Par sopeworld

131K 14.9K 14.5K

welcome back to wonderland! + mad hatter sequel Plus

일 : the executioner
이 : great escape
삼 : through the looking glass
사 : still she haunts me, phantomwise
오 : cheshire cat
육 : liar, liar
칠 : and then there were three
팔 : a tea and a riddle
구 : ?
십 : postmortem
십일 : alice moving under skies
십이 : and then there were two
십삼 : the psychiatrist is wrong
십사 : welcome back to wonderland
십육 : the last queen standing
십칠 : then there was one
십팔 : a friend in need
십구 : then there was none
이십 : ever drifting down the stream
이십 일 : lingering in the golden gleam
이십 이 : life, what is it but a dream?
birthday surprise!: an alternate ending
prequel : "off with her head!"

십오 : blood and tears

4.2K 575 330
Par sopeworld

i'm peeling the skin off my face

. . .

— the police station;

"What is going on, chief?!"

"Min Yoongi, FIND HIM"

"Sir, we have no trace of Min Yoongi"

Endless chatters squeezed in his ears as he made his way through to the narrow pathway inside the station. Questions surrounded him, begging to know what his sudden call was all about. Every intel was contacted, CCTV cameras were checked but there were no signs of him.

Wonderland"the f.uck does that even mean?" he swung his arms on his office desk, wiping it clean. His supplies tumbled and scattered on the floor, including the framed photo of him and Nari.

It was like the previous book of his life all over again. He flipped over the board that housed all his findings about Jin's case after keeping it untouched for roughly eight months.

Flashing before his eyes are the photos of the boys, connected altogether by a common red string. Nostalgia sucked him inside the chaotic world of the psychopathic boys again with Jin at the very middle. Oh yes, how could he forget the main character of wonderland, Alice.

Jimin, the mad hatter, the boy who understood Jin more than anyone. Despite being the innocent one, he knew more secrets than the six of them could hold. He's the metaphor of a key that is needed to unlock this whole mystery.

Taehyung, the red queen, the boy who doesn't feel. His hunger for perfection drove him mad to the point that he'd kill anyone for it, even his friend.

Hoseok, tweedledee, the loyal pair of tweedledum, the fool who took one's love for granted. Like a twin brother, he always synchronized his feelings with the eldest, thus Jin couldn't keep a secret from him.

Namjoon, the march hare, the pretentious lover. It's tragic how Jin thought the love he found with him is true but it was just as fake as his imaginary friends.

Yoongi, the dormouse, the traitor. He betrayed his best friend once, and someone's life was taken. He did it again, and soon before long he's just another lifeless body on the floor.

Jungkook, despite being the youngest is the oldest among them all. With all the twelve identities living inside his head, he's currently ruled over by one. If you haven't met John, you're lucky but if you have, then condolences. He is a raging storm and he'll destroy everything in his way.

and finally,

Jin, the alice in wonderland, a schizo. He's been suffering with schizophrenia ever since no one could remember but things were going well between him and his friends until the night of Halloween, year 2014.

If you do remember the confession of Jimin, you're probably still wondering how a secret could be so tragic and painful. Curiouser and curiouser, everyone is.

"What is your secret, Kim Seokjin?" Yugyeom ran his finger slightly over his photo, hoping he'll somehow figure something out.

And he did.

Taking out Jin's old copy of the book, he flipped over its last page and observed it.


Jin was so desperate to protect the younger like a child. If Jimin was his last thought before he died, there must be a crucial reason why.

At an instant, he lifted the phone from the floor and settled it on the table before dialing a number that was directed to the forensic's desk.



"We need to talk about Jin's post mortem" excited and confident, he was. Constantly tapping his fingers on his wooden desk, he couldn't wait but match his assumptions with the other officer's statements.

"I'll be right in your office in a minute"

And exactly a minute later, there was a knock on his door.

— hospital;

"Jimin, you don't have to worry about anything when you wake up" gripping on the sheets of the man's bed, tears formed on his eyes.

Slowly, his heart was breaking and slowly, he's putting the pieces back together. If his friends represented each broken part, he's two dead bodies away from keeping his heart whole again.

"You were right all along. It hurts to see them, so I took them out. Sleep well now, you'll be fine." brushing his hair, he turned to face the mirror beside him. His reflection scared him but it was too reassuring, too convincing, too familiar.

That night, another letter was written on the mirror.

. . .






dont forget to vote or comment, love lots!

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