The Wedding | Completed

Galing kay RohinaSharma

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Dread. Panic. Pain. Crippling pain. I am getting married to a man I don't love and now it's too late to do an... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Maha Chapter
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
The Wedding - Playlist
New Story... Published!
Coming Soon

Chapter 9 - Epilogue

2K 152 152
Galing kay RohinaSharma

I've gone a little overboard and I've tried my best to be as descriptive as possible without making any mistakes, hopefully... I would love it if you would leave inline comments on your favourite parts and let me know how you feel throughout the chapter because it is HUGE! I'm talking 6,052 words huge!

Oh and read the note at the end as well!

*sobs* Enjoy! xo


"Tumhari jaisi mujhe chahiye bhi nahi. Mujhe tum chahiye aur voh mujhe mil chuki hai." God, that voice of his! Especially when he is unintentionally being romantic.

"Good. Ab so jao. Goodnight, Mr Malhotra." I say in the cheesiest way possible.

"Goodnight, Mrs Malhotra." Swoon...

After five minutes he finally hangs up but not before saying the words that still make my heart flutter.

"I love you." Be still my heart.

"I love you too."

Suman was tired and she fell asleep in no time and so was the case with Shravan. They were apart from each other, in their rooms but they had a soft smile on their faces as after a very long time they dreamed about their upcoming wedding and their future that they once thought was out of reach.


The Day of the Wedding...

The day is finally here. Shravan and Suman are just a few hours away from getting married and their happiness knew no bounds. The excitement in both the Tiwari and the Malhotra household was at its peak. Everyone from the oldest members, Raghuveer Tiwari and Ramnath Malhotra to the littlest member, Daboo, were running around here and there to make sure that everything was perfect for this day not that they had much to do because Pushkar wanted to gift his brother and best friend this wedding and along with them planned a wedding that was the culmination of what Shravan and Suman wanted. Sure, there were a few arguments between Shravan and Suman where the former wanted a big wedding with all their colleagues associated with the Malhotra name and the latter wanted a quaint wedding during the daytime with all their closest family and friends, which was quite a number of people given their extended families.

After a lot of fights and sleepless nights, Shravan and Suman both realized that they couldn't deny each other what they wanted so they came to a conclusion - a quaint day wedding with their closest family and friends, just like Suman wanted and a grand reception in the evening for all the acquaintances of the Malhotra family. After the main details were decided, the bride and groom along with their family members didn't waste a minute in planning the wedding. From the decor to the seating and to the food, every minute little detail was focused on to make it perfect.

The theme for the decor for the wedding was yellow and white with splashes of purple and beige. While all the ladies wanted to keep the same theme for their wedding attire, Suman scraped that idea and wanted everyone to dress up in the brightest of colours, of their choice, that complemented the decor. She wanted colours and since it was not possible with the decor she wanted that in her families attire.

Oh, you must be wondering where the wedding would be happening? Well, it so happens that the Malhotra's have a farmhouse on the outskirts of Delhi, that was used for when they wanted small vacations and now the entire farmhouse was decorated according to the bride's wish which was granted by none other than her best friend and brother-in-law, Pushkar and her husband-to-be Shravan.

After the wedding fiasco and Suman and Shravan coming clean about everything to each other things had been different than they had been before. Not everything was rainbows and sunshine but things took a turn for the better.  After Preeti and Daboo's outburst, Mamiji had calmed down when it came to Suman and didn't behave the way she used to. One would say she had become more of a motherly figure to Suman now than she had been before. Suman, on the other hand, had managed to pay off her mother's debt to Mamiji in the last two years as her business was booming and touching new heights, especially after she was awarded the Young Entrepreneur Award two months after the everything had gone down. Now, Priya Central Tiffin had turned into Priya Central Tiffin & Catering on demand of the public when they wanted Suman to cater the high-end parties.

Things in Malhotra Mansion were a whole lot different than they were in Tiwari Killa. Pushkar and Preeti were on cloud nine after the birth of their daughter, Pakhi Malhotra, who just like her father and mother adored her Bade Papa and soon-to-be Badi Mumma, because Suman would not be called Masi with Shravan around. 
Kamini had turned a new leaf after her truth was revealed too and she was ashamed of her doings and has been trying her best to make-up for all her doings, but whatever the outcome would have been Shravan and Pushkar still love her the same. 

Things were far better between Shravan and Ramnath now than they had been a year and a half ago. After his confrontation with his father, Shravan needed time and space from him to accept the truth that he now knew; he had decided to go back to London and spent a month in wrapping up his firm so that he could move it to Delhi and be his own independent self because even though Shravan had no hope, at that time, to mend his relationship with his father he couldn't deny that Ramnath Malhotra had been an inspiration for him when it came to their profession and wanted to walk in his footsteps professionally

What was Suman's take on all this? She hated that he was in London and hated the fact when he came to her and told her about his decision, she let her thoughts be known to him but at the same time she also told him that she understood where he was coming from; knowing that he had been emotionally played by the three most important people in his life, she stood by his decision and with a heavy heart bid him a "see you soon" at the airport and then cried her heart out once she was alone in her room.

Shravan and Nirmala were a whole different thing. Shravan wasn't able to to forgive Nirmala for her absence for the last 10 years no matter the reason because they both knew that had Nirmala tried enough she would have been able to reach Shravan all those years ago and would have spared the teenage Shravan from all the anguish and pain and hatred that he carried with himself well into adulthood. Now, they have an amicable relationship where they are polite and understanding to each other. Some days when Shravan feels that he needs his mother's advice he does go to her and talk things through with her.

Suman's Point of View





I can't help it. Staring at myself in the mirror, all dressed up in my wedding attire, I can feel all the butterflies fluttering in my stomach creating a crazy giddy feeling in me.




Excited. Ecstatic. Exuberant. That is what I am right now.



I want to scream so loud. Shout out to the world in joy. This feeling inside of me is growing every second I get closer to marrying him. There is no void to fill now.


I am about to be married to a man that Fate chose for me.

A man that I love with all my heart.

A man whom I considered more than my friend.

My forever love.


"Suman Di?" Preeti calls me, pulling me from my thoughts. I look at her in the mirror standing behind me with her hands on my shoulder, eyes full of unrestrained joy and happiness. "It's time, Di. Shravan is waiting for you."

Phew... It's about time it happened.

Shravan's Point of View

As I look in the mirror, I see a man, dressed in a brown sherwani with a dull gold block print around the collar, the middle of the kurta and the end of the sleeves, paired with a cream-ish gold pathani salwar and a white dupatta with little gold flowers on it, who is happy with his life. Content.

The usual sadness and pain that were reflected in his eyes were replaced by unadulterated happiness and immense love for the one woman who means the world to him. In the last two years, he has changed a lot. Not physically, physically he still looks the same, well a little more toned but emotionally and mentally that man in the mirror has never been stronger.

That deliriously content and in love man in me. Shravan Malhotra; and I am about to be married to the only woman I have loved since I knew what love meant. Everything is finally in place and the girl is about to be mine in just a few short minutes.

"Bhaiya!" I'm pulled out of my thoughts at Pushkar's call. I raise my eyebrow in acknowledgement asking him to go ahead. "Chale? Sumo intezaar kar rahi hai aapka." That smile on his face is not even close to the smile that spreads across my face when he says that.

"Bahut intezaar kara liye usse, chote. Chal!" I reply with equal excitement.


I am sitting at the mandap going through the pre-wedding rituals, surrounded by my family and closest of friends, including a few of them from London and I admit that Sumo's idea to have a small intimate wedding was not a bad idea at all. To see all the people that matter the most to the both us - Nanu, Pushkar, Preeti, Daboo, Pakhi, Lalaji, Chachi, Varun Bahiya and Vandy Bhabhi, Mamaji and Mamiji, Mausaji and Masi and even my parents - on this special occasion is such a heady feeling.

This wedding is not a pomp and circus as most of the Malhotra's would have wanted but it is us. This wedding screams Shravan and Suman and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I am completely into the rituals happening at the moment, I want to remember each and every moment of this wedding, and I am literally just a few minutes from seeing Sumo. It's been two weeks since I last saw her, all thanks to my stupid brother for poking his nose in things that he shouldn't, not that it stopped me from seeing her. I had to get creative when I wanted to meet her face-to-face but the last week I was forbidden by every single person to see her. Preeta at PCT was like a hound dog if she so much as saw my shadow she would come out with that belan of hers in hand and threaten me to run away before she called the big guns.


I know she is going to look absolutely stunning today, she always does.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when the pandit said the magic words that I've been waiting to hear since the moment I sat on the mandap."Mahurat ka samay ho gaya hai, dhulan ko le aaye."

It's happening! It's finally happening!

My eyes are fixed on the decorated path that I know she is going to walk through to reach the mandap. Rather than have the traditional chairs, we have diwan's for the immediate family around the mandap, covered in white sheets with yellow cylindrical cushions and purple square cushions. For the guests, there are white sofas with purple cushions.

The mandap is on one end of the garden and there is a long walkway decorated in the middle, dividing the seating for the guests equally. The path has four pillars, connected with a mesh ceiling and hanging from the ceiling are a bunch of yellow flowers stringed together in long garlands, making the whole area look fuller and absolutely perfect for my bride.

My eyes are fixed on the path eagerly awaiting her when she comes in my line of vision and the awed gasp that leaves my lips is audible to everyone in the close vicinity. I'm solely focused on her but in my peripheral I see all the guests turn to look at her and the equally awed gasps that I hear is proof that she is one of the most beautiful brides they have seen.

She looked like a vision dressed in a ruby red lehenga covered in gold flowers, a beige blouse with pink embroidered flowers, a beige dupatta with a gold-laced edge wrapped around from her waist and over the right shoulder; wearing gold jhumkas, an elaborate neckpiece along with a huge maang-tika, her hair in a bun covered in flowers. 

She took my breath away. 


"Shravan, breathe." I hear Varun Bhaiya saying to me and that was when I realized that I was holding my breath.

She is looking around at all the decorations, taking in every little detail like I knew she would before her eyes meet mine and my breath stops once again. The love that is shinning in her eyes and the happiness that is radiating through her being is unmatched and I can't but thank all the stars that she, Miss Suman Tiwari, my best friend, my confidant is about to become Mrs Suman Malhotra, my best friend, my confidant, and now my wife.

My wife.

At the thought of those two words, a smile that matches the one that is gracing her face spreads on mine and I feel a small tear slide down my face at the utter happiness and fullness I feel at that moment.

I get up from my seat and walk down the two steps from the mandap and wait for her to reach me as she walks down the aisle with Pushkar on her side. When she finally reaches me, I see Pushkar smiling like a happy loon before he gives Sumo's hand in mine and everything falls into place. 

She is here...

Suman's Point of View

There he is... 

Standing at the mandap in his brown sherwani he looks absolutely handsome.

As I walked down the aisle I looked at everything I could so that I could store all these details, even though I knew everything would be caught on camera, when my eyes finally met his.


A small sigh escaped my lips when I say his eyes, two pools of warm melted chocolate, soft and radiating so much love it took my breath away for a moment and when he stood up and walked down the steps waiting at the threshold of the mandap my steps faltered a bit, and I felt Pushkar hand tighten around my waist, a small amused chuckle escaping.

"Don't let me fall, Pushy," I whisper, without moving my lips, eyes still steady on Shravan.

"Never," he promised.

When I finally reach him, Pushkar puts my hand in his and I feel like everything is in its place.

"Hi," Shravan whispers a soft smile on his face making him look like a dream. My dream which is about to become a reality in a few minutes.

"Hi," I reply back equally soft, not wanting to break this serenity that has engulfed us.

"Ready, Mrs Malhotra?"

A huge smile breaks onto my face at hearing my new name. "I've been ready for a long time, Mr Malhotra."

He pulls me close to him and lightly kisses me on the forehead, and I swear I hear every female present sigh dreamily at that gesture, before pulling back and bringing me up the mandap.

The mandap is a combination of beige, yellow and white. The square stage is covered with a beige sheet and atop the sheet yellow rose petals are spread out as well as on the steps and some scattered on the ground as well. On each corner of the stage, there are pillars, which are connected with rods on top of them to make a border. Falling from the rods are a mix of yellow and beige net that form a curtain, and are gathered on the four pillar and tied together with a mix of yellow and white roses. The top front of the mandap is covered with more white and yellow roses along the width making it all look bright and beautiful.

Once we've sat on the small stools, I look at Shravan to find him already looking at me and we share a small smile that speaks more about our feelings at this moment than any word could do justice.

The pandit starts with the mantras and we listen carefully to everything that he is saying and follow the instructions and before we know it, it is time for the pheras. We both stand up and Shravan is in front to take the first phera and we start walking around the sacred fire when I see Shravan turn his head to look at me and in the next instant I feel his hand take hold of mine as we promise each other prosperity by fulfilling our respective roles in each other's life.

Sumo, I promise to be your strength and courage and rejoice in your happiness.

Shravan, I promise to love you for the rest of our lives.

Sumo, I promise to shower you with as much joy as you bring in my life.

Shravan, I promise to cherish, trust and honour you.

Sumo, your happiness will be my happiness and your sorrow will be my sorrow. I promise to cherish, trust and honour you.
Shravan, your happiness will be my happiness and your sorrow will be my sorrow.

Sumo, I promise that, even though people will go against you, I will always be by your side. I will never let you fall.
Shravan, I promise that whenever you turn, you will always find me beside you.

You are mine and I am yours for eternity.

With each phera, we took around the sacred fire our hold on each other's hand tightened as we promise to each other things that we had unknowingly promised to each other years ago; him when he fell in love with me in school and me when I realized what I felt for him after he left.

Once again we sit at the mandap and complete the rest of the rituals and then comes the moment when Shravan fills my hairline with sindoor and ties the mangalsutra around my neck and then the pandit speaks the golden words that I had been dying to hear: "Vivaah sampan hua, aaj se aap dono pati-patni huye."

Bliss. Pure and utter bliss.

The guests are hooting and hollering and clapping as we get down from the mandap hand-in-hand and walk first towards Nanu to get his blessings. I know my bidaai is not until well into the evening but I can't stop the tears that suddenly spring out of my eyes and run down my face as Nanu cups my face in his hands.

"Nanu," I whisper brokenly.

"Meri bacchi, tu ro kyu rahi hai?" He laughs, amused but as always even before I could utter anything he understood what I was feeling and not knowing what else to do I hug him and cry silently on his shoulder.

I pull back a minute later, sniffing from all the crying, and feel Shravan's arms snake around my waist holding onto me tightly and pulling me to his side and dropping a reassuring and comforting kiss on my head.

"Shravan, tumhe aaj mein aapni sabze khaaz chhez tumhe de raha hu, iski Nani or Priya ke baad, bachpan se mere dil ke bahut kareeb rahi hai. Agar iski aankh mein ek bhi aasu aya na toh case karunga." He threatens Shravan.

"Bahut intezaar karne ke baad millli hai, Nanu, aise hi nahi jaane dunga isse kabhi." He vows to Nanu in his own way.

We move down the line to take blessings from his parents next. "Hamesha aise hi kush rehna, bahut acche lagte ho muskuraate huye." Nirmala Aunty says, caressing both of our faces. Ramnath Uncle is standing beside smiling at the both of us when he turns towards me and I see his eyes go soft with thanks. "Court mein itne cases lade hai aur aaj tak koi bhi case nahi hara par tumne mujhe galat prove kar hi diya, Suman. Tumne uss din mujhse jo kahan tha, sach bola tha."

"Hmm. Haarne ki aadat dal lo, Uncle. Aapke guru mere Nanu hai aur voh bhi aaj tak mere saamne nahi jeete." I tell him, smiling all the way remembering the day I told him that Shravan and I will be together because there was no one else for us. We were, are and will always be each other's end game.

"Ah!" He interrupts us, while we all laugh. "Ab yeh Uncle bulana chodo, aaj se officially tum meri beti ho toh Papa bulana toh banta hai na?" I don't know what it was, him finally accepting me as his daughter rather than daughter-in-law, the lightness in his eyes and face , the loving way we just had this small banter or the culmination of all three, I turn into a blubbering mess once again which leads to Shravan pulling me in his arms and swaying me side-to-side gently all the while laughing silently at me.

"You're a blubbering mess today, Mrs Malhotra." He whispered in my ear.

"It's my wedding, I am allowed to be a blubbering mess." I retort, whacking him on his arm as I pull away from him.

"Stop hitting me, woman!"

"Never!" I said emphasizing the statement by whacking him on the arm once again.

"Yeh dono kabhi nahi sudhrengay."

Completing our rounds and taking blessings from the rest of the elders and hugs from our cousins and have a little cuddle session with my adorable Pakhi, who I can't get enough of before moving towards the other end of the garden to have light snacks and tea since it is around 4 when we finish everything.

The area is marked with pillars at equal intervals and covered with bright yellow drapes that make the roof and the rest dropped down to the ground fanning out and blowing lightly with the wind. Each pillar is covered with more flowers, an assorted mix of orange, yellow and white and greens. There is a small rectangular table for just Shravan and me on one end, one table on the left side and one table on the right side run perpendicular to ours and then the rest of the tables are joined together making it one giant table covered with a white tablecloth. Keeping in theme with the decor, the chairs for the guests are white with yellow bows at the back. Every guest gets a white plate with a canary yellow table napkin and silverware and small bouquets of yellow roses and chrysanthemums in mason jars complete the setting of the area.

There is a quiet excited hum amongst the family members and guests and I can't help but smile at how well everyone gets along with each other. Resting my head on Shravan's shoulder, who is talking in hushed tones with Pushkar, I feel his hand tighten around mine as I take in the scene in front of me. Lalaji cracking his jokes and Chachi trying but failing at smiling at the said jokes. I see Preeti and Vandy Bhabhi gushing over little Pakhi who is taking in the attention in stride. Papa, Nanu, and Mamaji have their heads down together talking and laughing, Mamiji, Masi, and Mausaji is talking with some extended member of the Tiwari family that were present for the wedding. Beside me, Shravan, Pushkar and Varun Bhaiya are now talking with a few London friends of his guffawing and ribbing each other.

A happy sigh leaves me at the amount of love that is flowing among all the family and friends present in this small gathering. This is the kind of wedding I had always wanted and I am so thankful to have got it with the only man I have loved.

"All okay, Mrs Malhotra?" Shravan whispers in my ear and I can feel the smile on his face as he nuzzles my ear.

"All perfect, Mr Malhotra." I turn my head and place my chin on his shoulder and just smile at the satisfied look on his face.


A sigh leaves me as I hear Shravan close the door to his room in the farmhouse, behind us and hear the characteristic click of the door being locked.

I move towards the bed and lie down on it, face up and feel the bed dip on the left side as Shravan mimics my position. "Tired?" He asks softly, running his thumb on my knuckles.

"Not at all. I am just basking in the love and happiness that has surrounded us today." I end with a smile turning my head to look at him.

"Checking me out?"

I smirk at that question. "Well, would you prefer I checked someone else out? Maybe Daniel? Hmm... He is so good-looking." I say dreamily.

"Hey!" He scowls at me. "You married me not an hour ago and you are already fantasizing about my friend?"

"Well, duh! Have you seen him? Those ocean-blue eyes, the five-o clock shadow, and the perfectly tousled hair that screams effortless." I reply matter-of-factly.

Suddenly, Shravan twists and is on top of me which makes me laugh out loud. "Okay, you listen to me... Stop thinking about my friend while your sexier-than-Daniel husband is right here."

I laugh once again at this grouchy man and the petulant way he spoke. "Well, right now my sexier-than-Daniel husband is on top of me." God, that smirk of his. "And yeah, I do agree with you on that. My husband is definitely sexier than Daniel or for that matter, any man and my husband is deliciously tall and I fit beside him like that space was carved out just for me and most importantly, he makes me feel safe, loved and cherished all at once and there is nothing sexier than that for me." I finish by wrapping my arms around his shoulder and around his neck, running my fingers at the base of his neck and into his hair.

"Good save, Malhotra." He whispers, running his nose along the length of mine before kissing me lovingly and nuzzling my neck.

We stay like that for a long time, him on top of me with his head on my chest and his nose tucked in my neck, breathing me in and me with my arms around his shoulder running my fingers in hair, scratching my nails on his scalp in intervals just hear that groan that leaves his lips every time I do that. I don't know what happened next because we both dozed off to sleep in that position a small smile on both of our faces.


Dusk has fallen upon us and Shravan and I are getting ready for the reception which is turning out to be a hard task since we both are unable to keep our hands off of each other.

"Shravaaann," I groan as once again he wraps his arms around me from behind. "Let me get ready, we are getting late!"

"Let's stay here, please?" he pleads.

"Absolutely not! And anyway this was your idea. You wanted to have a have reception on the same day as the wedding and now you got your wish so you have to go with it." I scold him lightly.

"What was I thinking?"

"Beats me," I reply with a laugh. "Now please let me get ready. I'm still in my wedding outfit and I need to change in the next ten minutes or we are going to have the whole family descend on us, something that I know you do not want."

"Ten minutes and then I am coming inside the bathroom." He threatens.

"Pssh. Was that supposed to be a threat?" I replied cheekily, winking at him and then running into the bathroom, locking it from the inside.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr and Mrs Malhotra!" Pushkar announces our arrival and we both walk out into the garden hand-in-hand, I dressed in a heavily embroidered fuschia pink lehenga that complimented Shravan's gold and cream sherwani perfectly.

With a thunderous round of applause to mark our entry we both walk in and mingle with the guests and the rest of the Malhotra and Tiwari family that were not present during the wedding. As we walk from one group to another we can't stop our lips from spreading into a grin as all of the guests tell us that we look beautiful together as a couple.

As the night goes on, the guests invade the dance floor, dancing from heavy bass party songs to love songs that brought all the couples on stage. Shravan and I separate for a while when Pushkar butts in to dance with me on a slow song, leaving Shravan scowling at his monkey brother and both of us in hysterics and as soon as the song finished he came back, pulling Pushkar away from me and telling him to dance with his own wife. But we have separated once again when Pakhi waddled onto the dance floor towards Shravan and pulling on his kurta to bring his attention to her and wanting to dance with her Bade Papa which he had no problem in granting.

Shravan and Pakhi are one of the purest relationships I've ever witnessed. The way they interact with each other is so much fun to watch, Shravan tries to be strict with her at times but fails every single time and the adoration that Pakhi has for her Bade Papa leaves all the ladies sighing.

Once dinner is on the way, the music slows down for the rest of the night playing all the slow and romantic songs from the yesteryears and today's hits and both of us take complete advantage of the empty dance floor. We are dancing away in the night among the happy faces of our family and friends when I get the feeling of being watched, which is in itself weird because the guests are watching us but this is a different sensation, a tingling in my spine. It's not a bad sensation but a soothing one. My eyes wander over Shravan's shoulder looking everywhere when my eyes find two people, who couldn't possibly be present at my wedding, standing near a tree under all the fairy lights.

Maa. Papa.

A gasp leaves my lips and I feel Shravan pulling back to look at my face but I can't focus on him because my eyes are fixed on my parents.

"Sumo?" I hear through the fog.

They both are standing hand in hand, Maa's head resting on Papa's shoulder both of them looking satisfied and sporting brilliant smiles. You look exactly the way I remember.

"Suman." I hear my mother's voice in my mind.

"Maa. Papa." I call out to both of them.

"I approve of Shravan." My father says in a gruff voice. It sounds the same, a little hoarse but soothing nonetheless.

"He is a good man, beta and I know he will love you forever," Maa affirms.

A smile spreads across my face and I can feel more tears slide out of my eyes. Maa gives me a flying kiss and Papa winks at me like he always did when he knew a secret that I didn't before they both disappear and their lingering words still remain in my mind, "We're proud of the woman you have become."

"Sumo." I feel my shoulders shake and I'm pulled out of the beautiful trance. I look up to see Shravan's worried face. "What is it? What's wrong?" He asks frantically.

Giving him a watery smile I let him know that everything is perfect now. "Nothing is wrong, Shravan. In fact, everything just became perfect."

"What do you mean?" He asks confused.

"I'll tell you one day what I mean." I give him another smile and wrap my arms around him, still swaying to the gentle beats of another romantic song and know that everything will be perfect.



"Bolo Sumo."

"Finally in dono ki shaadi ho gayi."

"Tumhe doubt tha?" Teenager Shravan says pushing his glass up to his nose.

"Starting mein haan. In the last two years, bilkul bhi nahi." Teenager Suman replied.

"Hmm. Main toh humesha se jaanta tha ki mein tumse shaadi karunga." Teenager Shravan said proudly with a sweet smile on his face.


"Aur nahi toh. Mein tumse jitna pyaar karta hu utna is duniya mein aur koi nahi kar sakta."

"Jaanti hu." Teenager Suman said looking at the adult version of her and her best friend.



"Tumhe kitna accha laga na jab Priya Aunty aur Neeraj Uncle tumse milne aaye."

"Jitni khushi uss Badi Sumo ko hui na Maa aur Papa se milne ki mein bata nahi sakti. It was nice to be inside her for that time. I could feel everything she was feeling." Teenager Suman replied happily, resting her shoulder on Teenager Shravan. "Aur Chashmish, unhe ab Uncle- Aunty nahi Maa aur Papa bol. Voh ab tere bhi Mom and Dad hai."

Teenager Shravan just smiled at the statement that his Sumo made. He gently kissed her head and watched the adult Shravan pull the adult Suman in his arms as she cried during her bidaai. Teenager Shravan put his arm around his Sumo and held her tightly.

"Sumo, shaadi dekhli, ab chale?"

"Haan. Par Shravan ko bye bolne ke baad."


Suman had her head on Shravan's shoulder and he had his arms around her as he consoled her. Shravan was looking out the window when he saw a sight that left him smiling and satisfied; his teenage self with his arms around teenage Suman, both of them smiling and waving at him as he sped down the highway back to Malhotra Mansion.

The End


One day I accidentally stumbled on Shraman Fanfiction on Google and then going ahead and reading all of them on IndiaForums and then here, my hands itched to write a story, Shravan, and Suman from my point of view. I just had the beginning of the story, just the first two chapters written, I had no idea where this story would go but so it happened, once I started writing the words just flowed.

I started writing this chapter with a smile on my face and an excitement that was more than when I posted the first chapter and when I came to the almost end I had tears in my eyes, not only because of the emotional scene but because this is the first time I've written a story and completed it as well. 

The Wedding will always be special for me. It was venturing into the world of Fanfiction once again and trying my hand at writing a story, once again.

You guys are truly a family and you are ready to take anyone and everyone in who share with you the love for two characters who we never knew we would fall in love with so hard.

Thank you so so so much for accepting me and The Wedding and giving it so much love! *hugs and kisses to all of you*

Until the next story...

Rohina xoxo

PS. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!

PPS. I hope you've enjoyed the pictures I've added for easy visualization.

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