When One Player Meets Another...

By Faerie_Writer

850K 8.7K 2.7K


When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 1.5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 1)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 2.5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 3)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 3.5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 4)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 4.75)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 6)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 6.5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 7)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 7.75)
Chapter 7 Q&A + Sneak Peak of Chapter 8!!!
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 8)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 8.5)
When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of A Game Chapter 9
One When One Player Meets Another Chapter 9.5
When One Player Meets Another (Chapter 10)
When One Player Meets Another Chapter 10.5
When One Player Meets Another Q&A Round Dos.

When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 2)

60.2K 531 156
By Faerie_Writer

Chapter 2

(Summer's point of view)

The day I met Will, September 18th happened to be a Tuesday. I found this to be somewhat ironic as Molly and I had this thing when we were friends about Tuesdays. Tuesdays were days of magic.

We had seen every Narnia, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter movie on a Tuesday, and because of this we had come to the conclusion that Tuesday's were... magical. A day where the borders of sanity collided with fantasy.

A day where anything could happen. And happen something magical did that one Tuesday, because meeting Will Marks was nothing less than magical.

The day started out normal enough. I woke up feeling glum, and wanting to laze about home rather than get the education that was required by my lovely state of California... maybe head down to the beach.

But life was one of those things that you just had to deal with, so I tossed the idea quickly from my mind, and got dressed in a lose pair of jeans and a top that wasn't exactly flattering on me... but who did I have to get dressed up for? Max?

As if. Max wouldn't care if I came to school wearing a garbage bag, so long as I had changed out of it by the time I had to eat dinner with his family or anything. Besides, any guy in the grade who got caught looking at me for too long got pounded to a pulp by Max and his crew.

Max as he had gotten older had become a player in full, by joining the varsity football team as it's quarterback, making him not only the most popular kid in our high school but also the strongest, considering he had the football team in tow for anyone who disobeyed him.

The fear that this caused left the other guys in my grade quaking in their boots, so much that they wouldn't even get near me anymore, much less look at me. So the chance of dressing up for them was a total hell to the nah.

I sighed, as I brushed my long nutmeg hair straight, not even bothering with the makeup that had managed to form a messy pile on the edge of my dresser. Once I had felt that I had needed that makeup to face the scrutiny of the rest of my kids at school. You know, the one's always comparing me to the rest of Max's girls. But now...

I was used to it I guess.

I could certainly handle myself now against their accusations. So what if I wasn't as pretty as Max's other girls? That was fine. Even though I wasn't as pretty I was still Max's official girlfriend. When a dance rolled around, he didn't bring them, he always brought me. I was the only one Max had ever shown his room, or brought to dinner. And even though I may not look as pretty as the others with or without makeup, which was still more than those girls could say.

And it's not as though Max was always bagging on my looks. He did his best to compliment me... most of the time, when he wasn't wrapped up in another girl. When that happened, and his new flavor of the week rolled in, he couldn't be bothered to do such trivial things.

But, once again, as the 'official girlfriend' I had gotten used to Max's bi-polar mood and attention swings to the point where it didn't matter to me anymore. He didn't love me, he liked me enough, but he didn't love me.

And he never would.

And I was OK with that... most of the time. When our relationship had been in its middle years, after I had realized he wasn't going to be breaking up with me anytime soon, I had been constantly seeking his attention. Trying to please myself by pleasing him. But now... his attention was like the makeup, it was useless and got me nowhere.

I didn't need it.

OK, well sometimes I needed it... but not as much as I used to. Taking one last glance at the makeup I felt a pang of sadness. A pang of how I couldn't be like other girls who would take ages in the morning to make themselves perfect so others could admire them.

And though it sounded so fake, I wanted to be part of that group. I wanted to be the type of girl who was so carefree, that all I worried about was looking good enough to impress other people. Other boys.

I gave a slight sigh, and snatched a silver tube of lip-gloss off the top of the cabinet. I turned to look in my vanity mirror and swiped it over my lips. There. It wasn't much, and I felt a little foolish for putting it on unnecessarily but... it made me feel just a little bit better.

I clomped downstairs and sat myself down at the table. Breakfast at my house was a silent affair since my younger siblings (I had two, a sister who was 13 and a brother who was 14) were already off to school, which started earlier than mine.

My mom worked as a real estate agent so after she dropped my siblings June (the thirteen year old) and Jake (the fourteen year old) off at their middle school, she was straight off to the office. And my dad, your average salary man, had early working hours.

Really, super early, working hours. Thus he had been at the office since before my siblings and I had even woke up. The good thing about him starting so early was that he was home all the earlier. Which was nice... if you liked my father.

My father was one of those people that you either loved or hated. For most, it was the earlier, but for people like Max... it was the later. What can I say? Of course a player and my father would be natural enemies. My dad was always one of those caring, overprotective father's... but just a little bit clueless.

Though in his defense, if he knew about Max's player reputation, Max would have learned a long time ago just how handy my father is with a shotgun. And a two-by-four plank of wood. And numb-chucks. Though, truth be told, last time my dad tried to mess around with those he... he...

Well, let's not get into such unpleasant details this early in the morning.

Anyways, so as I was saying I had decided to go to school. Not really that I needed to since Max would have my tardy wiped from all of the computers if I even just asked. My boyfriend waved money around like a magic wand. All I had to do was just complain about my teacher or my homework once and -poof!- gone the next morning.

And trust me, I learned that the hard way with Mrs. Stellers. One day I complained that she gave a little to much homework, and that I didn't know how I was going to finish it all, and then, the next day, she was gone. I might have also mentioned that she gave us so much that I might not be able to go over to Max's for dinner that night, which really ticked him off. Probably wasn't the best idea.

Urgent family matter all the other staff had said when she wasn't there the next day, and yet their weary looks at Max made me think it that even they didn't believe what they were saying. I learned never to complain about my teachers again.

Oh, and I also learned to never, ever, even THINK about missing a dinner at Max's house. Very bad idea.

Speaking of which... I was pretty sure that in honor of our anniversary his parents had a dinner for us at his house tonight. I should probably pick an outfit for that but...

I sighed grabbing my school bag, and went to go sit on the curb waiting for my ride. I'd pick the outfit when I got home. Twenty minutes later Deanna pulled up to the front of our house, with an angered look on her face, "He forgot didn't he."

"Yeah, he did." I said as I slung my bag over my back. See, we (Deanna, Max and I) have this system. Usually Max picks me up in the morning, but when he gets a new girl he gets so wrapped up in her that he forgets. That's when I need Deanna to take me to school, as I don't have a car.

Since we can't always predict when Max will have a new girl, Deanna drives by my house everyday on her way to school, and checks if I'm still on the porch. If I'm not, it means Max already got me or I'm sick or something. But if I am, like today, it means Max is wrapped up in a new girl and forgot to come get me.

Deanna just shook her head. "That boy pisses me off sometimes." She said as I opened the car door, and dropped my bag off in the backseat of her 2010 MAZDA6 Sports Sedan before hopping in the front seat.

"Deanna," I stated as I put on my seatbelt. "That boy pisses you off ALL the time." Deanna rolled her eyes as she switched the car into gear and began to drive.

"How could he not? He's a jerk! I mean for goodness sake, Summer, it's your 5 year anniversary and he's out there with some other girl!" She flailed one of her arms about as she talked for emphasis and I had to duck so I wasn't hit.

She looked over at me. "Sorry," she said sheepishly. "It's just that he... he doesn't deserve you Summer. And I don't think he ever will."

I let out a sigh, and stared off out the window. Deanna basically said the same thing every day, but how was I going to escape from a guy like Max? He had the whole school under his thumb and the money to back up any threats he made. He could ruin my family financially or physically if he wanted too, and I wasn't about to give him a reason of why he would want to.

The drive to school was silent after Deanna's outburst, until she flicked on the radio and the sound of Justin Bieber's voice singing, "And I was like baa-by baa-by baa-by OHHHH! Like Baa-by baa-by baa-by NOOO. Like baa-by baa-by baa-by OHHHH, thought you'd always be mine (mine)."

"And that," Deanna exclaimed, "is how Max will sound someday!" I couldn't help but laugh at her words, and we sang at full volume the whole rest of the way there. When we arrived, she switched off the radio, and turned to me.

"At least do something to get him mad today." Deanna pleaded, and I shrugged and got out of the car, grabbing my bag from the back seat.

Deanna brushed some of her dark brown hair behind her ear, as her fawn brown eyes studied me. "Why do you let him get away with everything that he does?" She asked.

I let out a sigh. "Because anything I do to get him mad, get's somebody else hurt. I'm not like Max, I can't hurt people to get what I want." I explained as we climbed up the school's front steps. Deanna let out a sigh herself but nodded.

"At least you're the bigger person?" She added up hopefully, but I just gave a faint smile, which didn't reach my eyes. We entered the school and Deanna and I went our separate ways as we went to our lockers.

My locker was, unfortunately, near Max's and I got full glimpse of the girl he ditched me for this morning. She was tall, tan, and blonde with icy blue eyes that glanced at me and took me in. Then with a sneer at me she kissed Max on cheek, and waved her manicured nails at him, "Bye Maxie!"

Maxie? I resisted the urge to gag. "Goooooood morning Summer!" Max said looking at me with a grin. My eyes narrowed, "Hello Max." I said crisply. He ignored my hostility, and said, "You see her." He had nodded his head in the direction of the blonde.

"Yeah." I told him. How could I not see her? She had given me a full dose of nasty, venomous 'Why is he dating you?' anger not more than five minutes ago. Was he BLIND?

"Well, she's best friends with this red-head that I really want, so I think that I'll let jealousy take over and BAM!" He threw his arms open. "Red-head by lunch!" He grinned a smug grin at me and said, "Sooo what do you think of my amazing plan?"

I grinned an extremely fake grin at him. "Wonderful." I said, slamming my locker and walking away. Did he even remember what today was? He shouldn't even talk about other girls today of all days! I mean, sure I'm used to it, but it's annoying as Hell!

Muttering under my breath walked into AP History, sitting in my seat I tried to focus on enjoying my favorite class. Our teacher, Mrs. Jasing, was random, but that's just made me love her all the more.

Once the bell rang, she was into her lecture. Halfway through there was a knock on the door, and Mrs. Jasing was interrupted halfway through saying, "And then the Spanish went BOO- Well who do we have here?"

Then, through the door walked a boy who was drop dead gorgeous. His smile lit up the room, revealing his adorable dimples. His eyes were an deep, chocolate brown, his skin was perfectly tan like Max's, and his chestnut brown hair was perfectly straight until it reached the tips where is gently curled.

He was followed by principle Tucker who gestured to the hot guy. "This is Will Marks." He sniffed. "He transferred here from Crown Private School to play... football." Mr. Tucker sniffed again, as if the whole thing was absurd, "Take good care of him." Then with a quick turn he left.

Will just shrugged, a jerked his finger over his back with a heart melting grin. "He isn't very friendly is he?" Will asked, and that's all he had to say before I knew. That same cocky attitude that Max had, the football, the good looks... Will was a player. I was sure of it.

And if that wasn't enough to confirm it, not thirty minutes after he arrived, he was caught kissing Kelly Janice in the hallways during passing period. Unfortunately for me, he was in every single one of my classes that I had had so far.

Basically, I did my best to ignore him, and while all the other girls in my class would flock to him, I'd just roll my eyes and stay where I was. I was not going to even bother getting involved with another player. I had already seen how that had worked out for me and it wasn't all that great.

I don't know if he realized I was ignoring him, but I think he figured it out after awhile because 5th period he turned to Amy Ruford, (who he got caught kissing in the 3rd period passing period) and asked, "Who's she?"

Amy just rolled her eyes, and gave me a snotty sneer, "THAT'S Summer Hills. But don't even bother trying to talk to her, or her boyfriend, Max Williams, will totally throttle you."

I stiffened in anger, but Will just said, "Hmmm." And then didn't voice the subject again. By the time I got to lunch I was sick of hearing his voice and I quickly sat next Deanna with a humph.

"Holy bejupers!" She exclaimed, using her own little word. "Have you SEEN the new guy? He's gorgeous, but SUCH a player."

"I've seen quite enough of him thank you very much." I said curtly, as I grabbed a sandwich out of my brown paper bag.

"Hey," Deanna asked through a mouthful of food, "where's Max? Did you give him Hel- Oh."


I looked up along with Deanna and had the pleasure of watching Max walk in with yet another girl on his arm. I took the new girl in and realized this had been the redhead he'd been ranting about earlier.

Looks like Max had gotten what he'd wanted. Again.

Deanna looked over at me, "Aren't you going to do, anything?"

"No." I said quietly, returning my gaze to my sandwich with a painful, sinking feeling in my chest.

"But he's your boyfriend!" Deanna exclaimed.

I just nodded as I looked up once more and watched him kiss the redhead. "I know." And I did know, but the reason was only because I didn't react to stuff like this. That was the only reason he kept me around, that and convenience.

"Someday some other guy just as hot, rich, and with as much charm is going to come along and steal you." Deanna told me sternly. "And when Mr. Right does, Max is going to be sad."

And though I said nothing, I couldn't help but hope silently that Deanna would be right one day. I looked up, "I wish-"

My sentence was suddenly interrupted by the loud clatter of a tray as it hit the floor; all heads swiveled around as we looked at none other than Will Marks. Will's white shirt had been stained by what I hope was spaghetti sauce and his tray lay in a mess on the floor. Max was staring at him, fists clenched, and I knew that Max had done it.

To further prove my point, Will turned to Max and said, "Well, that wasn't very nice." I put my head in my hands; Will was going to get killed. I heard a collective gasp and looked up to find Will taking off his shirt, "See, my shirt is ruined now."

There Will stood, shirtless, with the best 6 pack I had ever seen, in the middle of the cafeteria. "Does anybody happen to have an extra shirt...?"

"Summer," Deanna whispered, "don't you have an extra one of your dad's shirts with you cause your mom messed up and put in your backpack?" Apparently though, Deanna was not quiet enough, as all the people in the cafeterias heads whipped around, including Will, and looked straight at me.

"You have an extra shirt? Perfect!" He exclaimed, and without even giving me a chance to say anything he dashed over our table and sat down. "By the way, I'm Will Marks, nice to meet you, and babe don't even bother saying anything because the pleasure... well... it's all mine." I couldn't help it, I laughed.

"Summer Hills." I said, and he nodded, "I know, but I like hearing your voice so it's ok." I laughed again and people looked at me like I had two heads. I guess it's cause I didn't laugh this much in public.

Will raised and eye at the stares, but said nothing about them, and instead jumped right to the point. "So... Summer," He asked folding his hands in a business like way, "Where, exactly, is this shirt?"

"In my locker." I said with another small laugh, and he nodded. "Ok. Well then about after lunch we go to your locker and get ourselves this shirt, you then give it to me, I wear it and in return I will take you out to dinner."

I swear, I could hear Max growling from across the room. "Sorry." I stated quickly, "I have boyfriend so..."

"Well that makes this easy then!" It did? "Just break up with him and go out with me! It's simple!" Will said throwing his arms wide, there was a collective gasp and I blinked. Uh-oh. "Will, you really, shouldn't have said that."

"Why not?" Will asked cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy. "Because," Max's gruff voice answered from behind me, "I might just have to break your face for even suggesting it."

Will blinked in shock as he looked up at Max, "You're her boyfriend? But you were kissing another girl..." I looked at Max who just grinned, and asked, "And?"

"Wait, so you cheat on her? Like all the time?" Will asked, and Max rolled his eyes, "Of course."

"Wow. You are a total douche." Will said, and Max's eyes snapped around, "WHAT?"

"Oops." Will said softly, "Did I say that aloud?" Quickly he stood up, and said, "Summer, he doesn't deserve you... so my offer still stands. Break up with him, or don't break up with just go out with me anyways, because you Summer deserve better. And I'm way better than he'll ever be." Will then jumped over the table, gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and dashed off.

I slowly put my hand on my cheek feeling the warmth of where he had kissed me, while Max roared, "YOU ARE SO DEAD MARKS!"

"Mr. Right." Deanna sang with a giggle quietly to me, and I couldn't help think that maybe she was right, and maybe everything was about to change.

<End of Chapter 2>

Hey everyone! Thanks for all the feedback! Keep it coming!

And I'm being dead serious here, cause I really took it all to mind, and I know you guys were saying 1.5 was a repeat but that was just to show you how different they are in attitudes and styles... But yeah! Probs won't be doing that again. I hope you guys liked this chapter just as much as you hopefully did the earlier ones and now onto two point five!

Thanks for everything,


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