Something Fairytale-ish

By ZuzuPet16

807 58 112

This is a series of fairytales... with a Muslim twist. How will Rapunzel let down her hair if she's wearing h... More

Something Rapunzel-ish
Something Snow White-ish
Something Cinderella-ish (Part I)
Something Cinderella-ish (Part II)
Something Cinderella-ish (Part III)
Something Cinderella-ish (Part IV)
Something Cinderella-ish (Part VI)
Something Cinderella-ish (Epilogue)
Something Mulan-ish Part I
Something Mulan-ish Part II
Something Mulan-ish Part III
Something Mulan-ish Part IV
Something Mulan-ish Part V
Something Mulan-ish Part VI
Something Mulan-ish Part VII
Something Mulan-ish Part VIII
Something Mulan-ish Part IX
Something Mulan-ish Part X
Something Mulan-ish Part XI
Something Mulan-ish Part XII
Something Mulan-ish Part XIII
Something Mulan-ish Part XIV
New Story

Something Cinderella-ish (Part V)

25 2 1
By ZuzuPet16

The days passed by quickly and Hanan spent a fruitful week shadowing her uncle for her project. Amu Nooran had showed her and Amina what the life of a doctor was like. While Hanan had been more motivated than ever to pursue her dreams, Amina bitterly accepted that the medical field was just not her thing.

"I'm too stupid, I can't be a doctor!" Amina whined over the phone. Hanan sighed.

"Amina, for the last time, you're not stupid. Not being able to be a doctor does not make you stupid. Believing that, however, is a stupid thing to do, so stop being stupid!" Hanan exclaimed.

"Wow, you're such a great friend!" Amina yelled. "Here I was, looking for some comfort from my dear friend, and this is what I get? More insults?!"

"Yeah, and you're about to get some more if you don't stop fishing for compliments right now!" Hanan yelled back. The two girls panted heavily on each side of the phone.

"Wanna come over?" Amina asked after she had regained her breath as if nothing had happened.

"Sure," Hanan replied, choosing to ignore their little tiff as well. "Oh, but I need a ride. Mama is out shopping and Baba is at work."

"No problem, Noor can pick you up," Amina said.

"Perfect. I'll see you later then," Hanan said.

"See ya," Amina said before she cut the call. Hanan quickly texted her mom that she would be going to Amina's house before standing up and getting dressed.

It hadn't been long before Noor pulled up in her car and honked. Hanan rushed outside and locked the door behind her. "Get in loser!" she shouted as she rolled down her windows. Hanan rolled her eyes before getting in the car.

"Did you just reference Mean Girls? A'udhubillah," she teased.

"Oh hush you, I was with you when we watched the movie and we skipped the bad parts," Noor snapped playfully as she elbowed Hanan in the arm. Hanan giggled and gave Noor a side kiss as a greeting.

"Noor, I've been meaning to ask you something," Hanan said seriously as a question she'd been thinking about suddenly surfaced into her head.

"What is it?" Noor asked.

"Have you talked to Amina yet? You know, about the dance?" Hanan asked.

"I have, but we've got a bit of a problem," Noor admitted.

"Tell me about it," Hanan said. Noor sighed.

"I told Amina that if she didn't break things off with the guy, I would tell our parents. She got scared and agreed, but when she tried to call and break up with him, he threatened her," Noor said. Hanan was shocked.

"How did he threaten her?" Hanan asked.

"The jerk--I don't know how he knows this, but he does--he said that he knew that our community would ostracize her if they found out about Amina fraternizing with non-mahram boys. He said that he would send pictures of the two of them together to everyone that she knew if she tried to bail on him. He's sick, he's mentally ill!" Noor exclaimed as she drove aggressively. Hanan gripped the armrests of her seat in fear.

"Um, Noor, could you slow down a bit, I don't think Allah wants us to return to him yet," Hanan whimpered. Noor lightened her foot's pressure on the gas pedal.

"Sorry, I'm just so angry I could kill the guy!" she exclaimed, extremely agitated, her fingers white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. Hanan sat quietly as her mind slowly formulated a plan.

"I think I have an idea," Hanan said.


Hanan and Noor finally arrived at Amina's house. The two got out of the car and made their way inside the house and to Amina's room.

"Salaam," Hanan greeted as she stepped inside her friend's room.

"Salaam!" Amina chirped as she glomped Hanan. Hanan hugged her enthusiastic friend back.

"Listen, Amina, we have something important to tell you," Noor said, getting right to the point.

"Let me hear it," Amina said.

"You know how Asshole is blackmailing you? I know how we can stop him," Hanan said. "Go to the dance with Asshole. When the time is right, grab his phone and run away with it. Break the sim card and leave the phone somewhere for him to find it. That way all the pictures of the two of you will be deleted and you won't need to worry about him blackmailing you anymore.

Amina thought quietly for a moment. "It's not a bad idea. I'm a good runner, and if I knee Asshole in the balls, I think I'll have enough time to pull out his sim card and break it. Okay, I'll do it," she said.

"Do what?" a loud voice asked from behind them. All three girls turned around to see Amir leaning against the doorway with a cold expression on his face. Everyone was silent for a moment. "Do what?" he asked again, this time more harshly.

"Amir, let me explain," Noor said as she stepped forward.

An hour and a shouting match later.

"Here's the plan. Noor, you're going to tell Mama and Baba that you're taking Amina and I to the movies. Amina, you'll go to the dance with the bastard and get him to lower his guard. When he's defenseless enough, you'll steal his phone and run outside, where I'll be waiting. While you take out the sim card and break it, I'll deal with the bastard if he runs after you. Once we're done, Noor will pick us up and we'll go back home," Amir said. He and his sisters were huddled in a small circle in Amina's room while Hanan was sitting awkwardly on Amina's bed trying to pay attention to funny posts on instagram. It wasn't working.

"Amir, we get it already. Now, could you please leave so that I can spend time with my friend?" Amina asked exasperatedly. Amir sighed.

"Fine. I'm done here anyways. But hear me loud and clear Amina; the next time you pull some crazy stunt like this, wallahi I won't hesitate to tell Baba. And you know how angry Baba can be when we misbehave," he threatened before storming out of Amina's room. Noor and Hanan exchanged awkward looks. They both felt embarrassed for Amina.

"Well, shall we go dress shopping?" Noor asked to alleviate some of the tension that had befallen the room.

"Yes please," Amina sighed glumly. The rest of the day was spent looking for a dress for Amina to wear, and heels and a mask to match it. They finally found a perfect dress, though Amina would have to wear a long sleeved shirt underneath it. It was ice blue and had sparkly sequins on the torso. The blue cloth fell gracefully from underneath the torso and pooled on the bottom, making heels necessary so that the bottom of the dress didn't get dirty. The mask and heels matched perfectly with the dress.

"Well, at least you'll look pretty," Noor said in an attempt to cheer Amina up. Amina sighed.

"Whatever. I just want to get this whole thing over with," she muttered bitterly. Hanan pitied Amina. She wished she could somehow be in her friend's place to spare her the worry. But Amina brought this on herself, and she would have to deal with the consequences of her bad decisions.

Amina would be able to deal with Alex, right?

A/N: Salaam everyone. I know, I know, I finally updated. Please excuse the language in the chapter. I know cussing is haraam, but let's be real, if we were in Amina's situation, we'd be calling Alex a lot of unflattering things. Anyways, this story is almost over, so look forward to that. 


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