J.O.P. Stable: The Twin Saga...

By Dressage_Queen

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Life for twins Jewel and Skylar Lockhart couldn't be better. Their rich, talented, beautiful and the daughter... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:

Chapter 9:

172 8 0
By Dressage_Queen

Jewel's POV:

I anxiously applied a coat of lip balm with SPF as I stared out the glass window of my room.

It was official, even 2 weeks later, Sky still hated me. After riding with Blaire I had gone out on the trail with Shadow to look for her, and when I found her, she just kept saying how I betrayed her and J.O.P.S. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, we were a team with these girls, we had to get along with them or the whole dynamic of our pace at the Finale would change. We needed to be a team, even if that meant becoming friends with Payton and Caitlyn, and we were just about a month away from the Finale and the only ones that seemed to get along were Blaire and I.

After a few more minutes staring at the horses in the paddocks munching on grass in the early morning sun, I walked towards the door, stopping to check my reflection in the mirror. Today we were scheduled for another Dressage lesson with Steven. Dressage lessons always made me want to dress up more than usual for riding. Today it was white Animo Nmary Full Seat Breeches with navy stitching and a black Goode Rider Ideal Short Sleeve Show Shirt with my old Konigs Favourite Dressage Boots.

I opened my door, stepping out of my room at the same time that Sky came out of her room. She was wearing Romfh International Denim Full-Seat Breeches with black Ariat Volant Back-Zip Tall Boots and a black Back On Track Slimmed T-Shirt from Greenhawk. Dover Saddlery and Greenhawk were our top picks for all things horse related.

" ...Hey " I said, a bit nervous.

Sky looked up at me, her eyes still formed into a glare.

I sighed. " Sky come on, don't be like this, it isn't that big a deal, and fighting with you for these past 2 weeks has been exhausting... " I replied. I was true, my riding was starting to slack because I was too focused on getting Sky to stop hating me.

" We aren't fighting, we past that, now we don't talk to each other " She replied before walking past me and downstairs. Our boots were clean because they had just been sitting in our closets, like most of our Dressage stuff, so it wouldn't get ruined because it seemed to be more expensive to buy Dressage equipment than other equipment.

I followed her down the stairs and out the door, but didn't try to talk to her. If she wanted to be like this, fine, it wasn't going to help our training for the Finale.

We walked into the barn and I suddenly felt a feeling of regret putting Shadows stall close to Onyx's. Sky must have felt the same way because as soon as she reached Onyx's stall, she clipped the lead line to his halter and started leading him to the other side of the barn.

Ouch, usually she just wouldn't talk to me as we groomed and tacked up, the only ones doing much socializing would be Shadow and Onyx, but I didn't expect her moving Onyx to sting so much, but it did. I just had to remember, I did nothing wrong, I actually did something right by branching out to our teammates.

I slid into Shadows stall with the lead rope, deciding to get him ready in his stall. Shadow walked over to me and stuck his head out of his stall, looking in the direction of Onyx's empty stall. He whinnied, his ribs shaking from the force. After a few seconds I could hear Onyx whinny back. I wrapped my arms around Shadows neck.

" I'm sorry boy, but Sky's mad at me right now, I wish it didn't affect you and Onyx hanging out together, but apparently now it does... "

Shadow seemed to sigh and he stuck his head back in the stall. I felt for my boy, not being able to talk to his best friend...it was relatable.

As I started grooming him I got lost in thought, Only coming back into focus when I heard hooves clicking down the aisle. Hoping it was Sky coming to her senses, I rushed to the stall door, only to see Marlo clipping Marco to the set of cross-ties on the right of Shadows stall.

" Um, Hey... " I said. I had never really talked to Marlo since she got here.

" You were expecting someone else weren't you? " Marlo replied.

" ...Ya, sorry, my sisters just being a total...never-mind, I don't think you'd understand... "

Marlo chuckled and shook her head. " Try me "

I paused for a few seconds, not knowing where to start, so I just explained everything from the day we heard the news about her and the others arrival to now.

" Thats rough, but I understand, me and my sister are just starting to get our relationship back on track " She replied.

I exited the stall and grabbed Shadows Dressage saddle, saddle pas and half pad. " Well, if you don't mind my asking, what happened? "

" Basically me and my sister Lauren are polar opposites. She's more...girly, you know, pink, frilly, yuck, that kind of stuff and I'm more of the tomboy. I do riding, she does ballet and cheerleading. My family owns a few racehorses so riding was always in the family... " She explained.

" That must be hard with horse racing losing its funding... " I replied.

She nodded. " It was, my parents make lots of trips down south and into the U.S for races, so I stay with my Aunt, who's is more like Lauren, so she is always trying to get me to wear more pink and more makeup, even when I want to go riding "

I couldn't help but laugh lightly. " Yikes "

Marlo laughed along with me. " Exactly. While we were growing up, my parents tried to get Lauren into riding, but she was more into ballet dancing, figure skating, cheerleading, etc. When I came along and actually wanted to learn how to ride, my parents were thrilled. Lauren became jealous, thinking mom and dad favoured me because I choose riding. Soon everything became competition with us, even school grades. Eventually we just became enemies, until Lauren left for university and Figure skating training. We only just started getting along again after we found out that I was going to be apart of this team and she was accepted onto the women's figure skating team for the Olympics "

" Wow, that sounds intense, but at least you managed to work it out " I replied.

" I'm glad, fighting for too long is exhausting " Marlo replied.

I smiled sadly and looked down. " Tell me about it... "

I heard more hoof steps coming from the left. I turned and smiled as Blaire halted Flicka, hooking her up to the cross-ties.

" Anybody else getting nervous for the Finale? " She asked.

I nodded. I was more nervous about our team pulling together or not than actually riding in the show...

" Cutting it kind of close for time Blaire, Flicka giving you a hard time in the paddock? " Marlo asked. Marco seemed to start dancing in place beside her so she slipped a chain lead rope through the noseband of Marcos halter, letting the lead rope dangle.

" What's that for? " I asked.

Marlo glanced at the rope. " Its how he was handled when he used to race, it seems to calm him down in a weird way, so I do that whenever he gets antsy or nervous "

" Marco was a racehorse? " Blaire asked this time.

Marlo nodded. " Yep, his name for the Jokey club is Mighty Marco and he belonged to our competition in the horse racing industry. He retired when he was 3 after losing most of his races. he was gelded and then given to me as a present after I asked for an off the track thoroughbred. If it wasn't for me and the owners willing to sell to even their competition, he might have ended up in the slaughterhouse "

" Wow, that must have been a lot of work retraining him " I said.

Marlo shrugged. " If he were any older and had been to a lot more races probably, but he actually seemed to like the eventing field a lot more than the racing, especially cross country. He puts up a fight to slow down, he's still got a racehorses spirit huh boy " She replied as she rubbed Marcos neck before grabbing her PDS Carl Hester Integro Monoflap test Ride Dressage saddle. She placed her Mattes Gold Wool Correction Square Saddle Pad with Bare Flaps and her Tad Coffin Leather Performance Half Pad on Marco first before slowly and carefully placing the beautiful saddle on top. She reached under and grabbed the Custom Saddlery Contour Flex Girth that was hanging underneath and started doing it up.

The chestnut had his head held high and his ears perked forward. He suddenly neighed loudly and reared, stretching his hooves into the air. Marlo backed off quickly before she got knocked by his hooves.

Shadow shuddered and paced in his stall, forcing me to slip out before he stepped on me.

Blaire, who was removing Flicka's light blue and navy Upland Basic Fly Sheet, stumbled as the mare got startled from Marcos sudden outburst. Marlo grabbed the flailing chain lead line and gave a gentle tug to get Marco back on all fours. It took a few seconds but Marco finally calmed, along with Shadow and Flicka.

" I'm so sorry he did that, he gets this way sometimes when you do up his girth, our competition didn't exactly have the ' horses comfort ' high on their priority list, if you know what I mean... " Marlo replied.

Blaire and I nodded.

" Aw man! "

I turned, looking at Blaire as she held up the now ripped fly sheet. " Flicka stomped on it while I tried to hang it on the wall hook " She explained.

" I'll buy you a new one " Marlo told her.

Blaire smiled. " Don't worry about it, it wasn't your fault, I have some money saved up, I'll just go out when I get back home and buy another one " She replied.

Thats when a lightbulb seemed to go off in my head.

" Hey " I said. The girls turned to look at me.

" I have an idea of how to get this group to become a team... "


" Good morning everyone " Stevens voice boomed, almost startling me out of the saddle. I had been working on my Canter Lead changes in the middle of the arena and hadn't even noticed he'd entered. I turned Shadow towards him and froze.

Steven was on horseback, riding Dutchess!

The black mare looked calm under him, standing perfectly still and in line, not one of her legs in front or behind the other and she was already on the bit. The pair were a perfect example of the ideal Dressage halt.

" As you can see, today will be a bit different " He told us. " Please bring your horses to the centre "

We all quickly brought our horses to the middle of the first outdoor arena. The sun was high in the sky, but we were shaded under the navy roof, held up by support beams of the same colour outside the arena.

" Today we are going to try something more like Classical Dressage slash Musical rides, now there are six of you plus me, so we're all going to line up in this order, I will be at the front of the line with Dutchess, then Payton, then Jewel, Caitlyn, Blaire, Marlo and Skylar will be bring up the rear. After a while we will switch positions so you all have a chance to be leading or keeping up behind. We will go through some simple exercises that will teach you teamwork skills then we will each preform a Dressage test that I have chosen specifically for you, then we'll call it a day. Now because the Summer Finale is just about a month away, we will switch you girls from one lesson a day to two and then soon to three when its less than two weeks away, everybody understand? " He asked.

We all nodded. Hearing Steven say the Summer Finale was just about a month away sent shivers down my spine. I knew our group wasn't a team yet, but slowly we were getting there, and if my plan carried out the way it was supposed to, we could become that much closer....

We all started moving our horses to the wall.

" Stop " Steven called, making us all freeze instantly.

" One more thing....everyone switch horses "

" What? " Sky called out. I glanced back at her and she paled. She hated riding other horses that weren't Onyx. I never understood why and she's never tried to explain it to me, but no matter how mad she was at me, I felt for her, she was my twin sister after all.

Steven looked past me at Sky. " Yes, Skylar, this will teach you teamwork, by understanding your teammates horse, wether they are trained to a T or require a stronger hand, you will get an understanding of what your teammates go through when riding their horse " he explained to her before glancing around at the rest of our group. " I have chosen which horse each of you will be riding based on your own horse and skills. Payton, you will take Onyx "

I watched as Payton and Sky dismounted and Sky gave Payton Onyx, followed by a glare. Payton face remained expressionless as she handed over Jazz's reins.

Onyx, watching as Sky walked away with Jazz, snorted and raised his head, trying to back away from Payton.

" Easy boy " Payton tried to sooth, reaching a hand towards Onyx. Onyx shook his head and pulled back on the reins, almost yanking them out of Payton's hands. His ears were back and he had that crazy look in his eyes, a look I had seen when they first brought him here and could barely get him out of the trailer and into the indoor arena. He had pulled and put up so much of a fight that all the coaches and even my dad had to help, putting a rope around his neck, not tightly, but enough so that he couldn't try to bolt.

I heard snickering and looked back at Sky. She seemed to get some sort of sick satisfaction watching Payton struggle with Onyx. Just like Sky, Onyx only liked one person riding him, and that was Sky. He even gave me a hard time when I tried to ride him.

Steven rode over to Payton. " That's it Payton, just talk to him. Onyx is used to Sky riding him, so he will protest a new rider "

Payton kept whispering soothing words to Onyx until he calm down enough for her to hop on. I knew Sky was probably burning holes through her with her eyes, so I kept facing forward.

Once Payton was seated on Onyx, Steven turned to me. " Sky you may mount Jazz, and Jewel, I want you to switch with Marlo and Blaire and Caitlyn will switch "

I nodded and dismounted, leading Shadow to Marlo. We switched and I mounted Marco. He snorted and sidestepped, so I applied pressure with my leg to keep him from bumping into Shadow.

Marlo slowly mounted Shadow, who, like a gentleman, was calm underneath her. He raised his head and turned to me, seeming confused about what was going on. I reached over to touch his ears, but Marco started to sidestep again, so I sat back up and he stopped. He seemed to be very sensitive to rider movement.

Blaire and Caitlyn switched and it looked weird seeing Blaire on Jackson. The fiery blood bay gelding looked totally different under her than her delicate grey mare.

We all turned to face Steven, who smiled at us as he walked Dutchess to the wall, keeping her on the bit and in a collected walk before halting on the track. He turned in the saddle. " Now, I've read all your horses profiles and I'm going to give each of you a summary of the horse your riding "

He turned to Payton. " Payton, Onyx is a hotblooded Arabian and very high-strung. He has been trained, but Dressage is his weakest area. He's sensitive to riders aids and requires a patient hand "

Payton nodded.

Steven then turned to me. " Jewel, Marco is an off the track thoroughbred. He is very sensitive to the slightest movement of the rider and is more go than whoa, so more rein, less leg "

I nodded and patted Marco's neck.

" Skylar, Jazz is trained up to Prix St. George in Dressage, so she will listen to every cue you give her. You will not need to be forceful and have strong aids like you do when you ride Onyx. Let her do her job and only give a cue once when required "

Sky didn't say or do anything.

" Blaire, Jackson is more experienced than Flicka, so he doesn't require as many corrections or as strong cues. He does tend to rush so lots of half halts " Steven told her. Blaire nodded, rubbing Jacksons neck.

" Marlo, Shadow is very patient and doesn't require strong leg aids. He reacts to the slightest touch of your leg and he can get a bit quick in the trot and canter, sit deep and apply more pressure with the reins "

Marlo nodded, giving Shadows muscular neck a hardy pat.

" And Caitlyn, Flicka isn't as experienced as Jackson, so a few corrections will need to be made. Make sure your cues to her are clear the first time and if she doesn't preform the movement, ask again, but with a stronger aid "

Caitlyn nodded, adjusting her stirrups.

Steven looked at each of us, smiling. " Alright, now please line up in the order we discussed "

Payton clicked Onyx forward and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Not only was Onyx listening to her cues, but he was collected in the walk, and on the bit! Payton really lived up to her Canadian Junior Dressage Champion title.

Steven looked back at Payton. " Very good Payton " he praised.

I gave Marco a tiny squeeze with my leg and he took off at a bumpy trot. I slowed him, my face going a bit red. Marco slowed to a walk and I kept a firm hold on the reins, half halting him when he began to go faster. We lined up behind Payton. Caitlyn lined up behind me, followed by Blaire, Marlo and then Sky. It was so different seeing Sky on another horse that wasn't Onyx or owned by J.O.P.S. once we were all lined up, Steven let Duchess walk forward on a loose rein and we all copied him.

" Space yourselves properly " He told us. " One to two horse lengths between each of you, get yourselves spaced and then we will move to rising trot "

We all spaced ourselves and moved from a trot one by one. Marco had a very bouncy trot and it felt like I didn't even need to post because he threw me into the air. The mirror that stood on the wall outside the arena showed that, despite feeling bumpy, the trot looked perfectly smooth.

Steven led us across the arena and through a few serpentines and circles before having us all canter.

And after this lesson, we would have Show-jumping, then I could finally put my plan into motion.

I just hoped it worked.

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