By sassyscorpio

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As soon as his eyes fell on her he knew he was doomed. Just like Daenys the Dreamer knew for a fact that the... More



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By sassyscorpio

"Darling you're like hot water, relaxing but dangerous."


Chapter Four

The wolf and the Dragon


Said woman sighed before turning her head to the side, her eyes lazily shifting over to face her handmaiden, and her sister. It seemed as thought she spent most of her days either getting reprimanded for something, or simply just being yelled at.

Lyanna turned her head to the side, effectively hiding her smile as she watched Seraphina actually act her age for once.

"Yes?" Seraphina drawled out slowly, as she defiantly faced Zhalia.

Their handmaiden was a Dothraki woman, who could probably kill the two girls in the blink of an eye. Its like owning a wolf – you can't, wolves aren't domesticated creatures, and neither are the Dothraki. She was an intimidating woman, and only Seraphina had the audacity to try her.

Lyanna wasn't raised by just Zhalia, she was raised alongside another handmaiden that she has that remained in Winterfell. In Seraphina's case, only Zhalia looked after her, well the majority of the time. Seraphina was a mini Zhalia, but she was just a little domesticated compared to the woman. Also, Seraphina was simply just a ballsy girl, who appeared to have no fears, and that was something Lyanna couldn't help but look up to her for.

Her sister has much more control over herself, and her expressions while Lyanna was easily triggered by anything, and for the life of her, she couldn't mask her expression. She was expression, just like Brandon and Benjen were, Ned is really good at hiding his emotions.

Zhalia narrowed her eyes at Sera. "Where is your head? Is something wrong? There better be because I would love to know why you are ignoring your lessons and me." She snapped angrily, her accent heavy and understandable.

Sera sighed again before turning around and facing her carriage window, a small frown on her face. Seraphina was feeling very off, she couldn't pinpoint what it was but she felt it enough where it was affecting her personality.

As much as she bloody tried, she couldn't push back the events that happened at High Heart, and that included the dream she had. For the last two days, she has been having the recurring dream, the same one with the man and the dragon, and something deep in her heart told her that it wasn't just a dream.

A forewarning perhaps?

It just wasn't possible though, the dragons were dead, they have been for centuries.

But she was just given three dragon eggs, the same three eggs that caused her mother to go insane and let herself burn. It didn't flow, it didn't make sense to her.

As a lover of books, Seraphina has read countless of books, she adored to read, and the only thing that she can connect her dream to would be dragon dreams.

Daenys the Dreamer was a Targaryen with the blood of old Valyria, and as a maiden she was plagued with visions, visions that portrayed the doom of Valyria. Most dragon dreams involve dragons, and seem to plague those with the blood of old Valyria, families such as the Targaryen's, the Blackfyre's, and the Velayron's.

And then the thought of that just caused Seraphina to stress even more. The ghost of High Heart told her that she was named Daenys, and she has never heard that name ever be uttered. She was just in a constant state of thought after thought and she felt absolutely drained and insane.

"I'm fine. What is it again?" Seraphina muttered after being quiet for a while.

Zhalia huffed but let her be, not having the energy to scold the girl and possibly be heard by the people outside of the carriage.

"Ven jin shieraki look zohhe she witness." Zhalia said fluently, her accent coming out a little more aggressive considering the fact that she was frustrated with her student.

Sera froze and her eyes glazed over as she tried to recall what the translation meant before it finally came to her. "...As the stars look down in witness." And she looked over at Zhalia for approval, who begrudgingly nodded.

"And how is that phrase used?" She asked, tilting her chin up as she looked at Sera, who for a second struggled to remember what it meant.

"It is used as a promise, to assure that your promise will be fulfilled and as you make your promise the stars look down and have acknowledged your words." Seraphina murmured.

Thoroughly impressed, Zhalia nodded Seraphina's way before looking outside, taking in the scenery.

Lyanna, who surprisingly sat quietly throughout all this, narrowed her eyes her sisters way. She knew Sera was still mad at her for her comment bak in High Heart, and because of the tension between the two sisters, the remainder of the trip has become rather...awkward. And it honestly made Lyanna uneasy.

Lyanna loved her siblings with all her heart, and despite her being closests to Ned, even Ned couldn't take Sera's place. The bond between sisters will always be stronger than between brothers because there is just so much to bond over, especially in the two girls case. They were both alike, the differences being minor, nothing too big to cause a rift between them.

Being the observant person she was, Lyanna couldn't help but watch the other pair of sisters that came along with them – Catelyn and Lysa Tully. The two sisters had the bond but it seemed to be a little stronger on Catelyn's side. To Lyanna it seemed as if Catelyn loved Lysa more than Lysa loved Catelyn. There was a sibling jealousy going on, but it seemed to come from Lysa than Catelyn.

Like the blood running through her veins, Lyanna was a tough woman who believed that the North should remain with the North. Brandon deserved a woman just as strong as him, and to Lyanna, Catelyn didn't seem to be the best wife for a Northerner. She was too soft, and as beautiful as she may be, she will get eaten alive in Winterfell.

Winterfell will force Catelyn to be the wife she's meant to be, and thats a fate Lyanna didn't wish on anybody.

Suddenly, the carriage the girls were in slowed down, and there was a knock on their doors. The carriage door opened, spilling in the morning sun rays and showing them their brother – Ned.

Ned smiled softly at Lyanna, who quickly gave him her best smile, before his eyes flickered over to Sera, who was too busy looking outside her carriage window, a slight frown on her face. Ned's smile wavered slightly seeing one of his sisters not feeling her best, especially the sister who's smile that made everyone else smile.

It was like seeing a pond with no water, or a fire pit with no fire. It wasn't right, and it didn't feel right.

"We're stopping. We're very close to Harrenhal, so if the two of you would like to get ready to look your best then so be it. We're setting up a tent for the two of you, and the Tully sisters." Ned said, giving Lyanna his hand, to help her down.

Unsurprisingly, she didn't take his hand, she passed by him, and playfully threw him a wink before getting off the carriage. Ned turned over to Sera, who was still looking outside, investing herself completely in her thoughts. Zhalia looked over at her and nudged her, catching her attention. Her eyes flickered around before connecting with Ned's, who was raising a questioning eyebrow.

Seraphina shook her head before accepting his hand, and letting him help her out the carriage.

Stepping out, she saw the the rest of their party has stopped in place. Most of them were talking, feeding their horses, or eating themselves. Taking a deep breath in, the smell of burning food assaulted her senses causing her to let a small happy sigh out, Sera enjoyed the smell of burning food, it was such a natural smell.

The two sisters followed their brother, as he led them over to the rest of their family. As they walked closer to their family tent, the more Lyanna could hear Brandon laugh. Their brother was anything but quiet after all.

One of the guards opened the flap to the ten, and the three Starks entered. Inside, Brandon sat besides Jon Umber and Robert Baratheon, the three, both holding a cup filled with ale no doubt, the three were sat together as they discussed whatever they were talking about. To the side sat Benjen with Catelyn, and Lysa, their ward nowhere to be found, causing Lyanna to narrow her eyes suspiciously.

Entering the tent, caught Brandon, Jon, Robert, and Lysa's attention. Lyanna smiled politely at everyone, while Sera gave everyone a polite nod, causing Brandon to narrow his eyes in her direction, quickly picking up that Seraphina wasn't at her happiest.

"Lyanna, Seraphina! I've missed you!" Brandon thundered out, standing up and walking to Lyanna first, and hugging her tightly, causing the girl to let a huff out, but the small on her face went nowhere.

Sera watched her siblings with a smile, and her smile soon widened when she saw her brothers eyes flicker to her and shine impossibly brighter. Brandon smirked at her before taking a couple steps her way and engulfing her small frame, and a couple of giggles left her body when his long hair tickled her neck.

"Get off you oaf." She complained playfully, pushing him away.

Moving back, Brandon smiled down at her before throwing an arm over her shoulders, keeping her besides him. Feeling a sense of calmness, Sera found herself reverting back to herself and forgetting everything that has been causing her stress.

"Listen here, we are about an hour away from Harrenhal, and I know how you women get about your looks," He threw a look at Sera and Lyanna, who both rolled their eyes, knowing that their brother was talking about them. "So get ready as quick as possible, and make sure you look your best, Lyanna."

The comment caused Sera to roll her eyes at her brother before shoving him. Lyanna glared at Brandon hotly, before shaking her head.

"I'll start looking my best, when you stop looking like a girl." Lyanna threw back, causing all the men in the room to laugh, not including Brandon, who glared at his now smirking sister.

"Funny." He threw at her, no doubt getting riled up already.

The two were like oil and water, they just couldn't coexist together.

"Alright," Sera finally cut in. "Lets go get ready, yeah?"

She looked over at Lyanna for the first time since Lyanna said that comment to her, and this caused Lyanna's eyes to widen slightly before smiling lightly at Sera. Seraphina looked over at the Tully sisters, and Catelyn smiled back at her before grabbing her sisters arm.

Nodding over at Jon Umber and Robert Baratheon, Sera looked over at Brandon.

"We'll try to be quick." She threw in, before following the girls out.

"Are you excited?" Catelyn threw in, a smile on her face as she made conversation with Sera, feeling most comfortable talking to her than Lyanna, since the wolf girl seemed as though she didn't like Catelyn at all.

Seraphina smiled over at Catelyn. "I'm very excited actually. I enjoy going to new places, and getting to see something else rather than Winterfell or Driftmark." Sera said, a smile on her face.

Lyanna watched her sibling carefully, she listened in on the conversation, and made sure that neither of the Tully sisters attempted to insult her sister in any shape or form.

"Oh yes! Brandon did mention that you visit Driftmark, how often do you go?" Catelyn asked, curiosity taking over.

Walking into the tent, the girls trunks were already in there, and all of them separated to look through, looking for their best dress.

"I travel to Driftmark almost every year, I usually spend the Fall and Winter in Winterfell, and the Spring and Summer in Driftmark." Seraphina threw out. "But it wasn't like that before, this arrangement has recently been made about three years ago between my Uncle and my father."

Lysa, also listening in to the conversation, couldn't help but speak up. "So that means that after the Tourney you are to leave with your Uncle, no?" She asked.

Sera couldn't help but smile slightly at the mere thought of being back with her Uncle and her cousins. "Yes actually."

What Sera failed to see was the frown on Lyanna's face at the thought of having to part with her sister. Since the arrangement between her father and Lucerys Velaryon had been made, it has made Lyanna's life just a little miserable. Parting with her sister always seemed to be hard, but for some reason this time around, it made her actually want to burst into tears at the mere thought of having to part with her sibling.

For some reason, this time it seemed, permanent. And Lyanna wasn't sure why she felt like this, maybe it was because now, Brandon was to get married after the Tourney and she was to get married this year. Lyanna felt like her family was falling apart but that wasn't the case, they were growing up and separating, and by the time Sera came back to Winterfell, Lyanna would be gone and living in Storms End with Robert, and away from the North.

"Thats fantastic! But will you be missing Brandon and I's wedding?" Catelyn couldn't help but ask, after seeing how close Brandon and Sera were.

Sera turned around, facing Catelyn, who was helping Lysa into a green open back dress.

"Of course not, I'll definitely be leaving to come for Brandon's wedding and Lyanna's wedding. They'll only marry once, I can't miss that." Sera threw in, her smile widen, when she saw Catelyn smile widely.

"Good." The Tully girl threw in playfully before retying Lysa corset.

Lyanna, who listened to the whole conversation couldn't help but frown.

She really didn't want to marry, especially Robert. Looking over at Sera, who was busy rummaging through her stuff, Lyanna sighed softly.

Lyanna could never love Robert, and Robert could never love her, but he could probably love Sera, if he was given the chance...

Rhaegar Targaryen

It took Harren the Black forty years to build Harrenhal. Harrenhal was meant to be a monument for himself, intending it to be the greatest castle all of Westeros have ever seen.

The castle has five huge towers and from the look of it, Harrenhal covers three times as much ground as Winterfell ever could and its buildings were much larger that they can scarcely be compared. However, much of Harrenhal has far gone into decay. According to the rumors, The Whent's only use the lower thirds of two of the five towers, letting the rest go to ruin, and many places in the castle have not been entered in decades. Bats infested the tops of some of the towers.

Out of the castle's five towers, the shortest is half as high as the tallest one in Winterfell, yet none of the towers are proper, being bent, lumped, and cracked from the melting of the stone during the burning of Harrenhal by Aegon and his sisters-wives dragons three centuries before. Their original names were lost with the death of Harren the Black.

The towers were name Tower of Dread, Widow's Tower, Wailing Tower, Tower of Ghosts, and Kingspyre Tower, where Harren the Black was roasted alive.

Rhaegar's eyes flickered over to the Gods eye, the largest lake in the Seven Kingdoms. It is rumored that during the age of heroes, the pact that ended the war of the first men and the children of the forest, happened in the Isle of Faces – the sacred island that was in the middle of the Gods eye. It is also the same place where Prince Aemond and Prince Daemon Targaryen fought to their deaths, and causing the deaths of their dragons, Vhagar and Ceraxes.

"...At the end of the fight, Vhagar locked with Caraxes and they fell into the Gods Eye. While in freefall, even as Vhagar's claws opened up Caraxes's belly and used her teeth to tear off one of his wing-arms, Caraxes locked his teeth onto the larger dragon's throat and tore it out. Vhagar did not survive the force of the fall. Somehow, Caraxes managed to live long enough to pull himself out of the water and onto the shore, even though his entrails were falling out and one of his arms had been torn clean off. The dragon soon died in front of the walls of Harrenhal."

Rhaegar could help but sigh softly in hidden disappointment.

The Dance of Dragons was unnecessary and stupid, and because of his Targaryen ancestors, the dragons were gone, for good. The Targaryen name just wasn't the same without the Dragons, they were Targaryen's – dragons, but how can you be something without that something?

Targaryen – the old blood of Valyria, they were, but to consider them a dragon? Ridiculous. They didn't even have any dragon eggs.

Rhaegar sighed again before the sound of gates opening took his attention. A bored expression took over his young face as he looked down from his perch, the grey direwolf of the house Stark, caught his immedate attention, and he couldn't help but let a soft noise out, impressed with the fact that such an old house decided to come South – for a tourney at that.

"I am surprised that the northerner's decided to take such a long journey for a tourney." Rhaegar mused out loud, looking over at Jon Connington, knowing that the man probably had a lot to say. He always did.

Jon Connington laughed pleasantly, before sanding up from his chair, and swaggering over to Rhaegar's side, leaving Ser Arthur, sitting by himself at the table that Jon just vacated. Rhaegar hid a grin as he saw one of his closest friend, walking over to him. Jon had a character unlike others, and that was something very refreshing for Rhaegar.

"It's a surprise, yes, not unpleasant though." Jon said, his blue eyes sparkled mischievously as his eyes raked over the Northmen party, being led by Brandon Stark and his two brothers, Eddard and Benjen Stark. Following behind them was their soon to be brother by law, and Rhaegar's cousin – Robert Baratheon.

"Brandon Stark is built like a bloody tree." Jon murmured, observing the Northman a little more than most would. "I'm jealous, he could snap me in half – if he really wanted to. I wouldn't though, I'm an amazing lad to be around." Jon mused quietly, to himself mostly, but his friends heard him and couldn't help but crack a smile at their friends antics.

"Most Northern men are." Ser Arthur Dayne said, rising from his seat and walking over to his friends, his white cape trailing behind him, a constant remind that this man was never to be wed or have children. It's just what came with being a knight apart of the Kingsguard.

"They are descendants from the first men after all." Rhaegar said murmured, his arms crossed against his chest as he lazily observed the group.

"They are fools. They are too far from home, the North cannot thrive in the South, they will melt surely." Jon jested.

This caused Rhaegar to smile lightly at his friend's joke. Brandon Stark was a tall man, who not only had his height on his side but most likely his strength. His shirt struggled against his muscle, his arms bulging out. His dark hair fell down to the top of his shoulders, and his grey eyes were cold and calculated as he took everything in.

With grace that Rhaegar didn't know a man of his size could have, he walked over to a much more taller man, taller than Brandon Stark himself. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, he was more muscular than Brandon was. He had dark brown hair that reached the nape of his neck, and has a thick bread on his face to match. His banners were held up proudly, a roaring brown haired giant wearing a skin and with broken silver chains on his arms.

House Umber.

"I believe that is the GreatJon, from House Umber." Jon said, followed Rhaegar's gaze. "It's said that he's one of the strongest living men in Westeros." He boasted, looking over at Arthur, teasing him.

Arthur Dayne took his bait willingly and he rolled his eyes playfully. "Well he hasn't met me." He said, causing Rhaegar and Jon to laugh.

Brandon and Jon Umber talked quietly to themselves before separating. Brandon headed over to House Tully's carriage while Jon headed over to House Stark's carriage, followed by Robert Baratheon.

Brandon knocked on the carriage before it opened, a short man stepped out first, he cooly regarded Brandon before giving the wolf man his back. Brandon rolled his eyes at Petyr Baelish, and his hold on his sword tightened. A taller woman stepped out, taking the shorter man's arm before walking off. Then stepped out a shorter woman with bright red hair pulled up in intricate braids, she was beautiful.

"Lysa and Catelyn Tully. Catelyn is set to marry Brandon Stark. The man escorting Lysa Tully, is their lord father's ward, Petyr Baelish." Jon said murmured, smugness in his eyes.

Rhaegar let out a non-committed sound out, a sound that let Jon know that he was listening, but a sound that let everyone know that he didn't really care.

His eyes flickered over to the Stark carriage where a short woman stepped out. She was extremely beautiful. She had long dark hair that fell in waves down her back. She was dressed in a deep blue gown that was off the shoulder as well, it tightened around her waist before flaring out. Her cheeks were colored pink, and she held a look of clear distaste as she accepted Robert Baratheon's arm.

Lyanna Stark, his cousin's betrothed.

Loud laughter suddenly exploded inside the carriage Lyanna Stark got out of. Turning around, she could see her youngest sister's head thrown back, her eyes shut and her mouth open as she laughed freely. Seraphina looked so happy and carefree in that moment that Lyanna couldn't help but cherish that memory of her sister. This was a complete change compared to how Sera was acting before reaching Harrenhal. This is how Lyanna liked her sister, happy and carefree.

Besides Lyanna, Robert watched the bastard girl with unhidden fondness.

Zhalia, who sat next to Sera in the carriage snickered at the young woman before shuffling out the carriage. Sera, who was still laughing at Zhalia's dry humor, snickered before looking up and throwing a beaming smile over to Lyanna and Robert, before gathering her skirts and shuffling out the carriage.

Rhaegar stood a little straighter as his eyes narrowed, trying to find out who was in the carriage that made the wolf maiden crack a smile. A head popped out, the woman had strange hair coloring, that's all he could see since the woman refused to face his way.

Seraphina stepped out and saw the familar face of the Great Jon and she couldn't help but smile just a little more. Seraphina enjoyed the banter between Jon and herself, Jon didn't treat her like a fragile woman, the man still cussed and talked about woman the exact same way he would with Brandon. He was unapologetically himself and Sera couldn't help but like that about the man.

"Hello, my lord." She said, almost teasingly, smiling up at the giant of a man.

Jon smirked down at her, his eyes taking in her form. "I must say, you look absolutely ravishing, my lady." Jon said, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

Sera blushed and laughed before her hand swung out and hit his arm. "Watch it Jon Umber." She pointed threatening at him, but her grin was hard to ignore.

Jon laughed loudly, catching the attention of many before offering his arm to her. "Your brother has given me the task of taming their littlest wolf." He said. "But only for tonight, I'm told you're not tamed so easily." He jested, laughing louder when Sera's hand suddenly went flying, aiming for his arm, but the big burly man moved silently and quickly before it met its mark,

Sera rolled her eyes before taking his arm. "Oh shut up. I am not reckless, I'm just...very curious. " She said, tilted her chin up defiantly before she mockingly glared at Lyanna, who caught her look and laughed.

"It's improper to lie, sister." Lyanna jested, causing Sera to suck her teeth in, in annoyance before looking up at the sky, glaring at it, as if it was it's fault.

Rhaegar caught a glimpse of the girls face and was surprised to find out that this woman was a Stark – a bastard though, since he has never heard of the younger Stark sister before.

"Who is she?" He asked, trying to get a glimpse of her face, but all he managed to do was catch her strange hair. She had hair dark as night, but by the crown of her head, she had curly streaks of silver-blonde.

Jon narrowed his eyes, trying to catch the woman's gaze, since he himself didn't know who she was. Jon enjoyed knowing everyone from the realm, well anyone worth knowing that is, he didn't know this woman and that bothered him, and now he aimed to find out who she was.

Sera's eyebrows suddenly furrowed when she felt heat on her back, a sign that someone was staring at her – hard. Sera knew people would stare, she was unique looking, and almost everyone didn't know about her and her ties. People were bound to stare at someone they didn't know, but nonetheless, it still made her uncomfortable, but she couldn't help but find the source.

Seraphina Fireborn doesn't scare easily.

Turning around, her sharp eyes looked around, looking to see who was staring at her before her eyes connected with a pair of indigo ones. The male's eyes suddenly widen in shock when he realized that the person he was looking at was now looking at him. Rhaegar couldn't help but let a shuddered breath out as he took in the woman's features.

He felt like he's been punched in the gut, losing all his breath. Her gaze was sharp and harsh like the winter she came from, but once she realized who she was looking at, they softened considerably, giving her a smoldering look, a look that Rhaegar couldn't ignore even if he wanted too.

Her gaze left an impression, something no woman has ever done. Her sharp eyes were the same eyes every Valyrian had, but only one person had that exact shade of lilac, and that was the girl from his dream. From the look of it though, it seemed that the woman from his dream was right before him, and that itself set a shock through his body.

She could feel all the air leaving her body as soon as she saw the man's eyes, and for a second she was scared, she reverted back to the dream she had and she was scared, but she quickly pushed that back. She couldn't seem weak, they would prey on her if she even showed an ounce of weakness.

House Stark was not weak.

House Velaryon was not weak.

SHE was not weak.

Sera watched him, her face straight but her eyes curious as she looked at the man that she has been having dreams about.

Rhaegar swore that for a second she glowed. She looked absolutely radiant, her red dress clung to her like a second skin, her eyes took everything in with a stride, her expression never changed as she gazed up at him. She didn't blush at his intense stare, nor did she cower away from his gaze.

Her eyes remained planted to his until she caught movement behind him, and her eyes flickered over to Ser Arthur Dayne and Jon Connington. Sera looked at the knight in contempt as her eyes looked him over, she couldn't help but catch his eye color – purple. Sera said nothing as her eyes soon flickered over to Jon Connington, who watch the girl with a small smirk on his face.

Looking the man over as well, Sera couldn't help but find the two attractive to look at, but she herself wasn't attracted to the two. Sera couldn't help but cock a rebellious eyebrow their way before turning her attention over to her siblings.

Jon's smirked widened at the rebellious display before turning his head over to Rhaegar's side. Rhaegar watched the girl intently, his eyes never straying from her, and for a second Jon was concerned – for the girl. Rhaegar watched the girl like a wolf watched its prey before devouring it.

"She's rather beautiful isn't she? She doesn't look very Stark like though." Jon mused, mostly to himself.

Arthur let a hum out, agreeing with Jon.

"...Yes, she is." Rhaegar said finally, he sounded out of breath, and this caused his friends to look over at the Prince in mild concern.

Arthur was a little concerned, he wasn't one to admit that but he was. He has known his friend for years now, and it is true, the prince always carried an air of melancholy around him. Rhaegar wasn't interested in woman, he was interested in his books, if he could marry a book he probably would. In all the years Arthur has known Rhaegar, he has never seen Rhaegar react this way to a female, and that concerned him greatly.

Rhaegar was a passionate man at heart, he was passionate about his books, he was passionate about his music, that's just the way he was. So to see, his very married friend interested in a woman who wasn't his wife, worried him just a little. The crowned prince can be unpredictable and gods know what he'll do if he can't have something that he wants.

Pushing away any thoughts concerning the silver haired man up in the balcony, Sera stamped a smile on her face as soon as she saw her brothers frame.

He stood with Catelyn Tully as the two talked with an older man, the two made quite a sight, Brandon was a huge man, and Catelyn was just small in general, but standing next to Brandon she seemed even more small. Almost like Jon and her, Sera cracked a genuine smile at that thought. The man was tall and old, but he had a very friendly face as he conversed with Brandon and Catelyn. His eyes flickered over to Lyanna and Seraphina and he smiled.

When they got closer, Brandon began to introduce them.

"Lord Whent! These are my sisters! Lyanna Stark, and her betrothed, Robert Baratheon." Lyanna smiled politely as the man, and did a small curtsy while Robert shook Lord Whent's hand.

Brandon's eyes flickered over to Sera, and he flashed her a reassuring smile. "And this is Seraphina Fireborn and my great friend, Jon Umber."

Lord Whent's eyes flickered over to her frame, and he regarded her curiously. Sera curtsied while flashing Lord Whent a charming smile while Jon Umber nodded at Lord Whent politely.

Walter Whent was a tall small who was already in his sixties, but he didn't seem like he was deteriorating, he carried himself with a sense of pride and almost youth. You could tell that this man was stubborn, and even death will struggle with taking him.

His grey hair was brushed back, and his bread nicely trimmed, his old blue eyes glimmered in happiness.

"Seraphina Fireborn you say? I don't believe I've heard of that house before." He said curiously, starting on conversation with the young bastard.

Before Seraphina could answer, someone else did.

"Fireborn is not a house. My darling niece is the product of two great houses merging, without the whole marriage bit I'm afraid."

Everyone's eyes flickered over to the tall Valyrian man, who stood almost cockily. He stood at an impressing height of 6'5, he had long silver-blonde hair that cascaded down to the middle of his back. His eyes were the soft shade of lilac that Sera possessed, but like her, those eyes were surrounded by thick black eyelashes, giving his gaze a piercing look to it.

"Isn't that – "Started off Jon, as the three friends gazed down at the scene with confusion.

"Uncle!" Sera called out, her eyes wide as she stared at him with unhidden surprise. He didn't mention that he was coming in his letters.

"Lucerys Velaryon of House Velaryon." Rhaegar finished off, his indigo eyes narrowed as his gaze flickered over from Seraphina to Lucerys.

"According to Jacaerys, his father rarely leaves Driftmark since the death of his twin sister." Arthur said, a frown on his face.

"How did she die?" Jon asked curiously as the three watched the bastard girl hug the cold Lucerys Velaryon.

"In a fire," Rhaegar said with a frown. "Fifteen years ago." He drawled, tilting his head to the side curiously as his thoughts took over.

"Lucerys said that the bastard was his niece, but I was never aware of Vaella Velaryon ever being pregnant." Rhaegar mused quietly to himself.

Seraphina smiled widely, a genuine smile took over her features causing her to look even more radiant as her eyes softened as she looked at her blood. Lucerys did not' return the smile, but Sera was good at reading her Uncle, and from the look in his eye, he was extremely happy to see her as well.

Lord Whent's eyes widened in surprise before quickly composing himself. "Lord Velaryon, I wasn't sure if you were going to make it." He muttered, bowing slightly at the kings Master of Ships.

Lucerys regarded the man cooly, his eyes taking in the man with indifference before looking over at Seraphina and her other family, his eyes warmed up at the sight of his niece before turning cold as he regarded the Stark children with hidden disgust. Lucerys wasn't fond of the Starks, Rickard Stark took not only his sister from him but his niece, and he couldn't help but hate the mans spawn.

"I couldn't miss the biggest tourney of the century!" Lucerys exclaimed, a little smirk on his face as he looked around, an air of smugness emitting from him.

Sera couldn't help but roll her eyes at her uncle, he was such a diva when he wanted to be.

Lord Whent shifted around almost uncomfortably, clearly the Lord of the Tides made him uncomfortable. He usually made every uncomfortable, willingly though, he wasn't a fan of people he told her that before and she understood that, she just didn't understand his need to make other uncomfortable.

"Wonderful!" Lord Whent exclaimed happily, but the Lord didn't look very happy. "May I escort you to your rooms!" Lord Whent said, addressing everyone.

Before Brandon could agree, Lucerys cut in. "I've been shown to my quarters already." He said curtly before turning over to Brandon, who was glaring at the Valyrian man, hotly. "I'll be taking my niece for now, I haven't seen her in months." Lucerys eyes flickered over to hers. "Come niece." He said simply, offering his arm to her.

Seraphina couldn't help but feel as if she was picking sides but its been months since she's seen her mother's family and quite honestly she missed her uncle and cousin. She threw an apologetic smile over her shoulders, her eyes catching everyone's face briefly.

Lyanna, Ned, and Benjen stared at her with understandment in their eyes while Brandon glared at her uncle. Robert, Catelyn, and Lysa watched, almost uncomfortably while Petyr Baelish and Jon Umber watched with curiosity.

Giving her family a goodbye nod, she walked over to her uncle, accepting his arm. Lucerys smiled down at her softly, his hair putting a curtain between her and her family and hiding his smile. She smiled up at him as well before letting him lead her to her newest chambers.

But the hot gaze coming from the crowned prince caused her to turn around slightly, catching his eyes once again. Irritated, she glared at him in annoyance before she rolled her eyes and payed attention to where she was being steered towards. Rhaegar didn't hide his grin as he watched the defiant girl that had the balls to roll her eyes at a prince, walk off.

"I don't believe word was ever sent out." Arthur said, watching Rhaegar closely.

Prince Rhaegar Targaryen continued looking down at where the bastard girl once stood before letting a sigh. He seemed a little too invested in the bastard girl, a girl he has never met or heard of before.

"Jon, find out everything you can about the girl as soon as possible." Rhaegar commanded before turning around. "Also, send word to the lords, I want a meeting arranged quickly. I didn't finance this whole tourney for nothing." He threw in at the end playfully, before swaggering off, followed by Arthur.

Jon remained on the balcony, a small frown on his face as he gazed at the direwolf banner. "This will not end well." He murmured quietly to himself before doing as he was told.

"I see you already fit into your mother's old gowns." Lucerys started off as he led Seraphina up to the third floor of the Kingspyre Tower.

The Kingspyre tower was not only the tower where Harren the Black and his sons died during Aegon's Conquest, but for the Tourney, it housed all of House Targaryens council men and allies. Widow's Tower was connected to the Kingspyre Tower, and that was the same tower that housed the rest of the guests attending the Tourney.

The Crowned Prince's family was currently located on the other side of the third floor, and that included Princess Elia Martell and her brother Prince Oberyn Martell. Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia Martell's children were also on the floor and they remained as far as possible from where House Velaryon stayed.

On the second floor, House Lannister stayed, and that included Jaime Lannister, and Cersei Lannister – also known as the light of the west. Along with Tywin Lannister's infamous twins, came Tyrion Lannister – the dwarf, and the same man to have killed Joanna Lannister during his birth.

Ser William Darry was also present along with his brother Ser Jonothor Darry. Ser William Darry was a knight but he was also the master-at-keeps, and his brother was simply a knight of the Kingsguard.

Lucerys Velaryon was also present, obviously, for he was King Aerys oldest friend and his Master of Ships, and he brought along his heir Jacaerys Velaryon, and his bastard Aurane Waters. Sadly, Lucerys left behind his younger sister-wife Valaena back in Driftmark to watch over.

Seraphina let a small hum that indicated that she heard what he say, she didn't have much to say over that comment. "...When did she start wearing them?" Sera asked slowly.

Vaella Velaryon was a tough subject for her uncle. Lucerys didn't just love Vaella as a brother, but he loved her as a lover since the two were meant to marry after Vaella engagement to Aerys fell through. Lucerys loved Vaella very much which is why he fell in a depression when she died.

As a child, he dotted on Seraphina constantly, he never saw her as the reason why Vaella killed herself, but he saw her as his only living connection to his twin sister. When Seraphina was sent over for the summer, Lucerys put time aside to get to know his niece, and talk to her. He loved the girl to bits, and that caused a strain between Lucerys and Vaelena – his younger sister and wife.

Lucerys eyes flashed with pain before he quickly hid it. "The gown you are currently wearing is the same gown she wore when she met your father." He snapped, his anger not intended towards her, but towards the memory.

Sera didn't ask anymore questions, she knew the memory was still very vivid in her uncles head and she refused to be the cause of his bad mood if she pushed the subject even more.

"So where are my cousins?" She asked playfully.

Lucerys smiled lightly at the thought of his first born – Jacaerys Velaryon, but soon his smiled died at the thought of his bastard– Aurane Waters. Aurane was everything Lucerys was as a teen, and Lucerys couldn't help but hate him for it. The fact that a half-blood was more like him than his own son really made his blood boil.

Jacaerys Velaryon was born a year before Seraphina was, and he almost killed his mother during his birth sadly. It was said that Jacaerys was born sick but one day he took a turn for the better, he was told that he was going to live a month, and he ended up beating the odds and pushing past the sickness that claimed him as a child. Jacaerys resembled his father immensely, copying his fathers bone structure down to the t.

Aurane Waters was born around the same time Seraphina was born, according to his mother. Lucerys wasn't a womanizer, and he didn't pride himself on being one while being married, but having the woman he loved be with the man she loved right before his eyes, does something to a man. Lucerys just wanted Vaella to see him, and if he had to act like a fool then so be it. Being a fool caused him to father Aurane. Aurane had his brothers tall frame, but he was just a little thinner compared to Jacaerys, he had the same silver blonde every Valyrian had, reaching his shoulders, but he had his mother's green-grey eyes, he also had a cleft on his chin that made all the ladies in Driftmark crazy. Aurane had a taste for ambition, Lucerys could see it in his eyes, and that just reminded him more on how much he used to be like Aurane when he was his age.

Lucerys hated remembering his past, his past had too much of Vaella in it for it not to hurt.

"They should be in their chambers already, well hopefully. You know how they get when they are together." Lucerys threw in, rolling his eyes at the mere thought of his children together.

Despite his distaste for Aurane, he never had the heart to separate him for his family. Once word came that his mother died from a sickness, Lucerys took him in, despite Valaena's clear disdain for him, and raised him along with his own family.

And Jacaerys created the ideal best friend out of Aurane, the two caring for each other like brothers should.

Seraphina chuckled before nodding. "Oh yes, I do know how they get when they are together. I'm usually the target of their torment." She rolled her eyes, mentally prepared to deal with the mischievous duo.

"Concerning where you'll be staying, you'll stay two doors away from me, by yourself because I refuse to let two hot blooded males share a room with you." Sera broke into a heavy blush before laughing. "If you need anything, like I said, I'm two doors away from you, and besides me Jacaerys and Aurane will be sharing a room together."

Turning a corner, Sera saw the familiar trunk holding her belongings being brought into the room that will be hers for the next ten days. And Sera couldn't help but be excited to reunited with her eggs, having the sudden urge to just seen them.

"Freshen up, and meet me by my room. By then I should of hopefully found the two troublemakers and the four of us will go and walk around and reacquaint ourselves." Lucerys said, placing a calming hand on her shoulder.

She smiled up at him before nodding. "Yes, absolutely. I won't take long I swear!" She said, before turning around and attempting to walk into her room but she was quickly stopped by a hand on her wrist.

Lucerys, gripped her wrist, and softly pulled her back over to him, and he embraced her tightly, placing his chin on her head. "I've missed you very much, my love." He murmured, placing a kiss on her head.

Sera wrapped her arms around him, and took in his smell, the smell of the ocean and his musk hitting her nostrils, and she couldn't help but be so happy to be back with her other family.

"I missed you too uncle." She muttered, pulling back so she can face him eye to eye.

He smiled down at her, and leaned down, kissing her forehead before turning around and sauntering off to his room. Running her fingers through her hair, she turned around and walked into her room. Seeing her trunk, Sera locked her door before walking over to it. Opening it, effortlessly, she grabbed her gowns and jewelry and placed it on the bed before returning back and pulling out the false bottom, and showing her, her three eggs.

Smiling widely, she grabbed the green and brought it up to her face, placing a kiss on them, and once again she couldn't ignore the small amount of heat that emitted from the egg. Looking at the egg in her hand, she couldn't help but think that the dragon in her dream, the colors resembled the colors on the egg in her hand. Her eyes remained on the egg for a minute longer before she placed it back down, and did the rest with the other two before placing the false bottom back in place. She placed the clothes on top once again.

Standing up, Sera walked over to the mirror and looked at herself.

She looked the same, nothing has changed, but it felt, it just felt like everything did.

Her hair was down in curls, her white strands curling around her face. Her lips were stained pink, her natural lip color, and her eyes were soft as they connected with their twin in the mirror.

The dress she decided to wear was a royal red dress that clung to her figure, her shoulders were exposed in the dress, since it had a curved neckline that also managed to show off her cleavage. The dress was actually very easy to maneuver in and gave her an insight on her mother's height. What can definitely be assumed is that her mother and her were the same height, and had about the same body type, Sera's hips and backside being a little bigger compared to her mothers.

The silver seahorse ring rested on her left hand dainty while the golden dragon necklace remained around her neck, the dragon nestled on top of her breasts.

Deciding that she was ready to leave her room, she quickly turned and walked out her door. A yelp escaped her though, when she felt something brush past her ankles. Grabbing onto her door knob, her eyes remained wide as she looked around, trying to see what ran into her until she saw an adorable black cat peering up at her, with it's green eyes.

Moving away from her door, she kneeled down, placing a hand in front of her, trying to coax the cat into coming over to her. The cat didn't move, but it did stay in place, watching her curiously as the cat tilted its head to the side, staring her dead in her eyes.

"C'mere." She murmured softly, rubbing her thumb and middle finger together to entice the cat to come.

And it did. With grace that only a cat had, it walked over to her, and it sniffed her hand before deciding that she liked the human girl and letting her pet her. Sera smiled, and scratched underneath the cats chin, and that caused the cat to purr even louder.

The sound of feet pattering, caused Sera to freeze up, trying to pinpoint where the noise was coming from, and quickly she was able to pinpoint that it was coming from her right. The right side of the hallway belonging to the royal family.

"Balerion." A small girlish voice whispered softly.

Cocking a curious eyebrow, Sera looked down at the cat, and back up from where the voice was coming from and suddenly it made sense to her. Softly, Sera picked up the cat, and shuffled over to where the voice was coming from.

"Balerion!" She whispered again.

Hiding a smile, Sera turned a corner and saw a small girl crawling on her hands and knees, as she looked around for her precious pet. The cat in her arms, let a small meow once its eyes came across its owner. The little girls head turned to her quickly, her honey colored eyes wide as it connected with Sera's eyes.

By then, Sera couldn't conceal the smile on her face. "I believe you've lost something." She mock-whispered, a playful smile on her face.

Rhaenys Targaryen smiled brightly once she saw her cat in the arms of the woman before her. The young princess, stood up suddenly and ran over to Sera, who crouched down. Sera placed the cat on the ground, and the cat sauntered over to the young girl, who quickly picked her cat up and placed a kiss on its head.

"Where did you find him?!" She asked, her voice loud as she proceeded to get more excited.

"He was by my door, he must have left your room, I'm afraid." Sera explained, as she looked at the young girl. "I'm glad I managed to find him for you."

Rhaenys smiled and suddenly lunged at Sera, hugging the girl. Sera's eyes widened before slowly hugging the young girl back, a small smile on her face.

Sera was the one that pulled back. "I'm Seraphina, what's your name?" She asked curiously.

Smiling proudly, Rhaenys curtised. "I am Princess Rhaenys of House Targaryen." She announced proudly, a wide smile on her small cherub face, causing Sera to smile back at her equally as happy.

"Wow! I'm getting to meet a Princess! I cannot be anymore honored!" And Sera playfully bowed, causing the young Princess to giggle loudly.

"You can be a princess too! You are beautiful, just like my grandmother and mother!" Rhaenys announced, grabbing Sera's hand.

Her smile dwindled just a little bit, enough for her to notice, but not enough for the little girl to notice. "Oh I don't think so, but if you want I can be a protector, for your cat." She said playfully, running her fingers through the cats soft fur.

Her eyes widened happily. "Oh yes! I declare you, Seraphina, protector of Balerion, the black cat!" The young girl suddenly announced, causing Sera to giggle just as childishly.

Placing a hand on her chest, she let another giggle escape her. "I will gladly take on that position for you, Princess."


Turning around, she caught the eyes of Lucerys, who stood besides Jacaerys and Aurane. Lucerys eyes quickly went over her frame and traveled over to the little Targaryen Princess, who looked sheepish from the attention she was receiving, and his eyes softened slightly.

"Uncle, the princess lost her cat, but I helped her find it." Sera explained, her eyes falling over the small feline, who remained at Rhaenys feet.

Lucerys pushed past his children and walked over to the little girl, Sera stepped back, standing besides her cousins. Aurane shot her a smirk, and pulled her in for a quick hug.

"Princess, allow me to escort you back to your mother." Lucerys spoke softly to the child, and before the little girl could speak, someone else did.

"No need at all." And everyone's eyes flickered upward, connecting with the Prince's indigo ones.

Rhaenys turned around, and her eyes widened impossibly wide, a smile that threatened to tear her face in two, too over. "Father!" She cried out happily, and quickly running over to him.

Rhaegar didn't crouch down to meet his daughter halfway, nor did he look down at the girl with fondness in his eyes, if anything he regarded the girl rather plainly.

And something inside Sera couldn't help but feel for the young girl. Princess Rhaenys stared at her father as if she hasn't seen him in years, and with the way he seemed to treat her, it appeared that the Prince either didn't love the girl or he was good at hiding his emotions.

But it seemed clear to Sera that there was no love, and no little girl deserved that, and Sera couldn't help but be angered by the way the Prince treated his daughter.

Sera frowned, as she watched Rhaenys reach her father and hug around his legs, that being the only thing she could reach. Rhaegar looked down at the girl and smiled, but from her position, she could see no love in his eyes. She could pinpoint the love someone had for their blood in his eyes, but the love that she saw in her father's eyes everyday weren't in his. And Sera couldn't help but ask to herself why? Why didn't he love his child?

Lucerys stood back up to his full eyes, his frame towered over the Prince's and his Kingsguard behind him. Her uncle along with her cousins were all extremely tall men, she herself was a little too tall for a girl. The Velayron's were just tall people, it was in their blood.

Rhaegar smiled politely at Lucerys. "My lord, you have surprised us all with your appearance here today." He announced.

This time around, Sera was close enough to see what he was wearing, and to pinpoint every single detail about him. The Prince was actually very tall, being the same height he was in her dream.

He wore a lightweight long sleeve tunic that reached the middle of his thighs, the color being Targaryen red. His breaches were black and tucked inside his boots. On the side of his tunic he had the Targaryen sigil printed in red. He had a belt on his waist, and on his waist he had his sword resting on his left side, his hand rest on the ruby tilt of it. His silver-blonde hair cascaded down his neck, resting on his shoulders, his hair out and free from any restraints now.

The man standing behind the Prince caught her attention, since he was the same man that stood on the balcony behind the Prince, not too long ago. He wore gold armour that could blind a man, and a cloak so white, Sera couldn't help but wonder how he managed to keep his cloak so pristine. On the chest of his armour, the three headed dragon was carved into it. What really caught her attention was the mighty sword that rested on his side. The sword had to sheath, it was just out, ready to be taken out and kill whoever it touched. The blade was as pale as milk glass and looked extremely sharp, and its hilt had intricate carvings that Sera couldn't see from afar.

It was very impressive, and it reminded Sera of the valyrian blade that rested inside her boot on her left leg, and she couldn't help but shift to the side, before her eyes flickered upward, connecting with the Kingsguard purple eyes.

This time, Arthur caught the young girl staring and he couldn't help but smirk slightly, expecting the girl to blush and look away. And once again, the bastard girl surprised him because she smiled right back at him, the smile genuine and if not, a little sheepish on her end. Arthur couldn't help but find the small act endearing on her part, but soon his eyes connected with Aurane Waters eyes, and he openly glared at the Knight for staring at his cousin. Seeing Aurane Waters, a man completely different compared to his brother, glare at Arthur openly, Arthur couldn't help but smirk almost mockingly the bastard of Driftmarks way.

Aurane Waters clenched his jaw at the knight before looking down at his cousin, watching her as she watched his father talk to the prince. That surprised Aurane, he has seen most of the girls here stop and stare at the Prince, and he was a little reluctant to see his cousin interact with the Prince, assuming that she will react the same way as the other girls, but once again, his cousin surprised him. He should of known, Sera wasn't like the other girls, she has never been like them.

He nudged his cousin, and Sera's eye flickered upward, connecting with his grey-green eyes. She furrowed her eyebrows confusingly, but he flashed her a charming smile, that she couldn't help but recuperate. Seeing Sera smile up at him, caused an onslaught of feelings to assault him, something he has never felt before, especially for Sera. Aurane couldn't help but look away from Sera and frown.

"The people enjoy a good mystery, Rhaegar." Lucerys said, a grin on his face.

Seeing her uncle talk to the Prince so carefree like, confused Sera. She didn't know her uncle was close to the Prince, last time she heard, Lucerys was closer to the King and Queen, since they were childhood friends growing up. Driftmark and Dragonstone weren't that far apart.

Rhaegar chuckled before his deep indigo eyes flickered over to her. "That they do."

And Sera knew he wasn't talking about her uncle.

A/n: Don't hate ya girl too much!

I am back and maybe better than ever! I'm so sorry for the long ass hiatus, when I tell ya I've been through hell the past couple of months I mean that shit.

This chapter is a little crazy I feel, I just wanted to give you guys hella content because of the long ass wait. I also didn't re-read because I didn't have the time and I refused to make ya wait even more. I really hope yall are still here, and I hope ya love this chapter.

We finally have some Sera and Rhaegar, and more explanations will be given in the next chapter!

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