The Light In The Dark (Blake...

By Neo-Rewrite

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Not everything can go as eventually my past will catch up to me, but I hope that at least i'... More

When Enemies Come To Play
True Feelings and Untold Story
The Promise Made
The Bull's Anger and a Dark Power
Distrust and Dark Whispers
Visions and Marron's Mask
The Unexpected Partnership
One Step Back Two Step Forward
Approaching Darkness and Doubts
Self Isolation and Deceit
Unrestrained and Breaking the Script
An Echo of Your Real Self
The Light In The Dark

Curse Bloodline or Bad Luck?

1.3K 27 11
By Neo-Rewrite

Neo sighs depressed recounting his past and everyone were silent not knowing what to say, "There's one question I have Sapphire said that you broke your promise what does that mean?" said Blake.

Neo shrugs, "You got me there that's one of the things I don't know and I'm pretty sure (F/N) doesn't know either" he said rubbing his neck.

"Well I think we should talk about this later you guys need to go to class" Neo said pointing at the clock on the wall.

"Wait I'm not going anywhere until (F/N) wakes up" Blake said worried.

"Don't worry I'll be here since I got permission from Professor Goodwitch" Neo said giving her a smile. Blake hesitated looking at your unconscious form before sighing and nodding.

"Take care of our leader ok?" said Luna at Neo and Neo gave her a thumbs up.

Everyone left the room and somberly walk to class all of them thinking on the information they were given about you, and they realize that they don't know much about you as they thought.

They enter the classroom, "Ah I see you 7 have finally arrive.....but its fine it's only been 5 minutes since class started, so take a seat" said Goodwitch and everyone went towards their seat.

"Now as you know the Vytal tournament will be tomorrow and all the participating teams have been email the time that the tournament will start, so make sure to read over the email before the day is over" Said Goodwitch causing everyone in the room to whisper in excitement.

"How about that loser group wasn't (F/N) in a comma or something? Can we take their place?" said Cardin much to the anger of your team and team RWBY.

"No, Mr. Winchester Is far too late to make changes to the roster of teams Mr. (L/N)'s team will participate until there's 100% confirmation that Mr. (L/N) won't be healthy enough to participate" she said with a clip tone causing Cardin to click his tongue annoyed, but didn't say anything else.

"In light of this events for the rest of the day there will be no classes, so that the teams involve have enough time to prepare for tomorrow. Teams involve in the tournament make Beacon proud and make sure to give your all and make sure to not have any regrets" she said before dismissing the class and everyone left with varying levels of excitement.

"Well at least we don't have class so we can prepare for the tournament" said Yang with her smile back in place in order to lift some of the gloominess from the group.

"Yeah, it's not like I would of pay attention in class anyways" said Marron sighing thinking of what to do to help you get better.

"Have you heard about (F/N) they said he got into a spat because he cheated on his girlfriend" said a student to another classmate as they walk by.

"Seriously?! That's mess up" said the other classmate shaking his head.

Your team looked alarm at what they heard and fear that people already started to spread rumors about you, "Did you guys hear what they say?" said Rojo surprise and angry.

"Yeah, people are already gossiping and spreading rumors of what happen" said Weiss clicking her tongue in irritation.

"That's not true so why are they spreading lies?!" said Ruby both mad and confuse that a classmate will spread lies around.

"People are always looking for gossip to talk about that doesn't involve them and whether is true or not is not on the top of their list" said Rojo seething with anger causing the group to turn to him in puzzlement.

".......Sorry bad memories" he mumbles and kept walking the group look at each other, but didn't ask him to elaborate.

"So what are you guys going to do?" said Ruby.

"I'm going to our dorm to prepare what I need for the tournament" said Weiss checking her scroll.

"I'm going to the training room to practice a bit" said Yang sighing.

"I want to go check on (F/N) I want to be there when he wakes up" said Blake. Not surprising considering how worry she's been since you pass out.

"Since Blake is already going to be there for (F/N) I think we'll do the same as Weiss we need to prepare for the tournament and I want to check on (F/N)'s gear to make sure everything is in order" said Marron. Rojo and Luna both nodded and everyone separated to do their thing.

Blake walk down the hallways thinking about you and was having trouble thinking about anything else for the moment. She notices that you have become someone that is very important to her but she didn't know how much you meant to her until she saw you lying there on the floor.

"I wonder what the White Fang will think about my relationship especially Adam" thought Blake before shaking her head to get rid of those thoughts. She left the White Fang what they think doesn't matter anymore.

She walks closer to your room, but she heard muffle yells and her face scrunch up worry that something was happening. As she was about to open the door she scoot back when it violently open and saw you there with a very angry expression and you ran off not noticing Blake there.

"WAIT (F/N)!!!" said a Women with orange hair and was about to follow until a man grab her shoulder and shook his head.

"Let him go Crystal he needs time to process what he know that this was one of the outcomes" said The man, with white hair and a light shade of pink at the end of his bangs, with a frown and saw the frozen form of Blake.

"I'm sorry do you need something Miss?" said the man to Blake and Blake finally snaps out of her shock.

"Wait, why did (F/N) run out like that and who are you two?" said Blake narrowing her eyes at the two strangers thinking they did something to you.

"......I see so you're Blake the one our son always talks about" said the man smiling causing Blake to open her eyes in shock.

"Our son always talks about you when he called us it's adorable" said the women despite the tears in her eyes.

"Wait you're (F/N)'s parents!!" said Blake nervously since she wasn't prepare with meeting your parents so suddenly, before she remembers your angry face.

"Wait why did (F/N) run of like that is he OK?!" said Blake worry.

"....Yeah he's ok physically, but he receives some shocking news and he didn't take it very well not that I thought that he would" said the man sighing.

"Shocking news?" said Blake tilting her head confuse.

The couple turn to look at each other almost like they were having a silent conversation, "Dear how much do you know about our son?" said Crystal to Blake.

Blake pause at her question, ".......before today I thought I knew a lot but know I'm not so sure......I did learn that he was an orphan at one point." She said nervously not knowing how they'll react.

".....I see I'm not sure how you know that Blake since only two people know it" said the man narrowing his eyes causing Blake to panic.

" A friend of (F/N) explain it to me and my friends when he was unconscious he said he was a childhood friend of his" Said Blake rapidly in order to resolve the issue.

The couple blink in shock before pondering at the answer, "....I see that's believable I guess we weren't aware if he had friends before his accident" said Crystal mumbling.

"So it is true?!" she said it's not like she didn't believe what Neo said, but now she's getting confirmation from the people that knew the truth.

"Yes, but that's all you need to know this situation is a lot more complicated than you know" Said Crystal with an edge to her voice.

"He's my boyfriend I want to know what cause him to leave like that!!" Blake said holding back her anger at the two adults that thought that she'll let this matter slide just like that.

".......Well, at least we know that you won't run away from him when the going gets tough" said Crystal smiling at Blake much to her surprise.

"It's up to him to tell you what happen I'm pretty sure you can wait for that can you?" said the man and Blake bit her lip in silent thought before agreeing it wouldn't do her good to antagonize the parents of her boyfriend for no reason.

"That's good oh since you're probably going to be our daughter in Law we should introduce ourselves I'm Crystal Noir" the mother said smirking at the blushing girl.

"Crystal they're still in Beacon no need to embarrass the girl. Sorry for that she has a fondness for embarrassing people my name is Blanc Oleander" said the man sending a look to his wife.

Blake just shook her head getting the image of herself in a wedding dress out of her mind. If someone ever asks about that she'll denied that she was embarrassed.....yep never happen.

"It's ok" said Blake not looking at the smiling women and trying her best to keep her blush down.

"Well Blake is great meeting you, but we need to talk to some people" said the man pushing her wife out the door.

"See ya later Blake take care of (F/N) for us" said the mother waving at her as she left the room.

Blake decided that your parents are a little weird, but who is she to judge. She decided to try and find out where you were. She said she was going to wait for you to tell her, but she didn't say she wasn't going to look for you.

--------( 10 minutes before)-----

You slowly open your eyes and sat up holding your head wondering what happen. Your eyes widen when you finally remember Neo, Sapphire, and your returning memories.

You curl into a ball thinking of all the things you remember your crappy childhood in the slums, that your parent aren't your real parents, and your promise to Sapphire and Neo and what a blow that was to you. To have dated your childhood friend only for her to cheat on you.

Dammit you don't know how to feel about Sapphire now she cheated, but she was your friend should you feel angry, sad, or confuse.....fuck everything just feels wrong almost like the life you lived was just another you living it and now someone just put you back into the steering wheel.

You grab the sheets and just felt like you were hyperventilating.....and your parents dammit that's another whole can of worms there. They're not your real parents and you have no idea where your real parents are, are they alive or are they dead? Should you care? They did left you.

"(F/N) calm down take deep breaths" said a person as you look you saw the worry face of Rewrite and you follow his advice until you calmed down.

Before you could think more the door to your room open you shot up and lock eyes with the two people you didn't want to see right now your so called parents.

"(F/N) dear!!" said the women coming closer to you but you recoil from her touch and she saw that causing her to flinch at your recoil.

" seems you have questions for us" said the man with a defeated look.

"I think I should probably leave this is most likely a family issue" Rewrite said giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze before leaving the room to give you some privacy.

"......Are you my biological parents?" you said after Rewrite left not looking at them and looking at your trembling hands.

".......No we aren't son" your fake father said much to your disappointment and anger.

"Dammit so I really was thrown away by my real family huh?" you spit out those words in disgust.

"NO YOU WEREN'T!!" scream your fake mother, but you look at her with a morbid smile.

"Really, mom because by the way I had to live in the slums by myself I was lucky that I survive at all until you two pick me up out of the goodness of your heart of course" you said sarcastically not bother that you were making your mother cry....people in this world aren't nice without a reason your childhood taught you that. Is one of the few point of views you share with Sapphire.

"(F/N) I know your angry and confuse, but you really shouldn't speak to your mother like that or about your real parents" said your fake father in a calm tone which piss you off.

"Oh, really dad why shouldn't I? they left me to rot, so they're aren't winning any parents of the year award and you two lie to me for years, and I wonder why you couldn't told me about my past, but nope you kept quiet" you said with a sneer.

"(F/N) this a lot more complicated than it looks we promise you your parents loved you" said your mother.

"Loved? As in past tense what a ringing endorsement there mom totally making me feel better where are those two anyways living the high life or something without a child dragging them down" you said clenching your fist in silent rage.

"(F/N)......your parents pass away....protecting you" said your dad and you froze at his words.

"What?" you said in disbelief they die protecting you?

"Son, your parents love you more than anything in the world is just that their family lineage made their marriage a lot more difficult than a regular relationship" Your mother said wiping the tears from her eyes and sitting in the foot of your bed and grab your hand.

"Family lineage?" you said confuse and decided not to make her move her hand not until you heard what they had to say.

"(F/N) you know how Faunus are treating now a days there is still racism, but it used to be so much worse in the past" said your mom and you wonder what this had to do with your parents.

"Now a days is not as bad, but a human marrying a Faunus will still raise a couple of eyebrows and a few people wouldn't take kindly to that kind of relationship now Imagine that kind of relationship 20 years ago or so" your father said and your face pale realizing where this conversation was going.

"I'm guessing you realize what I'm saying your mother was a Faunus and your father was a human (F/N) and many people human and Faunus alike did not take kindly to that" said your father narrowing his eyes.

You were still frozen not believing what you're hearing you're half-human half-Faunus?!

"WHAT if I have Faunus blood why don't I have any Faunus traits?!" you said since last time you check you didn't have a tail or ears.

"We were confuse at first too, but when you were born the doctors explain that just because you had a Faunus parent that wouldn't necessarily meant you'll get Faunus traits, but you do have Faunus genes in your DNA that you might pass down" he said and you understood most of what he said.

"Ok I understand most of that, but what do you mean I have Faunus Genes in my DNA?" you said not getting the full implication of what that meant.

"Ok look at it like this the there's a dominant and recessive trait every person has let's say the Human half is the dominant trait and the Faunus side is the recessive trait if two humans were to get together they'll get a human offspring obviously. If two Faunus got together that still two recessive traits and no dominant trait so they'll still get a Faunus Child with me so far" he said and you nodded.

"Now if a Human got together with a Faunus that will be different. For example you have 1 child with human traits and no ability to pass on Faunus genes. The next two offspring could have Human traits, but are carriers of Faunus genetics, meaning that their offspring can be born Faunus. The last child would be born a fully-fledged Faunus with all physical traits and genetics of a Faunus. You're in the second category you're still human but your future children have the possibility to be born as a Faunus" he explain and you gape at his long explanation if you understood right it means that no matter who you marry and have children there's a possibility your children will be born as a Faunus.

"Ok so I'm a human with a chance to pass down my Faunus Genes to my children.....good to know" you said shakily forgetting your anger and focusing at the implication that will meant.

"And there lies the problem" said your mom with anger surprising you.

"(F/N) back then a human with Faunus blood was not consider a good thing when people found out let say that they weren't too happy with your parents" your father said sighing.

You felt chills not liking where this story was going and by the way they look you're hoping your wrong.

"Of course there were some people that were happy like the White Fang of the past. You were almost a symbol to all Faunus and human that showed that human and Faunus could coexist....but that also let out the people that didn't want that to happen. They saw you as a blasphemy in their eyes not a full human or a full Faunus and they took steps to remedy that" your father said with a detach tone almost like he was somewhere else.

"Then one day when they were out with you on a trip to Mistral they were ambush by not only humans, but extremist of the White Fang that didn't share the same view as the leader at the time" said your father and you felt sick hearing what he was saying.

"Your parents might have been fully fledge hunters, but they were fighting while protecting you and eventually they knew they were losing, so we believe that your father told your mother to go and save you, but she was wounded and still.....she died while running and your father unleash something and kill all the people there before dying of his wounds" he said and you were shaking at this point hearing his story and you wanted him to shut don't want to hear anymore.

"By the time we got there to help it was too late we found your father and mother.....but you weren't there and we thought the worst had happen" he said still talking.

"What was wrong with my father you said they both had troubles with their family lineage?" you whisper you wanted to get out....but you need to know everything no more running away from the truth.

Both parents look at each other before nodding, "Your father had a Semblance? We're not sure if it was his Semblance or not but as far as he knew it was a thing that everyone one in his family line had it was more of a curse than anything." Your mother said frowning and now you don't know if you want to hear how screw up your life will get.

"He would develop some kind of a second personality that would either kill or hurt anything that he deem an enemy no matter who that person was and people said that he will hurt people with a demented smile on his face" and you felt the world shatter....oh no oh fuck no you remember when you were fighting those thugs as a kid the way you talk the way you smile like you were having the best time of your life while beating them within an inch of their life.

"(F/N) are you alright?" said your mom seeing the face you were making like you were going to throw up.

" Ye-yeah mo-mom did father ever found out a way to control that" you shakily said praying that they had some way to control that, but to your horror they shook their head.

" No we never found out what cause that to occur, but as long as you don't show the same traits as your father you should be fine" said your mother trying to reassure you, but you felt like you were going to have a heart attack and you need it some space.

"I need some air right now" you said ignoring the way your parents look at you.

"(F/N) is there something you want to tell us" your father said and you felt like running you don't want to tell them that you had the same thing as your father.

"NO I mean no I'm fine" you scream but wince at your scream before getting up and walking towards the door.

"Son, are you sure there's nothing bothering you? Please we just want to help y" your mother said before you cut her off.

"I SAID I'M FINE" you scream before angrily opening the door and running away to think dammit you're not some out of control psycho that will go crazy at the drop of a hat you aren't.

You run to a bullhead and got a ride and decided to go to Vale to calm down. You sat there tapping your foot waiting for you to arrive trying your best to make sense of what you were told.

Dammit everything was being thrown at you the fate of your parents and that they didn't abandoned you, but were kill by both humans and Faunus and oh there will be hell to pay if you see any White Fang members anytime soon considering how alike they sound to the ones they kill your parents.

Let's not forget that you're a risk to not only yourself but everyone around you when you lose it and attack anyone you deem an enemy. Dammit that's riddle with all source of problems that you don't even want to think about it right now.

When the bullhead finally landed you got out and walked around Vale for a while letting time pass by as you just walk aimlessly around until it started getting dark out you click your tongue in irritation, but decided that you need to head back to Beacon.

You were about to leave until you heard yells coming from an alleyway and when you went to look you growl seeing two White Fang member beating down a guy you quickly ran at them making them turn at you in alarm, but you kick one of them towards a dumpster before he could react.

You saw another one trying to slash at you with a sword and you scoff before leaning to the side and grabbing his wrist and bending it in the opposite way his body wanted to turn making him drop it before you kick his legs from under him making him fall and you kick him in the stomach.

"You two are some unluckiest sons of bitches because I'm in a very bad mood right now and you just volunteer to become my punching bags for today" you saw the man run out of the alleyway and you shrug not caring if he left or not it was the smart thing to do anyways.

"Well what do we have here a human trash oppressing two Faunus "you hear someone said and you turn to see a man with a Grim mask and blood red hair and two black horns and he carry some kind of Katana.

"Oppressing? Not a chance I was just stopping this two from beating a defenseless man, but to a White Fang member you don't actually care about that do you?" you said looking at the smirking White Fang member.

"You human trash need to learn that the Faunus are the superior race in this world and I'm just the man to prove that" he said unsheathing his sword causing you to tense and you felt that you might need your weapon for this.

"Really now? I feel that everyone is equal, but I'll humor you Mr. Faunus may I have the name of the one who believes is superior to the human race" you said inching backward and grabbing your weapon.

"Normally I wouldn't say my name to the dead, but I'll make an exception my name is Adam Taurus remember it human not that it would do you any good once your dead" he said and he rush at you and you felt like this day was starting to become the worst day of your life.
Sorry for the late chapter guys I hate not putting out one chapter a week, but I got caught up playing some games and lost track of time....(cough) Persona 5 (cough), but at least Adam finally made an appearance as you know it can't be a Blake story without Adam let's see how well (F/N) can handle a fight with him anyways that's all for this chapter Neo_Rewrite out.

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