Akame ga Creed! ✅

By thethirdnarrator

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{COMPLETED} [Warning: Intense Violence and coarse language. I recommend watching Akame ga Kill if you haven't... More

Akame ga Creed! OP 1
Chapter 1 - Kill The Hooded Assassin
Chapter 2 - Kill The Promise
Chapter 3 - Kill the Conversation
Chapter 4 - Kill the Merchant
Chapter 5 - Kill the Ripper
Chapter 6 - Kill the Brother
Chapter 7: Kill Your Fantasy
Chapter 8: Kill the Time Together
Chapter 9: Kill Absolute Justice
Chapter 10: Kill The Generals
Chapter 11: Secure and Protect
Chapter 12: Kill the Responsibility
Chapter 13: Kill the Bounty Hunter
Chapter 14: Kill the Hardships
Chapter 15: Kill the Offer
Chapter 16: Kill Your Fears
Chapter 17 Kill Your Crisis
Amphiaraus Contingency #1
Chapter 18: Kill the Intruders
Chapter 19: Kill the Painting
Chapter 19.5: Kill On Sight
Chapter 20: Kill the Disguise
Chapter 22: Kill the Puppets
Chapter 23: Kill the Tragedy
Chapter 24: Kill the Destiny (Part I)
Chapter 25: Kill the Destiny (Part II)
Teaser for Vol. 2
Akame ga Creed! Season 2
Akame ga Creed! Zero???

Chapter 21: Kill the Story

810 14 0
By thethirdnarrator

Major Jack Stone POV

I came to visit my sister and her husband in a village on the outskirts of the Capital when they gave me news about her pregnancy. I was sitting on a chair that was beside my sister.

"Brother, are you sure you haven't run into any danger beats on your way here?" My sister asked.

I shook my head at her. "Even though I haven't encountered any danger beats on my way here, you should still listen to your husband. It's too dangerous out there, especially when you're pregnant." I said to her as her husband nods in agreement.

A tall, muscular, human-like creature crashed through the wall behind my sister's husband and bit his head off. I stood up from my seat and grabbed my rifle beside me, shooting the creatures head with an entire magazine until it fell dead onto the ground. My sister was screaming in horror. I strapped my rifle around my back and took out my revolver, grabbing my sisters hand and ran out of the house.

Tatsumi's POV, The Capital

"Where the hell is Ezio? We're supposed to have a meeting." Najenda asked. Everyone including myself shrugged.

"He told me he will be trying out his teigu. He didn't say where though." Chelsea answered.

I was standing next to Akame, I turn to look at her, "do you know where he is?" I asked her. Akame turned to me and shook her head, "nope." She answered blankly. I sigh to myself, we hear footsteps coming from the hallway as Ezio entered the room.

"Well speak of the-holy shit!" Lubbock blurted out.

We all looked at Ezio who was stained with blood. Most of us were disgusted by his appearance, while some were bothered by the stench.

"Sorry, I'm late. Ran into some ugly creatures." Ezio chuckled, I pinch my nose to keep the horrid stench from coming up my nostrils.

"That's what we'll be talking about." Najenda continued, "this new breed of danger beast is causing havoc across the Empire."

Ezio looks at the boss with crossed arms, "why don't we just let the Imperial Army and the Jaegers take care of the problem?" He suggested. Najenda rested her chin on her metallic hand.

"That's what I'm suggesting. If we do let them take care of the danger beast problem... we'll be able to take care of other targets without their interference."

Ezio snaps his finger at her and clicks his tongue, "exactly." While the others and I looked at each other, I notice Ezio leaving again.

Time Passes (Wave's POV)

I was in a room alone, sitting on a chair. I hear the door creak open and suspected my comrades. But instead, it was General Jibaku.

"Greetings, Wave." The General greeted.

I stood up from my seat and bowed to him, "General." General Jibaku nodded at me, allowing me to stand up straight again.

"What brings you here, General?" I asked.

"I came by to ask about your progress with the extermination." He answered.

"We have killed most of the new breeds, but we still assume there are still more out there. Is that all sir?" I asked.

General Jibaku shook his head. "I've seen you have a 'special bond' with your comrades." He said.

I look at him with a confused expression, "yeah... what do you mean, sir?" I asked. General Jibaku sighs and grabs a chair, taking a seat. He gestured for me to sit down. I did what he requested, taking a seat in front of him. "I couldn't help but notice you have a romantic bond with Kurome." What he said caused me to blush beet red. I wave my hands at him defensively, "w-with all due respect sir, but I think you got it all wrong." I stuttered. The General just stares at me blankly, "I'm never wrong." He said seriously, making me freeze.

"Let me tell you a story, Wave." He said. I relaxed and began listening to him. "There was a soldier I used to work with... his name was Haru, he's a great warrior, and a good man... was a good man." Jibaku continues, "he had a family: a wife and three little girls. He started noticing the evil and corruption of the Empire, his comrade tried to convince him to join the Revolutionary Army with her. Like what I said before, he was one of our best in the service. When the Prime Minister found out, he knew it would be a waste to kill him. So he ordered elite soldiers to come to his home to kill his wife and take his children." I was shocked at what he's telling me. I knew the Prime Minister was evil, but what he did to his best soldier was cruel. But the story wasn't over yet. "After they took his family. He took his own life." Jibaku ended.

I gulped and looked at the floor. "Don't make this story convince you to join the revolution, but to encourage you to keep your friends alive." The General stood up from his seat and walked towards the exit.

"Keep her safe." He said before leaving. I was left alone in the room. Thinking about what he told me.

A few minutes later. Kurome entered the room. "Hey, Wave." She greeted with a smile on her face. I looked up at her and smiled back.

"Hey, Kurome... can I ask you something? You don't have to answer it if you don't feel comfortable talking about it." I asked.

Kurome walked towards me, "why? What do you want to ask me?" I look at her, "do you know anything about your family before you became an assassin?" I asked. She looks at me, her smile fading.

"Sister told me they sold us." She answered.

I look at the ground then looked back up at her, "are you sure?"

Kurome looked at me with a raised brow, "are you okay?" She asked concerned. I shook my head. I didn't answer her.

Is that really the truth?

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