Kidnapped By A Bipolar Vampir...

By Black_Rose37945

715K 18.1K 2.7K

Rose Knight is a random 15 year old girl, who is abused by her mother. One night her mother stabs her so Rose... More

Kidnapped By A Vampire™©
Chapter 3: Edward
Chapter 4: Pedo-mobile
Chapter 5: DINOSAUR
Chapter 6:We killed Bambi's mom!
Chapter 7: Casper the friendly ghost
Authors note (READ!!!!)
Chapter 8:Soul Mates?
Chapter 9: Prince of the fang-faces
Authors note and character bio(READ!!!)
Chapter 10: The past and a familiar face
Chapter 11:Random and I know it!
Chapter 12: Love triangle?!
Chapter 13: Rose in Wonderland ♠♥♣♦
Chapter 14:The truth
Chapter 15: SHINNY
Chapter 16: Mr. And Mrs. Fang Face (o,..,0)
Chapter 17: PISSWILLY
Chapter 18: Phantom of the Masquerade
Chapter 19: Gang it looks like we have a mystery to solve
Chapter 20: I trusted you
Chapter 21: Though gray eyes
Chapter 22: Happily Ever After
Chapter 23: The end for now
One last authors note
Last authors note for reals!!

Chapter 2: Stabbed by one crazy bitch

37.8K 928 163
By Black_Rose37945

Hello, again! Hope you enjoy!......And please vote!


                                                          Chapter 2

There we were walking along having a good time and I heard my phone play "Stupid Hoe" by: Nicki Minaj. I sighed and answered the phone,"Hello mother."

I saw my friends look at me and laugh. "WHERE ARE YOU!"She yelled.

I rolled my eyes,"I told you I was going to stay with Heather tonight."

"I DON'T CARE! COME HOME RIGHT NOW!" She screamed and I held the phone away from me.

"Yeah. Okay I'm on my way." I said then she hung up the phone. 

"Love you too, stupid hoe!"

"Let me guess," Heather said," You have to go home to get bitched at?"


"Your mom's a bitch!" Bridget said bluntly.

"No argument there." Heather agreed.

"Yep," I said,"Hints the ring tone, plus she wouldn't know what to if I wasn't there to do her bidding."

"Well, we'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded and waved as I walked away into the night. 

I really didn't want to go home because I get yelled at for no reason. I really hate my family, they don't like me either. I walked and I stopped right in front of my house.  I sighed and entered hell. "IT'S ABOUT TIME!" She said pulled me by my hair.

"Are you really pulling my hair, only sissy's do that!"

She punched me in the face. I rolled my eyes. Her punches only hurt a little, she's very weak. "YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH," she yelled in my face, I hate when she does pisses me off," I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"Sure you will. Have fun rotting in jail."

That earned another punch to the face. Sigh, I'm getting bored. "Now mother, I don't think I like your attitude." 

And that one earned a punch in the ribs. I grunted, Damn that actually hurt. "WHAT WAS THAT YOU LITTLE WHORE!"


She growled and walked away. WHERE THE HELL IS SHE GOING! She came back after a minute or two. I was to busy looking at the knife in her hand to see she was giving me an evil smile. DAMN IT! "DIE YOU BITCH!" She yelled and came at me with the knife.

She cut my cheek then she stabbed at me, luckily I dodged. "Mommy!" I looked over and saw Lilly.

Which gave mom an opening to stab my arm. "Ahhh!" I cried out in pain. 

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! THE DAMN BITCH STABBED ME! I began to run to the door and she grabbed a chunk full of my hair and pulled me to her. "Ahh!"

I punched her and ran out of the door.

I kept running till I was five blocks away, then I pulled the knife out of my arm."Ahhh, FUCK!"

I started to walk not knowing what to do. Well, one things for sure I'm not going back there. I sighed, mom usually hits me, which I am used to, but I never thought she would try to kill me. Ever since I was very little she's beaten me. Only my closest friends know. They feel sorry for me, which I hate. I can't stand people feeling sorry for me! I mean there are a lot more people who have it way worse than me. So I really don't care that my mom just tried to kill me. I can't care! Because if I did then she would win. I looked over and saw a gas station, I knew I needed to clean my wound so I entered. A lot of people gasped when they saw me. "Are you okay?" A random guy asked me.

"Yeah, I just fell outside and a stick went in my arm. I don't need any help."

He nodded and walked away. Just once I wish someone wouldn't walk away and that they could see through my lies. But no one ever does. I entered the bathroom and locked the door. I carefully slipped my jacket off. SHIT! I said looking in the mirror. It wasn't that bad, but it made me pissed that she did it. I took a paper towel and soaked it with water. I then gently cleaned my arm. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO NOW! I got a long sheet of paper towel and tied it around my arm.

I left the gas station and randomly walked about and before I knew it I was in an dark alley. "AHHHH!" I heard some girl scream.

I began to run to where the noise came from. I saw some guy in a hoodie standing over her and I froze. And then fangs popped out of his mouth. HOLY SHIT A VAMPIRE! He bit her neck and began to suck. I stayed unmoving not knowing what to do. She dropped to the ground and he started down at her. HOLY FUCK,HOLY FUCK, my mind screamed. I stepped back and he looked up at me. He starting running. SHIT,SHIT,SHIT! I began to run,but he caught me and I screamed. "Shhh! This won't hurt a bit."

I started to see stars and the world faded leaving nothing, but blackness.


^_^ I hope you learned something from this chapter..NEVER WALK IN RANDOM DARK ALLEY'S 0-0! lol any way hoped you enjoyed! I will post the next chapter tommrow! AND PLEASE VOTE! >.<

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