Blood Moon ~ Klaus Mikaelson

By chimchimaesthetic

181K 4K 356

Klaus falls in deep with a girl trained to kill him . Started : 2014 Finished : - ©️hakyeonaesthetic More

Blood Moon (TVD Klaus fan fic)


11.6K 239 27
By chimchimaesthetic

EDITED 25/05/20

The doors to the Grill opened and...


Amelia's POV.

The one and only Niklaus Mikaelson stepped through the large wooden doors. He was wearing a plain grey T-shirt and black jacket, to go with the dark jeans, I guess he was trying to look badass or something. I caught his glance, and he smirked at me and started to head straight to our crowded table, that was littered with drinks. I quickly put my notebook back in my bag to diminish any suspicion.

 He sat down in the only open seat in the middle... right next to me, whilst looking at us all with a sly smirk plastered on his face.

"So what is this, a reunion? I'm sad that you didn't invite me," He says, to which I snort to.          "Is there something funny love, care to share?" He asks, his question directed at me, his ocean blue eyes boring into mine.

"Yes in fact there is; I don't think anyone is comfortable with your presence, so why don't you go sit... I don't know somewhere away from here?" I ask but it's not really a question, it sounds more like an insult.
Everyone looks surprised with my outburst, making me feel like I'm sitting in some cliche soap opera.  But Klaus was the most amazed and shocked, I think I could even sense a little fear, coming from his dark aura. Probably the fear of someone being an equal to him, a challenger. He looked at me anger in his voice, "You need to think about who you are talking to love," I guess he really must think I am some weak human, well I will prove him wrong... when I kick his ass.

"Oh I think I know enough, Original, nearly hybrid, maybe the most feared person ever, yeah I'm pretty sure I don't need to brush up on my facts." I say, my ego getting bigger every second, thriving on every word.

Everyone had bursted out laughing, the only one that wasn't in stitches was Klaus. He was the opposite of laughing, there was practically steam coming off his body as his eyes flashed a crimson red.

"And who are you to say that...?" He trails off.

"Amelia Sommers, vampire hunter,. And I would watch your tongue Mr. Mikaelson." I say humour and a hint of flirtatiousness in my voice - that's the charms I was talking about.

"You've done it now love, why don't you come with me?" He looks at me daringly, no question in his voice - it seemed like I wouldn't have a choice in coming with him.

"No way," the only way to solve this situation would be violence and honestly, I was totally prepared for this. My hands reached into my bag that I kept to the other side of me, and quickly I fished out a small wooden stake (travel size, you could say,) and aimed directly for the cocky Original's heart.

"That should only hold him for half an hour, have you got a house that Klaus can't get in?" I ask quickly.

"My house is safe," Elena says.


We arrive at her house and lock the doors and windows. Elena leads us to the lounge, "We can stay in here."
We sit down and watch the TV, but kept it on silent. The last thing we want is Klaus to trace us easily.
After watching half an hour of a movie our eyes straining against the subtitles, I heard banging noises on the door, "Come out love, you can't hide from me!" He shouted.

I had a plan that probably won't work, but it will keep Klaus off of the gangs back. I look at the gang, and make a gesture as if to tell them 'I will handle this'.

I slowly walk to the hallway and open the door. open the front door, Klaus is standing there in his tight bloodstained T-shirt and jeans smirking as always. "Your're right I guess I can't, what do you want from me?" I ask, giving in.

"Just curiosity, and more," his smirk turns into wide grin.

"Then what do you want with the others?" I gesture to the window, where the gang is looking at us two intently.

"Maybe their deaths," he answers. 

"How about you leave them alone, and I let you take me, for a little chat?" I ask thinking, that I don't want anyone to get hurt and if that means sacrificing myself temporarily then I will. "And why would I accept that deal love?" He throws back at me.

"Because you would be stupid not to, remember I was sent to Mystic Falls to kill you," I challenge.

"Deal accepted Amelia Sommers, how about you go say bye to your little friends then pack something. You will be staying with me for a while I think," Klaus says.

"Fine," i answer. I walk back into Elena's house to say my goodbyes, as soon as I get through the door I am hounded with questions. "What happened?" Jeremy asked.

"I made a deal with Klaus he leaves all of you alone, in exchange for me." I mumble. Everyone is wearing looks of sadness on their faces, I guess it was necessary. "I need to go now, keep each other safe ok?"

 We all hug and I walk out of the door and straight to my house. I ignore Klaus voice the whole way to my house I am thinking on what to say to my dad, and what to pack. I get through the door and find a pen and paper, I write down a letter to my dad,

Dear Dad,

I am sorry that I'm leaving so soon, it's just that a friend of mine form my old school is going to a boathouse for the week with some of my friends, and I was invited so I am leaving today. Don't worry about me I will text as soon as I get there.


Amelia x

I place the note on the table, and walk up to my room. I realise that since I'm going to an original hybrids house, I should take some weapons, obviously. I grab my duffel bag and stuff weapons into it, shoving some clothes into the mix. I walk down the stairs as fast as I can, the weight of the bags not affecting me.

I open the front door and place my bags outside, and slowly locking the door, shutting off my memories with my father. I turn around and see Klaus standing there with all my luggage in one hand. "Shall we?" He holds out his hand, I take his hand not really thinking about it. We arrive to his car, as it was still parked by the Grill. I get in and we start to drive straight into enemy territory.


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