Hearts of Fire

By take_my_offer

4.4K 218 35

20 years ago, a little girl was born. Her name? Serena. She was born with one goal in life: Kill Silas or die... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
To the Reader- Thank You

Chapter 6

348 24 1
By take_my_offer

Chapter 6

Third Person P.O.V.

          Damon had taken the strength to find his daylight ring. It may not have been the smartest move, but at this point, he hated being treated like how he was.

          Stefan and Lexi were always watching him. It didn't help that he didn't particularly like Lexi. Stefan he could manage but Lexi just drove him insane.

          So he left the house.

          He was quick to leave once the sun was set.

          He ran through the woods instead of taking the car. It would have been too loud.

          And he arrived at the cemetery in Mystic Falls.

          Silas stood, hovering over a stone that had been crumbled and was nothing more than a pile of rocks.

          They didn't talk at first. There was no need. Damon didn't fear his life and Silas wasn't about to rip it away.

          At the moment.

          But the silence did eventually break. And it was Silas who broke it.

          He didn't turn to look at him. Just continued to look at the crumpled headstone. "What if I told you I could make everything bad in your life go away? Take away all the pain. And in return, you help me with my plan for Mystic Falls." Silas said, now watching Damon's reaction.

          He remained impassive. "What's your plan for Mystic Falls?" Damon asked.

          "I plan to take down the Other Side. You see, the woman I love is trapped on the Other Side with the woman who thought I loved her. And... Your love Elena was a part of the Supernatural... And so would have been your child..." Silas was suddenly in front of him- taunting him.

          Damon backed up slightly. "But if you release them, then you release everyone. Every dead person on the Other Side..." Damon was still, memories of him killing over the years flashed through his head.

          Silas nodded. "But you would have your family! Your daughter and Elena! You could be with them! That would take away your pain. And in return, you just have to do a few things for me." Silas was wording himself very carefully and Damon just stared at him as if to say go on. "All I need is blood from your brother. The Bennett witch to perform the spell. Caroline, Lexi, and Jenna are only needed for their blood. It holds a power from the Other Side that keeps them here."

          Silas was convincing... Damon was slightly shocked and also moved.

          "You would have Elena and your little girl. You would be able to hold them... Have them back in your life and fix any mistake made." Silas's voice was smooth.

          "Just think about it." And then he was gone and Damon was not staring Stefan in the face.

          He looked around and realized it was a dream.

          "Why are you yelling?" Stefan asked. Lexi stood in the doorway. Like a mother ready to push the bad memories away.

          Damon stood. He was slightly shaken from the experience. And nothing was making sense.

          "He was here. He got into my head..." Damon kept mumbling this as Stefan tried to make him stop pacing.

          Lexi walked a little more into the room.

          "What are you talking about?" She grabbed Damon by the arms. The bad part of them hating each other was the fact that she was stronger due to being older.

          Damon looked her in the eye and then to Stefan. "I can get them back. Silas knows a way..." He had a dazed look in his eye and Stefan would have seen it anywhere.

          "We need to put him in the basement. Get some vervain in his system." Stefan said as he started towards his brother.


          "So he's dreaming about Silas? That's... Odd?" Jenna said as she sat next to Alaric with coffee.

          After she had come back from the dead, their relationship was slightly rocky but now they were happy. And everyone suspected him to propose soon.

          Stefan nodded. "Silas got into his head. Damon said 'I can get them back. Silas knows a way.'" Everyone knew who he was talking about. It was an unspoken rule amongst the friends. You don't say their names.

          "Will vervain work?" Jeremy asked. He looked slightly off. He always did. The circles under his eyes showed and he looked like he aged ten years.

          Stefan shrugged. "We gave him blood with vervain in it. He isn't fighting us to get out. He's like a zombie." He muttered the last part more to himself.

          "Well it is Mystic Falls. Don't be surprised." Lexi said as she took a seat on one of the chairs.

          "What do we do about Silas? We can barely leave the house. Stefan, you have to leave Mystic Falls just to hunt! You too Lexi! We're prisoners in our own town. Running isn't an option. Silas will just kill us." Jeremy said. The tears were welling in his eyes. He had been challenged mentally and emotionally and he just didn't feel like fighting any more. He felt like he was just drowning in all the misery around himself.

          "We can't leave. It's not an option." They looked up to see who joined them. Tyler stood along with Bonnie and Caroline by the living room door.

          Shocked silence was through the room.

          Together they held several books.

          "We did some research. And you guys might want to hear this." Bonnie said.

          Her and Caroline stepped forward along with Tyler to place the books on the table.

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