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Ten minutes after leaving UA, the two brawlers found themselves on a cafeteria near Dagobah Municipal Beach Park, since they didn't have anywhere in mind to rest on. Surprisingly, it was Izuku – the more reserved of the duo – who suggested the place, after a minute of staring in the air and muttering and another of stammering to get his speech out to a ­girl. He still couldn't believe he was out in a not-date with a pretty girl!

Entering the cafeteria, they immediately took a seat as a man that was standing on a counter approached them with a menu for the place, then got back to the counter to stare at nowhere. They looked at each other before shrugging.

Deciding to start the conversation since her partner would be uncomfortable with doing so, she spoke first. "Soooo..." She drawled out. "What are we going to discuss about?"

He gave her a wobbly smile. "I-I was thinking about laying down our quirks first a-and then... then talking about how w-we could use them in conjunction?" He replied/ asked. She nodded, agreeing that it would be a nice way to get something going.

"Well, I'll start then!" She declared. "My quirk is Large Fists. Pretty self-explanatory, eh? It also increases my own strength in the said area... And that's all basically, it's not really all that flashy but I can't really do anything about that, so I'm content with it." She explained. "What about yours? You said it was weaker but it must still be pretty amazing!"

"I-it's not all that, really..." He said. "It's just your basic strength enhancing quirk. I-I can use it to increase my own mobility in order to better utilize my surroundings." Izuku explained. "I can also punch pretty hard. N-not the way I could before but still stronger than a normal punch, like enough to break a wall maybe. I-I swear I'm not bragging, it's just-"

"Dude." Itsuka said firmly, holding his hand in place in a way she hoped would be comforting. Seeing as he calmed down despite the fact that his face had become a tomato, she was confident it worked. "It's okay, man. I know you're not bragging! You were strong as heck in the Festival, like I said before." She assured him. "Strong enough to break a wall, then? As strong as me, maybe a little more. And you're pretty good in mobility as well? That covers my worst weakness." Kendo then reached for her bag, searching for something. Just as she finished pulling a random notebook, she saw Izuku with a small book of his own, writing furiously as he muttered. She watched fascinated as the boy droned on about what she could only assume was herself and her quirk, if the 'enlarged fists' she heard was anything to go by.

He was still going three minutes later, and only stopped when she gasped. He blushed hard once again. "O-oh I'm so sorry it must be s-so weird to see something like this you must think I'm such a-"

"GENIUS!" She shouted starry-eyed, drawing the attention of some people before she settled down with a blush. Quieter, she turned to him once again. "That was such a complete analysis, I don't think I ever saw someone analyze like you do! You're, like, the pinnacle of what I want to be!" The orange haired girl said with a smile. He blushed even harder, if possible.

"Oh, you're just saying that..." Izuku muttered.

"I'm not!" She denied. "I love planning ahead and analyzing stuff, especially quirks! But every time I get to the quirk part I draw myself short because I can't think of many scenarios. I think its lack of creativity or something, but that's not important. What's important is you! Can you show me your stuff?" She asked. There it was again. He put his hands on his face to see if the blush would disappear, and she quickly corrected herself. "I mean your notes!"

He took a few seconds to compose himself, breathing in and out. After doing so, he shakily picked up his book and handed it to her. She muttered her gratitude as she took it then started reading what she had correctly assumed was a page dedicated to her (which, talking in all honesty, flattered her). Immediately her eyes widened, seeing what-if scenarios that never even crossed her mind. Using her strengthened fingers like claws to climb flat walls, punching the ground to make small quakes, maximum size speculations and how to increase it... It was all there, and it was all gold! She couldn't believe how creative he was!

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