
By PrincesJasmine143

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John Winchester comes to six month baby girl rescue from Azazel, who John thinks is any normal child but actu... More

The Beginning
The Winchesters
First Day Of School
First Hunt
Taken (Part 2)
Graduation and Camping Gone Wrong
The Mark
Then There Was Three
The New Girl and O'l Saint Nick
Love and Sickness
Departing, Angels?, What Is and What Should Never Be
Meeting The Devil
The Visit
Lost and Found
Swan Song
The Truth
Learning The Ropes
Staying Out Of It
The French Mistake
Ending The Pain
Seven Devils Following Death
Tablets And Chaos
The Ultimate Sacrifice
Who's Mikayla Morgan Winchester?
Running With The Wolves
Celestial Errands
A Need In The End
A Dying FiancΓ© and A Game of Hide & Seek
The Good, The Bad, The Evil...
Hello Darkness My Old Friend....
Honey...I'm Home
The Truth Behind It All
Lost And Done
Love and Sacrifice
These Burritos Taste Funny To You?...
Heavens Gonna Hate Me Now...
Babies On Board
You Should See Me In A Crown
Family Drama
The French Mistake 2... In A Whole New World

Chicago Fire Rescue Fling

787 18 13
By PrincesJasmine143

Mikayla comes back from the store with a bunch of bags in both hands. She uses her grace to close the trunk of Baby and walks to the door of the bunker, struggling to try to get it open since no magic can just pop in the bunker. She finally gets the door open and pops in the kitchen. She doesn't hear the boys in the library so she assumes they're in their room. She puts all the food away and makes her way to a piano she found in a random room. She sits down on the small cushioned bench and runs her fingers along the keys. Not only is she upset with herself for what she's done, today is her dad's birthday. She sits and sings the one song that reminds her of him. Hurt by Christina Aguilera, same she sung for Bobby.

"Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face

You told me how proud you were, but I walked away

If only I knew what I know today

Ooh, ooh"

Sam and Dean both hear the piano playing and walk out their rooms meeting in the hallway. They follow her voice through the hallways and eventually find her. They don't want to interrupt so they slide down and sit on the floor on each side of the door outside in the hall and just listen.

"I would hold you in my arms

I would take the pain away

Thank you for all you've done

Forgive all your mistakes

There's nothing I wouldn't do

To hear your voice again

Sometimes I wanna call you

But I know you won't be there

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit

Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss

And it's so hard to say goodbye

When it comes to this"

Cas comes around the corner and joins the boys sitting across them in the middle between the brothers. "It's our dad's birthday." Sam says clarifying Cas's confusion. They quiet down when they hear her voice break down to a cry. Dean himself lets a few tears fall but quickly whips them feeling the same when it comes to their dad.

"Would you tell me I was wrong?

Would you help understand?

Are you looking down upon me?

Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't do

To have just one more chance

To look into your eyes

And see you looking back

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself, ohhIf I had just one more day

I would tell you how much that I've missed you

Since you've been away

Ooh, it's dangerous

It's so out of line

To try and turn back time"

She comes to a stop and sits there trying not to break down. Dean makes it his move and gets up and goes in the room slowly and slides himself on the bench next to her. Sam does the same and slides to her left. She sits there silently with her arms fallen on her lap. "I remember the first time dad and I dealt with a hunt, he didn't have a choice really, we happened to be in town with a bunch of vamps. Dad never told anyone this, not even Bobby because he was so ashamed with himself because I along with other children ended up kidnapped by the vamps.


Mikayla was five years old when John started taking Mikayla on trips with him. They were currently at a diner in Utah eating an early dinner. "What do you want to eat babe? Anything you want on the menu." He says smiling at his five year old daughter who is happily sitting on her legs bouncing happily. "Anything?" She ask her eyes wide scanning the big menu. "Expect the desert." He blurts remembering that she's big on sweets. "Aw man." She pouts and scans the menu more. "Can I have a burger not from the kiddie menu?" She ask. "Burger, sure." He chuckles.

"With french fries?" She adds. "You want fries, you got fries."

"Yay!" She smiles. John orders their food and soon the burger is placed in front on Mikayla.

"That's a big burger for you sweetie, you gonna finish that?" The waitress ask. "Uh huh." Mikayla nods grabbing the ketchup and squirting it on her plate laughing at the sound it makes. "Sounds like a fart." She giggles making John laugh. "Here let me cut that in half for ya." Once she's done eating Mikayla leans back in booth and rubs her stomach. "My tummies full." She sighs and John laughs from how serious she is. "Oh my gosh, you ate the whole thing!" The waitress says coming to get their plates. "Sure did." She mumbles looking at the plate. "Want any desert?" She ask. Mikayla looks at John to her plate. "No, thanks, I'm stuffed like a bird." The waitress laughs and John pays for their food and takes her to the park. Mikayla slyly walks behind John when they get to the playground. "Alright try not to get too dirty okay." John says looking down at her. He frowns when she doesn't move.

"What's wrong babe? Don't ya wanna play?"

"I don't know any of these kids."

"Well that's were you make new friends, like you did the first time at school."

"Okay, I'll try." John chuckles as he watches his five year old daughter who's wearing denim short overalls and black timberlands with a matching denim snapback she wore backwards. In Johns defense he didn't know how to dress a little girl, but he thinks it was cute that she looks like a little tom boy and Mikayla thinks so as well.

(Example of outfit)
She goes along the little slide and starts conversation with some other kids. John sits there writing in his journal looking up to check up on her. After a while of not looking John suddenly hears a scream. "DADDY!" Mikayla screams. He looks up seeing Mikayla being held and taken into a black van as it drives off.

He gets up and chases the van but doesn't make it and goes in his car and but loses it. He storms into the police station demanding for help along with some other parents who's children also been snatched that day. John eventually finds that van in an abandoned motel. Mikayla along with six other children are locked in a room. The other children are crying expect Mikayla who tries to calm them down and find a way out the window. "Stop crying guys, my daddies gonna come and save us, he kills these monsters." Mikayla found out that they were vamps when they first came in the building seeing the others. She followed the signs from the lure that Bobby's been reading to her. She hears a gun shot and gasp running to the window seeing Baby. "Daddy!" She gasp running to the door about to try and open it again but she's knocked down by it opening first. "Daddy!" Mikayla yells seeing it's him. He rushes getting her up embracing her. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Just my ribs." She answers. John frowns lifting up her shirt under her overalls seeing her side bruised meaning she had a broken rib. "Nobody else is hurt, but there's vampires out there." She whispers to him.

He smiles at her knowledge knowing this and he gives her his phone. "I want you to call the police and tell them to track the phone, you remember how to do that right?"

"Dial 911." She answers. "Good, now stay here, protect the other kids okay."

"Got it." She marches to the window to see the phone better and dials.

"911 what's your emergency?" The phone operator answers. "My name is Mikayla Winchester, I and some other kids were taken by some bad guys, they took us to a building that's not used anymore, my daddy said you can track this phone to find us and—"

The connection ends when the phone suddenly dies. "Ugh." Mikayla grunts and turns around seeing the kids. "Told you my daddy was gonna rescue us." They wait and Mikayla gets more impatient. Police sirens are heard coming and the kids perk up and run to the window and see all the cars and ambulances pulling up. They shout banging on the window to be seen. John comes in the room and grabs Mikayla's hand. "C'mon sweetie let's go."

"What about the other kids?" She ask as they leave the room. "The police and their parents are here we're getting outta here let's go." He drags her along the hallway but as they pass one open door a vamp comes and snatches Mikayla's leg making her slip from Johns grip and she breaks her arm falling on the floor. She screams in pain from her ribs and arm and John swings his machete but misses and the vamp takes off in the hallway. "Stay here baby, okay." He orders and takes off for the vamp. "No, daddy!" She cries and grunts as she lays on her back. The place is suddenly barged through the hallway and first see Mikayla laying on the floor. "Are you okay sweetheart?"

"No, my dad took off to get the bad guy and my arms broken." She sassy's to the officer who's eyes widen in surprised by her attitude. The police and ambulance come in and help the children outside. They put Mikayla in the ambulance and are ready to leave. "No wait my daddies still out there!" She yells to the police officer. "We're looking for him now honey."

"No, I can't leave without him!"

"I'm sorry, we have to go, we will take him to you afterwards you need medical attention."

"SCREW MY MEDICAL ATTENTION! I WANT MY DAD!" She screams. The cop coils back from her words and they hold her back and shut the door, she grunts and sits back on the gurney. At the hospital, Mikayla waits in a room with a women from child services. She's laying in the bed staring at the clock. It's been an hour and she wants to leave. "Can I call my dad now that I got this stupid cast on."

"You are one tough little one aren't you?" Mikayla just glares until the woman hands her the phone. Mikayla gestures for her to leave the room to give her privacy. She digs into her overall pocket and for her little notebook that has all the phone numbers she needs written on. She dials her dads number and he picks up on the first ring.


"Mikayla, thank god, are you okay?" Hearing her dads voice suddenly makes Mikayla's toughness go away and she breaks. "I'm okay, I just want you to get me, I wanna go home." She cries. She hears a sniff and frowns realizing her dad was crying too. "Did you get the bad guy?" She ask. "Yeah, baby, I got him. He can't hurt you anymore."

"I'm proud of you dad." She says as she looks down at her cast. "I love you so much, you know that. I want to make everything okay for you, I just want you to feel better. If I could take all your pain away and make it mine."

"I love you daddy."

"I'm gonna see you real soon okay. Hang tight for me, daddies coming and we'll go home." About a half hour later John makes it to the hospital to see Mikayla in the bed sleeping. After a lot of convincing he's allowed to discharge her. He goes in the room and gently wakes her up. "Hey babe wake up." Mikyla slowly comes to it as John lifts her up gently and picks her up. She immediately clings to him laying her head on his shoulder wanting to sleep some more. He walks out the hospital and puts her Baby. "C'mon let's go home." She nods sleepy as he buckles her up.


"Dad and I made a pack not to tell Bobby," she finishes. The three sit there on the piano bench in silence until Mikayla breaks down. "I'm so sorry." She says looking between her brothers. "I don't know what's wrong with me, how I could've done the things I did." She sobs. Sam calmly wraps his arms around her as she let's it all out. The brothers give each other a look of concern not expecting this from her. Dean clears his throat before speaking. "Listen kid, you've been hurt so many times, Sam and I understand why you lashed out. You were in pain, and you didn't know how to handle that pain, and you tried to replace that pain with rage and angry."

She leans off Sam as he speaks. "Kayla, you know you can talk to us, about anything. We're here for you. We're all we got, the four of us." Mikayla turns around seeing Cas standing there. "Can I speak to Cas alone please?" The brothers leave, leaving them alone in the small room. Cas walks up to her whipping her tear stained face. "Cas, I-I-I'm so sorry, for the way I acted. I'm sorry for everything I did the people and angels I ki—."

"I know." He says embracing her. "I know." He repeats and she breaks the hug. "I love you Cas, but I think I need some time for myself. I'm gonna leave for a little while, try to pick up some pieces."

"Where are you gonna go?"

"Not sure yet, where ever the road takes me I guess." He nods understanding and she goes to leave but turns around. "If you ever need me, I'm just a prayer away." She smiles before going to the library. "Everything alright?" Sam ask. She has the same conversation with them, of course Dean doesn't want her to go but he understands. Once she left Cas goes in the library but is staring off to the bunker door. "Don't worry man, she just needs some space." Dean says patting his back before going to his room. Mikayla goes to her house and packs a bag. She hops on her motorcycle and takes off down the highway.

Ten hours later she finds herself in Chicago. She gets herself a nice five star hotel in the crowded city and parks her bike out front. She gets a hotel suite for a couple nights and goes up to change into some better clothes and not a plaid shirt and jeans. She puts on some high waisted bleached out shorts, a white bodysuit and her usual leather jacket and heels. She goes back downstairs and rides her bike around the city until she gets hungry and stops at club. She shows her ID to the bouncer and walks in the club her body immediately vibrating from the bass from the song Hey Baby by pitfall ft. T-Pain

She slips her way through the crowd and heads upstairs to the other bar. She finds an empty stool in the corner and plops herself down. "What can I get ya?" The bartender shouts over the music.

"Whiskey." She drinks about four glasses and heads down to the first floor carefully holding onto to the railing so she doesn't fall. She finds a hot a guy standing with his friends and grabs his hand dragging him to the dance floor. After dancing for four songs she takes a break and stumbles to the bar for another shot then heads to the bathroom. As she's walking down the hallway she see's a couple looking at her, she stops getting a sense. They're angels. "Winchester?!" The guy hisses. "I thought you were in the cage?"

"Yeah, well I'm out watcha gonna do bout it?" She ask raising her arms challenging him. His angel blade slips out from his sleeve and charges at her. The woman stands there and calls for other angels help then gets involved. The fight is eventually dragged out in the middle of the club. People scatter not knowing what to do. Mikayla zaps around the club and ends up in kitchen two angels block her and Mikayla throws a pan of hot food on one causing the kitchen to go up in flames. The fire spreads and everyone goes out the club screaming. She runs to the dance floor seeing a gang of angels. "Great." She hisses. She tries to fight them off as much as she can as music is still blasting away currently playing Animals by maroon 5.

She gets thrown around in the club and tries to avoid getting stabbed. She's pretty banged up from the gang of angels when suddenly three angel blades that are drenched in holy water are thrown to her entering right through her stomach. She falls to the floor in pain and suddenly a circle of holy fire surrounds her. "We're not done with you yet, you're going back to the cage." The angel warns and they all disappear. Her head falls back as she pulls two angels blades out. Things start falling to the floor around her as the place goes up in flames. A metal rafter comes falling down landing on her waist and she screams in agony not being able to breathe from the smoke and fire. The sprinklers come on and takes away the circle holy fire but she's too weak to move and eventually blacks out.

About fifteen minutes later Mikayla starts to come to it, but barley. "Fire department call out!" She hears a man shout. Mikayla weakly raises her arm signaling that she's there. "I found someone chief." Mikayla feels the metal rafter come off her and is staring into a blue eyed firefighter.

(I had too lol, I mean come on, Chicago fire is amazing and Taylor Kinney is just...ajdkrocjsn)

His eyes widen seeing the one angel blade still in her stomach. "Got a stabbed victim here! Don't move. What's your name?"


"We can't get in with the stretcher you're gonna have to carry her here." She hears a woman shout.

"Alright, Mikayla I'ma lift you up so I can take you to the ambulance."

"No, I'm fine." She protests. "You have a blade in you, you're not fine." He frowns and carefully lifts her up in a standing position and carefully walks her outside. People gasp seeing the blade and he takes her to the ambulance. "My bike." She groans looking at it crushed by a piece of the building. "You can worry about your bike later we need to get you to the hospital."

"I said I'm fine." She repeats and reaches for the blade. "No!" He shouts but she easily slips it out. She leans off him and holds the bloody blade. "Told you, I'm fine." She assures him and she stands there for a moment and then faints but he catches her in time. "Yeah, you're not fine." He takes her inside the ambulance and they rush her to the hospital. A couple hours later the firefighter comes and visits Mikayla to check up on her. "Hey, I'm looking for a patient named Mikayla, she was one of the club victims. Dark brown hair, my skin tone, about 5'4."

"Oh I know who you're looking for. She's a stubborn one." The nurse walks him over seeing Mikayla in the hospital bed awake, not happy. "How are her stab wounds?"

"Stab wounds?"

"Yeah she had three of them, she pulled a blade from her stomach." The nurse grabs her chart and shakes her head. "No, no stab wound mentioned here." He frowns and knocks on the wall getting Mikayla's attention. "Hey, my names Kelly Severide, I'm the firefighter that helped you out the club."Mikayla nods remembering. "When can I get outta here and get my bike back?" She ask. "Soon, mind if I ask you questions about what happened at the club?"

"Shoot." Mikayla replies grabbing her pudding. "What happened to you, at the club?"

"Well, I came into town and was bored and decided to go out, went to the club and danced a bit then this guy had ask me to danced, he was drunk and aggressive, I said no and he got upset." She lies.

"So he stabbed you multiply times?"

"I didn't get stabbed?" She frowns shaking her head playing it off. "I saw you pull out a blade from your stomach?" Mikayla shakes her head again lifting up her hospital gown showing her clean healed non stabbed stomach. "See no stab wound here." Kelly frowns confused seeing her completely fine. "I saw you pull some weird blade from your stomach?"

"That smoke must have really got into your head." She chuckles poking his head making him chuckle too. She stops to admire him in his firefighter get up. She like any woman in the world loves a good looking firefighter. "By the way what's gonna happen to my bike?"

"Uh, I took the liberty to take your bike to a buddy of mines, he works on bike and does mine."

"You have a bike?"

"Learned how to ride a bike before I learned to drive a car."

"I need that bike before I leave town, that bike and I have experienced so much and it was a present from my uncle that passed."

"Well I will make sure that your bike is top priority in shop."

"Thanks, I appreciate it, I just wanna get out of here, hate hospitals."

"They just wanna hold you until you're ready to get on your feet."

"I'm ready to get on my feet now." She protests. "I'm sure tomorrow morning you'll be good to go." A nurse comes in placing a tray of food in front of her. Mikayla frowns and puts the tray on her side table. "Aren't you gonna eat?"

"This shit, no way. I could go for a burger right now. All that dancing gets you hungry."

"How about this, you eat the food here, and when you get out tomorrow why don't you stop by the fire house we're having a cook out tomorrow and you'll get your burger, deal?"

"Alright, I'll hold you on that." After an hour of talking Kelly says his goodbye when he gets another call and leaves Mikayla be. She sighs grabbing her phone scrolling through her contacts stopping at Cas's number. She debates whether or not to call him and doesn't. She looks around, her gaze falling on the hospital food and grabs her tray and turns on the tv seeing a telenovela on and leaves it there. She pokes the chicken with the plastic fork and picks it up taking a bite. "Chicken ain't that bad," she shrugs eating the rest and chugs her cranberry juice. The following morning she makes it out the hospital and pops to her hotel room changing into some decent clothes.

She changes into a white cropped crews top, with some denim shorts with a classic red and black checkered plaid shirt around the waist and her boots with her dads dog tags and Deans sunglasses she stole. She looks at the address that Kelly texted her and makes sure to discreetly pop up in a place no one sees her. It's past 1pm when she walks her way closer to the firehouse seeing some of them working on the trucks. As she walks into the firehouse bay she sees a shirtless Kelly and she slowly comes to a stop admiring him. "Hey, you made it!" He beams coming to her as he's putting on his watch and puts his shirt back on.

"I didn't know where to eat in the city and remembered you were gonna get me that burger."

"Yeah, come on in." She follows him in and he introduces her to everybody. "Smells good in here already." She smiles shyly following him to the kitchen. "Severide makes some pretty good burgers," Gabby one of the paramedics says giving him a pat on the back. "Eh, their alright," another firefighter Hermann jokes. Mikayla joins Kelly sitting outside at squad 3's table and enjoys her burger. "Watcha think?" He ask watching her devourer food. "I agree with Gabby." She smiles nodding. Kelly winks at her before he takes a bite of his. "By the way my friend told me your bike should be ready in three days tops."

"Three days huh? Guess I gotta find another hotel to book."

"You can stay at my place." He offers. "Oh I don't wanna be trouble."

"No, nonsense, it'll be cool."

"Okay, thanks I'll take you up on that offer." After having two hours of free time they get a call. Mikayla says her goodbyes starts to walk away from the bay. She looks back to see Kelly still sitting at the tables staring off to her.

She could've sworn he licked his lips watching her but she just shakes her head and walks away to a safe spot to pop into the hotel room.
She falls back on the bed and lays her hands on her stomach from being so full. "Food baby." She sighs and hears text tone goes off. She looks at her phone seeing it's a text from Kelly.

'Glad you came by, it was great seeing you.' with a winky face emoji. Mikayla smiles like a high school girl with a crush and texts back thanking him for inviting her over. She kicks off her shoes and rolls under the covers and explores on places to go in the city and get some gifts for her brothers, when another text comes in.

Kelly: What hotel are you staying at?

Mikayla: Raddison Blue.

Kelly: Mind if I stop by later?

Mikayla smiles and flips over to her stomach in excitement and waits a bit to reply so she doesn't seem to desperate but ends up falling asleep and wakes up later in the afternoon. She heads back out and begins to walk around the city. As she's walks along the bridge by the hotel she sees a group of people gathered around looking at something. Mikayla tries to get on her tip toes to see. "Bad car accident." A man next to her explains. Mikayla maneuvers her way through the crowd and makes it to the front to see it was actually firehouse 51 on the job. She sees the squad 3 truck and smiles when she sees Kelly in action. She watches his every move admiring his work seeing he was very compassionate and dedicated to his job.

When they have everyone out safely the crowd around Mikayla lessen. One of the firefighters Casey sees Mikayla on the sidelines and nudges Kelly. "Looks like you have an admirer." He says tilting his head towards her. Kelly turns around smiling when he sees her there. He walks up to her with his arms open. "Excuse me miss but, I'm need you to step away from the scene."

"Oh I'm sorry, I was just trying to make my way through to that hot dog stand on the other side of the bridge." Kelly looks back at it and frowns. "They're not that good." He says making her laugh. "Well thanks for the warning."

"You never answered my text by the way."

"Oh yeah, sorry, I fell asleep watching a movie, but for your answer....yeah you can come by, got a suite all to myself."

"A suite huh?"

"Mhm." She nods. "Severide c'mon man, stop flirting with your girlfriend, let's go." Cap another firefighter on squad shouts. "I'm sorry about them." He apologizes but she just blushes turning her head away failing to hide her smile. "It's cool, I guess I'll see you later."

"Were actually going to Molly's a bar that a few of the guys own later after shirt wanna join ?"

"Yeah, I'd love too."

"Alright, I'll pick you up at 8 then?"

"Works for me." She agrees and they say their goodbyes. Mikayla walks over to the hot dog stand and gets one hot dog. She takes a bite and stops mid chew and frowns. She throws it away goes back to the stand. "Yeah I want my money back." She says grabbing it from the jar. "Ugh" She cringes and walks around until it was close to 8 she heads back to the front of the hotel. She stands against the hotel column, her head into a game on her phone into she hears a car that sounds like Baby and looks up from her phone to see it's Kelly. She smiles and stops to admire his black and silver old Camaro. "Nice, ride." She compliments and she gets in. "You like it?"

"Mhm, I'm into cars. My brother has a black 67 impala kinda reminds me of her."

"Nice." As they drive to Molly's Mikayla tells Kelly non hunter stories about her brothers. When they get there she greets everyone again and sits with the girls. "How are you after the club incident?" Gabby ask. "Oh I'm okay, waist is a little sore from the rafter but I'll live." She finishes taking a sip of her beer. The girls have girl talk while Mikayla gets to know them. On the other hand the boys have a talk on their own. "So what's up with you and Mikayla? You know how some victims get attached to their hero's it's the opposite for you."

"I don't know man, there's something about her. She isn't like any girl I met."

"It's been like a day."

"Yeah but we talked a lot, and I liked what I heard."

"She digs you though." Joe says looking over Kelly's shoulder. "How do you know?"

"The signs man, saw it all at the firehouse and a little now."

"What signs?"

"Did she say she likes anything you like?"

"Cars, but she wasn't pretending she actually knows what she's talking about."

"Oh another thing they play their hair." Cap adds. Kelly looks back and sees Mikayla look at him real quick and give him a wink and sure enough she was playing with the ends of her hair. "Told you." Cap brags. After the night of fun at the bar, Kelly comes up to Mikayla who's currently playing darts with Hermann. He puts his hand on her waist getting her attention, "wanna get outta here?"

"Yeah, let's go."

"Oh c'mon you're upset you're losing so you're gonna leave?" Hermann teases.

"I was going easy on you." She laughs. "Yeah, right." He fires back. Mikayla chuckles and grabs her darts and throws them all at once hitting the bullseye. The crowd around them shouts in amazement and laughs at Hermann's reaction.

She says bye to everyone and they head back to the hotel. A little buzzed they head up to her floor with Kelly's arm draped over her shoulder. As soon as she gets her room key out her pocket and gets the door open Kelly's lips are on hers.

She wraps her arms around his neck and he picks her up holding her by her thighs and kicks the door closed. "The bedroom is over there." She points. They strip all their clothes until they make it to the bedroom and he drops her down and crawls on top of her.

When their bedroom fun is over they hit the tub with bubbles along with a bottle of red wine and beer. "So what did you come into town for?"

"I need a distraction."

"We'll feel free to call me whenever you want." He winks taking a sip of his beer.

"See mister sexy lieutenant firefighter, I have a problem that I need help with that's really been messing with my mind."

"Tell me about it."


"Yeah, go on."

"I'm in love with the most fearful and dangerous being know to human kind that I shouldn't be in love with."

"I knew it, I know how to pick em. So why can't you be in love with him? Is he that dangerous?"

"Yeah, but that's not the point, the point is that I'm in love with someone else also who I honestly don't think I deserve and I can't control myself."

"Why you don't trust yourself around this guy?"

"I don't trust myself around anyone Kelly. I'm bad, I've done horrible things. I kill people." Kelly gets tense and Mikayla notices automatically when those words leave her mouth. She leans forward and Kelly raises up and she leans in looking at him in the eyes. "You're okay, no need to be afraid." She watches as his pupils get small and go back to normal as she compels him. He leans back relaxing again. "Why do you kill people?" He ask. "Because I like it, it's in my nature, it's who I am. And my brothers think I can just go back to how everything was when we first met by the snap of my fingers and I can't just be that hopefully girl from before, not anymore. See the problem I have Kelly?"

"Well maybe this is who you are now, loves does that Mikayla, it changes us."

"Just stop talking, kiss me, be my distraction." She goes toward him, straddling him, the bubbles moving around her as she attacks his lips. "My life is chaotic, I just want something normal for once. Like this for instant, this is normal. My whole life has not been normal." She touches his forehead making him see her whole life in a flash so he can understand her.

"Lucifer has a lover? Who would've thought?"

"That's what I use to think, but I don't know what it is. I know we have the bond, but it feels like something much more powerful than some ritual that was performed. I mean, I'm in love with the devil, that's doesn't just happen. When Lucifer was risen from the cage and I came back I hated him but once I got to know him something in me changed."

"So Lucifer's still in the cage?"

"Yeah, and I somehow got out, I don't know how or who could've possibly done it. I know it wasn't Cas because he's human now."

"What was it like? The cage?"

"Dark, has like a blue light tint from the inside. Being in there it was literally hell. Time is different, Dean was there for four months but in hell its 40 years. I was in the cage for 9 months, that's like 90 years but it felt like an eternity. If I was stuck in there with Lucifer himself then I think I'll be fine, but with him and Michael, oh my gosh the non stop bickering between the two. I wanted to kill myself." This makes Kelly laugh. "Hey your bikes not gonna be ready yet but I'm gonna be taking a trip to California on mine to meet some friends to go surfing wanna join in on the fun?"

"You know what, yeah, I'll love too. Mason tried to teach me but that did not go well."

"Great so tomorrow, we can head out after you check out and go to my place and pack." The two relax the rest of the night. The next morning Mikayla checks out and kelly drives them to his loft. They shower before heading out on the road.

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