The criminal

By zaddy_le

15.9K 675 33

As I ran down the dark alley the familiar sound of other foot steps chasing behind with the blue and red ligh... More

The criminal
I made it! ✨
First day
Second day
The hard part 🌚
Im back ❤️
Broken life 💔
Is that you 💔🤕
Its time 💟
Really 💔
Its over 😓
Damn 😒
Im gone ☹️

Where am I ? 😩

396 19 3
By zaddy_le

"You don't ever win a fight with ya heart g 🤧💔"
                                                                   - Nicole 🖤💨

*two months later*

Rosa 🥀

I sat in the cell with my knees up to my chest, why did I ever pick this lifestyle? I knew my past was gonna catch up to me soon, no doubt in that. But why now? I feel like I'm playing a game of dice but I️t seems like I'm not playing my moves right. Every roll takes me in to deeper shit.

For my family? They think I'm dead so who is really looking for me ? No one. I heard the door unlocked and a man came in here and closed the door behind him.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" He said and I nodded

No need to really speak to him, I can't trust no one here.

"Let me help you" He said while grabbing a wet rag and cleaning up a cute across of my forehead

I got the cut the other night because I refused to have sex with one of the guys, he was kissing down my neck and I stuck him in the face and that's when he threw me into a corner of a dresser.

"Ahhh" I screamed in pain

Never have I felt pain like this before, I️t feels like someone is stabbing their finger threw I️t repeatedly. He gave me another cold rag and cleaned up my face.

"The boss wants to sell you for auction" he said and I just listened

"I can help you escape but you have to give me until auction day" he said as my eyes lit up

"I have no where to go" I said

"You have to be able to go somewhere?" He said as he cleaned up

"Before I left, my death was faked" I said

They wouldn't accept me back, why would they? I hurt them. I don't want to go back because I don't want to face the consequences of my actions. I'm just so not ready to face anyone but I'll do anything to get of this hell hold

"Where am I?" I asked

"In the middle of no where" he said as he grabbed some ice and wrapped I️t up

"Here, use this" he said as he handed I️t to me

"I'll get a doctor in here to stitch I️t up and remember what I said" he said as he walked out the door

Should I try to escape without his help? Or should I just wait until I know I'm able to escape with his help. Maybe he's lying about us being in the middle of no where? I'm not sure honestly

"Hello" a man said as he came in

"I'm a just stitch you're head up for you" He said as he sat the stuff in front of me and began to stitch up my forehead

I looked around for something that would help me escape, I seen the needle and I went for it and jabbed I️t into his neck as the thread hung off of my forehead. I put a metal chair against the door with a tilt so if anyone tries to get in here, I️t would be somewhat difficult. I checked him for anything and of course he had a cell phone on him.

I don't really fuck with the police but right now I️ can't really call them and the only person I could call is jah and hopefully he answers his phone

"Hello" his voice blared threw the phone as I took a deep breath before I spoke

"Please don't ask no questions just track this phone, I'm in a lot of trouble and I need you to find me now." I said as I broke in tears

"Fuck Rosa, I thought you were dead"

"I'm so sorry" I cried

"I'm tracking I️t now, when you escape take the phone. We disabled his tracking device, keep us on the phone"


I️ stuck the phone in my bra and searched around the walls for an exit, I couldn't find nothing

"I need an escape route" I said as I paced back and forth

"Go out the door and take a right then go to the end of the hall but there will be guards everywhere"

"I'll let you know when I get there"

I opened the door slowly and looked around after that I took off to the right and ended up down the hall

"Now what" I whispered

"The first right on the left"

"There's a door" I said

"Rosa, go threw the door"

I opened the door with ease to be met with one of the guards


I stuck him in the face and kicked the back of his knee to catch him off guard then I grabbed his gun and shot him in the head

I continued running down the stairs, I didn't know where I was going but I knew I was going somewhere

"What happened"

"I shot one of the guards" I said

"Go to the last floor"

I finally made I️t the last step and boom, I get shot in the stomach. I turned around and shot the guard in his head, he might have good accuracy but when I shoot, I shoot to kill.

I grabbed my stomach and grunted in pain


"You good"

"I'm fine, tell me how the hell to get out of here" I said

"My men have already taken out the men at the bottom so all you have to do is make I️t down the left entrance hall"

I walked to the left and grabbed onto the wall to catch my breath

I don't think I'm gonna make I️t

I grabbed onto a rail and pulled my self up. I kept my guard up and kept my eyes open. I️t looks like I'm in a hospital, literally. The halls were all white and there was door after door with numbers above them. People were staring out the little glasses beating and yelling help. I did want to help them but at this point, I couldn't. I was injured myself and could barely walk.


"Jah" I said as I fainted

"Rosa, ROSAA" was all i heard until I️t was dark


Life has its beauty and life has its scars or maybe even happiness and pain. But somehow we get stuck in a world we know nothing of. I didn't ask to be here but somehow I still get out into this fucked up world. We don't really give a fuck about everyone else, we worry about ourselves and how we are gonna make I️t out.

Life tosses you hard balls everyday but sometimes I wish that I had a perfect life, like if I was a rich preppy girl with both her parents in her life. Who all lives together in a big house and ate dinner together. Maybe that's all in my imagination, maybe that's not an actual real thing, honestly I don't even think love exists.

You don't actually know how to love someone and you definitely don't know the reason behind the word love. At the end of the day, how could you be so in love with someone if you don't understand the true meaning behind I️t or maybe that's just what I think, right ?

I give up on this so called life. I tried and tried over again, maybe I'm just not cut out to live. But I keep questioning, if I didn't belong here then why hasn't god struck me dead yet? Why am I still alive, what am I living for? I want answers and I can't find no answers just a struggle of odd balls being tossed at my head.

I know I'm a fighter but there's days where I just want to give up and I lost all hope for what has came for me. I done lived threw I️t all and the pain cut me deep and no one knows how I feel. I just wish someone would understand how hurt I am, I definitely don't show I️t but I turned my heart into ice and my body into a dark.


• deep 😩

•show love 😪

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