DEATH BATTLE: Korra VS Delsin...

By Captain_Valkyrie

833 23 11

Avatar vs InFAMOUS Two elemental masters who succeeded past heroes clash! More

Korra VS Delsin Rowe: Fight and Conclusion

Korra VS Delsin Rowe: Prelude

431 11 6
By Captain_Valkyrie

Korra and Legend of Korra belongs to Nickelodeon

Delsin Rower and InFAMOUS: Second Son belongs to Sucker Punch Productions and Sony Computer Entertainment

All soundtracks belongs to their respective owners


(Wiz and Boomstick - Death Battle Official Theme Song)

Ziana: Korra, Republic City's Avatar of Legend.

Zen: And Delsin Rowe, the InFAMOUS Second Son conduit.

Ziana: These two have started out as immature and selfish, but when the weight of the of world falls on their shoulders, they become not the hero people want, but the hero the people need.

Zen: But in a one-on-one duel to the death, which quadruple elemental master takes the victory? She's Ziana and I'm Zen.

Ziana: And it's out job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win..... a DEATH BATTLE.

Korra Bends the Elements in DEATH BATTLE

(Avatar State - The Legend of Korra Soundtrack)

Zen: : Following Avatar Aang's death in 153 AG, a young girl named Korra was born from Tonraq and Senna. While she doesn't look like much at first, Korra was destined to become a legendary hero. At four, Korra went to the Order of the White Lotus and showed off her skills! Yeah, at FOUR YESR OLD!

Ziana: At that young age, Korra could preform Waterbending, Earthbending, and Firebending. It was here that she was declared the newest Avatar. Unfortunately, being an Avatar also meant that enemies like the Red Lotus were aware and are trying to capture Korra. For her sake, Tonraq and Tenzin isolated Korra from public and into the Southern Water Tribe so she can master all four elements.

Zen: Although her debut in Republic City didn't go exactly as planned, being arrested by Lin Beifong on her first day and the Mayor blaming every problem on her. Wow, talk about being ungrateful.


Super Strength

Super Speed

Superhuman Agility

Expert Martial Artist

Body Flexibility








Able to connect people's energy

Avatar State

Zen: As the Avatar, Korra could wield the four primarily elements: Fire Water, Earth and Air. And being born from the Water Tribe, it's not surprise that Korra's proficient with Waterbending. Able to conjure up water whips, heal people, summon giant waves and create walls of ice.

Ziana: With Earthbending, Korra can make giant walls of stone and earth, throw huge chunks of rock as projectiles and . Thanks to her training from Suyin Beifong, she learned an advanced skill called Metalbending, which allows her to control metal with ease. However, she can't metalbend purified metals such as platinum.

Zen: And befitting her hotheaded nature, Korra can use Firebending  and she can do a lot. Launch massive fireballs, propel herself into the air, breath fire and so many more. The fourth element is Airbending and to say she had trouble mastering it at first is an understatement.

Ziana: Right, because, Korra wasn't able to properly used Airbending due to her  stubborn clashing with its innate nature. In fact, it was only during her and Mako's fight with the Bloodbender Amon that she'd managed to successfully wield it. With Airbending, Korra is able to create blasts of air with punch and kick movements that are strong enough to send people yards away, create an air ball to ride on, and glide.

Zen: But wait, there's more. Along with being skilled in hand to hand combat, Korra has learned one more bending: Energybending. With it, Korra has the ability to deflect energy based projectiles and can restore people's bending as well as removing them.

Zen: And we can't forget she can tap into the Avatar State. During the Avatar State, Korra's strength and bending abilities skyrocket and is able to use the abilities of other Avatars in the past. It's also capable of restoring a bender's abilities from Bloodbending.


Mastered bending air, water and earth at a very young age

Defeated Amon, Hundun, Vaatu and Unalaq

Defeated Zaheer despite being poisoned by mercury

Killed Unalaq and Vaatu in their Dark Avatar form

Able to lift Tenzin and his children easily

Easily thrown grown men over her shoulder

Gone to-to-toe and defeat the Luitenant in combat

Bested Tarrok in combat

Can shatter big chunks of rocks and ice with a single punch

Regained her Avatar State

Restored Lin's bending

Able to purify Dark Souls

Tanked a blast of Colossus's Spirit Cannon

Helped restored the Airbenders

Able to best multiple benders at once

Saved the world multiple times

Gained knowledge of Aang's memory of Iroh and Toph, and Avatar Wan's memory of his personal teapot

Resisted Bloodbending without being in the Avatar State

First Avatar to master Metalbending

Brought back the Spirits into the physical world

The second person to able to channel water from air

The first person to have tamed a Polar Bear Dog

Broke Broke out of Amon's Bloodbending out of her own free will

Beaten a number of Triple Triad members

The youngest person known to be a fully-realized Avatar

Ziana: Korra has proven time and time again why she's worthy of being an Avatar. She's able to beat the Bloodbender Amon despite having three of her bending being taken, defeated UnaVaatu and reunited with Raava, and has blocked Spirit energy Cannon from the Colossus in the Avatar State.

Zen: Which opens a portal to the Spirit Word, but also nearly vaporized all of her friends. Whoops. And also Korra is the first known Avatar to be able to use Metalbending.

Zen: And being a reincarnation of the Avatar, Korra should be comparable to other previous Avatars like Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi once broke a continent off which would've required 21 Gigatons of TNT. She also scales to Aang who raised 35,778,900 metric tons of water.

Zen: Man, she sounds nearly unstoppable.




Initially had trouble mastering Airbending

Initially had a weaker connection to her spiritual side

Had her bending stripped away by Amon

Lost her connection to past lives

Was poisoned by mercury

Almost died multiple times

Despite her best efforts, President Raiko often times blames her for every problem

Bested in a duel by Kuvira

Zen: That being said however, Korra isn't perfect. She'd suffered a lot actually; Amon taking away three of her bending abilities, Unalaaq removing Raava from her which severed her connections to the previous Avatars, and being poisoned by the Red Lotus which caused her to suffer PTSD and broke her spirit.

Popup: Kuvira has been able to best Korra even when she was in the Avatar State, though is due to the fact Korra was still recovering while Kuvira was in peak condition.

Ziana: Korra is also hot headed which causes her to take action without formulating a plan that often bits her back hard. Also, unlike firebending which she can use whenever she wants, Korra needs a nearby source to be able to use the other elements. 

Zen: We can't forget that killing someone while in the Avatar State will permanently end the Avatar Cycle for good.

Ziana: Still, if there's someone who's willing to destroy the peace of the world for their selfish intentions, you can count on Avatar Korra to step up and protect the people.

Viper: You're in Triple Threat Triad territory and we're about to put you in a hospital.

Korra: You're the only ones who are gonna need a hospital. And for you're sake *Slams her fist against her palm*, I hope there's one nearby.

Viper is angered by her words.

Viper: Who do you think you are?

Korra smirks and cracks her knuckles, getting ready for a fight.

Korra: Why don't you come and find out?

Delsin Rowe Orbital Drops DEATH BATTLE

(Second Son Main Theme - InFAMOUS: Second Son Soundtrack)

Ziana: Delsin is a 24-year-old Native American from the Akomish Tribe. Believing that he is destined for greatness, Delsin's occupation as a street artist, and his uncontainable penchant for free expression, sets the perfect background for his standoff with the D.U.P. Delsin has a rebellious attitude and favors anti-authoritarian street art.

Zen: Unfortunately, Delsin's tendency to tag buildings and structures with graffiti constantly irritates and embarrasses his older brother, Reggie Rowe, who is forced to keep arresting him "over and over and over again". But everything when changed when the brother witness a military truck crashed which three conduits, Henry Daughtry, Abigail Walker and Eugene Sims are held.

Ziana: While attempting to fight Hank, Delsin accidentally absorbed some of his powers. That was when he realized that he himself is a conduit. Unfortunately, D.U.P's leader Brooke Augustine injured the Akomish Tribe with concrete daggers when she didn't believe Delsin being a conduit and are dying as a result. Blaming himself for what happened, he set out with Reggie to find the other conduits and find a cure for the concrete daggers.

Delsin Rowe

Power Absorption (Able to absorb the power of other conduits)

Matter Manipulation (Bypasses/negates durability)

Accelerated healing factor

Telepathic Perception

Video Manipulation

Smoke Manipulation

Orbital Drop

Neon Manipulation

Radiant Sweep

Concrete Manipulation

Karma Bombs (Orbital Drop, Hellfire Swarm and Radiant Sweep)

Time Manipulation via Neon


Spray Paint Skills

Parkour Skills

Chain (Can imbue with with Smoke, Video, Neon, and Concrete powers)

Zen: Delsin is a known prime Conduit, whose genes gives them enhanced physical abilities such as speed, strength and durability. It also grants them a healing factor and superhuman powers ranging from manipulating energy to flight. In his case, he can use four elements of his world; Smoke, Video, and Neon and Concrete.

Ziana: Smoke allows Delsin to use fire and air based abilities. He can turn into clouds of smoke that makes him intangible, glide through the air and go through into tight surfaces. Orbital Drop, the Smoke Karma Bomb, is where he flies into near orbit hence the name before  

Zen: Video allows Delsin to use digital projectiles and need to travel fast akin to teleportation, such as when he used radio waves. He can also turn invisible to sneak up on enemies and convert them into energy. The Video Karma Bomb, Hellfire Swarm, allows Delsin to summon thousand of angels or demons at his will like an army and bring them down on his opponents.

Ziana: Neon is where Delsin can deliver powerful attacks as it specializes in speed and power. As shown, Delsin can move at lighter than light speed with this ability and can fire immensely powerful shots at a distance. He can also convert people into energy and vaporize them. Radiant Sweep, Karma Bomb of Neon, allows Delsin to explode into a neon vortex until a large supply of the gas swirls to reform Delsin and makes him as light as the substance. When enemies are raised into Stasis Bubbles, he releases the Karma-empowered Neon into twin gatling gun-like shots which will either subdue or obliterate his enemies.

Zen: Last is Concrete. While it's only used in the final battle, Delsin has shown to be skilled with it. he can fire concrete shards, levitate for the ground, encase himself in concrete to bash enemy with it and reduced damage taken by 20% with Strength of Granite.

Popup: Concrete is the only element to not have a Karma Bomb ability.

Ziana: However, it does drain faster than the other three elements. Fortunately, it also replenishes itself so Delsin doesn't have to worry about needing to find a source to resupply.


Defeated Fetch, Eugene, and Augustine. Who could use their respective powers to greater levels of power and skill than him, with much more experience. However this is due in part to his powers reducing theirs at the time, and Eugene not wanting to hurt him, just scare him away.

Exposed the entire DUP, brought Augustine to justice, healed the Akomish, and secured a peaceful future between Conduits and humans. All in the span of a week.

Defeated dozens of military troops and Conduits at once

Combined Orbital Drop and Hellfire Swarm sank the entire giant, concrete and steel island of Puget Sound down to it's foundation.

Burns through his energy much slower than Cole, but has less storage

Dodge sniper bullets, rockets, missiles, automatic fire, and energy blasts

Outrun cars, speeding trains, helicopters, and jets

Easily reacted to bullets

Instantly heal almost any wound. Bullets, shrapnel, and any other foreign object is automatically ejected from his body

Some of his Neon attacks can move at light speed

Travel in radio waves through satellite dishes

On par with Abigail Walker in speed

Reached the top of the Space Needle in one go

Destroyed solid stone support columns, tore a chain link door off a cage effortlessly, and can pull DUP heavy mini gunners out of their concrete cocoons with his bare hands

Tanked a helicopter crashing straight into him, survived almost drowning at Puget Sound, walks off point blank explosions from RPG's and missiles, and takes no damage from falling.

Sank Augustine's concrete fortress with a single Karma Bomb

Zen: For a small town delinquent, Delsin Rowe has accomplished a lot for a rookie Conduit. He's able to defeat more skilled and experienced DUP soldiers and conduits alike, said soldier are specially trained to take down powerful Conduits. And remember Augustine's concrete daggers we mentioned earlier? Well, Delsin was somehow able to recover from it when it was explicitly stated that it was incurable to all but Augustine herself.

Ziana: Witnessing Reggie fall to his death in to prevent his younger brother from being enveloped by Concrete, Delsin sank Augustine's fortress in a rage with a single Orbital Drop. He also matched and defeated Abigail Walker in their first battle. Her finishing move, Neon Singularity, allows Abigail to dropkick an opponent at lightspeed or even higher. Doing so would require an energy of 4,400 Gigatons of TNT.

Zen: Speaking of Augustine, he finally confronted her once and for all and beat her ass with her own power, karma and poetic justice at its finest. And what makes this impressive is that he only just got his Concrete in the final battle whereas Augustine had 7 years of experience with it. Even better is that he exposed her to the whole world and caused the end of the DUP.


Can only one power at a time

When he acquires a new power, he is unable to switch to his other powers until he develops his proficiency with said new power

After absorbing an ability from another conduit, Delsin is temporarily knocked unconscious due to the amount of stress and strain it puts on Delsin. This is very similar to when Cole absorbs Blast Cores in InFAMOUS 2, as after he fully absorbs one, it knocks him out for a while.

Delsin cannot switch powers on a whim; he must switch powers by absorbing energy from a different power source. For example, if Delsin currently has Smoke but wants to use Neon, he must absorb Neon to replace it.

Like Cole, Delsin cannot swim, but apparently only because he does not know how to do so, rather than having to constantly avoid it like the former

Neon, Smoke and Video have limited ammunition unlike Concrete which replenishes overtime

Ziana: Even with all this, Delsin is not without flaws. While he does have a healing factor, he lacks any defensive capabilities and his parkour skills can only do so much. And he has been known to get cocky which leads him to underestimating his opponents a lot.

Zen: He also rushes into without planning any strategy, often improvising or needing Reggie's help. He also can't use any power he got right off the bat, he needs time to adjust and adapt to said power. Though this has decreased over time, only needing a few seconds.

Popup: Upon absorbing Hank's Smoke powers for the first time, Delsin got knocked unconscious for a while.

Zen: But his biggest flaw is ironically his own copy ability. He can only use one power at a time and must absorb another if he wants to use it. So say he's using Smoke and wants to switch to Video, he needs to absorb a Video source for him to use it.

Zen: But even with all his drawbacks, Delsin Rowe is not to be underestimated. You know you're a badass when your considered by many InFAMOUS fans to be the successor of Cole McGrath.

Augustine's Concrete construct is destroyed as she fall down. Delsin sees his chance and shoots concrete which traps Augustine in a coffin as she tried to escape.

He slowly walks up to the defeated and scared director of the DUP as he sneers down at her, rephrasing the words she once said to him after jabbing him with concrete daggers.

Delsin: Ya..... I'm told that hurts.

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