My new life full of secrets...

By Xoxo-Ayishaa

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Lexi her brother Mason and their family friends Dylan and Shane are all moving to LA from Seattle for a fresh... More

My new life full of secrets...Lies...and werewolves: prologue
chapter 1: Coming Home
Important A/n Need 2 read Tanx
chapter 2 - We dance on
She is the only girl in the world to me: Chapter 2 diffrent P.O.V
chapter 3 - I want
Chapter 4 - What The Hell !!
Chapter 4 Aiden P.O.V - She Make's Me Wanna
Chapter 5 - i have not killed him luckily!!!
chapter 6: Unexpected fun!!!!
chapter 7 : Idiots and ICE CREAM
chapter 8 - i'll call the cops - losers
chapter 9 - long time no see
Chapter 10 : Beach time!!!
Chapter 11 - In my head!!!!
chapter 12- its bigger than a puppy!!!!
chapter 13 - Quality time for the first time hehehe
Chapter 14 - the odd family reuninon
Chapter 15 - Don't go
Chapter 16 - I'm luvin it! (MC Donald's I'm loving it!)
Chapter 17 - Last christmas????
Chapter 18 - Taken
chapter 18 - Tell me a lie
Chapter 19 - Who You Are
Chapter 21 - The Motto

Chapter 20 - Can't Say No

484 5 1
By Xoxo-Ayishaa

Hey wow its been a while aint it. So this chapter is really long sorry for leaving you readers out there for so long but i am determind to finish this story!

I dont really wanna ramble on but if you can could you please check out my new story for the first time its a rom/com and really diffrent from this although only the prolouge is up i wanna make that my best yet!

Song has nothing to do with the chapter alhtough its featured in the chapter haha and i freakin LOVE conor maynard! Banner i made within two minutes just now at like half two in the morning.

Here is the new chapter

Please vote or comment tell me what you think thanks and the story hasnt been edited yet well all of it hasnt and this chapter has only had a quick proof read so if you spot any mistakes please tell me thanks


Chapter 20

Can’t Say No

Lexi - Point Of View

“Well…” he started “We can just talk about it tomorrow” His nerves got the better of him as he started to twiddle with his hands.

I raised my eyebrow a little confused and nodded slowly why is life so confusing I’m young life shouldn’t be confusing for a few years yet and I should be having fun and living life at the moment.

“Alright I'm just going to go get some food” they all nodded and I walked towards the kitchen. 

I could feel everyone’s eyes following me… it was so awkward. I went straight towards the kitchen not making eye contact with anyone clear to the fact that I am in a room full of like werewolves that creeps me out a little.

 I got some Oreo’s and chocolates and a few other stuff from the cupboard and then walked back. Still all awkward and everyone was Still looking at me with poker faces plastered on their faces. 

When I was in my room I closed the door and leaned against it since when was life so freaking complicated?

I put all the stuff on my bed and decided to look for a few films or a film that we can watch. I went on Netflix and looked through some films. I started with comedy and saw Kung Fu Panda 2 can’t say no to that.

“Hey what film you have chosen?” Dylan asked walking in.

“Kung fu Panda 2” I grinned. He knows that Po is mine!

He shook his head in amusement “I got drinks” He said holding up a bottle of Coke and Fanta, Big bottles.

“Are they all talking in there?” I asked as he locked the door.

He nodded “Yea, Was well awkward”

“I know but I'm confused so nothing new”

“Nothing new, really I can’t believe you just said that”

“You should it’s me where talking about here”

“Yeah true that”

“Soooo… you know, did you hear anything they were talking about?” I asked quietly

“Little nosey ain’t ya?” He teased.

I shrugged “Well I don’t really give a fuck at the moment cos I just found out my life has been a complete lie and a fucked up joke so it’ll be interesting to find out other people’s business” I answered.

He started to laugh “Why are you taking everything so easily?

“Guess it ain’t sunk in yet” I answered with a small shrug.

“Do you know what you going to say to everyone? Like the human everyone?” He asked

I shook my head “Dunno I guess I’ll just wing it but there’s so much to talk about and like what if my brain explodes or something?” Honestly I am really upset and I feel like I won’t be able to trust them anymore.

He laughed more “It’ll all still be in your head don’t worry about that and no I didn’t hear anything”

“Was it just completely silent?” I asked

He shook his head “They asked what I was doing I said getting stuff for us and they said she already got food so I nodded and got a few drinks then Mason asked if we were sleeping in the same bed I said most likely then they all went quiet and I walked away”

“Could you read their faces?” I asked.

“Pissed off honestly I think I've been hanging out with you to much cos I felt like laughing loads”

“Should’ve I love being different when it’s all awkward and serious but this isn’t like a really bad serious so it can pass.”

“No they probably would’ve killed me it was bad they can all be so fucking intimidating!”

“Oh well then its good you never” He nodded

“And that Aiden guy he looked like he wanted to rip of my head!”  He whispered.

“Well when I was leaving the room to get food I heard them talking and they said something about me and, me being Aiden’s mate or something but I dunno what they mean and I'm really confused and yeah”

He rose an eyebrow and started to think. “It kinda makes sense when you where gone he was like really freaking out and at one point they went to have like a private conversation in the kitchen he was really pissed and some other stuff”

“What other stuff…?” I asked curiously

“If you never come back within 24hrs then they would go get you back and kill em’ all”

“Who else heard?”

“No one but guess one of my many talents is eaves dropping unlike you”

I shrugged “Oh well I can get outta anything”

“What by being stupid?” I asked

“Pretty much yea?”

“Well that's rude!” I said hitting his arm he shrugged

 “Fuck of the truth hurts babe”

“I ain’t talking to you no more so you go get mad and talk to yourself!” I yelled but wanted to laugh and he could see it.

“I know where they flying saucers are” he said bluntly.

I looked at him then within seconds I literally flew at him and pinned him down “Where are they?” I asked.

He started to laugh like loads like I swear he’s having a laughing fit. 

I glared at him “Tell me dumb ass or I’ll go raid the cupboards” I said

“You’ll just embarrass yourself!”

“Pftsh and what” I got up walked towards the door opened it walked past everyone who was giving me wired looks straight into the kitchen then heard Conor Maynard song ‘Can’t say no’ play really loudly from my room FML I always sing to this and it’s like my weakness!

I ignored it and went through the food cabinet got a stool kneeled on it and went through the cabinets “Girls, girls, girls can’t say no never see them coming just watch them go…” I sang while pretty much chucking things anywhere.

“What you doing..?” Shane asked

I turned around so fast I fell of the stool and landed on my ass. “OW you fucking bully why’d you throw me of for ima kill your sorry ass as soon as I find my flying saucers.” I yelled. I think I’ve finally lost it!

“Lex are you alright what the hell just happened? What are you doing?” Mase asked. 

I looked up and everyone was looking at me.They all looked slightly bewildered. Like this wasn’t normal pftsh they cant think they’re all freaky big monsters. A.K.A Werewolves.

“Well I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this!”

“Did you just hear what you said? You probably don’t.” Shane said shaking his head at me.

“Yeah I do I mean where are the flying saucers cos I need them now if I don’t get them I'm cry and then like go out and buy some more”

“At this time of night?” Mason asked.

I nodded “Desperate measures for desperate needs”

HE shook his head “I don’t know where they are” Whats with all the head shaking?

“Well that's nice ima go looking for them” I got up and looked around where would Dylan hide them. 

I looked around the climbed back on the chair again stood up and looked at the back of the top shelf in the cabinet.

 Found them I giggled a lot reached out to grab them then the stupid stool twisted sideways.  

Nearly losing my balance I yelled “FUCK YOU STOOL!” and stepped on the work top to keep my balance. It might not be hygienic but it’s for my own safety.

I grabbed the flying saucers and tried to safely get back onto solid ground so I jumped.  

“Lexi…” Shane said slowly.


“Are you sure you’re alright when you where gone you didn’t bang your head or anything? Did you?" he asked

“I probably did but why would you ask that”

“Cos the people are fucking physco’s” Ash snorted.

“Language” His mom said scolding him.

“Sorry but its true”

“I think I'm going to go I have my flying saucers” I said walking towards my room which was now strangely quiet. Oh where has Conor Maynard gone to?

“Try not to do anything to hurt yourself” Shane yelled after me.

“No promises” I yelled back while walking in and shutting the door.

When I did I felt the flying saucers being taken of me I looked at Dylan he had them and was smirking.

“Thanks for these but I don’t really like em’ I think I might just kinds flush them down the loo”

“Do that and you’ll be a dead man walking” I threatened

“Pftsh like you’d do anything to me”

“I will if you hurt my lovelies”

“You sound like a paedophile”

“You’re the one kidnapping them you’re the paedophile”

“Ewww have them back bitch” He said handing them over to me.

“Ha I always fucking win”

“Yeah yea wanna watch the film now?” HE asked

“Yea I love that panda gosh!”

We went and sat on my bed and switched the film on. While we watched it we ate lots and lots and lots. The film was amazing when it was done I was still wide awake.

“Dylan is it just me or are you still feeling like really hyper?” I asked.  

“Nope it’s defiantly not just you next time we should cut down on the sweets”

“Hell naw wanna go for a drive?”

“What” He asked sitting up.

I looked at him “Wanna go for a random drive lets go crazy streets are dead this time of night or morning cos people are out partying” I said reading my alarm clock which read 3.30.

He jumped up “Let’s go then” I nodded and grabbed some shoes already wearing hoodie and sweats not going anywhere special. 

He went into his room through the bathroom and got some shoes and a hoodie then come back put them on I got my phone, keys and IPod he done the same and grabbed some money then we both walked out of my room.

When we did we saw everyone was still there the only ones awake were David, Mason and Ashton.

“Where are you two going?” David asked

“Pftsh what makes you think we’re going anywhere?” I asked

“I dunno cos you got your keys and your shoes on”

“Oh well we are just making sure that…” I hesitated to think of something “I got nuffin Dylan you can start talking”

“We’re just going out to…” HE started then froze looking at me “fuck I ain’t got nuffin either”

“Honestly I don’t think you should go out at this time at night and the last time you went out at night what happened” Mason asked.

Fudge that's a good point “But we’ll be in a car and I’ll be behind the wheel” I said

“What’s that suppose to mean?” Ashton asked

“She’s a kickass driver”

“You’ve not been driving that long though” I looked at Dylan he looked at me and we both burst out laughing.

“What you all laughing about? How long have you really been driving for?” Mason asked narrowing his eyes at me.

“Over Two years ” I answered after we calmed down.

“What but how but what..?”

“She’s been driving since I have!”

“You could’ve crashed or gotten hurt or some shit like that” Ashton said a little loudly which caused everyone to wake up.

“Well we never”

“Why do you wanna go out driving at this time anyway?”  Mason asked

“Cos we just watched kung fu panda” 

They all looked confused and everyone who woke up we’re even more confused.

“Kung Fu Panda” Mason asked like he’s never heard of it.

“Yea you know a big fat panda that saves the world and the one Lexis in love with” Dylan says.

“Why that? Out of all the films in the world you choose that?”

“Cos it’s fucking amazing!” We said simultaneously.

“Oh my gosh”

“So we’re going to go now bye” I said and we walked to the door.

“Where you going?” Shane asked now fully awake.

“For a drive mase explain bye” We both walked out

“What they all doing awake?” He asked


“We must’ve piss them of”

“Yea oh well lets go” We walked down to the parking lot and got in my car that he bought here earlier.

“Music..?” He asked

I nodded and started to drive out “What song are you choosing?” I asked

“We are young” I grinned at him. And started to drive down the empty roads.

“Are we going anywhere in particular”

“Well how about we go to an all night shop that sells ice cream and get and slushies and get brain freezes!”

I grinned “Yeaha we ain’t like everyone else and gonna get drunk we fucking turn to ice cream!”

“I know right” We drove to the wal-mart. It was easy the roads where clear and when I parked up we ran inside and went straight to the freezers.

“What flavours?” He asked

“Chocolate and you chose the other”

“Alright vanilla” 

We got them then got the slushies. 

“So where do we go after this?” He asked

“You know the cliffs we usually go to sometimes.”

“Yea… but it takes agers to get there”

“I know but it should take about 15 minutes less now”

“Good point lets go”

 We went to pay and the lady at the counter said 

“A young couple getting ice cream not drinks there’s a first” ME and Dylan looked at each other couple?

Then we started to laugh 

“What’s the matter?” She asked

“I'm gay” Dylan said.

“Oh…” She said awkwardly turning red. 

Not far behind us we heard something fall over. We both turned to see Shane and Aiden. What the Hell?

“Fuck…” Dylan muttered.

“Uh huh” I said

“That’ll be $5.60” The cashier said

“Here keep the change” I said throwing her a tenner. 

She took it and I grabbed the bag 

“Come on Dylan” We quickly walked outside towards the car.

“Oi Dylan when the fuck where you planning on telling me you were some fucking fag?” Shane snarled from right behind us we turned and he grabbed the top of his shirt and slammed him into the car.

“Shane stop it” I said with my voice raised to him he still had Dylan. They both looked really angry.

“Guess I wasn’t, knowing you would act like this” Dylan said through gritted teeth.

“What do you think I was going to say, I'm fucking disgusted in you Dylan I never expected this from you”

That was so harsh!

“Shane shut the hell up and get away from him” I said with anger.

“Why I find it disgusting and he should know”

“Even if you do find it disgusting you should support him he’s your younger brother the only biological family he has left and the same goes for you”

“No he’s not family to me anymore.” Shane said letting go of him. And walking away.

“I don’t give a shit Shane, I don’t care what you think anymore your just the same as them your a lying git and I fucking hate you” Hatred was thick in Dylan’s voice.

Shane gave one look at him the swung for him.

“SHANE NO” I yelled.

But too late he punched him square in the jaw. Dylan fell down there was that much force “Shane come on” Aiden said tugging at him arm giving me an apologetic look.  

 I quickly went over to Dylan who was getting up “Oi let me look at that” I said quietly grabbing his chin. It wasn’t that bad but still how dare he hit his own brother.

I looked at Shane who was being held back by Aiden and his eyes where glowing while glaring at Dylan “You are such a low life how fucking dare you hit your own brother for being gay after everything you’ve been through you still punch him for a minor thing like that”

“Cos he disgusts me” He spat

“Well that works two ways, I’ve always looked up to you but now I know what you’re really like”

“Well that will teach you a lesson not to trust people then won’t it” He snarled getting all in my face.

“Shane that's enough” Aiden growled finally speaking. 

He looked really angry while Shane was glaring at me. Then he got loose out of Aiden’s grip and walked away.

“I’m really sorry Dylan are you alright?” Aiden asked now avoiding my gaze.

“Yea I'm good thanks”

“Alright I'm going to go now” HE said then walked after Shane.

“Dylan here put ice cream there it should help the soon to be swelling”

He chuckled “Thanks”

“No problem”

I smiled at him then got in the car. The journey to the cliffs was nice silent and peaceful, music was on quietly.

When we did get there we looked over the city it all looked so beautiful.

“Come on I've got blankets in the back from last time.” We sat on the hood of the car leaning on the glass and I sat with him whilst we ate our frozen foods.

“Thanks lexi for being there for me” He said looking at the sky.

I cuddled up against his arm more.

“No Dylan thank you, I've went through so much last night and you’ve helped me through everything you’re always been there for me”

“Always and forever us”

“Yeah… always and forever. No matter what.”

“These next few weeks are going to be hard and awkward your life won’t be the same again” He said.

“I know I mean I dunno what I'll do later today when I need to talk to everyone and you're going to be with me but then Shane's going to be there  and how about when I see Mr and Mrs. knatcher. I just got told they're my family and that kinda is awkward cos I've known them my whole life and all." The trust issue was still going through my head being lied to and everything like that.

He nodded "Calm down us two can forget about it all yea were going to go to the cinema the dance and nandos and have a day to ourselves  forget about everything just me and you yea" 

 "You are so amazing you know" 

"Well I don't like to brag or anything" I chuckled 

"Yea yea well I'm not trying to boost your ego here or anything" 

"Come on its been bruised already today"

 "Yea don't worry about him he'll come around" 

"I don't care he ain't my brother I haven't got any family left" 

"Dylan you know I would choose you against the world right, you’ll always be my family" he nodded 

"Yea you’re my family"

"We sound like a couple" 

“Haha I know" 

"The suns going to come up now" 

"I've never seen the sun come up" 

"Neither have I" 

"Guess something good is coming outta today" 

"Yeah I know and this reminds me of the song chasing the sun" 

"Its better so much better now" he started to sing 

"See the light Touch the light we're together now" I carried on

"Its better so much better now look to the skies give me life were together now" 

"We've only just begun Hypnotised by drums until forever comes you’ll find us chasing the sun"

He smiled softly at me "people always see the sun set but never rise" 

I nodded "I haven't Slept since the train and that was only a little bit and I was so restless." 

"You look like your gonna pass out now" 

"Okay" I mumbled closing my eyes. Then I think I fell asleep with Dylan. 

"Lexi, wake up" someone nudged me. I mumbled something and got a little closer to Dylan then reality come to me I was on a car.

I quickly got up and looked around we were still on the car the sun was up high and Dylan started to move around when I got up.

"Stop moving" he mumbled. 

"Thought you just woke me up" I whispers still sleepy. 

"No it was me" I heard Mason say. I turned to see mason and Ashton and Aiden and some other guy I dunno all of them only in ripped trousers. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked 

"Just wake him up and get in the damn car" Mason said pissed off. 

"I'm guessing Shane told you?" 

He nodded "Yea and we want him to move out everyone agrees" Mason said.

"Everyone meaning..?"

"Me and my family" Ashton said Avoiding my gaze. 

"Fine you know what we'll go and get our stuff and leave" I said

"You're not going with him" mason said with anger in his eyes. 

"You can't tell me what to do I don't care anymore Mason." I said annoyed. 

"Just hurry up get home and get rid of him" 

Then they all left without another word. After a few seconds Dylan spoke up "You really going to come with me?" Dylan said. He sounded upset he was about to cry. And he never cries he’s always the strong one now its my turn to be strong for him.


"Thanks most of my things are in my dorm and everything else is there and at Matt’s" 

"Alright then are you going to call him and tell him what happened?" 

He nodded "I will now in the car"

We got the things and got in the car. I started to drive and he called Matt and put it on loud speak. 

"Hello" a sleepy voice answered. 

"Hey matt sorry did I just wake you up?" Dylan asked 

"Hey baby yea but It don’t matter what's up?" he asked 

"Shane knows…" 

"Cool what he did he say?" 

"Well be found out by following me and lexi at 3 in the morning and be the called me a fag and punched me then he pretty much disowned me" 

"Fucking cunt" Matt yelled. 

"Yea now he's kicking me out and none of them want anything to do with me" 

"What about lexi" 

"Well if they kick him out I'm moving to" I told him 

"Alright loads of your things are here so you won’t have much to sort out" 

"Yea I know and in our dorm I don't need to get much" 

"I do..." I muttered 

"Are you staying at mine tonight" Dylan looked at me then answered "no cos lexi isn't ready to talk to Tina and Dom yet alright" 

"Sure that's no problem later"

"See ya matt" then he hung up. 

"Thanks" I whispered

"Anything for you lexi and thanks for sticking up for me" 

"Dylan I will always stick up for you" 

He nodded as I was driving back nearer to the beach there was still over fifteen minutes left of the drive. 

"How much of your things are you going to take?" he asked

"I dunno probably enough to fit in one suitcase and a duffle bag" 

"Cool and we'll stay in a hotel tonight so once we've got everything we'll go  check in Sort ourselves out then we can do whatever" he said 

I nodded “Do mason or Shane put money in your bank account?” 

"No but all your money is, right" 

"Yea we'll use mine to annoy them and use their money" 

"Guess we can go to some nice expensive hotel?" 

"Four seasons? " I asked 

He nodded "Yea anyway why don't you park up nearest to the doors yea" I done as he said and when we got there I was lucky there was a space there. 

"My cars at Matt’s." he said

"Alright then" I parked up and we both got out as soon as we did Shane and Aiden’s dad where at the door. 

"You've got an hour Dylan" he spat his name in disgust. I rolled my eyes. And we both went up. When we walked in there were a bunch of strangers there awkward. 

"Who are you?" some guy asked. 

"She was the one that got kidnapped and he is the one who needs to go" David said. 

They all looked at Dylan in disgust and me in shock. 

"Come on" I muttered. We both went to our rooms and I grabbed a suitcase and started to put loads of my clothes in there. After fifteen minutes Dylan came into my room. 

"I'm done and ready to get away from this shit place" he had red brimmed eyes. He's been crying a bit...

"Dylan you alright?" I asked walking over to him and wiping a few tears that had just fallen.

He nodded "yea don't worry about it" he whispered. 

"Well that's a lie... I know you Dylan, now tell me what's wrong?" 

He shrugged and sat on the edge of my bed. "Why won't be except me? He's my brother we've been there for each other forever and lately he just dropped me like when we were younger we were so close now he's ashamed of me, he's the only biological family I have left and now he’s gone I hate it people always leave me I feel so alone" he whispered. 

I walked back over to him upset with what he said "Dylan" I whispered softly running my fingers through his hair "I promise you I will never leave you, we are family I promise I would choose you over anything" I said honestly.

 He looked up I smiled warmly at him and hugged him. He hugged back "Thank you so much, but you can have a life a family why are you choosing me?" 

"I trust you I'll always choose you and I know I can have a family but I don’t trust any of them they lied to me my whole fucking life and I don’t know what to think but I know I’ll always have you?" 

He hugged me tighter then let go. "Come on let me help you" 

"Alright can u just get a bunch of my hair things and I just need to put a few more clothes in the suitcase and shoes then I think I'll be pretty much done" 

"Alright..." he got up and went to get a bunch of things I quickly shoved loads of things in my suitcase and a lot of shoes. When I filled the suitcase along with DVDs and other stuff I put a bunch of things In there and closed the thing. It was very full.

I done the same with my duffle then I looked around. My room looked empty I only had a few things. I grabbed my bag that I take everywhere then looked At Dylan who was lying down on my bed asleep. We've been here for forty five minutes. 

"Dylan come on, I'm ready to go now" I said waking him up. 

He groaned And sat up whilst rubbing his eyes "I wasn't asleep I was half way there bitch" 

"Man up and get over it we can go now though" 

He shot up "cool come on" he said smiling but I don't think it's a true smile. 

"Sure Dylan come on" he grabbed my suitcase and his duffle I grabbed mine while we were leaving he quickly whispered to me "act like the suitcase is mine" I nodded and we left. 

"Good it's about time you left" Shane snarled when we came in their view. 

"I'm happy to be leaving" he shrugged like it didn't bother him walking to the door. The same people where here "Where are you going' Shane asked me in a different tone. 

"With Dylan, where else?" 

"No you need to stay here Lexi you're not going" Shane said with authority. 

"Shane I'm going and no one is going to stop me" 

"Lexi if you’re not careful I'll call Mason and he'll make you stay" 

I rolled my eyes "Bye Shane" 

"Lexi..." he warned 

We ignored him and walked out. "Lexi get back here now" Shane growled from the door way. We were by the elevator and looked at each other "Go on Dylan I'll be a few" I gave him a look saying Press the button get on so we can run! 

He nodded and walked to the lift. 

"Yea Shane"

"Get back in there now" he said with anger in his eyes. I heard the elevator ping it'll be open for twenty seconds. 

"Lexi listen to him and get back here" David said with power in his voice. But no I'm still going with Dylan.

"No I'm with Dylan just because you’re all being too sad and pathetic to accept him I’m going to be there for him" 

"Now lexi" Shane said I gave one last look at him then ran for the elevator. The doors were closing and I got in there just as they did. 

"Love you lexi" he said. 

"Love you to Dylan" 

"You do realise we need to run As soon as we get there" he said 

I nodded got my keys out ready "Let's go" as soon as the doors opened he grabbed the suitcase and his duffle then we both walked quickly to the door that leads to the underground and we got to the car.

"Open the trunk" 

I done as he said also putting the duffle bag in the back.

"Come on hurry" we both rushed into the car and I started the engine. 

"Lexi..." I heard someone yell. I ignored them and drive out. 

"We just got really lucky" he said 

"Yea now let's go to four seasons and outta curiosity what time is it?" 

"Um wow only 9.30 shit they must've woke us up at eight" 

I nodded "I think we should sleep as soon as we get there till bout One" 

He nodded "You haven't slept properly in days so you need a little rest" 

"Yea in a comfy bed." 

He chuckled "Yea" we drove for about twenty minutes when we parked up we took our stuff in and we booked at room with everything then we each had our own card to get into the room and we went up. 

As soon as we were in our room I was shocked it was amazing there was a nice lounge area with a big TV and there was one massive room with two queen size beds and me being the young fun and wild girl I am ran and jumped on the perfectly made bed there was a TV in the room. Then in the bathroom there were two sinks and a nice luxury Shower and all that stuff and there was an amazing view of the beach. 

"So..." Dylan started. 

"Yea I really wanna sleep" I said getting comfy in my bed. 

"Same whenever you wake up we'll get food then do whatever" he said I nodded kicked of my hi-tops then started to go to sleep... 


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𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙤𝙠𝙚 𝙪𝙥 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚...