When One Player Meets Another...

By Faerie_Writer

850K 8.7K 2.7K


When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 1.5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 1)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 2)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 3)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 3.5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 4)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 4.75)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 6)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 6.5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 7)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 7.75)
Chapter 7 Q&A + Sneak Peak of Chapter 8!!!
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 8)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 8.5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of A Game Chapter 9
One When One Player Meets Another Chapter 9.5
When One Player Meets Another (Chapter 10)
When One Player Meets Another Chapter 10.5
When One Player Meets Another Q&A Round Dos.

When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 2.5)

39.1K 441 201
By Faerie_Writer

Chapter 2.5

(Max's POV)

I watched as the little punk ran across the cafeteria. I decided whether or not I was going to chase him, then choose not too.

I had a better idea.

Quickly I pulled out my cell and hit #4 on my speed dial, "Y'ello, this is Victor." A voice answered on the other end and I grinned. "Hey Vic it's me, Max, there's a rat we need to exterminate that goes by the name of Will Marks."

"Exterminate?" Vic whistled, "This kid really pissed you off didn't he?"

"More than you'll ever know." I told him, "Now kill him and make sure he'll ever think twice before touching Summer again."

"Oh, should have known it was about Summer, what did the guy do? Look at her for too long?"

"He kissed her."

"WHAT?" Vic shouted, and I laughed, "Yeah that was my same reaction. Now are you going to take care of him or not?"

"The boys and I have got it covered. And oh by the way, congratulations."

I blinked, "On what?"

"On the five year anniversary dude! Ok, tell Summer I said hi, and don't worry we'll get rid of this Will kid. Bye." The phone clicked to an end tone, leaving me a little bit worried.

No wonder Summer was so ticked this morning, it was our anniversary and I forgot... whoops.

Oh well, she'd live, since there would be plenty of anniversaries after this one right? Besides I tried to focus on my redhead and the fact that Will would be dead by tomorrow. Oh, life was sweet.

So yeah, was that any better?

Remember; feedback is key people! (Also, Max's point of view from now on is only going to happen every other chapter, or when completely needed like now so you know Will is soon going to die)

Oh, and hey, by the way, if I don't post for a while, I'm not dead. It's just... you see... well... how do I put this so you guys don't kill me...

Ok, here we go,

I'm going to a summer camp, for 3 weeks, where I can't bring my laptop. 'Course it's a creative writing class, and I thought for sure the whole time, that they were going to let me bring my laptop, but figured out today, (the day before I leave) they aren't.


Pros of going to a 3 week writing class:

1. My writing will (hopefully) dramatically improve! Yay!

2. I may be able to sneak in times where I can write and save to a usb thingie-ma-bob then post it!

3. I might create and awesome new story for our classwork that I'll get to share with you all!

Cons of going to a 3 week writing class (where they don't allow laptops):

1. #2, is really, really not very likely.

Hopefully though this will give me time to think of new ideas and when I come back, I will stun you all with my amazing plot twists and cliffhangers! MWAHAHAHA!

So... yeah, I'm sorry, and I'll try to message you guys as soon as I can! (I still have my phone with the magical internet!)

Thanks for everything guys, and I can't wait to have some real fo shiz, skillz to show you when I get back,


(Ps. If anyone could suggest actors for the characters because I am at a TOTAL loss, that would be great!)

(Pss. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I was in a rush to get these two out!)

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