Perfectly, Imperfect

By CatOppp

13.1K 623 155

I tried to escape it all by disappearing. I was kept away by my undeserving loyalty. I stayed away to protect... More

#1 Preston
#2 Jerome
#3 Lachlan
#4 Mitch
#5 Rob
#7 Test Failure
#8 Bacca and Benja
#9 I Feel You
#10 Escape
#11 The Sound of Water
#12 Race to Freedome
#13 Conflicting Emotions
#14 Out of Time
#15 Hidden Secrets
#16 Goodbye, For Now
Living Specimen File #3
#17 The Pits
#18 An Old.....Freind?
#19 Bound by Loyalty
#20 Building Flames
#21 GoldenEye's Criminal
#22 The Dragon's Rath
#23 Pure Derermination
#24 It's You!
#25 Invisible Scars
#26 They Just Don't Learn
#27 Long, Long, Long Walk
#28 Buring Scales and Wet Fur
#29 Floaties Not Included
#30 Bound No Longer
#31 Dog Pile
#32 You're Who?
#33 Final Countdown
#34 He's Stronger Than You Know

#6 Vikk

442 19 0
By CatOppp

(Unknown POV)

When a man came into the orphanage looking for a young boy, I didn't expect what happened next. I was originally really exited to finally leave the orphanage. I had been there since I was a baby, and most of the kids were really mean to me. I'm just sad that none of my few friends didn't get to come with me.

"Where are we going!?", I excitedly ask while bouncing in my seat. "I'm taking you home. Don't worry about a thing, you'll love it there", the man says from across from me. He wears all black and sunglasses, so he must be some sort of super cool spy. Maybe I can be a spy with him when I get older. "Can I call you dad?", I ask out of the blue. The man stiffens up, before saying, "Uh-, Um.... why don't you just call me Danial for now?". "Ok Danial!", I chirp, "How long till we get there? What color is your house? Do you have any pets? Do I have any siblings?". My constant questioning seems to make the man uncomfortable, and I just assume that it's because he's never adopted someone before.

I watch out of the carriage window at all the trees that go by. We're riding down a dirt road, with no buildings in sight. It's starting to creep me out. "Danial? How far away is your house? This road looks creepy", I whimper. "Don't worry Vikk. We'll be there soon. I live out in the country. It's really pretty their", Danial says while tightly gripping the bench arm rest. "Okay....", I mumble. Warning bells are starting to go off in my head, but I'm sure that it will be fine.

We ride for while longer before the carriage turns off. Trees block my view of the building I can just make out. Daniel gets out of the carriage, and I quickly jump out and follow him. "Now Vikk, make sure you stay close to me. Don't wander off", Daniel tells me. I nod my head and stay close to his side. I'm bubbling in excitement at finally having a real home. I look up to see Daniel biting his lip, and I get slightly nervous.

We finally get around the trees, and I stop in my tacks. In front of us is a large, white building. There are no windows, and a wide moat encircles the entire thing. I can only see one entrance from here. Daniel nudges me forward, and I slowly start to walk again. "Daniel? What is this place?", I ask with my voice full of fear. "It's your new home. Don't worry, you'll be........ fine", he says. His hesitation was enough for me to make my decision.

I quickly turn and bolt back towards the road. Daniel shouts and starts to run after me, but I know I'm faster. I slip around the trees, already remembering the rout we took to get here. I don't see the person in the trees till it's too late. I'm tackled to the ground and pinned down. I wiggle and shriek at my attacker, but he's too heavy for me to escape. I fight as much as I can while my attacker manages to tie my feet together. He does the same with my hands as Daniel runs around the trees. "Good job for catching him. I didn't think he'd be that fast", he huffs. The person grunts before picking me up and sliding me over his shoulder. I continue to shriek and kick. I manage to hit him in the face before he throws me to the ground. I cry out as my skin scrapes against the ruff pavement. My arm bleeds from the impact. He then drags me by the rope around my feet, drawing even more blood. Little rocks and clumps of dirt collect in the cuts as I'm dragged. I whimper in pain and fear. I can see Daniel watching from a few blocks away, before going back to his car. How could someone be so cruel?

I'm taken into the building, where a group of people in white coats are waiting. A hospital bed on wheels waits nearby. I whimper and cry even more as the situation sinks in. The people turn and smile at my captor. "I see that you have the newest subject. Daniel must have actually done it. I'm surprised he didn't freak out once he got here", one man says. "He tried to run before he got to the doors. That's why he's so banged up. Nothing serious, and awake like you wanted", the person dragging me says. I'm grabbed by the arm, and I immediately start fighting again. I kick and swing my arms around widely, panic ruling my mind. "This one sure is a fighter. No wonder they're usually nocked out", a women says while grabbing my leg. It takes all of them to subdue me and tie me to the bed. A tight strap is over my shoulders and chest, my lower arms and torso, and one last one going over my lower legs. They also quickly force my head to the side and put a strap over my forehead. It's almost impossible to move, but boy do I try. One person put their hand just a little too close, and take the opportunity to bite them. They yelp and pull their hand away. I taste blood.

I'm wheeled down a long hallway, everyone now keeping their limbs far from my mouth. They stop at a room towards the end. They all push me inside and step back. A man that was waiting in the room steps forward. His presence is kind of disturbing. He holds a clip board and rights things down. He pokes at my arm with his pen, and I growl at him. He laughs before turning to the person I bit. "What number is this one again? I keep forgetting", he asks. "Number 307, sir. And number 45 for this particular test. So I'm the 307th experiment in this place? And they've done what they're about to do to me 44 other times? "Let's hope that 45 is the lucky number, then", the man replies.

He holds down my head as he unbuckles the strap. He grips my head and turns it at a few different angles. He then takes a permanent marker and starts making marks on my skin. I hiss and try to move away, but his grip holds. "We'll make the cuts here, here, and there", he says to the people around us. Wait...... they're going to CUT OPEN MY FREAKING HEAD!? I double my efforts to move, and mange to slip his grasp. I bite down on his hand hard enough to draw blood. He doesn't even flinch. Instead, he slaps me across the face. I let go and jerk my head away as the pain hits me. "Now now, that's no way to behave. Be good, or else this will be more painful then it has to", He scolds me.

He makes more marks on my head, also marking my hands and writs. When he's done, he orders everyone else out of the room. I start to hyperventilate when he digs through the drawers. My fear and panic explode when he draws out a knife. I see him start walking towards me before my vision gives out and I faint.

(Time skip)

I slowly wake up still tied to the bed. My vision blurs as I hear voices talking around me. They become clearer, and I strain my ears to listen. "....... and he's still alive. I don't know if it worked till he wakes up, but he's made it farther then most people we've tried it on". "He looks pretty dead to me. He might be stuck in a coma". "Uh..... guys? I think he's awake". My vision clears, and I can see the three of them looking at me. I glare at them, obviously.

"Looks like he survived! And he must not be feeling too bad if he still has the energy to resist us", says the guy who cut me open. I can feel the bandage on my head. "I wonder if it finally worked? No one has woken up without brain damage till now", the women says. "How can we test it? Not like we can just ask", the last man says. This is when I see a pen sticking out of his front shirt pocket. I stare at it in thought. How nice would it be for that pen to stab his chin. I know it's morbid for me to think, but being kidnaped can really open a person's eyes.

As I continue daydreaming about the death of the people around me, the pen suddenly flies up. It pierces straight through the man's jaw, and out through the top of his head. Just like how I imagined it. He falls to the floor, dead. I stare at the corpse along with the other two 'doctors'. Whatever they did to me, it gave me powers, I guess. Now to get out of these ropes. The remaining people whip towards me as I stare at the ground a few feet from them. I have to move. Get out of these ropes. I suddenly feel a lurching feeling in my gut, like my insides are being twisted up. Goosebumps break out all over my skin. I feel my feet hit solid ground, and stumble over to the wall. I just teleported!

The man and women stare where I just was, then frantically look around the room for me. The man spots me first and tries to grab me. I stumble out of the way and mange to fall right into the women's arms. I kick and scream at her, then manage to teleport away again. This time, I'm not so lucky. I land awkwardly on my side, bruising myself. The man instantly grabs my leg and plunges a needle in it me. I shriek and try to teleport away, only to have fiery pain explode in my head. I whimper and stop trying to teleport. The pain goes away, and the the man snickers at me.

"That should last for a while. Now you can't use your powers until the serum gets diluted in your blood. Your much easier to move, now", the man says. He picks me up, and kick him in the gut. He drops me, but quickly grabs my legs and ties them again. He mutters while dragging me out of the room. I still squirm and flail around. I'm thrown into a room that's lined with obsidian, except for an air vent on the ceiling. I'm thrown in, and I hit the wall. "Now, this room is lined with obsidian. You can't break it without a diamond pickaxe. As long as there are no breaks in the obsidian, then you can't use your powers once the serum wears off. We will come collect you in about an hour for testing. Have fun~", he says. He slams the door, and I'm left alone.

I squirm up into a sitting position. Now what? I suddenly hear a light thudding. It's getting louder every time I hear the sound. What the heck is it? It sounds like it's right above me!? Then it stops. I sit and listen closely, but I don't hear it. Something drops from the ceiling, I screech back in fright. It has white wings and tail, with golden horns and spikes on the tail and wing tips. I then see that the rest of him is human. He has light blond hair and blue eyes. His eyes are locked onto mine. "Hi!", he suddenly chirps, "My name's......... Lachlan, I think. But I was trying to find other people here". His happy attitude eases my nerves, and I say, "My name's Vikk. I was taken here from town and cut open. I think the people here gave me cool powers. And you look like a dragon! How cool!". "They hurt you? That means we need to escape!", he says. "Now let's figure out a way to escape", I say. "Ok, how about we-", Lachlan starts, but is cut off by the door slamming open.

(A/N longest chapter I have ever written.....)

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