The Path and The Heart (COMPL...

By gracey87

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They told me that to make her fall in love I had to make her laugh...but every time she laughs I'm the one wh... More

New Story
Pounding Hearbeats
Birthday Party
Too Late
Breaking the Promises
It's Been A Long Time
Love Is Like The Wind
Love or Friendship
Confession (Part 1)
Confession (Part 2)
People Change, Memories Don't
Unexpected Farewell
Crazy, Stupid, Love - Part 1
Crazy, Stupid, Love - Part 2
Crazy, Stupid, Love - Part 3
The Love That Got Away
Love Unfold
Revealing the Secret
The Breakup
Jimin's Plan
Jimin's Plan: DISASTER
The Backup Plan
The End - Part 1
The End - Part 2
New Story! My 4th Book!

Running Away

449 29 7
By gracey87

Chanyeol Residence
Safely arrived at home Chanyeol with not so happy face just stay inside the car for awhile, thinking back of his conversation with Eunji earlier during their dinner. It was like a dream and it hurt him so much, out of nowhere she told Chanyeol that she already engaged. It hit him so hard until he is speechless and there's nothing comes out from his mouth, all this while when they together again he thought that she at least have slightest feeling for him because the way she act so lovingly towards him, the smile that always brightens him up, they always go out and spend time with each other almost everyday. Chanyeol in denial state right now, he assumed that Eunji just playing some jokes or prank on him but it's not.
Chanyeol: I can't stay here..I must go.. (tearing up)

1 week passed...
It's been a week since the last time Eunji told Chanyeol about the engagement, he didn't call or text her after that. Chanyeol being silent and Eunji feel worried about him, somehow she feels guilty after told him the sudden news. Without her realize she is waiting for his call and text for days now, she misses him so much and Taehyung even notice it too.
Taehyung: Eunji-ah..are you okay?
Eunji: hurmm?
Taehyung: you not feeling well? You have a problem that I should know?
Eunji: no..nothing..
Taehyung: are you sure?
Eunji: yes..
Taehyung: hurmm..(sigh) I notice you've been staring at your phone for days now, you expecting someone call? Your face look worried..
Eunji: oh..nothing..I'm fine.
Taehyung: this is about Chanyeol..right?
Eunji: (surprise) what are you talking about?
Taehyung: few days ago I heard your students talking about you and this guy name Chanyeol.
Eunji: (silent, speechless)
Taehyung: I guess I'm right..
Eunji: what you heard about him?
Taehyung: handsome and charming guy according to the girls, you look happy and smiling alone according to the boys, some of them saw you and him going out dinner together and even sending you go to work. Is it true?
Eunji: you know how teenagers react nowadays, they all just talking nonsense.
Taehyung: you didn't answer my question..
Eunji: Tae-ah..just don't hear and believe all the rumors from the students okay?
Taehyung: hurmm..(sigh) should I feel worried about this?
Eunji: at all..
Taehyung: you know how much I love and care about you right?
Eunji: of course..(smile lovingly)
Taehyung: I love you..(kiss Eunji hand).
Eunji: I know..(smile, deep inside still thinking & worry Chanyeol).

Phone ringing...

Phone conversation..
Bomi: hello? Eunji-ah..where are you??
Eunji: Bomi? What's up?
Bomi: yah..where are you?
Eunji: I'm at Gangnam area having lunch with Taehyung, why?
Bomi: what? Seriously, you don't know anything?
Eunji: know what? Where you at?
Bomi: I'm at Incheon International Airport.
Eunji: huh? what are you doing there?
Bomi: sending Chanyeol of course, he's leaving today. He didn't tell you?
Eunji: he what?!!


Incheon International Airport
Bomi with Baekhyun and Chanyeol at the airport, Bomi keep on looking at the main entrance to see for Eunji appearance. They slowly walk to the departure hall area...
Chanyeol: thanks for sending me guys, take care okay?
Baekhyun: no worries, what friend are for right? Just give me a call or at least text once you reach there okay?
Chanyeol: alright..

Bomi who is busy with her phone and looking at the main entrance reprimanded by Baekhyun.
Baekhyun: baby, are you okay?
Bomi: (not hearing Baekhyun)
Baekhyun: waiting for someone?
Bomi: huh?
Baekhyun: I said are you looking or waiting for someone?
Bomi: oh..yes, I'm waiting for Eunji to come. I call her about an hour ago, where is she? Aisshh..this girl..(Looking at her watch).
Baekhyun: oh..I almost forgot about her, yah..hyung, did you tell Eunji about this?
Chanyeol: no..
Baekhyun: but why?
Bomi: no wonder Eunji didn't know you are leaving.
Chanyeol: there's no reason I need to tell her (forced smiles).
Bomi: but why? You both back together again after not seeing for long time, happy with each other and..
Chanyeol: (cut Bomi talks) like I told reason for me to tell her that I'm leaving.
Baekhyun: hyung, did you fight with her again? (Whispering to Chanyeol).
Chanyeol: (shake his head and sigh).
Bomi: Eunji's here! Yah! Eunji-ah!!! Right here! (Wave to Eunji who is arrive at the main door).

Eunji heard Bomi screams her name, from faraway she saw Bomi, Baekhyun and of course Chanyeol. He walk fast towards them..
Eunji: sorry I'm late (tired of walking).
Bomi: you almost miss it lucky you fast enough to come here.
Eunji: traffic is really bad from Gangnam coming to the airport.

While Bomi and Eunji talking Baekhyun secretly talk with Chanyeol..
Baekhyun: tell me what happened? I know you have a problem with her. The look on your face says it all, if not you not leaving Korea all of sudden without any good reason.
Chanyeol: hyung..I tell you later once I reach there okay, please..
Baekhyun: make sure you tell me.
Chanyeol: (nodded without saying anything).

The boys stop their conversation when the girls start talking with them.
Eunji: can I talk with you?
Chanyeol: (looks at his watch) I'm late for my flight (try to refuse).
Eunji: please..I won't take long time.
Bomi: she's coming in rush, please talk with her.
Baekhyun: hyung..
Chanyeol: okay..

Baekhyun and Bomi leave them both and take a seat not too far from them. Eunji stares Chanyeol for few minutes before breaking the awkwardness between them.
Eunji: are you angry with me?
Chanyeol: no..why I must angry with you?
Eunji: why you didn't tell me you're leaving?
Chanyeol: (silent)
Eunji: yah..tell me!
Chanyeol: there's no reason for me to tell you, it was unplanned.
Eunji: when will you come back here?
Chanyeol: I don't know..maybe after I done with all my work.
Eunji: do you feel upset with me?
Chanyeol: what you mean?
Eunji: I didn't hear anything from you for the past 1 week, it was right after I told you I'm engaged.
Chanyeol: it was your life, your decision. I have nothing to do with it.
Eunji: as my best friend this is not you suppose to react.
Chanyeol: what you want me to do?! Huh? Tell me? (Screaming at Eunji).

Bomi an Baekhyun look at both of them, Eunji look down on the floor meanwhile Chanyeol try to calm himself down.
Chanyeol: look..I'm so sorry for raising my voice at you, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry..

Eunji wipe her tears facing up and look at Chanyeol straight into his eyes.
Eunji: I need you to tell me from your heart, do you like or not I'm with him?
Chanyeol: what? You mean your fiancé?
Eunji: yes, tell me..
Chanyeol: I have no idea who your fiancé is and I don't have a right to tell you all that, I don't have the authority to make a decision for your life. Only you and you will make your own decision not me, not Bomi and not even your brother Subin.
Eunji: yes you have the right..
Chanyeol: because?
Eunji: because...(I wish I can tell you that you are the only person that matters to me, the one I still in love with and the one I care the most until now).
Chanyeol: well? (If belongs to me)
Eunji: because you are my best know me too well more than anyone else.

Chanyeol feel so upset hearing Eunji said that to him, he walk and stand in front of her. He look at her in the face, he lift his both hand and put it on her shoulders but before he can do that Taehyung call Eunji name and stand beside her. Chanyeol pull back his hand and try to act like nothing happens.
Taehyung: I've been looking for you all over the airport, thank Goodness I found you here. I didn't realize this airport was so big.
Eunji: (silent, eyes still on Chanyeol).
Taehyung: so..this your best friend the one you talk about back in the car?
Eunji: uhurmm..(clear her dry throat) yes..
Taehyung: I see..well, let me introduce you myself my name is Kim Taehyung, you can call me Taehyung or V nice to meet you.
Chanyeol: (with heavy heart he shake hands with Taehyung) Park Chanyeol..
Taehyung: I know..Eunji told me just now. So, you leaving?
Chanyeol: yea..
Taehyung: where you going?
Chanyeol: USA..well, nice to meet you too. I need to go now, I don't want to miss my flight.
Taehyung: sure..see you again next time.
Chanyeol: (nodded, turn back and go through the security for passport checkup).

Meanwhile Eunji and Taehyung..
Taehyung: you okay?
Eunji: I'm fine..can you wait here?
Taehyung: okay..

Eunji runs to Chanyeol who is standing in the line waiting for his turn for the passport checkup.
Chanyeol: what are you doing here?
Eunji: please I need 5 more minutes from you before you go. Please...

Chanyeol step out from the line..
Chanyeol: Eunji-ah..I need to stay on the line for the..
Eunji: (cut Chanyeol talks) do you love me?
Chanyeol: (feeling dumbfounded, try not to show his nervousness, he take a deep breath before answering her question) of course I do love you, you are my best friend. I never forget about you even we were not seeing each other for years, you are always here (pointed at his heart) inside my heart and no one can change that, okay? (Look at Taehyung) I guess that guy is your fiancé, am I right?
Eunji: (not answering his question)
Chanyeol: I can see he is good and decent guy, I'm sure he will take a good care of you. I'm here..will always be your best friend you can count on, forever. But for now let me go and I will see you again, maybe.
Eunji: what you mean by maybe?
Chanyeol: I'm not sure when will I come back here, so I guess that's my answer for you now. Maybe...
Eunji: (tears falling)
Chanyeol: don't cry..take care of yourself okay? (Pat her head) I'm leaving now, bye..

Chanyeol manage to board the flight, he try to hold on his tears and finally it's falling when he already inside the plane. He slowly drifted away from everything especially Eunji, the girl she only love deeply.
Chanyeol: you broke my heart, but I still love you with all the pieces.

His silence is just another word of pain, behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain and that is when he realize Eunji does not belongs to him, but it belongs to someone else. Running away from all of this is the only solution he had right now.

Bomi Residence
Eunji stay at Bomi place for tonight, she needs someone to talk after what happened today. Taehyung drop her at Bomi place before heading back home and leaving Eunji with Bomi.
Bomi brings 2 cups of coffee and take a seat next to Eunji in the living room. Eunji look sad and not talking since Taehyung drop her until now.
Eunji: what's with your facial expression like that?
Bomi: what do you think? Huh..
Eunji: I know you must be angry with me right? Just say it straight to my face, all of this my fault right? Right?! (Crying).
Bomi: I think you owe me an explanation.
Eunji: (drink the coffee and not saying anything).
Bomi: if you don't want to talk about it that's fine with me.
Eunji: did I make the right decision?
Bomi: which one? The one you said yes when Taehyung propose you or letting go of Chanyeol?
Eunji: are you mocking me?
Bomi: I'm not but..can I say that you are one of crazy woman I have ever known? Can I say that to you?
Eunji: Bomi-ah..please..don't make things more complicated than this, you know I need you in this.
Bomi: I know but why you make sudden decisions without asking my opinion? You agree and engage with Taehyung all of sudden, now I clearly see that you are not happy, why?
Eunji: I don't know..
Bomi: that's what I told you just now, you're crazy you know that?!
Eunji: I'm sorry...
Bomi: why you saying sorry to me?
Eunji: I know I'm crazy and fool but I can't turn back of the decision I made.
Bomi: if you said so I can't help you. I hope you happy with your decision. You know that Chanyeol like you? And I know he is leaving just now because of you.
Eunji: of course he likes me but only as a best friend not more than that.
Bomi: how sure you are?
Eunji: I asked him few times already and I did asked him again before he's leaving, his answer always the same.
Bomi: (confuse) I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Chanyeol but all I can say is he really likes you. You give me and Baekhyun a heart attack when you told me that you already engaged with Taehyung without any warning. What makes you said yes when he proposed you? What's wrong with you? I know you don't feelings for her, why on earth you agreed? You think getting engaged and marriage thing is some sort of jokes for you isn't it?
Eunji: I don't know..I was confused, I'm in dilemma and I don't want to hurt Taehyung either. He is waiting for me for 1 year Bomi-ah.
Bomi: do you love him?
Eunji: (silent)
Bomi: you love him?
Eunji: I don't know, I'm not sure.
Bomi: (shake her head, worried about Eunji) I don't know what got into you make your own decision without thinking any further, your feelings for Taehyung, your own heart and Chanyeol too. I only hope that you make the best decision for your future, I don't want you to feel regret at the end of the day.

Author: new chapter is out! Don't forget to vote and comment, thank you 🙏🏻☺️

P/s: you guys must heard the news about Jonghyun from Shinee right? I still can't believe of what happened to him, I'm one of Shawols too. It was hard to accept that he is no longer with us 😣 hopefully Onew, Minho, Key & Taemin will go through this together and come back strong as a 4 piece. Anyhow, SHINEE will always and forever be the OT5! #ripjonghyun #youdidwell #gonetoosoon #shinee

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