J.O.P. Stable: The Twin Saga...

By Dressage_Queen

4.9K 232 20

Life for twins Jewel and Skylar Lockhart couldn't be better. Their rich, talented, beautiful and the daughter... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:

Chapter 21:

141 8 0
By Dressage_Queen

Sky's POV:

I glanced around with a smirk at the 20 riders in the advanced cross country class, the intermediate had 25 and the beginner had 15, which made a total of 60 riders, since the rules of the Finale stated that there had to be 6 riders only per team.

Riders crowded the huge field at the beginning of the advanced course, some took the practise jumps set up on the grass and some were looking over the course map, which was pinned up in every available location.

Onyx snorted and pawed the ground with his foreleg. I could tell he was watching the other horses, just like I was watching the other riders. All six of the team Alberta riders were competing at this level and they looked ready. Their horses were fit and had scope to their jumps. I watched the riders positions over each of the practise jumps, they were good.

Really good.

" So "

I turned as Jewel trotted Shadow over to me and Onyx. Marlo was still warming up and taking a few more practise jumps. We were all changed into Navy Ariat® Prix Polo shirts but different breeches. Jewel had white, I had black and Marlo had also chosen black. We each had our own boots and half chaps and also had our Point Two P2-RS Hybrid Cross Country Vests, in case we fell or worse. The vest was designed to inflate if we had a serious fall. Since it was mandatory, we all had our medical armband with all our medical history and info on it, juts incase and our helmets of course. Lastly we had all grabbed our watches to time our rides and check our time in the middle of the course.

" What do you think? " Jewel asked as she glanced around at the riders.

I shifted in Onyx's Stubben Zaria Optimum with Biomex Saddle, which I had paired with a Fleeceworks™ Wool Square Pad, EquiFit® Anatomical T-Foam™ Jumper Girth, Wellington Five-Point Competition Breastplate and Fancy Stitched Raised Standing Martingale. I adjusted the reins of his Dy'on® Difference Bridle as we watched a girl on a flashy Palomino canter by in a blur.

" I think we can win this " I replied, my smirk returning.

" You really think so? " Jewel replied.

Onyx shifted in his Kentucky® Solimbra® D30® Eventing Boots and Veredus® Carbon Shield Horse Boots. He wanted to go more than anything, so it was a good thing we were up first, then Marlo and then all the other riders before Jewel, since she was going last.

" Please, this is our turf, our home, we know this course better than anyone, we'll win this no problem " I replied, trying to be loud enough for the other riders to hear me. My competitive side was starting to bubble to the surface, but I didn't try to hold it back this time. This was my element, not to mention Onyx's element to.

I knew we were going to do well.

My competitive attitude must've been contagious because Jewel sat up taller in Shadows Vega Monoflap Event Saddle By Amerigo, which she had paired with his Medallion Competition Saddle Pad with Super Quilt® Lining saddle pad, Stubben Contoured Girth, Micklem Deluxe Competition Bridle, Wellington Five-Point Competition Breastplate and the same boots as Onyx.

Marlo suddenly rode over to us. " Are you two coming to warm up more or what? " she asked and Marco snorted.

" Of course " Jewel replied as she trotted Shadow into the huge crowd of riders and horses. She pushed him into an easy canter and pointed him at one of the practise jumps, a log pile. Shadow leapt the pile with easy, seeming to show off by really stretching himself while he was in the air. I saw a few of the riders from team Ontario stop and watch, probably trying to pick up a few tips.

" She's good " Marlo said, turning back to face me.

" She's always good, we all are, that's why I know we're going to win " I replied as I pushed Onyx into a canter. I circled him and headed straight for another practise jump.

Suddenly a blur sped past us and cut us off. Onyx squealed as leapt sideways, almost throwing me out of the saddle.

" Whoa! " I yelled as I halted him. Onyx shook his head and tried to circle. I let him, circling him until he was a bit more calm. I looked back at the jump and saw a girl from the British Columbia team take her horse, a tall dark bay gelding that had to be close to 18 hands high over the haystack jump I was about to take.

" Hey! Watch it! " I called, trotting Onyx around the jump and over to the girl.

" You watch it! We called that jump! " The girl shot back, sharply turning her horse to face us.

" Didn't you see us heading for it? You couldn't wait two seconds? " I retorted. Onyx was feeding off my frustration, stomping his hind leg on the ground. He reached out towards the other horse, ears pinned and I stopped him just as he was about to nip.

The gelding snorted and raised his head, acting as if he'd never been nipped before.

" Can't you control your horse? That high strung thing belongs in the circus " The girl told me, backing her horse up.

I gritted my teeth to keep from flat out yelling at her. " At least he's got personality and isn't a prissy little prince with a snobby owner " I replied, smirking as the girls mouth fell open. I rode up until I was beside her.

" I'll see you at the finish line, I'm sure you can make last place look classy "

And with that I cantered Onyx away, leaving the girl in the ' dust '.

After that little encounter, I was ready to blow these wannabes away.

" You okay? That girl totally deserved the smackdown you just gave her " Marlo said, riding up beside me as I slowed Onyx to a trot.

" Oddly, that made me feel even more ready " I replied, laughing slightly.

" Well, you handled it better than I ever could, but I guess you grew up competing against snobby, rich riders like that huh? " she asked.

I shrugged. " Thats pretty much been my whole show environment, but once in a while you get an odd group of riders who are actually nice " I told her as I reached over and elbowed her. " Like you and the others "

" Aw, I'm touched, but lose that feeling for now, save it for when we win " Marlo replied, smiling.

" And thats why we're now best friends "

And with that we slapped palms and put our game faces back on.


I walked Onyx into the starting box and circled him.

This was it, our time to shine. Dressage had been great, but now we were practically granted that first place spot.

Even if we came second to Jewel or Marlo, I would still be happy, but I was really aiming for that best Cross-Country run title, just like everyone else in my class.

I leaned forward and rubbed the tips of Onyx's ears, a last minute calming technique for him. Onyx nickered and turned his head, nudging my boot with his nose.

" We've got this boy, I know we do, you just be you, do what you do best and I'll follow your lead " I whispered to him.

Onyx straightened himself out as the timer on the pole beside the box counted down. It was almost as if Onyx could read the time, his muscles tensing every second it counted down. I crouched down over the saddle, twisting a lock of his now unbraided mane in my fingers.


I positioned my legs against his sides, ready to give him the signal to go.


I synced my watch and looked around. Jewel and Marlo were smiling at me while other riders stared, no sign of the girl from earlier.


I tightened the reins, not making them constricting for Onyx, but enough for me to control him.


I thought about the first obstacle, a brush fence, not tall, but wide, Onyx would need the speed and right number of strides to cover it.


Let's go already!.


The starting bell sounded and I heeled Onyx forward. He jumped into a canter and quickly moved to a gallop. We had a distance to cover before reaching the first jump. I slowed Onyx to a canter, not wanting him to jump the fence at a gallop and trip or miss a stride. Onyx shook his head, but listened and slowed before the jump. He pushed off the ground as I moved along his neck. He stretched over the jump and landed cleanly on the other side. He cantered down a small incline and into the woods. The bright sunlight was just barely peeking through and I was happy there was a distance before the next jump, giving Onyx and I a chance to adjust our eyes. The next jump was a tall log pile and we took it with ease. The next jump was a wide and tall ditch and I encouraged Onyx into a fast canter. These jumps made me the most nervous because if Onyx didn't clear the distance and height simultaneously, we could both be seriously hurt. I shook off my nerves and pushed my fear to the back of my mind.

Now was not the time to be distracted.

I kept my gaze forward, not daring to look down into the ditch and risk losing my balance. Onyx rocked back on his haunches and soared through the air. I held my breath until all four off his legs were back on solid ground.

" Good, good boy! " I said to him, giving him a quick pat.

We were now reaching a fork in the trail. I remembered this from memory, one way was faster, but had more jumps and one had less jumps but was longer, so I could either pick the path that was shorter, but could possibly tire Onyx out faster, or the path where I could let Onyx gallop, which could also quickly tire him. instead of picking, I let the reins out a bit and loosened my legs against his sides.

Onyx could choose what he wanted, he'd memorized this course as much as I did, he knew what path was better.

Onyx snorted and increased his speed, taking the trail on the left, the longer one. I let him go into a gallop for a bit until we reached one off the few jumps on the path, the coffin. Onyx eyed the water filled ditch like object, raising his head a bit.

" It's okay boy " I said, barely able to hear myself with the wind rushing past my ears. " You can do it! "

Onyx flicked an ear back towards me as I shortened the reins and kept my heel pressed against his sides. He snorted and leapt over the coffin, scrambling up the hill that came after, happy to get away from that jump. At the top off the hill there was a drop fence and Onyx leapt down with so much force i thought he might slip. I slowed him and leaned back as we went down the step hill that followed. Next up, the double combination with a brush fence and table and then a normandy bank, which was basically another combination, with a ditch which led to higher group, then a log jump that also combined as a drop fence.

Onyx took the brush fence quickly and I struggled to slow him before the table. He jumped it crooked and kicked up dirt behind him in a buck.

" Hey, cool it mister, I'm not letting you rush and get hurt, now listen! " I scolded him.

Onyx gave a small buck again before the normandy bank. He leapt the ditch and I sat back, letting the reins run through my fingers slightly as he jumped the log fence that was on top, since it was a steeper drop on the other side, I didn't want to be leaning too far forward and throw his balance off. Onyx started to gallop the minute his legs were back on the ground and headed towards the water jump, with another drop off into water, an arrowhead in the water and then a bullfinch jump to get out of the water. I slowed Onyx to a medium canter as he leapt down into the water, then I let him increase his speed since he needed more force to move through the knee high water. He leapt the arrowhead and the bullfinch easily and without trying to speed up or run out. I quickly patted his neck and let him move into a gallop since we had the field to cover, since we had come out of the woods at the first drop fence.

I glanced around. People were lined up along the fence line, some with cameras to take pictures and some with notepads to copy technique down. Onyx glanced around as well and I let him for now, as long as he kept galloping. He was already starting to get sweaty, turning his dapple grey coat to more of a steel grey. His legs were wet and I knew he was tired, but this was a 20 jump course he jumped on a daily basis. the intermediate class had 15 jumps and the beginner had 10. It made me wonder how Caitlyn, Blaire and Payton were doing in their classes. Payton hated Cross-Country and Blaire and Caitlyn didn't think they could handle the advanced class this time, which I understood....It was scary if you weren't confident enough to complete it...

" Ah! " I shrieked as Onyx leapt into the air. I fell forward and landed on his neck as he landed, losing one of my stirrups. He had just jumped the bank jump and I knew the next one was a bounce away. I couldn't fix myself in time and just held on.

I wasn't falling off!

Onyx jumped the rest of the 4 bounce bank jumps and when he galloped away I quickly sat back and fixed my stirrup. Okay, no more losing focus, that was waaaay too close to disaster.

" Sorry boy, I lost focus, maybe after this we should take a break from the advanced course for a bit " I told Onyx, my eyes fixed on the next jump, the sharks teeth. The downward facing triangles were painted with a single bright streak. Onyx focus drifted as he looked at the colourful streak.

" Really, after what just happened you think you'd be the one paying more attention " I teased him as I half halted, getting his attention back on me. We jumped the sharks teeth and headed for the next skinny obstacle. This require aiming. The tiny jump was shaped like a giant horseshoe. Onyx didn't pay this jump no mind, which confused me slightly why he would be more faired of a colourful streak than a giant gleaming horseshoe.

Horses man, sometimes they were more confusing than people.

I didn't let myself lose focus for the next obstacles, a hay stack, stone wall, sunken road, a coffin and ditch combo, roll top, trakehner, another water run and a corner jump.

By the time we approached the final jump, an owl hole, Onyx was breathing quickly and his neck was soaked in white foam. The final jump was the one Onyx and i had the most trouble on. 95 percent of the time he stopped or ran out on it.

Well not this time.

I pressed my heels into his side and quickly glanced at my watch. We were 2 seconds and counting over the time. We had to get risky.

I pushed Onyx into a full gallop as he lifted his head, seeing the jump.

" Come on! " I yelled over the wind that had picked up, making the brush in the jump wave from side to side. Onyx shook his head, starting to slow and move to the right.

" No you don't! "

I tapped his shoulder with my black Pigskin Crop and applied more pressure with my right leg and left rein. Onyx fought my aids but i kept them strong until he finally moved over.

And not a second too soon.

Onyx propelled off the ground and I lowered down to his neck, watching the brush of the jump just pass us, brushing Onyx's legs and my body. He landed wobbling on the other side and I almost lost my stirrup again, but let him keep going. We cross the finished line and I pumped my fist in the air before patting Onyx's sweaty neck, not caring if my gloves got soaked with sweat.

I slowed him to a canter as we moved to the designated cool down area. When we got there, Andréa jogged over to us and stood by the fence post.

" That was ze best run you two have done this whole summer! " She called to me.

I checked my time. 10 seconds over the allowed time, adding only 4 penalties to our score.

Not bad.

I patted Onyx's neck again as I loosened the reins all the way to the buckle letting him stretch and slowing to a trot. Onyx shook his head in relief and lowered his head. A few laps around the grassy circle and I let him walk, going over to Andréa. She handed me a water bottle and started Onyx's cheek.

" He landed a bit rough after the Owl Hole and we ran into some trouble during the uphill bank jumps " I told her after I took a long drink from my water.

Andréa bent down and checked his legs under his boots. " Just sweaty, but no swelling, he should be fine, plus he is going to have a 3 hour break for lunch before the last two classes " she explained.

I nodded and suddenly heard cheering.

Marlo was galloping Marco towards the Owl Hole. Marco's ears swivelled back and forth widely and he suddenly dug his hooves into the ground, sliding to a stop.

" Aw no, come on Marlo... " I said aloud.

Marlo had no choice but to circle, but Marco refused again. Andréa had gone to yell at her from the sidelines, because one more refusal and they would be eliminated. I watched as Marlo circled Marco again and pointed him towards the jump. I quickly closed my eyes and didn't open them until I heard a thump. I opened one eyes and saw Marco cantering away from the jump, Marlo patting his shoulder. She got him over, but two refusals and 20 seconds over the time was a total of 48 penalties. Yikes.

Marlo cantered Marco over to us and I smiled sympathetically at her.

She shrugged, giving me a half smile.

Depending on how Jewel and the other riders did, Marlos placing could mean our team getting bumped down a placing, but we'd just have to wait and see for sure.....

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