Gotta Be You (Shawn Mendes Fa...

By Roomwithaview

845K 15.8K 7.9K

Ali lives in Seattle, and Shawn lives in Toronto. Ali and Shawn's relationship is put to the test when they d... More

Gotta Be You (Shawn Mendes Fan Fiction)
Author's Note (Same from the end of UW)
Chapter 1: Time Difference
Chapter 2: Prom Shopping!
Chapter 3: Prom Night
Chapter 4: Meet the Parents
Chapter 5: Good Looks Brooks
Chapter 6: The Denial, The Blushing, and The Low Level Aggression
Chapter 7: Approval
Chapter 9: Meet the Mendes'
Chapter 10: Morning Voice
Chapter 11: Mother knows best
Chapter 12: All Good Things Come to an End
Chapter 13: Just a Dream
Chapter 14: Wake Up
Chapter 15: Stay With Me
Chapter 16: No Regrets
Chapter 17: You and I
Chapter 18: "I'm Fine" Means "You're Dead"
Chapter 19: Neglected
Chapter 20: The Grudge
Chapter 21: Meat Sauce
Chapter 22: Trust
Chapter 23: Confirmed
Chapter 24: Ass
It's not an update, but it's an update lol
Chapter 25: Shawn doesn't share muffins
Chapter 26: Maybe She's Leaving You
Chapter 27: Eavesdropping
Chapter 28: Grow Up
Chapter 29: Please
Chapter 30: I wish that I could wake up with...
Chapter 31: I'll leave you guys to talk
Chapter 32: Where's the beach?
Chapter 33: Enough
Chapter 34: You're such a goof
Bonus Chapter: Lillie

Chapter 8: Arrival

26.5K 444 82
By Roomwithaview

Alicia's P.O.V

I stuck through finals and I finally decided what to do. I was going to take a gap year to focus on music. I know it takes longer than a year to become noticed in the music industry, but if things don't work out for me, I'm going back to school. I’ll still be working on music, but it’s always good to have a back up plan. My parents, of course, were always supportive of what I decided to do. Shawn was going on tour with Austin Mahone and I wanted to catch up to him. I wanted us to be great together. He may have forgotten about us becoming a duo, but I haven’t.

On the last day of school, Daniel and I had presented our project and we got an A. We were finally able to finish our project after all that messing around. Daniel decided to stay in state and go to the University of Washington. He wanted to become a doctor, and UW had one of the best medical schools. We actually hung out a couple times during the project, and we had gotten closer since becoming partners.

“Daniel! Remember to keep in contact after you become a world famous doctor!” I reminded him. I opened my arms and gave him a friendly hug.

“and when you and Shawn become “Ali and Shawn”, just don’t forget about that one partner you had for that one project in high school," He teased. We went our separate ways and I met up with Liz in the parking lot.

Liz and Jack were originally planning on going to Michigan, but their plans had changed. They both got accepted to USC. For some reason, it always felt like Jack was here. He visited so often that it felt like he lived here. His school had gotten released earlier than ours, so he had a lot more free time than we did. Liz’s mom adored Jack and never minded him company.  Liz’s flying over to Nebraska to meet Jack’s family. They want to meet her before they allow their son to move in with a girl they had never met before. Yes, they are moving in together. Liz kept complaining about how she wanted to experience dorm life, but let’s just say, Jack is the master of persuasion. His parents wanted to meet the mysterious girl that had Jack flying back and forth. Liz was in the same boat I was in, but the only difference was that Liz had this gene that made parents love her. Parents always fell in love with Liz. I’m pretty sure her ex boyfriend’s parents are dying to have her date their sons again. My parents for sure always loved having Liz over.

“I’m so nervous!” I complained. Liz was driving me home from our last day at school.

“Me too!” She yelled back, “What if they don’t like me? I really want them to like me.”

“I just hope that Shawn’s mom doesn’t hate me. Once their moms hates you, your relationship isn’t going to go anywhere, but hell,” I sighed. We finally arrived at my house, and it hadn’t hit me that this was the last time I’d see Liz till she comes back from Omaha. I hugged her tightly, and she broke into tears.

“I’m gonna miss you so much!” She cried.

“I don’t wanna talk about it,” I said against her shoulder. We always talked about what would happen when our boy friends went to different schools, but we had always avoided the topic of what would happen to our friendship.

“Shawn’s parents are gonna love you. I know I do,” She sniffled.

“and Gilinsky’s parents are gonna love you more than they love Jack,” We laughed together and let go. We wiped our tears away, and broke into more laughter. I hugged her one more time, and got out of the car. After I had gotten out, her and her car just sat there.

“Go! I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine! Let’s go woo our boyfriend’s parents!” I said optimistically.

“I’ll see you later, bae!” She waved good bye and drove away. Liz and I would definitely see each other again. Our friendship isn’t the type that’ll end overnight.

*Skipped to Arrival*

I hadn’t slept throughout the five hours of my flight. Who could sleep?! I was so excited, and nervous. I felt like this during graduation too.

*Flashback to Graduation*

“Alicia Keen…” They called.

I carefully walked up the steps to the stage in my cap and gown, and looked out for my parents and smiled for pictures. It was hard trying to smile when I was as nervous as I was. I constantly reminded myself that they had specifically told us that we were supposed to grab the roll with our left hand, and shake the principal’s hand with our right. Those reminders didn’t work. It was so typical of me to screw it up, and try to grab the roll with my right hand. The principal’s eyes hardened and he mouthed ‘left hand’ repeatedly until I switched hands.

When I grabbed the roll with the correct hand, he nodded right away and we both look at the cameras and smiled. I walked right off the stage and sat back down. I watched as groups of people began passing by on the stage. All these people were going to do something with their lives. They probably all had dreams, and aspirations. Some of them would have kids. Some of them would become great. Some of them might go nowhere. I had my whole future planned out. I was going to study to become a dentist, and I was going to live a stable and secure life while, keeping music with me as a hobby. Then Magcon came along, and it completely changed my plans. Now I’m completely unsure of how my future is going to turn out, and I don’t know how I feel about that.

*End of Flashback*

While I was walking out of the plane, I made my way to the baggage claim where I would meet Shawn. I checked my phone for any messages. I had received a couple of texts from Liz and one from Daniel, but none from Shawn. I nervously looked for Shawn all around the area but he wasn’t anywhere in my line of sight. I constantly walked in circles until I found a strangely familiar boy running around like a maniac in the baggage claim. Even though he looked stressed out, I didn’t go to him right away. I watched him pull out his phone, and suddenly my phone rang. I answered it after letting it ring twice.

“Ali! Where are you? I’m sorry I’m late!” He panicked. He brushed his hands through his hair nervously, and looked around at the same time. Shawn still couldn’t see me. It wasn’t like I was hiding. He looked breathless, but I still decided not to tell him where I was right away.

“Shawn..what are you talking about? My flight is tomorrow.” I lied, as I slowly began tiptoeing my way towards him making sure his back was to me before I got too close. I kept my hand on my mouth trying to suppress the laughter.

“WHAT?! I was so sure you were coming today! Why do I always-” Before he could finish his sentence, I tapped his shoulder and watched him turn around frantically. I burst into laughter as his eyes widened in shock. His whole body stiffened, and he nearly dropped his phone. Shawn didn’t look amused at all, but my rampage of giggles wouldn’t stop.

“You should have seen your face!” I continued laughing and laughing. His face reddened completely, and by the time I had stopped, I was forcibly pulled into Shawn’s arms. He pulled me to his chest and rested his chin on my head.

“You’re terrible, you know that?” He said jokingly. I wrapped my arms around him even tighter. It’s been almost a month since I last saw him, and he still smelled good.

Keeping his arm around my shoulder, we walked to the car. On our walk, we caught with each other. We hadn’t spoke much in the last week because I had finals. When we made it to the car, he threw bags in the back, and sat right in the drivers seat.

During the car ride, he kept his hand tangled in mine, even until I fell asleep. The last thing I remembered was him talking about his house, or something. I loved sleeping during car rides. It was always the best sleep, until someone decided to wake you up.

“Ali. We’re here,” Shawn whispered loud enough for me to hear. He kissed my head, and exited out the car. I yawned, unbuckled my seatbelt, sat up and looked outside. This didn’t look like the Best Western I had reservations at. Wow, way to go for false advertisement.. As I got out the car, I looked around and realized we were in a suburban neighborhood. Shawn was in the trunk getting my luggage.

“This isn’t the hotel…” My voice trailed off. Shawn made his way back to me and laughed.

“When I told my mom you were staying at a hotel, she wouldn’t have it. We all thought it would be better if you stayed with us. We have a guest room here, and my mom loves having guests over.,” He began walking towards the front steps, dragging along my luggage with him. I quickly grabbed his arm before he could advance any further, stopping him in his place.

“Shawn, is this really okay? What about my hotel room? How were you able to talk to my parents? Do my parents know?” Suddenly his hand covered my mouth and held it there till I stopped talking.

“Of course this is okay! My mom spoke to your dad. Your dad cancelled your room. Yes, your parents know, and I got your dad’s number when I was in Seattle.” He pulled me closer and closer to the door. My heart almost fell through my entire digestive, as Shawn knocked on his door. Each knock that his fist made against the door matched the thumping in my heart.

“Are you ready to meet my parents?” He asked excitedly.


Author's Note: You know those stories where the parents don’t really exist? Yeah, that’s my story AHAHAHAHAH! Uh oh!

I know there was a HUGE time jump, but I got so excited to reunite Alishawn. I feel like the story is becoming less and less about their long distance relationship. I’m sorry!

I might do a little side thing for Lick too, but it won't affect the Alishawn's plot either. I ship them just as hard.

Thank you so much for sticking with me! I just got a job, so it’s hard to find time to update nowadays, but I’ll work on it! My goal is to update at least once a week.

I love reading your comments!

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