Just my luck

By smurf_angie

325 23 0

Hayley falls for a guy who is the best that any girl could ever be with...that is until they get more serious... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

12 1 0
By smurf_angie

   It's been three days since we left. I have no idea where exactly I am, but I know it's an isolated place. I know this for sure because I've tried screaming for help when Matt leaves, and no one answers me. Matt has me tied to the bed when he leaves, when he's busy watching tv or whenever he just doesn't feel like looking after me to make sure I don't do anything stupid. At night when it's time to sleep, he has me tied up while he gets to sleep all comfortable. He comes in and out a lot from the cabin, he brings himself fast food while all he feeds me is canned food and Ramen noodles. yesterday he brought over a random girl to fuck, he made sure I was tied up right and had the tape on my mouth so she wouldn't hear me. That asshole was enjoying himself that he did her twice, on the couch and then in the kitchen. I wonder if anyone has noticed that I'm gone.

   Where is she? why hasn't she texted me? maybe I should text her again. still no answer. Damon kept thinking why I suddenly went ghost on him. "Somethings wrong...I have to go make sure she's still alive and ok." He drove to my apartment and when he got there he noticed that the door was unlocked. He looked around for Matt and I, he checked the room and saw the clothes lying around and our phones on the bed. "She's gone?" He looked around again hoping to find a clue. Damon had bought me a bracelet with his initials on it and mailed it to my sister so she could be the one to give it to me, I wrote to him that I would never leave without it and if I ever did then something must be wrong. He saw my bracelet on the floor near the door, now he was certain that something was definitely going on. He ran out the apartment and headed to my sisters house. When he arrived he knocked real hard on the door, he must of scared someone because he heard a plate drop to the ground. "Damon, Jesus you scared us. especially Vanessa, she jumped and dropped a plate" said Harry. Harry stepped aside and let him inside. "Sorry, I have something important to tell you guys." Vanessa and harry looked at each other and then back at Damon. "Vanessa have you heard from your sister at all?" he asked. "No why?" He squeezed his hand and felt angry. "I think Matt kidnapped your sister, she's been gone for three days." Vanessa stared with a surprised look and laughed. "Damon this isn't funny. why would  Matt do such a thing?" Damon stood there without saying a word, he was thinking of telling her everything that has been going on. "I think you should both have a seat." They listened and sat down, both scared now. "Matt has been abusive to Hayley, I think it started three weeks after my Halloween party. But, I think it might have started before that. Please believe me, I know it may seem hard to believe. Hayley made me promise not to say a word to any of you, she was scared and thought that Matt could change. I tried to get her to leave him but she wouldn't, I tried to get her to leave so she could be with me because I love her. That day I left town was because I couldn't bare to stick around and watch her get hurt even more, I couldn't stand the thought of her marrying him. I know I should of spoken up sooner but she made me promise and I didn't want to loose her trust, she means so much to me." Vanessa started to cry, harry sat there in shock and Damon squeezed his hand once more. "How are you so sure he's been abusing her and that he kidnapped her?" asked Harry. He pulled out the bracelet and handed it over to him. "She told me she would never leave without it and if she did it meant something was wrong. This was lying on the floor in their room, I went to their place and found their clothes and phones in place. I know he's been abusing her because I've seen the bruises, I've seen how sad she is, how scared she is. Please you have to believe me." Vanessa sat there in silence and then got up real quick, thinking back to thanksgiving day. "Oh my god, she was trying to tell me. she tried telling me on thanksgiving when we were in the kitchen but stopped when you and Matt entered. she said to me she cant marry him, oh god. she even tried when we went to Walmart that one time, she was telling me how she saw on  tv a girl being abused and not being able to leave because the guy threatened her and the baby. This whole time she was trying to tell me and I was so stupid...I never paid attention to her clues. My baby sister, my baby sister married a monster...and...and now she's having his kid and she's missing." She started crying more and almost fainted, harry got up and caught her in time. Damon ran to get her some water and waited for her to be fine. "We have to go to the cops right now, Damon you have to tell them everything you know. we have to get her back. Please help me get my baby sister back." Damon nodded and they all got up and went to Damon's car. They arrived at the police station ready to tell them everything. But before they walked in Vanessa stopped Damon. "Here, I think you should hold onto the bracelet until we find her. oh and thank you, thank you for loving her and for speaking up about this." She hugged him real tight and took his hand, they walked inside ready to end everything.

   "Hayley come watch tv with me," said Matt as he untied me from the bed. He helped me up and walked me to the couch. He went to the kitchen and brought me Wendy's. Wendy's? "Thank you," I said. He smiled and sat down next to me with his own food. He kept switching every channel until he found the news. "Let's see what's going on with our old hometown," He said. First it was about famous Justin Bieber, but then it went onto a missing person case. Wait a minute...that missing person is me. "What the fuck is this shit?!" yelled Matt. He got up and started pacing around the cabin, furious and scared. I on the other hand was still sitting in the same spot, shocked, happy maybe? Damon must of gone to the apartment and found the bracelet I left, this must be because of him. Oh god...does this mean my sister now knows the whole story and truth about Matt. If she now knows...then she must have thousands of questions for me and oh no she probably feels bad for not knowing and thinking that I was living a happy life. "c'mon I'm tying you up again," said Matt. He grabbed my arm and led me back to the room. "Please don't. I wont do anything wrong. please, my wrist hurts." He stopped and thought for a moment. "No, I have to leave so that means you have to be tied up. I have to go get things to disguise myself, but when I'm back I'll let you be free for an hour." I nodded and sat on the bed. "you better hope I come back because if I don't then you will never be found, I'm not going to let them know where I have you." He smiled, kissed my head and left.

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