Variety |Edward Cullen|

By cCherishh_

179K 4.8K 669

Variety ➤ The state of being different; the absence of normality. Iris holds the power of manipulation agains... More

P r o l o g u e - Sebastian
P r o l o g u e - Alexander
P r o l o g u e - Iris
P r o l o g u e - Caroline
P r o l o g u e - Robin
T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
T W E N T Y - E I G H T
T W E N T Y - N I N E


3.1K 115 4
By cCherishh_


It was the day after the accident and Iris was dreading the idea of going to school but she knew she had to. One of the main concerns of being on a mission surrounded by humans was to not draw attention to yourself and that was exactly what Iris had done, not that she had any control over the incident. She also knew that she would have to face Edward today, she knew it was inevitable but that didn't mean she was looking forward to it.

Iris still hadn't figured out how she felt about him and she wasn't sure if seeing him would make it clearer for her or more clouded. She knew that if her feelings for him where growing it would be harder for her to continue lying to him about herself and telling him the truth was not an option.

It wasn't that Guardians weren't allowed to form relationships with the supernatural creatures that weren't informed of what Guardians were, they could but if the relationship continued either it being of romantic intent or not the Guardian couldn't expose their world to them, for the safety of other Guardians. 

They were given one option though, the Guardian was given the choice of having their supernatural abilities taken away and living a normal life. That was it, that was their only option and it was definitely not a life Iris would ever want no matter how strong her feelings for Edward were getting she couldn't picture her life without her powers. Then again it was getting harder to picture her life without Edward and it killed her.

She didn't know if the pull towards him was only because they were mates even though reasonably she knew that they wouldn't be mates if they weren't eligible for each other. Who was she trying to kid, Iris knew that if her and Edward weren't mates she would of still grown feelings for him and she had to accept that.

"You've been staring at the dashboard for like five minutes. You can go home if you want." Sebastian said waving his hand in front of Iris's face. "Take my car, I'll ride home with Caroline."

"You know I can't." Iris replied reaching towards the backseat of Sebastian's car for her back pack.

"Avoiding him wont help, you know." Sebastian continued.

"How do you do that." Iris asked sighing as she followed Sebastian, making their way towards the school building.

"Do what."

"Know what I'm thinking without reading my mind." Iris said. "You do it all the time. and not just to me."

"It gets easier after knowing you guys for so long." Sebastian started. "You've all only had Caroline's shield up for about year, imagine having to read your minds for sixteen years. I just began knowing what you guys were thinking by your the look in your eyes."

"That has to be frustrating." Iris said, pulling the sleeves of her jacket further down her hands for warmth.

"You have no idea." Sebastian muttered. "You should talk to Caroline."

"Why." Iris asked, her eyebrows scrunched up.

" to her, preferably without Xander in the room." Sebastian explained

"Could you be anymore vague." Iris said. Sebastian shrugged his shoulders slowly walking away, his eyes never leaving Iris. "I'll see you later."

"Don't avoid him, right now he's the only one that could relate to your problem. Just remember that he has a decision to make too, their kind have rules to follow as well." Sebastian said tapping his temple. "I would know."

Turning around Iris began making her way towards her class after one last glance at her schedule that was written on her hand, she had History. She could feel the prickling stares from other students as she made her way through the halls. She hoped this wouldn't be the case.

As much as she tried to stop herself her thoughts kept wandering back to Edward. Giving up becoming a Guardian wasn't the only consequence of being with the vampire, there was also the fact that he was a vampire that - one - thirsted for her blood and - two - was immortal. The second that she'd give up her powers she wouldn't be able to manipulate her ageing and become a vampire was another no no for her especially because her father and brother were werewolves. As well as the fact that no guardian in the history of time had ever been changed into a Cold One vampire, there was no recorded information of what would happen if their venom interacted with their blood.

'Uhhhh' Iris mentally screamed. There was so much to think about if she wanted to continue a relationship with Edward. The universe had picked the two worst people to become mates, it shouldn't be so hard.

"Are you lost." Someone asked and in a second Iris had the person pinned chest first against the lockers with their arm twisted around their back. The cold radiating off the arm that she had secured in a lock gave the person away and she sighed releasing Edward from her grip.

He stared at her with astonishment rubbing the wrist that had been twisted.

"Sorry, you startled me." Iris said stepping back to give Edward space. His astonished stare was still on her.

"How did you-." Edward started.

"Oh God, did I hurt you." Iris asked stepping into Edwards space once more and inspecting his wrist before she remembered that he was vampire and she hadn't put a large amount of pressure on him.

"No I'm fine but how did you do that." Edward continued.

"My father was in the military for a while, he taught me a couple moves when he got back." Iris replied, atleast she didn't have to lie this time. Her father had been in the military a couple years back before Iris was born and he had taught her fighting skills but she just didn't mention the fact that she since she was eight she had been going to a school that taught her how to fight monsters.

"Your...strong." Edward muttered a small calculating smile slipping onto his face.

"I know. But thanks." Iris said. "Maybe one day I'll teach you how to do that."

"Maybe." Edward laughed. "You didn't answer my question. Are you lost."

Iris glanced down at the hand that had her class number written on it and shook her head. "No, I think I can find my way."

"I just assumed because the bell rang a couple minutes ago." Edward explained and Iris huffed.

"I guess I didn't notice."

"Are you alright." Edward asked. "What did the hospital say about your injuries."

"What injuries." Iris said. Edward eyebrows scrunched up as his eyes searched Iris.

"From your accident. Are you sure you're alright."

"Oh...the accident right. They said that I was lucky, I managed to make it out without a scratch but that's because of you, if you weren't there I don't know what could've happened." Iris answered.

"You don't have to thank me for that." Edward muttered.

"No. Yes I do, Edward you saved my life. Thank you." Iris said. Edward nodded although he held a sceptical look. He knew Iris wasn't oblivious he had seen her send him a look before the van came skidding towards her. He knew she knew something but instead of worrying he thanked his loses for her not asking him questions.

"You're welcome."

The two had been walking through the halls while they talked and when they made it to the dead end of the hallway Iris stopped and checked her watch. She was already ten minutes late and she didn't want to walk in and have the whole class staring at her.

"Why aren't you in class." Iris asked sending Edward a confused look.

"It's healthy to skip once in a while." Edward replied.

"Well I can't go now." Iris said. "Walking in late would be me asking for more attention."

"Skip with me then." Edward said and Iris chuckled.

"Are you trying to corrupt me Edward Cullen."

Rolling his eyes with a smile Edward led the way down through the halls with Iris on his tail. They made it to a deserted chemistry lab, the drapes on the window were shut.

"What if someone comes in." Iris asked placing her bags on one of the empty seats before making her way to the teachers desk and sitting on the surface.

"Then I'll take full responsibility." Edward joked. He knew no one would come in, the population of Forks high school was low and this was one of the few classrooms that were never vacant.

"I'll take your word on that."

The were silent for couple of seconds enjoying the quiet. Edward stood in front of Iris who was sat on top of the teachers desk and yet he was still a good half a head taller than her.

"What are we doing." Iris said.

"What do you mean." Edward asked

"Let me rephrase that, I meant what am I doing." Iris replied. "I like you Edward but there are things about me that I can never tell you, that would kill any chance I could ever have of being with you."

"You - you want to be with me."

Iris froze, she hadn't thought that through. She knew he still had decisions to make about their relationship hell she did to, but she just assumed that not being together wasn't an option anymore and she thought he felt the same way. At this moment she took back any bad thought she ever had about being a telepathic.

"I have feelings for you Edward. Really strong feelings for you, which scare me because I'm confused all the time and afraid about you feeling the same way." Iris huffed.

"Okay." Edward drawled out to stop her rambling which made Iris send him a small smile. "I thought I made my feelings for you clear Iris. I've told you before, you are my life now. I've tried staying away from you but every being in my body yearns for you. I want to be with you."

Iris sighed letting out a small laugh of relief. Leaning forward she closed her eyes and rested her head against his with a smile. "Thank you."

Edward gently shook his head. "I should be thanking you."

Leaning forward with cautious pauses It felt so much better than either of them could of ever imagined, the sparks that ran through their bodies whenever they touched intensified ten folds. It felt like they were surrounded by the bliss. Iris had never felt this gratification with anyone she had ever kissed. She loved it.



Sebastian's foot tapped impatiently against the carpet floor of his AP English classroom. His kept wandering back into Rosalie Hale's mind. He knew exactly who those thoughts were directed at and he knew if he didn't distract himself soon his powers would over ride him to protect him from the upcoming danger and he didn't want to end up setting the whole school on fire.

Glancing to the seat next to him he could see Xander staring into space. Sebastian couldn't read his mind but he knew who he was thinking about. He had been trying to get Xander's attention all lesson, he didn't want to just start talking to him through their mind link, the last time one of them had started talking to them in that way without a warning it didn't end well. Giving up on being subtle Sebastian stepped on Xander's foot hard enough to draw him out of his day dream . After Xander sent him a glare Sebastian thought.

'The blonde vampires planning Iris's death.'

'What' Xander mentally yelled. Sebastian cringed clenching his head with a glare of his own.

'Would you quiet down.'

'Sorry. What do you mean, is she going after her.' Xander asked.

'Her family voted against it but she still has her thoughts on the idea.' Sebastian replied.

'Her family. Why were they even contemplating killing her.' Xander said.

'Iris's mate-.'

'Edward.' Xander corrected.

'Right Edward, he exposed what they were to Iris when he saved her and they think she's human. They have a strict set of laws associated with their exposure to humans breaking them brings a high level of consequence on their family.' Sebastian explained.

'The Volturi.' Xander questioned and Sebastian gave a small nod. 'So they don't trust Iris.'

'I mean I understand her reasoning'

'You would kill someone because of a mistake you made of exposing yourself.' Xander asked.

'No. Because I wouldn't be stupid enough to put myself in that situation but they did and all I'm saying is that I understand her reasoning.' Sebastian said.

'But she's his mate, he had every right to save her.'

'They don't know she's his mate. I mean Edward figured it out but he hasn't told the rest of his family.' Sebastian continued.

'That isn't our problem. If she's having serious thoughts about attacking Iris then we need to do something.' Xander said.

'No she won't try anything a vote was held, she may never admit it but she would never go against her family no matter how strongly she hates the decision.' Sebastian reassured.

'So there's no threat.'

'Hopefully.' Sebastian said.


'What's going on with you and Caroline you've been staring into space all lesson.' Sebastian started smirking at the glare Xander shot at him.

'I thought you couldn't read our minds know after the mental shield Caroline put around our minds.'

'I can't. We don't live in a soundproof house Xander and we all have enhanced senses." Sebastian said. 'In other words I heard you two talking.'

'You mean you were eavesdropping.'

'Maybe, but I've been waiting for her to finally tell you for years. It took a lot of restraint not to just tell you myself I deserved to listen after years of listening to her think about you.'

'You. Knew.' Xander gasped.

'Of course I knew. So...what are you going to do.' Sebastian asked.

'I thought you were listening, I told her the truth.'

'Was it the truth though. You need to take time to think, Xander. Remember I've spent years in your mind.'



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