but not overly so."

"You have a point there..." She admitted, before seeing the UA building in the near distance. She smiled at him and he smiled back, their bond sparking a new trust in the two partners. They felt like they could count on each other for everything despite only knowing themselves for a day.

Entering the building, they headed for their locks, picking their necessary items. After getting everything they walked to the main hallways, talking about what they think the theoretical exam will be about. Though soon they came across Itsuka's homeroom, and as such had to say goodbye for now.

"I-I guess I'll see you later, Kendo-san." He said, still smiling at her. Itsuka winked as she extended her fist.

"Sure, Izuku. I'll see you later!" He extended his own fist as well and they fist bumped before she turned to her classroom door and he headed for his.

When he entered his class, he wasn't surprised to see almost all of them already there. He got out of his house more late than usual, after all. Some of them greeted him, one not (looking at you Bakugou) and he took his usual seat as he waited for the teacher to arrive. A bunch of floating clothes entered a little later and it was then that everyone of the class was in their own.

Listening quietly to his class talking amongst themselves, he could see that they were brimming with excitement for the End of Term exams. And nervousness, as well, since before the "fun" part there was the theoretical test. Right now, they are waiting for the homeroom teacher while chatting about what they were really excited about.

"Just you wait! Me and Kosei are going to melt those rusty refrigerators like they're made out of chocolate!" Mina bragged.

"That's a pretty weird analogy..." Kaminari commented. "Well... whatever. I already got pretty lucky yesterday. Let's see if I can keep the streak today!" This got Mineta's attention.

"Lucky?" He repeated. "What happened yesterday?" The short boy asked, then remembered something. "WAIT! Was it that girl from yesterday?" Denki nodded. "DID YOU GET LAID?!"

He was about to answer when Jirou, who overheard the conversation, started cracking up. "Kaminari, getting laid? Hah!" She chuckled. "Didn't take you for a comedian, Mineta."

"Oh come on!" Denki pouted. They both raised their eyebrows to him as he tried to maintain the façade. He then sighed. "Yeah, I didn't get laid." He told them both, ignoring the 'Told you.' that Kyouka muttered to Minoru. "We hit it off pretty good, though."

Grape Juice groaned. "Even if you didn't get any, you're still so lucky! Wish I was paired with a girl." Said the short boy, looking down.

Kyouka grinned. "Maybe next time, perv." She immediately regretted saying that as he looked back up with literal fire on his eyes.

"YES! Next time for sure!" He said with terrifying conviction, moving to stand on top of his table. "It will be mine, the valley of happiness, and I'll enjoy every second of it! Pressing with care and love each day, I will above all-"

"Sit down because it's time for the test?" A voice suggested from a few meters behind.

"YEAH!!" He agreed with glee. Before he realized what he agreed to and turned around. His face lost color as his eyes met Aizawa's glaring ones.

"Either you sit down in the next five seconds or instead of applying your test I'll strap you on a chair and make you watch BnP for the entirety of the exam." Eraserhead threatened. The class looked confused but Mineta immediately understood, seeing how he blanched even more and started shivering. He sat down so fast it seemed like he teleported.

"Now then..." The Pro looked at each of their eyes then moved to the stack of papers he laid on his table. "I'll be passing your tests and let them turned down. Once I give everyone a test and say 'begin' you may flip it and start. You'll have an hour and a half to answer the fifty questions." He revealed as he started distributing the exams.

Once he was done he gave one last warning. "If I catch you cheating in any way you won't even have to do the practical test. You'll go straight to the remedial lessons." He paused, giving the class an once-over again. "Okay now, begin."

-------------------------------------LINE BREAK-------------------------------------

"It wasn't that bad..." Izuku said as some of the class walked to the changing room to change into their costumes. They just finished the test and as such got to leave the class sooner to prepare themselves. Iida, who was beside him, nodded.

"Agreed. I was led to believe UA's tests were to be challenging, yet so far they haven't been harder than that of Soumei's." He admitted. Every one of the seven students on the group sweat dropped.

"Yeah, Iida... Easy..." Muttered Ashido downtrodden. 'I guess the reality really is different for private schools. I didn't even answer all of them!'

Momo seemed to be on Tenya's boat, sure enough.

When they got to the changing rooms, they separated in two groups. One with Izuku, Tenya, Shoto, Mineta, Tokoyami and Shoji, and another with Yaoyorozu and Mina. Despite Minoru's attempts to go into the girl's room, each group went into their designated doors.

The moment both parties entered their respective changing rooms, they were surprised to find some 1B students already there. On the boy's side there was Sen Kaibara, Jurota Shishida and Togaru Kamakiri, while the girls were Ibara Shiozaki, Yui Kodai, Reiko Yanagi, Pony Tsunotori and Itsuka herself.

There was a slight tension in the male student body's room. As soon as 1A entered, the three 1B students looked in their direction. Sen, with a neutral stare, gazed at each and every one of the six boys as Togaru outright glared at them. Jurota, for his own credit, had a brief analytical look on his face before he respectfully nodded and got back to whatever he was doing before, snapping Izuku out of his own nervous stare.

"Um..." He sounded to draw the attention of his classmates. "C-c'mon guys, we need to change before there's too many people here..." To his relief, they seemed to agree, and moved to their own locks as Izuku nodded to Shishida in appreciation. Meanwhile, with the girls, the situation was quite better.

Yaoyorozu smiled as soon as she saw Itsuka. "Kendo-san! How have you been?"

"I've been fine all around. Really happy with my partner!" She said in response. "You?"

"Just as satisfied! I don't think I should be much worried about failing." Momo then remembered something... or someone. "Oh! I'm sorry Ashido-san!" She apologized to the girl, honestly forgetting she was there for a second. "Kendo-san, this is Mina Ashido. Ashido-san, this is Itsuka Kendo."

"Nice to meetcha!" Mina greeted. Itsuka grinned back as she shook her hand.

"Same here!" She then pointed to the girls behind her. "The blonde with horns is Pony!" "Hiiiii!" "The black haired is Yui." "Hello." "The white haired is Reiko." "Hey, I guess." "And last but not least is Ibara!" "Greetings." Each girl spoke accordingly, waving their own greeting to the two 1A girls. Mina immediately liked the diverse bunch.

"So. So!" She spoke with excitement. "Let's talk about our partners!"

Quite quite well.

Now in their costumes, both groups of heroes-in-training headed out of the changing rooms. As Izuku got into the hallway he was amazed but not surprised to see the girl he was paired with already there.

"Kendo-san!" He called with a smile, and the girl came over smiling as well. He blushed as he felt the curious looks of both classes 1A and 1B, as well as Mineta's murderous stare. Momo came to her side with a raised eyebrow.

"Then your partner is...?" She trailed off as she glanced at Kendo. The orange haired girl nodded, smiling proudly. Creati smiled as well, going to Jurota's direction as she said offhandedly, "Enjoy yourselves!"

"Thanks!" Battle Fist said back, then turned to her partner, noticing his getup. She whistled. "Holy, Izuku! Looking good!" He blushed once more as she grinned and circled around him. "I wonder how you would look with the mask and hood on, though."

"I-it's really basic but I like it a lot..." He commented, trying to wave off his embarrassed face. It worked for a while but then he saw her costume and how it accentuated her... assets. "B-but your costume i-is better, I say. It looks practical and comfortable." Letting her arms free like that might be really useful for her fighting style.

For once, she actually looked bashful. "Thanks. People normally say it's plain and it makes me kind of wanting to make another one. But I'm actually really satisfied, to be honest. It's right up my alley since I don't think I would go well with something flashy." She reasoned.

Izuku nodded as they headed to the front of the school, where they could wait inside their seats in the bus, while talking with each other about what their experience with the exam was.

"I-I gotta say that I expected as much for you, Kendo-san." Midoriya said as she told him how she did in the test. She scratched the back of her head.

"Oh, come on..." The girl muttered, seeing the bus as they turned around the corner. "I'm not that good. You're the plan guy out of us." She tried to pass the focus of the conversation to himself. He blushed.

"B-but your plans are just amazing. Better than mine." She looked at him dryly.

"You kidding me, man? You're like a contingency plan machine!" He had something to say about that.

"Y-you made more than half of these!" He retorted as they got in the bus, not even noticing that they were the first ones.

"You're the one who made them good."

"W-without you t-they wouldn't exist in the first place!"

And they kept at it. For half an hour. Even after the bus had filled in, they were still chatting and placing the merit on one another. They only stopped after Aizawa entered the vehicle and called everyone.

"Is there a complete twenty of you here?"

"Wait, huh? Twenty?" Itsuka asked confusedly as she looked at him. "There's forty students taking the test aren't there?"

The Pro Hero nodded. "And they can't fit all in one bus, which is why there will be two."

"Oooooh..." She sounded, looking a bit embarrassed. Momo, who she didn't even realize was on the same bus, rose her hand.

"Yes, sir. There are exactly twenty." She said matter-of-factly. The teacher nodded, then looked back to the driver.

"We're ready." He told him and after that, he moved to hold on a bar to get balance as the vehicle started up. As the bus began moving, the teenagers in the bus started talking with each other. And for once, Izuku and Itsuka weren't talking exclusively with each other, this time being involved in their classes' chat.

Needless to say, even the more quiet ones were excited to show off their skills again, especially considering the fact that their chances wouldn't be severely screwed if they don't do so hot. Though it apparently was one pair per round so there won't be anyone trying to steal points. This was somewhat worrying for the students, since it led them to believe that the score ceiling was going to be humungous. They couldn't even begin to understand how the scoring system would work.

They could only hope that it wouldn't much more than the entrance exam.

Right now, though they could only raise their heads and battle their way, as any good hero should! And just like that, they arrived at the place they were taking their tests. However, one curious detail called their attention.

In front of the establishment, there were UA teachers. Every. Single. One of them.

Well, every teacher that had combat abilities. But still...

"What are the other teachers doing here?" Mina asked as the bus stopped. Aizawa went to the front before looking at the alumni seated in their places. To her rising dread, the normally stone faced man seemed to smile a little before his expression became neutral again.

"We'll explain when the other bus gets here, but enough of that. Out of the bus." He pointed to the door, making every student rise from their seats. As they filled out, the other bus parked behind them, which made Eraserhead release a low chuckle. He did this just as Mina and Kosei were going by, sending shivers down their spines as they looked at the man in horror.

'Holy shit, we're so dead! They totally tuned up those robots.' Is the consensus that went through their heads.

The heroes-in-training were now near the conglomerate of teachers near the entrance of the exam location, looking to their superiors with expressions ranging from fear to the purest kind of awe. Shouta didn't want to deal with this shit at all, so he ordered the teenagers to organize themselves near their partners. From the corner of his sight he saw Blood King exiting the bus and the rest of the students following suit.

Izuku noticed that his homeroom teacher was looking the other way and followed his gaze to see none other than 'THE PRO HERO BLOOD KING OH MY GOD HE LOOKS SO COOL UP CLOSE!!!' In his happiness he grabbed Itsuka's arm and pulled it gently, not even realizing her rising blush. "Kendo-san, look! It's Blood King!" He called her with stars in his eyes. He felt her shiver in his hand and looked to her only to see her face white with fear.

"Oh crap..." She muttered, confusing Izuku.

"Why do you-"


"SIR, YES SIR!" The 1B students that came on Aizawa's bus saluted, even Itsuka herself. Midoriya looked at the pro hero with fearful eyes.

'He's so strict!'

Then his face broke into a proud grin. "That said, glad you all had the guts to come through. This test is going to be incredibly challenging for you."

Ibara raised her hand. "While we are on the subject, sir, what will be the twist?" She asked, and as King rose an eyebrow she explained further. "We already know from an upperclassmen that we'll be facing the entrance robot, but since we'll be going in pairs and not all at once, there's no reason for us to think we'll have much difficulty in battle." She said with all seriousness, and as such got confused when Blood King started laughing.

"H-ah... Holy crap, telling that third year to spread that info was the best decision I did in this decade!" He shouted with a stupid grin on his face. "Truth is, you're not facing robots." Everyone stood shocked while the teachers tried to hold their laugh. Kan's grin turned borderline psychotic. "You're facing us."

Chaos immediately issued.





"Can I face Midnight?"


More affected than everyone, however, were Izuku and Itsuka.

"...But..." Deku started.

"...Our plans..." Battle Fist finished.

"We spent so much time for nothing?" They both concluded, an empty look in their eyes.

"Now, now, children!" Their Principal's voice came out of nowhere, leaving the students looking for the quirked animal before he suddenly jumped out of Aizawa's scarf. "Let's not be hasty! You won't be facing the teachers at full power." The Pros proceeded to raise their hands, showing some black bracelets on each of their wrists. "We'll be having weights to limit ourselves! You also have the option to either capture us with handcuffs or escape the vicinity in thirty minutes. However, if the teacher makes you both immobilized, you fail! Understood?"

The students started talking between themselves. Izuku, trying to recover, called Itsuka. "K-Kendo-san." When she looked at him, he continued. "W-we're not out yet! We still have plan twenty four, fifty six and sixty nine! W-we can use the three of them and elaborate a bit more to guarantee ourselves a win!"

Itsuka's eyes widened. "Y-you're right!" She smiled cheerfully as she pumped her fist. "They're one of our best! We can still win!"

"Alrighty kids!" Nezu called their attention. They looked at him as he raised his hand. "We'll now be announcing which pair will face which Pro. You ready?" When they nodded, he smiled, though the tone of his smile seemed a little...cruel. "Very well... Fumikage Tokoyami and Reiko Yanagi! You will be fighting against Ectoplasm!"

"A pleasure, you two."

"Equally, sensei."

"Koji Koda and Pony Tsunotori, along with Mina Ashido and Kosei Tsuburaba right after will go against Cementoss!"


"Oh no!"



Cementoss just chuckled.

"Sen Kaibara and Yuga Aoyama, Ochako Uraraka and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, along with Manga Fukidashi and Mashirao Ojiro! You six will be going with Thirteen!"

"Yay, Thirteen!"

"We'll be fighting him, Uraraka."



"Tenya Iida and Kinoko Komori, you two against Power Loader!"


"...I'm scared, Iida-san."

"Me too."

"Togaru Kamakiri and Kyouka Jirou along with Rikido Sato and Nirengeki Shoda against Present Mic!"

"Let's have a good match, listeners! Let me hear a yeah?!"


"...Seriously Shoda?"

"S-sorry, Kamakiri-san..."

"Shouto Todoroki and Ibara Shiozaki against Eraserhead!"

"I expect a lot from you two."


"Jurota Shishida and Momo Yaoyorozu with Mezo Shoji and Kojiro Bondo facing Blood King."

"Let's see you brats giving me a hard time, eh?!"


"Shihai Kuroiro and Tooru Hagakure, Eijirou Kirishima and Yui Kodai! You will be up against Snipe!"


"This'll be so manly!"

"I'm a girl, though."

"Katsuki Bakugou and Neito Monoma!"


"The two assholes, they fit so well!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Bakugou yelled angrily to his peers.

"You two will fight against Midnight!"

"What?" The explosive boy asked. Then noticed Midnight looking directly at him in the eyes.

"Bakugou-kun. Monoma-kun." She called, sending shivers down both of their spines. Her grin became dark. "Let's have a pleasurable time, shall we?"

This is probably the second time in his life Bakugou felt fear.

After the exchange, Nezu began giggling a little, which prompted some students to ask him if he was okay. Before they could, however, the animal started talking again.

"Ahem." He cleared his throat. "Juzo Honenuki and Minoru Mineta, Hanta Sero and Hiryu Rin, Tsuyu Asui and Yosetsu Awase, Denki Kaminari and Setsuna Tokage! You all will be up against myself!"

"Hooooooooly..." Setsuna started. "Um, sir. You sure this will be fair?"


Juzo and Mineta looked at each other, then shrugged. "If you say so." Juzo commented. Maybe it'll favor them. When he gets tired they would be able to win more easily.

"Hey, Mr. Principal?" Itsuka called and the small animal looked at her. "You haven't called me or my partner. Is there a reason for that?" The students around noticed it as well, now. They were the last ones and they haven't even been mentioned. Nezu smiled.

"Of course there is!" When both she and Midoriya looked confused he chuckled. "Drama!" If anything, they seemed even more in doubt. Only for their faces to contort in fear and every other students' in shock after hearing a familiar laugh.

'No way! It can't be, he's unbeatable!' Itsuka thought in desperation.

'Crap! It's because of me, isn't it?!' Izuku guessed as he started sweating in sheer nervousness.

Something heavy, powerful landed in front of the two, and a sea of dust rose from where it landed. They felt the earth shake from the man's arrival, the sheer power exuding from him that could obviously only come from one man in the planet.

The dust cleared out, revealing the massive hulking figure that was a signature of his, in a blue, red and white costume that accentuated every bulging muscle with overwhelming detail.

Out of the crater made from his landing came All Might, the number one hero and currently an UA teacher. With a fierce grin, his clear blue eyes glared at the two heroes-in-training as he struck a pose.

"Do have fear, young students." He declared, his voice booming above the tension the covered the entrance of the establishment. "For I..."


-------------------------------------LINE BREAK-------------------------------------

Soooooooo, that's a wrap! I hope that last part with the names being called out wasn't too hard to read, I can't help but feel weird when I look at it in word format. At any rate, I need you all to voice your opinion: Do you want to see each and every student fighting? Or do you want only some? If the latter, which ones?

Obviously some won't have the same fight length as other because of different powers and abilities, and if I'm doing them all it'll take a while to get this story done, but you guys decide!

Next chapter is going to be Mina, Kosei vs Cementoss and Koji, Pony vs Cementoss, I'll try to get it done before Christmas!

See ya!

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