7 Minutes in Heaven

By KaiHeart15

1M 15.9K 6.1K

Jemma Song is Little Miss Priss. Nate Stanford is Mr. Player. She doesn't drink, party, fight, smoke, do drug... More

7 Minutes in Heaven
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 2
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 3
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 4
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 5
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 6
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 7
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 8
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 9
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 10
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 11
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 12
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 13
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 14
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 15
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 16
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 17
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 18
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 19
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 20
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 21
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 22
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 23
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 24
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 25
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 26
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 28
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 29
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 30
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 31
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 32
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 33
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 34
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 35
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 36
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 37
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 38
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 39
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 40
7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 41 ~ Finale
Frequently Asked Questions
Sequel/Spin-Off Link!

7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 27

20.3K 335 218
By KaiHeart15

A fairly long chapter! Hope you like it! xD And please give me some feedback!



“I so beat your ass,” I remarked proudly.

Nate shot a glare my way as he huffed, defeated, “Bitch.”

My jaw dropped, arms folded across my chest with a brow raised. “Excuse me?” I questioned darkly, though there was a small hint of me simply teasing him about it.

“Shit, I’m so sorry, babe,” he said hastily, trying to apologize. His face was painted with shades of regret, but I still wanted to mess with him. Nate reached over to pull me in for a contrite hug; however, I simply moved away from him, feigning a look of disgust. “I said I’m sorry.”

The corner of my lip twitched as I turned away from him. God, I just loved teasing him; I simply loved it when he’d suddenly get all worried and flustered. It was so freaking cute.

When I kept up with the silent treatment, he scooted over, resting his chin on my shoulder as he asked, “What do I have to do to get you to forgive me?”

I slowly turned my head to see him pout, his neon blue eyes pleading. As a result, my face started to redden with heat. A small smirk started to creep up his lips, but I ignored it. I narrowed my eyes at him as I whipped my head around and away from him.

Nate gave a soft whimper—I wasn’t sure if he was playing along or if he was seriously this sad about it. I highly doubted it was the latter. His arms slowly wrapped around me from behind, pulling my back to his chest; I fought the urge to break into a smile. His face nuzzled up to the crook of my neck, breathing my name smoothly, “Jae-Hwa…”

I bit my bottom lip before finally turning my whole body to face him and plant a kiss on his lips. “You’ve already been forgiven,” I replied.

He smiled a little before muttering, “Works every time.”

I thwacked his head with my hand and his face scrunched up. “You cocky little bastard,” I hissed.

“Hell yeah I am,” he proclaimed pompously. I rolled my eyes, poking him in the ribs.

Nate let out an unfamiliar and eccentric laugh; it unlike any laugh I’ve heard from him. It was a cross between a girlish giggle, a girly scream, and a male’s evil laugh. My eye twitched slightly before I broke into laughter. “What the—what the hell was that?!” I asked in between laughter.

His face tinted a dark tint of pink, hanging his head low, discomfited. “Shut up…” he mumbled. My laugh finally subsided, but that stupid smile was still plastered on my face.

“Aww,” I cooed, cupping his face. “It’s so adorable when you’re embarrassed.” He shot me a look. “What?”

“Don’t call me adorable.”

I rolled my eyes. “I forgot; you’re those kinds of guys.” I heaved a flippant sigh, “You guys and your ‘man pride’.”

Nate merely deadpanned for a moment before responding, “What’s wrong with that?”

“You can’t let your girlfriend dote on you?” I snapped. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it. His eyes bored into mine, as though trying to communicate with me telepathically. I straddled his hips, my arms wrapped around his neck as I deadpanned. Finally, he sighed in defeat. “There we go,” I teased, pinching his cheeks as though he were some five-year-old. In response, he tweaked my nose. “Admit it though. I beat your ass.”

“It’s just a game,” he said dismissively.

“Says the guy who just lost to a girl two years younger than him in Call of Duty,” I quipped. Picking up the PS3 controller on the coffee table, I looked over at him and suggested, “Mind if I show you the results? Because I clearly remember me killing you countless times—and I suck at this game.”

Nate stubbornly disregarded it. “That was just beginner’s luck.”

“Oh come on, I’ve played this game with you for about a month, babe.” It felt weird on my tongue and lips to say that word. I made a face afterwards in which he shortly raised a brow in response.

“I was going easy on you.”

“If you were going easy on me anyways, why bother saying that it was beginner’s luck earlier?” I snapped.

He let out an annoyed huff. He hated to admit defeat just as much as I did—maybe even worse. Nate’s clenching jaw caused a muscle to jump slightly and the intensity in his neon blue eyes increased.

“Come on. Four words, it’s that simple, Nate. It’s not going to hurt your man pride—if you seriously think you have that.”

“You’re an idiot, Jae-Hwa.”

I thwacked his head again; he smirked impishly. “That’s not what I want to hear!” I retorted.

“Well, you weren’t very specific, babe,” he sneered. I glared at him. “How does ‘I love you, Jae-Hwa’ sound?”

I rolled my eyes. Always got to be the difficult one, doesn’t he? “I love you, too, Nate, but that’s still not what I’m looking for.” Nate gave me a bemused look as though he had no idea what I was talking about. “Don’t play stupid with me, Nate Zachariah Stanford.”

“Oh shit, she’s pulling out the big guns, calling me by my full name. This must be some serious shiz,” he mocked.

“This is serious, Zachariah.”

His face contorted in disgust. “Ew, don’t call me by that. It doesn’t suit me. Besides, normal people would say Zach, but that doesn’t suit me either.”

“Not until you admit it.”

“It’s not even that serious.”

“But I just want to hear you say it!” I griped. He still didn’t budge. I raised a brow. “Fine, then I’ll call you by your so-called ‘loser’ nickname from early elementary school.”

“Oh, fuck no. Please, anything but that.”

“I’m going to say it.”

“You’re not serious.”

“Oh. I am.” A devilish smirk crept up my lips. “Now admit it or I’m going to say it.”


“It’s not even that funny,” I pointed out.


“Ugh, just admit it!” He hesitated. “Gus.”

“Gah! God damn it, Jae-Hwa!” My smirk widened. “Why’d you do that?”

“You’re not admitting it. You’re taking forever. It’s not even funny! What I don’t get is why they called you that in the first place.”

“One: I was a sore loser.”

“Well duh.”

Nate narrowed his eyes at me. “Second: they couldn’t think of some gay-ass name that isn’t used very often.” I nodded my head slowly. “I should never have told you… And besides, I said this to you last week.”

I merely shrugged. “I just wanted to hear it again.”

He let out an annoyed groan. “You just love to mess with me, don’t you?” I broke into a smile, a small chuckle following.

“Now admit it,” I demanded.

He heaved a sigh of defeat. “You kicked my ass in Call of Duty—I have been revoked of my CoD title as…BeastMaster201 (I suppressed a loud round of laughter) and champ in this apartment. My sorry ass has been kicked by a girl about a foot shorter than me, two years younger, and a completely wild, stubborn, annoying, crazy, and smart-ass prude.” I shot a deadly glare at him.

“How the hell am I a prude if we”—

“Okay, then a prude—oops, I mean, Little Miss Priss—that doesn’t drink, smoke, sleep around—though lost her virginity to me (a sly smirk came across his lips)—party, or fight. This girl I lost to is also a very moody, snappy, bitchy, and touchy Asian.”

“I’m going to freaking shoot you in the head if you continue on,” I threatened flatly.

“She’s also,” he continued, and a gentle, sweet smile was displayed on his face, “very cute, beautiful, cute, and amazingly sweet and caring.” Nate pulled me in closer, our foreheads touching, our breaths mingling. His gaze was soft, tender, and loving. My cheeks were probably burning under his radar. “She’s my girlfriend, and I love her very much. The best part?—she loves me too. She goes by the name Jae-Hwa Song—nicknamed Jemma—and sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve her one bit.”

A stupid smile dared to show on my face, but at that moment, I didn’t give a crap. I grazed my lips against his, taunting him. “Like I said, you’re such a romantic.”

“The Notebook rubbed off on me.” I rolled my eyes. What a lame excuse. “But you love me anyway, right?”

“Of course,” I breathed my answer. He broke into a relieved smile. I gently tugged at the ends of his hair as I noted, “You’ve changed…a lot.”

Nate fidgeted anxiously. “Is that a bad thing?”

I shook my head. “You changed for the better. But of course, you’re still the stubborn, arrogant jerk that I know. I’ve learned to put up with it; besides, you’ve got that sweet side.”

He smirked. “Ignoring that last note, it’s like I said. The good always go for the bad.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not so sure if I can call you ‘bad’ exactly. You’re only screwed up because”—I stopped myself short, realizing that I’m stepping into dangerous territory. When I saw his cheerful and laughter-filled expression shift immediately to one of grief and somberness, I died a little inside.

However, just as quickly as he got into it, Nate snapped out of his depressed state. And he dismissed the unspoken subject about Anna completely. “You never know, I might’ve turned out that way regardless.”

Before we could carry on the conversation any further, my phone rang out “Underdog” by You Me At Six.


“Yeah?” answered I, ignoring the close-to-laughing face Nate pulled up.

“Where are you?” he asked.

“Jackson’s,” I lied easily. Smooth as ever. From the corner of my eye, Nate gave an impressed, approving nod.

“Okay. Well you need to finish whatever you’re doing over there because it’s almost eleven.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, come on, Em. It’s Spring Break.”

“Yeah, I know. Therefore you have more time to hang out for the rest of the week. It’s only Monday, Jemma.”

Heaving a sigh of reluctance, I exchanged glances with Nate for I knew he could hear the conversation adequately enough to know what we’re talking about. “Fine…”

“All right, I’ll see you in ten, right?”

“Yeah,” I mumbled before hanging up. Looking over my shoulder, I merely said, “Let’s go.” He shrugged, standing himself off the couch before taking my hand and leading me to his car for him to drop me off.

“Can I visit you tonight?” Nate asked as I stepped out the car, parked idly a block away from my house.

After closing the door I, peered my head into the open window and answered, “No…sorry, Nate. But you can tomorrow night, okay?” He pouted slightly and I added, “Just to be on the safe side.”

He rolled his eyes at that. “C’mon, we’ve been doing this for—what—a little over two months?”

“Those first two weeks were because of your damn persistency,” I snapped.

“Fine…then two months. And there’s only two more weeks until our two month anniversary.”

I smacked my head lightly. “Oh yeah, almost forgot about that.”

“And I thought I was supposed to be the guy in the relationship,” he teased with a smirk plastered on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him before retreating from the window and strolling to my house. “Goodnight,” I heard him call out. Looking over my shoulder, I flashed him a smile.

There was that thick, suffocating silence that filled the house. I wasn’t sure what to think of it. The lights were on in the kitchen and living room, but not a single sound dared to resonate. I slowly walked over to the living room where Emmett was sprawled across the couch with an open book lying on his face.

Approaching him, I examined the slow, steady rise and fall of his chest. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt and gym shorts; he was reading some Physics textbook. No wonder he fell asleep. My hands reached out to lift the textbook off his face when he abruptly sat up, the book landing right on his lap.

I jumped back in surprise, letting out a short shriek. He let out a hearty and amused laugh. “God damn it, Jung-Hee!” I bellowed. That impish grin still remained present on that stupid face of his. I clouted him on the head as I shot a glare his way. “You scared the freaking crap out of me! Never do that again or I swear I’ll”—

“Chill out, Sis,” he interrupted coolly, a trace of laughter within that tone of his.

“We’re not little kids anymore!” I carried on angrily.

Emmett rolled his eyes carelessly. “So? That doesn’t mean anything, Jem. I just felt like having that thrill of scaring my little sister again.”

“Asshole,” I spat.

His eyes widened a little for a fraction of a second before. “Watch your mouth, Jae-Hwa.” I shut myself up before saying anymore. “But lighten up, seriously. You’re back to that snappy side of yours.” He rolled his eyes. “I don’t see how your future boyfriend is going to deal with you.”

Or current boyfriend…I thought.

Emmett stood from the couch, and I couldn’t help but stare at him. Those questions started to wrap around my mind again. I still wondered if he suspected anything about Nate and me. Daily, I’d get those mixed signals. One moment it’s like he’s completely onto me; the next, he’s being the typical Jung-Hee Song: careless and only being protective when needed. This was one of those careless IDGAF moments.

He looked right back out me with a blank expression across his face. “What you staring at me for?” he asked dully. I merely shrugged, turning my back to him as I headed to the staircase. Before I could reach the fifth step from the bottom, Emmett called after, “Wait.” I peered over my shoulder. “Do you have anything planned tomorrow?”

My eyes rose to the ceiling in thought before replying, “Yeah. Jackson, Alice, and I are going to Fye.” That was the truth.

He fidgeted uneasily. “What about Gibson?”

Crap. I totally forgot about him. I face palmed myself. “Uh…well Jackson and Alice will be at my side at all times so it won’t be too much of a…problem.”

“Just be careful,” Em warned.

“I know, I know.” He shot me a small, crooked smile before I vanished up the stairs and into my room.

* * * *

I prepared myself to face that six-foot dirty blonde with green eyes. I just couldn’t help but imagine a million different scenarios on how Thom would react to my coming back to Fye after two months. He would either try to pull moves on me again, shoot me terrifyingly threatening looks, or he’d see me as a mere customer. And I was so hoping that it was the third option above all.

As for my wardrobe, I dressed myself in a simple pair of dark blue denim jeans, a white Aéropostale t-shirt, a light sweatshirt and simple black Vans. My hair was tied into a messy bun, and my face was completely natural. By the time I got downstairs, Jackson held a disappointed expression. “Why you no dress pretty?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re forgetting that my almost-molester works at Fye.”

Jackson drew in a long breath; Alice smacked his arm. “You see?” she snapped. “I knew we were forgetting something about this.”

He heaved a sigh. “Well…we won’t be there too long. We’ll be right by your side, okay, Jemma?”

I held a doubtful look, and so did Alice. “I’m not so sure about this…” I hesitated.

Alice bit her lip, not able to think of anything else to say, other than, “Then let’s not go to Fye.”

I shook my head. “Nah, I’ll manage, actually. Really, Alice, I can,” I added just before she began to open her mouth to speak.

She raised a brow. “Are you sure?” I gave a firm nod, and she sighed. “Okay. Just don’t regret what you said the moment we enter that store.”

“I won’t,” I assured her before heading to Jackson’s Volkswagen.

When I stepped in, I got a better look at what Alice was wearing before finally realizing the sudden flair in her outfit. My mouth gaped a little. “Ali,” I gasped, “why you no dressed in typical Alice Maury style?”

She rolled her eyes. “You, Jackson, and those ‘Y U No’ statements…I swear.” Jackson and I flashed her impish grins her way which she dismissed casually.

“Answer my question though,” I urged eagerly.

“Well,” Jackson began, “if you must know, dear Alice Maury is”—

She impulsively shut his mouth with her hand. Alice looked at me with those dark brown eyes, debating on whether or not she really wanted to tell me. After blinking blankly at her, she hung her head low and heaved a defeated sigh.

“Riley Watson.”

I did a double take, and my eyes widened. “No. Way.” Alice nodded her head fervently. “Holy…when did this happen? How? Tell me everything.”

Jackson rolled his eyes teasingly. “Typical girl talk,” he scoffed. Alice flicked his forehead and he scrunched up his face. “Jeez, Ali, I’m driving!”

She ignored his remark, focusing her attention on trying to explain everything to me. “Well…let’s just say that after you rejected him—uh—a long time ago when Lily introduced you two, he started talking to me.”

“Let me just say that they hit it off almost immediately,” Jackson interrupted, brows waggling. When we reached a stoplight, she shoved him in his seat.

Anyway,” she continued, clearly getting more annoyed by the minute, “we just had a normal conversation. At first, he seemed a little disheartened towards the fact that you clearly rejected”—

“Well, he said he didn’t feel much for me either, so”—

“What I’m trying to say is that he felt used because you were basically forcing yourself to like him—deluding yourself—just so you could get Nate out of your head.” I sunk in my seat a little. “And I did what I could to cheer him up. One thing led to another, and the next thing I know, he gives me his phone number. Every other day he’d text me, asking how I’m doing, what I’m doing, and if I was free on any particular day.”

“So he asked you out on a date?”

Alice opened her mouth as though she was about to agree to it, but closed it, shaking her head. “No. It was more like hanging out with him and his friends. I mean, sure there were some instances where we were alone, but it didn’t feel all…date-y I guess.” She took a deep breath before explaining the rest. “Just yesterday he confessed that he liked me…a lot. I uh”—she fidgeted, which I thought was adorable considering that that wasn’t Alice’s natural character—“I said that I liked him a lot, too”—

“And bam! He asks her out on a date!” Jackson interrupted enthusiastically.

“Jackson!” Alice scolded.

He turned to her. “What?” he asked, feigning innocence.

“I’m telling the story.”

Jackson shrugged. We both stepped out of the car in unison right after parking. “What’s wrong with making a bland story, told by a bland girl, spiced up and making it more entertaining by a pretty epically awesome guy?” He jerked his thumb toward himself, nodding in approval.

“Don’t get, so full of yourself,” Alice hissed.

“But you know it’s true, Ali dear,” he teased.

She rolled her eyes dismissively. “Whatever.”

Jackson smirked. “I bet the moment we drop you off to the movie theatre, you’ll jump into Riley’s arms and pour your heart out.” Then he enacted in a falsetto voice, “Oh, Riley, please take me away from this awesome man because you’re no match for him”—

“That makes no fucking sense,” she spat coldly. “And I don’t sound like that.”

“—and after this date, take me away so we can go in your low-rider and ride into the sunset, with your tongue shoved into my mouth like the animal you are. And most of all make me yours!

“Oh that is it!” she roared.

And right in front of the main entrance of the mall, she pinned him to the brick wall next to the door. Her foot was planted on his back, and she put as much force as she could until a small whimper escaped his lips.

“Take it back, Jackson. Take. It. Back.”

“Okay, okay!” he surrendered. “I’m sorry…” Alice finally let go of him; he whipped around to face her, his left cheek slightly red. He glared at her, but his expression softened in an instant. “It looks like your man is here.”

Alice looked like she was about to slap him, but she fought the urge to and turned to face Riley with a bouquet of flowers. I refrained from going “aww” towards the romantic atmosphere the quickly replaced that deadly aura that had once seethed from Miss Maury.

Jackson tugged at my arm. “C’mon. Let’s leave the two lovebirds to themselves before they end up doing public sex.”

I rolled my eyes, biting the inside of my cheeks to suppress a laugh. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Yeah, I know,” he shot back, sounding arrogant.

What I wasn’t expecting was for Thomas Gibson to not be there. Rather, my neon blue-eyed, messy dark-haired, defined eight-pack boyfriend stood there behind the register. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor. “What are you”—

“I got him arrested.”

My eyes widened. “I didn’t think he’d”—

“Well I honestly didn’t think he deserved to get let off easy—it bothered me like hell that day so I reported to the police about it.”

A smile grew on my lips. “You’re so sweet,” was all I could say. From the corner of my eye, Jackson was gagging. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Jackson continued to gag. Nate gave a low chuckle. “You’ve got a…interesting friend right there.”

I rolled my eyes. “He’s an idiot.”

“I heard that!” Jackson called out, pretending to sound hurt. I waved a hand dismissively towards him.

“Anyway…you took his job?” I asked. He gave a nod. “Why?” Nate shrugged. “Wow. You’re specific,” I said sarcastically.

He smiled. “Well…I just thought I’d give this job a shot.”

I asked, “And?”

“Boring as hell,” he answered straightforwardly. “I don’t know how Gibson does it.”

“Me neither.”

“So…” he began, his voice getting all low and serious, “I can still visit you tonight, right?” I bit my bottom lip anxiously as I gave a nod. My cheeks were numbing with heat, and I felt my heart race faster and faster. Nate leaned over the counter, the tip of his fingers slowly and gently brushing my skin, trailing down my jaw and neck.

Almost immediately he retreated. “What’s wrong?” I asked, perplexed. Nate cleared his throat, his eyes indicating that she was here.

Michelle Rauling.

My stomach churned and twisted at the thought of her. What made that wrenching feeling even worse was when she was a step behind me and threatened, “You better not be getting all over my man.”

Nate rolled his eyes, clearly just as annoyed with her presence as I was. “I ignored you for—a good two months,” he responded coolly. “I’m not your man.”

She heaved a sigh. Michelle advanced towards him and ran her hands down his shirt to where his chest and eight-pack would be. My face was flushed, and my jaw clenched so tight, I felt a muscle jump. My fists were tightening, and the urge to punch her square in the face was so high. But I couldn’t do anything without her getting a thread of an idea that Nate and I were together.

“What’s with you?” she asked, trying to sound all seductive as she pressed her body against his. My eyes eventually became deadly slits, and Nate had this expression of utter discomfort. “You haven’t been to any parties lately. I hear you stopped sleeping around. Why’s that, baby? Tell me.” She put up a puppy dog face, and I almost advanced towards her when I felt a pair of arms hold me back. Jackson.

I whipped around to face him. “I’m going to fucking kill this bitch,” I muttered hatefully.

“Get off me,” Nate hissed. When her arms started to wrap around his, he shook her off him. “Get the hell of me!” he snarled.

Michelle’s face fell, but before she could bother to speak, she stormed out the store, pressing her hands to her face as though she was about to cry. What. A. Drama Queen. Behind her back, I flicked her off.

Nate slumped in his chair behind the counter and buried his face in his hands. “God, I wish she’d just leave me alone!” he groaned, agitated.

I meandered around the counter so I could wrap my arms around him from behind and press my face against his back. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to kick her ass,” I said, my voice muffled.

There was a slight shake; he gave a low chuckle. “And you have no idea how badly I wished you did.” I smiled.

* * * *

“So…” Jackson began, brows waggling, “how’d it go with Riley?”

Alice bit her lip as she stepped into the Volkswagen. “It was…” she trailed off, trying to find the right words to describe it, “…amazing. It’s hard to say, really.”

“Aww…” we cooed.

Jackson asked, “Did you two kiss?” She gave a slow nod. “How long?” he continued to interrogate.

“A minute,” she mumbled.

“Now that’s some intense shiz right there,” he said in a half-teasing, half-serious voice. “Anyway, so get this, Thom actually got arrested.”

She did a double take. “What? Are you serious? When’d it happen?”

“It happened two months ago.”

“No way, I had no idea.”

“Neither did us,” I said. “And Nate took his spot.”

Her expression was even more surprised than the first. “Nuh-uh, really, are you freaking serious?”

“Oh yeah,” replied I. “I had no idea either. You know what the worst part was though?”


“Michelle Rauling.”

The three of us shuddered and gagged in unison.

“What did she want?” Alice groaned.

“Oh, the usual,” Jackson explained, “she was trying to get Nate in her pants. He rejected her again, and she ran out the store like the crybaby drama queen she is.” He rolled his eyes in disgust. “But you should’ve seen Jemma! She was full-fledged jealous. She was about to go all rage on her! In a way it was so hilarious. She was about to kick her ass!”

“You should’ve!” Alice said.

“Right?” agreed Jackson.

“Well, sometimes violence is not the answer. But yeah…I wished I did.” I heaved a long, aggravated sigh before easing into a much more relaxed appearance. I directed my talking at Alice, “So back to you, are you two together?”

Alice shot me a look. “Why else do you think we kissed?”

“Ya’ll were caught in the moment?”

She rolled her eyes. “We’re not like you and Nate—no offense.” I still deadpanned towards her mentioning of that. “But he asked me out, I said yes, and we’re now boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“You two are so adorable,” Jackson and I commented. She smiled, bit her lip again in nervousness, and hung her head low to hide that obvious blush.

“Well…yeah…I guess…” she mumbled.

I shot her a smile, but Jackson blurted out disappointedly, “No! That means that there’s yet another friend busied up with their significant other! We’ve already lost Alex and Lily.”

“Technically, we didn’t lose them,” I began, but he cut me off.

“Well, they’re so busy going on dates that they don’t have time to hang out with us.”

“They’re a couple madly in love, Jackson.”

“But you’re still available to hang out with.”

“That’s because me and Nate’s relationship is supposed to be kept secret from everyone else but you, Alice, Alex, and Lily. So we can’t go flaunting around our relationship in front of the public and everyone starts a rumor—ahem, Michelle—and she’d try to ruin me.” I ran a hand through my hair. “In all honesty, if Michelle and Emmett weren’t obstacles, then I wouldn’t care if this went public.”

Jackson heaved a sigh. “Still though…they should at least make time for their friends…” he muttered dejectedly.

“I know…we miss them, too,” I said.

“Well,” Alice began, “our relationship isn’t going to be like that; I can promise you that. Don’t worry; friends go before boyfriends/girlfriends.”

Again, Jackson heaved a sigh. “I just wish those two would understand that…”

That thickening silence had indicated that the feeling was mutual.

* * * *

The revving of Nate’s car came to a halt. I slowly slipped out of bed and quietly snuck downstairs where I turned off the alarm and unlocked the door for him to enter my house. Nate closed the door behind him, and all I could see was a silhouette. Other than that that was visible to me were his illuminating blue eyes.

“Hey,” he greeted casually in a low, hushed voice.


He flashed a smile at me before closing the gap between us. We were chest to chest, and I felt his hands rest at the curve of my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck for our foreheads to be pressed together. The exchange of our warm breaths gave us that strong urge to kiss.

I wanted so badly to taste his lips, for him to hold me so close, for him to love me in such a way that I had confidence he’s my one and only. Those neon blue eyes that sent spark of electricity up and down my spine. They taunted me. I wanted to be his again—I wanted that experience again. But I wasn’t sure if he wanted it just as bad as I did at the moment.

Nate’s lips grazed down my neck, and my breaths became jagged pants; I bit my lip to suppress a moan of utter pleasure. His hold on me tightened, and I reclined my head for my neck to be more exposed to his lips. His face nuzzled into the crook of my neck where I felt him, bite the skin.

“Oh my God,” I blurted out, “a, love bite?”

“Mm-hmmm,” he hummed. His lips trailed back up, and I shivered a little before his lips came into full contact with mine.

Our lips parted, and they moved in sync, in perfect rhythm. Nate picked me up and my legs instinctively wrapped against his waist. And before we could go any further, I asked in between kisses, “Let’s go—all—the way.”

He smiled against my lips, giving me his answer. Nate picked it up by roughening the kiss; he bit my bottom lip and a loud moan escaped me. His tongue was shoved into my mouth, and another loud moan escaped the both of us. My hands worked their way to take off his shirt, and once his chest was unclothed, my hands roamed his eight-pack. His hands weaved through my soft curled hair, and they slowly brushed down to the hem of my shirt.

One of his hands snaked under my shirt, reaching for one of my breasts, and he groped it. “Oh my God!” exclaimed I. He gave a low chuckle. “That’s not funny.”

“I just love your reactions,” he teased.

I couldn’t stay mad at him for long by the time his lips crashed onto mine again. I longed for more than just kissing, and my body was ready to take this to the next step for the second time—for our bodies to be pressed against each other, for the two of us to become one.

But just when my shirt was lifted up midway, the light flickered on, and a furious voice boomed:

“What the hell do you think you’re doing with my sister, Stanford?!”


Dun, dun DUUNNNNN!!!!! xD

Oh shiz, what's going to happen next?!

Teaser: Hell is going to break loose! All I got to say... xD And you may be in for a big surprise...maybe

Vote, comment, fan, and I encourage you to please give me some feedback (I'm entering this in the Watty Awards 2012)

Until next time...

Give this story a total of 300 or 350 votes for a quicker update! (I know it's a little much, but please?) xD

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