Wedding On A Rainy Day ♡ Thun...

By JoshayaShipper4Ever

83.7K 2.3K 366

♡ Thunderstorms Sequel ♡ It's five years later...Josh and Maya are still together and planning their wedding... More

1. School
2. Weird
3. Party
4. Ghost
5. Sundays
6. IMY
7. Suspended
8. Rendezvous
9. Shock
10. Reality
11. Statuses
12. Insecurities
13. Promise
14. Reassurance
15. Happiness
16. Candy
17. Baby
18. Surprises
19. Groceries
20. Thanksgiving
21. Calls
22. Home
23. Reminders
24. Tears
25. Trust
26. Disbelief
27. Bad
28. Date
29. Stress
30. Breaking
31. Midnight
32. Stalker
33. Help
34. Hope
35. Thunderstorms
36. Birthday
38. Olaf
39. Trial
40. List
41. Proud
42. Disney
43. Pregnant
44. Cake
45. Petals
46. Bachelorette
47. Wedding

37. Settled

1.5K 40 2
By JoshayaShipper4Ever

"I really don't remember us having so much stuff" I sigh as I look around at the boxes scattered around the spacious living room. With the threat of Matt hanging back for the time being we decided to go ahead with our move. Every space we had been in before was tainted with bad memories and now we were beyond ready to move on.

"Well the good news is that we don't have to unpack it all today" he reminds me as he pulls me down onto the couch beside him. Emma was still at my parent's house so that she wouldn't get trampled in the hustle and bustle of everything and we weren't scheduled to pick her up for another hour. "In fact we could just sit right here and make out for an hour" he smirks as his lips land on mine.

I smile against his lips, giggling. "We really should unpack a little bit" I argue. "If not just like. Dishes" I suggest.

"Ugh" he groans, "why? We could something so much more enjoyable. Like each other" he says bluntly.

"Joshua Matthews" I exclaim playfully as I hit his arm. "You are awful."

"Yet you stay" he reminds me. I smile as I nod my head.

"Forever" I murmur as I press my lips to his. "Speaking of" I add with a soft smile. "Since we're finally back to being in a good place and we have this little event coming up soon" I trail off.

"Whatever could you be referring?" he asks with a chuckle.

"I think we should really start planning. Like get a venue, send out invitations, book a caterer" I list. "We're already so behind because of everything we've had going on."

"Okay" he says, nodding his head as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer. "Well is there a place you have in mind?"

"I don't know" I shrug, gnawing my bottom lip causing a laugh to fall from his lips.

"I know you better than that Maya" he argues as he rubs circles against my hips. "Just tell me. This is going to be our day. That includes yours" he reminds me.

"Fine" I smile, "what about the roof" I suggest making him quirk an eyebrow at me intrigued.

"Roof? Our roof is on an angle" he points out making me giggle as I shake my head.

"No no babe" I laugh, "the loft. The roof of the loft is where my parents got married. It was small and simple and I loved everything about it. It was one of the best days of my life."

"But like you said" he pauses, "it would be small." I nod.

"Well, how many people do you wanna invite?" I ask as I lounge back on the couch, resting my legs on his lap. "I mean most of the people we'd invite are actually in the wedding" I point out. "But at the same time" I sigh, "I don't know how much we have to spend on our wedding parties."

"True" he gives as he sits up. "What about this?" he starts, "Obviously you want Riles in the wedding party, Emma has to be in the mix somehow, I would want Cory and my brother-."

"And of course Morgan would have to be in my bridal party" I interject.

"Would Farkle and Smackle be okay with us not having them in the wedding?"

"I don't think they'd be upset" I reply honestly. "They understand that we have a kid and that we just bought a house. Weddings are expensive."

"Alright" he nods, "so family in the wedding party" he says definitively.

"And friends get invites" I agree. "Max guest list set at fifty?"

"Works for me" he shrugs, "I mean we don't really have that many people in our lives. I think we need more friends" he adds making me chuckle.

"I think we should just stick with the ones we have now. Every time we try to branch out we end up getting ourselves into trouble."

"True" he concedes. "So, you feel better now?" he asks making me laugh as I look up at him.

"Are you only asking cause you wanna have sex?"

"Yes" he replies bluntly making me laugh as I grab his hand and pull him towards me, parting my legs to let him rest between them. "But" he sighs as he looks down at me, "I don't know what box the co-."

"Josh it's cute that you pretend that we don't have unprotected sex all the time" I chuckle.

"I mean I know we do but I know you don't want to be pregnant on our wedding day-."

"Correction" I interrupt him again, "I don't want to look like a watermelon at our wedding. Being a month or two wouldn't upset me."

He nods in understanding. "Even so, our wedding is still almost six months away. You'd pop by then sweetheart."

I take in his words and nod. "Alright" I concede.

He chuckles as he leans down to peck my lips softly. "Sweetheart I know you want another baby. I do too. It'll happen. I promise."

"It's just" I sigh as I wrap my arms around his waist. "It's something we were considering before everything and now that everything is settling down a bit it's like I can't stop thinking about it."

"I know" he nods in understanding. "And your baby fever is adorable but you can't have it both ways."

"Why?" I whine making him chuckle as he leans back down for another soft kiss.

"Because that's life gorgeous. Stay here" he says as he climbs off me and goes off to hunt for something to use while I'm left on the couch.

I stare up at the ceiling and let out a frustrated breath as I run my hands over my face. My phone abruptly rings on the floor beside me and I groan as I reach over to grab it. The call is from a blocked number and my heart drops as I bring the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I answer shakily.

"Miss Hunter. It's Officer Blakely, we met at your house on your birthday. I was the one who interviewed you."

"Right" I nod, remembering. "What can I do for you Miss Blakely?"

"I'm just calling to give you the court date for Matt Reynolds." I sit up abruptly, my heart beating out of my chest.

"Um okay."

"It's going to be March 9th at 9:00am."

"Alright" I reply as Josh walks back into the room victorious. "Do I uh-do I need to be there?" I ask, swallowing harshly.

"I believe you're expected to give testimony as is your fiancé. It's mainly a formality, if you tell the judge and jury the same thing you told me then it's likely he'll be found guilty and be taken into custody. I wouldn't worry too much."

"Okay" I hum as Josh furrows his eyebrows and moves to take a seat beside me. "Thank you officer" I add before hanging up and tossing my phone on top of a nearby box.

"What was that about?" Josh asks worriedly.

"Court" I reply as I pluck the box from his hand, prying it open and pulling out a foil packet before tossing the rest of the box onto the floor. "It's in March."

"Okay" he nods. "You wanna talk about it?" he asks but I shake my head.

"I really don't. I just want to be here with you" I smile softly as I lean in to kiss him.


"Can I paint my room?" Emma asks as I sit on the edge of her bed, tucking her in later that night. After we had gone to pick her up we had brought her back here and started to unpack her room. It was the only one in the house that looked lived in.

"Not for a while" I shake my head. "Once we settle in a bit okay?" She nods and a smile pulls at my lips as I lean forward to leave a soft kiss to her forehead. "I love you, you know that?"

"Yea" she nods. "I love you too mommy" she adds making my heart swell.

After the hellish few months I've had there was nothing better than sitting with my daughter, tucking her in and hearing her say she loves me. "There you are" Josh smiles brightly as he leans against the doorframe. "I went to take a shower and you were both gone when I got back."

"Ems was falling asleep" I explain. Josh, Emma, and I had all climbed into bed to watch Tangled and after Josh had left to take a shower Emma had started falling asleep so I had brought her into her room to tuck her in.

"My little princess sleepy?" Josh asks sweetly as he comes to join me on the bed, sitting on the opposite side.

"Yea" she nods again. "I'm sorry daddy. I wanted to see the floating lights but I'm just too tired" she adds making him chuckle as he reaches forward and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's okay sweetie. We can watch it again tomorrow" he assures her. "The floating lights aren't going anywhere."

"Kay" she replies happily. "You and mommy can't watch it without me" she adds making Josh and I share an amused smile.

"Don't worry we won't watch it without you" I assure her. "Plus I think mommy and daddy are gonna get some sleep too."

I look up to Josh and he smirks. He had definitely tired me out this afternoon. "Yep" Josh nods, "so we'll see you in the morning."

"Okay daddy" she replies brightly. "Night."

"Night sweetie" he says lovingly as he leans down to kiss the top of her head. "Love you."

"Love you more" she yawns as she snuggles up with Lambie in her arms.

"Night baby girl" I whisper as I stand up.

"Night mama. Love you."

"Love you too" I reply softly before Josh and I slip out of the room and head to our own.

"Tired?" Josh smirks as he shuts our door while I hop up onto our bed.

"Very" I yawn as I climb under the covers.

"You wanna talk about court yet?" he asks carefully as he climbs in beside me. I sigh, snuggling up against his chest.

"We have to testify against him."

"You nervous?" he asks as he runs his hand over my back soothingly.

"A little" I admit, "but I'm ready for it to be over. Permanently."

"Me too baby" he nods as he kisses the top of my head. "Then maybe we can have another baby" he adds making me giggle as I lift my head and close my lips over his.

"Someday" I murmur as we pull apart.

"Someday" he nods in agreement as our lips come back together. 

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