Never Let Me Go

By Lion2Rose

157 6 0

Keira is just a young girl wanting a better life. A life away from judging eyes. A life away from sick rumors... More

Chapter 2: Next To You
Chapter 3: Stuck In The Moment
Chapter 4: Baby
Chapter 5: Thought Of You
Chapter 6: Bigger (Short)
Chapter 7: Runaway Love

Never Let Me Go

40 1 0
By Lion2Rose


I couldn't stand it anymore! They never listen to what i have to say! They don't care about me at all! So i'm going whether they like it or not. I'm not going to miss a free concert held by justin bieber.


"Keira! Get your ass out of bed!" My mother yells out to me.

"I'm coming!" I quickly grab my things and run down the stairs.

"Oh. So you're already dressed? Then why didn't you come down and help your mother?" My dad questions me.

"I fixed my things." I told him.

"So? You think you're more important than your mother now? She brought you here! Show some courtesy." I bowed my head.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"Good. Now since you didn't bother to help your mother this morning, no breakfast. Now get to school!"

"Yes. Sorry." I got out of that house as quickly as I could.

"It's going to rain." I said to myself but I didn't want to go back into the house for an umbrella.

The walk to school was normally long. I took in the scent of my surroundings. I took in the sights. And...

"Sweetie! You forgot your lunch box!"

"Oh! Sorry mom!"

"It's alright. Here you go."

"Thanks mom."

"Hey! How about me? I made your sandwich." The kid giggled.

"Thank you too dad." They had a big group hug and I just started to walk faster.

They're so lucky. They have such a happy family. So much love surrounding them. I can't believe I was born to suffer under my own parents. No one can ever understand my situation. My parents already told the teachers I had a problem. I think it got to the students too. I don't have a single friend but no one bullies me. Some people think it's alright while some think it's weird. I just think it sucks.

I get to the school and head for my locker.

"Tony asked you out to the prom?!"

"Yep. He even gave me a ring girls! Check it out!"

"Wow! Why would he date a sci fi geek like you?"


"It's a shock! Just being honest."

"Maybe we'll change the system."

"Maybe it's a prank."

"Quit it!"

"Again. Honest."

I wish I had friends I could tease at school. And who would tease me back. I just wish I had friends but...

"Oh. Don't look now. She's staring at us again."


"Why does she always have to give me the creeps first thing in the morning?!" They shut their lockers and leave.

Darn it Keira! Stop staring at people.

People don't talk to me on teacher's instructions and also because of the cuts. No. I don't cut myself. Another precautionary method my parents use so no one comes near me. How are cuts suppose to send people away? Well, parents don't like their children hanging around suicidal cases. Also, when my parents find out I have a friend, thy give me a cut. Weird abusive parents. Even the teachers are afraid of them. My life just sucked since I came out of that woman's womb. I really can't accept that I am related to them.

I have nothing to talk about at school. So... After school, as I was about to leave, I overheard a conversation.

"There's going to be a free concert tonight?"

"Yes! By the plaza! Lets go!"

"Free concert? You're not joking?"

"Yes! I'm not joking! Come on! It's Justin Bieber for Pete's sake!"

"Justin Bieber?! OMG! Lets hurry and get ready!" The girls did hurry and left the school.

"Justin Bieber?"

I fixed my things and ran back home.

This is the first time i've ever wanted to hurry back home. I just want to go to this concert so badly! Why? Justin Bieber is my idol! He just accidentally got discovered on YouTube. He's doing great now! He's maturing. He needs some guidance but at least he has support. And I also like all his songs! Seriously. I don't dislike a single one. I don't know why. That's just how it is. He seems cool. I really don't know. His songs just make me... Happy. Even if people say they're silly sometimes. I don't care.

Once I reached the front door of my house, I took a deep breath and opened it.

"Finally, someone's early!" My mom exclaims. Not in a good way.

"Well? Are you just going to stand there? Help your mom cook dinner!"

"Yes dad." I shut the door behind me and helped out in the kitchen.

"Yuck! You smell like a pig! Did you run here?! Don't dirty up my house! Take a bath and then come back down!"

"Yes mom." I went upstairs to my room, showered, and wore jogging pants and a baggy white shirt.

"I'm done."


"That's for taking so long and making your mom wait. Now sit and eat!"

"Ye-yes d-dad."

"Quit your stuttering! Jesus!"


I sat down and we all enjoyed our meal. Well, they did anyway. After they finished, I took their plates and washed the dishes.

"At least you remembered to do that." My mom said.

I waited for them to get all snuggled up on the couch before I asked them.

"Mom? Dad?"

"Yes?" My dad asked in an irritated tone.

"Um... If you would allow me, can I... Go attend a concert in the plaza?"

"No. We don't have money for that."

"But it's free."

"No. Too many people."

"I won't talk to any-..."

"A no is a no! Don't you dare ask me again!" He glared and me and continued to watch their TV show. I glared at him while he wasn't looking and exited the living room. I was about to go back to my room but then, I decided, there's no way I was going to miss that concert. I waited for my parents to fall asleep and that's when I made a break for it.

I ran as fast as I could. I knew that it was probably almost over but I just wanted a glimpse of him. In real life. It started to rain a little. I forgot my umbrella again. Stupid me. I ran faster and faster. But it was raining. I slipped and fell face first. Great. I got back up quick and felt my face. I think I have a bruise on my cheek. But that was probably from the slap I received earlier. I kept running again.

I was finally able to make it. There were so many people around I could barely see him. But I could definitely hear him. He was singing his song down to earth. Great choice. Sad song for sad times. This song is about how he's famous and all and that can cloud people's thoughts sometimes, he really misses his family because of the distance and he wants to be able to spend time with his loved ones. Friends and family. Well, that's how I understood it anyway.

I squeezed into the crowd and was slowly moving toward the front. People kept pushing and shoving. One girl even yelled at me for trying to get in front. But the people around me were getting unclear by the second. The more I listened to his song, his voice, the closer I wanted to be. His song... Touched my heart somehow.

When I did get to the front, I was so close to him. I looked up to see his face and I felt all tingly. I hoped I wasn't blushing. I doubt that. I started to cry. Why is this song making me cry? Good thing I was in the rain, soaked. I stared at him. Creepy, I know, but he's famous. He should get used to it. His song ended right then and everyone left. The crowd slowly dissipated but I stayed right where I was. Standing in the rain. And justin saw me.

He looked at me confused or sympathetically. It was hard to tell. But he then got down from the stage and approached me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded my head and tried to control my tears but I just couldn't. I let out a whine and shook my head furiously. I think I heard Justin sniff. Was he crying too?

"Justin? Get out of the rain!" An assistant yelled at him.

"Hey Pablo! Get me a towel!" His assistant hurried and got him a towel.

"Here." He wrapped it around me.

"Let get you to some shelter." He grabbed my shoulders and led me to his tour bus. He sat me down on a couch.

"I turned on the heater. Make yourself comfortable." He said and then he went into a room. His room I suppose. I looked around. It was cozy. Peach colored. Of course, with hints of purple. It gives off a feminine feeling... To me! Okay? Anyway, I dried my hair a bit with the towel and then wrapped it around me again.

"So, you're a fan?" He asked me from the room.

"Uh... Yeah. I guess."

"Touched by my song?"


"You were crying, right?"

"Um... No. No, I wasn't."

"You don't have to hide it. I heard you."

"Oh." I swallowed hard.

"So, why were you crying?"

"Why were you crying?" He laughed.

"Excuse me? I wasn't crying."

"I heard you too." I told him.

"Well, you're mistaken."

"Then you are also mistaken."

"Touché. So, what's your name?"

"It's Keira."

"Keira? That's... A nice name."


"Were your parents thinking of Keira Knightley when they named you."

"I never asked."

"Well, you should."

"I don't really care."

"Okay then. I can't believe your parents let you stay out this late."

Oh no! My parents! I totally forgot! It's already... Midnight?! Oh! I hope they don't notice i'm gone!

"Do you just live nearby?"




"Are you still breathing?"

He exited his room and looked to see that he was actually alone.


At home, I came in through the door quietly. It seems that my parents had already gone to bed. I went into my bedroom, took off my shirt and then the lights came on.

"Mom?!" I whisper yelled.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" She was also whispering. "Why are you coming home just now?"


"You went to that concert didn't you?!"


"Shut up! I don't want to hear another word. Now... I'm not going to tell your dad about this. But..." She locked the door behind her and took out a razor from her back pocket.

"You still disobeyed. Turn around."

"Mom, please don't."

"Turn around now."

"It won't happen again. I swear! Please mom!"

"Turn around and be quiet. You don't want to wake your dad."

I did as she said. I turned around. My shirt was off already anyway. I covered my mouth and held back my screams as she dug the razor in my back making a cross symbol. It hurt. It hurt so bad. I couldn't hold back the tears but I did hold back my screams of pain.

"There. That's better. Now get some sleep and be quiet."


"Oh right. I almost forgot." She took a bottle of alcohol from my cabinet and poured it all over my back, making my skin burn.

"There. Now sleep!" She shut the door quietly and headed back to her own room.

While I cried the night away.

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