Old Bones | Jax Teller

By untilmynextstory

38.9K 965 38

Kennedy River Winston for 9 years never knew what family meant until she met her older brother, Opie Winston... More

Fun Town
What About Now
And Here We Go
Giving Back


3.1K 77 1
By untilmynextstory

Immediately after leaving his mother's house, Jax heads out for a ride to clear his fucking head. He knows he isn't really upset about people speculating if he and Kennedy were sleeping together. He would have easily disabused the notion as he wouldn't want Kennedy to be viewed as a sweetbutt. However, considering what happened hours before and what he has been feeling for Kennedy for the past couple of years, or even longer, he knows he is guilty of thoughts. He is slightly thankful they didn't finish what they were doing in the kitchen earlier despite his raging case of blue balls.

The most crushing thought was if the whole club was speculating this that would have meant that Piney was exposed to the rumors and even Opie in a sense.

Jax thinks back to when Opie was alive in Chino. Jax had escorted every one of those trips he could go to as long as club business didn't interfere. He and Kennedy even used to go down in the middle of the week to visit Opie so he could spend the weekend with the kids and Donna instead of all of them crowded around the table taking turns.

Now he wonders if Opie ever suspected anything was going on between him and his sister. If Opie suspected something he would've confronted him about it. Jax remembered how Opie was when it came to Kennedy and the boys that took interest in her over the years. Opie was the stereotypical brother threatening potential suitors, Jax even participated in a few intimidation tactics with the boys, and especially with Kennedy's more serious boyfriends, Opie always gave the men cold fronts along with a topping of passive aggressiveness that aggravated Kennedy to no end.

However, Jax knew deep in his gut that Opie didn't want Kennedy to be involved with anyone from the club. As much as Opie loved his brothers he knew his brothers. Fidelity was a rare trait to find in a biker. Jax honestly believed Opie was the only biker he knew that didn't take advantage of road pussy. Opie never judged his brothers for their indiscretions, but Jax knew that Opie would never want Kennedy with a brother, someone that would step out on her even if it was overlooked by the "by-laws" of the club.

He knew Opie didn't want a patch to treat his sister the way Piney and the brothers from Rogue River treated Kennedy's mother.

Jax respected that because he knew that he wouldn't want any man treating Kennedy as a pass-around or really wanting to see another brother stepping out on her.

If he were to take up with Kennedy, if she would even want that, it would have to be serious, considering the territory he was stepping in. He knew his past relationships didn't help his image as far as showing how he could be in a relationship. His relationship with Tara left him a mess and then his sham of a marriage was just a joke. He and Wendy just didn't work as husband and wife. Wendy's fits of jealousy over his and Kennedy's relationship were justified to a point. His mom had just confirmed it and he had been the only one who didn't see the truth in the matter because of his denial.

Besides Opie and the what-ifs pertaining to him and what his reaction would be, there was one Winston who was still much very alive. And despite the oxygen tank that was his constant companion, he could do some damage. It didn't matter how tense the relationship between Piney and Kennedy was, she was still his only daughter. So Jax was surprised that Piney hadn't confronted him about the rumors. Or maybe unlike the members of the club, he knew the rumors weren't true. But what about now? His mother's words floated in his ears.

. . .

Kennedy finds herself arriving early at St. Thomas. As she makes her way to Neo-Natal, most of the nurses recognize her and give her a wave as a greeting. Eventually, she makes it to the new room where Abel will be staying and she isn't surprised to already see Gemma sitting in the room.

Kennedy enters the room, "Hey, Gemma."

"Jax with you?" She questions.

Kennedy shakes her head and she is all too aware of the hickeys she coated over with makeup. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just thought he would be coming with you."

Kennedy shakes her head. She knows Jax wouldn't possibly come here late. She takes a seat in one of the extra chairs and looks around at all the baby paraphernalia. "I don't think Jax is ready for this. He has no idea what he's in for."

Gemma huffs. "On that, we agree. His father was clueless too. They figure it out. Got no choice, right?"

"Yeah." Kennedy agrees.

"You want kids?"

"I'd have to find somebody first," Kennedy jokes, but she shrugs her shoulders. "But I don't know. I like being an Aunt."

"So you're fine with just being an Aunt to Abel."

Kennedy sighs. "What are you asking me, Gemma?"

"If you're in Jax's life, you're in his life." Kennedy goes to open her mouth, but Gemma's next words make her mouth snap shut. "I know you and Jax were together last night."

"It wasn't –"

Gemma puts up her hand. "I don't need to know, but big responsibilities come with my son. You better think about that. Figure out if you can take them on."

Thankfully, their conversation comes to an end as Jax walks through the door.

She watches a look pass between him and his mom, but she is distracted as he places a kiss on her cheek before greeting his mom.

"I just saw Dr. Namid. He'll be here in a couple of minutes." He tells them with a smile.

The room is filled with silence. Not awkward, but attentive and excited as they watched Dr. Namid and the nurses make sure Abel is okay. Kennedy can tell Jax is bubbling with excitement as he watches Dr. Namid pick up Abel from the bassinet.

"You do know how to hold a baby right?" Kennedy teases.

Jax rolls his eyes. "Ellie and Junior gave me enough practice."

"Okay, here is your son, Mr. Teller." Dr. Namid says as he presents Abel.

Kennedy has to hold back tears as Jax holds his son for the first time. She hears the camera going off as Gemma snaps pictures and it reminds her to take out her own for a few quick shots. However, the moment soon turns intimate as Jax takes a seat in the rocking chair. She feels Gemma tap her arm and they both go to give Jax a moment alone with his son, but Jax stops her.

"No, Ken, stay here."

Kennedy looks over to Gemma, who smiles before leaving the room.

Kennedy walks over to the Teller men and she caresses Abel's head which is adorned in a Reaper cap. "He's beautiful, Jax."

"It's a shame he has to have me as an old man."

Kennedy laughs and the attention has Abel looking over to the sound of her voice and squirming.

"He knows you," Jax says fondly. "Here." Jax stands and transfers Abel's body in her arms.

Jax watches as Kennedy gladly accepts Abel's weight and begins talking to him. Jax's heart turns at the sight of them. He can't help but notice how Abel seems to fit in Kennedy's arms like he is meant to be there. Kennedy has always been a natural with kids, but seeing her with his son is a sight he will remember forever.

"He's perfect, Jax," Kennedy tells him with a smile as she traces his cheek.

Jax steps forward and one arm comes around Kennedy's shoulder while his free hand cups his son's head. "Yeah, I know."

Kennedy finds herself being escorted out of the hospital by Jax. Gemma is still inside with Abel giving him a bottle.

"Thanks for coming, Ken."

"It's no problem, Jax. He really is beautiful. You sure you're ready for this?"

Jax stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Honestly, no."

"You'll have Gemma."

"And you," Jax adds quietly.

Kennedy's heart melts a little. "Jax –"

"Shh..." She finds her cheeks being cradled and blue eyes crashing into her brown ones. "Just don't say anything. Not yet."

Kennedy concedes and finds herself receiving a deep burning kiss.

. . . 

"I don't think I should go," Donna says as Kennedy begins putting on some eyeliner.

Considering she is in the middle of putting on makeup, Donna isn't rewarded with an eye roll. Kennedy knew from the moment she mentioned the family dinner, Donna wasn't going to make an appearance.

It wasn't as if Kennedy was exactly jumping for joy at the prospect of being at Gemma's and being reminded of the loss she had because of the club – her family. But Gemma did groom Kennedy well and for the most part, knew all of the little mind games Gemma liked to play.

However, Kennedy also knows that despite the club's unconventional way of life, they were family. Ignoring the suspicious manner of Opie's death, Kennedy knows and values the importance of family the club had instilled in her. Gemma was the only mother that Kennedy has ever known for herself. The men that shared a patch with her father were her uncles, it didn't matter if they shared blood or not. Despite how much she knew that Donna didn't want Kenny and Ellie to be involved in the life, the club was their family and right now they needed family.

"It's fine, Donna," Kennedy tells her as she closes her tube of mascara. Kennedy knows that Gemma doesn't even expect Donna anyways.

Donna purses her lips at her sister-in-law as she watched her put more effort into her appearance just for a little family dinner. Kennedy had styled her hair in perfect loose curls and was wearing her best perfume. Donna follows her into her bedroom where she watches Kennedy slip on a navy blue floral dress that requires no bra because the back is fully exposed. Kennedy doesn't comment on her watching her dress as she slips on heels. Donna knows that Kennedy never wore heels to go to Gemma's or even a dress.

"I don't understand why you're going." Donna points out as for the past two months they have declined all invitations to anything SAMCRO-related. Now it seems Kennedy is actually making an effort to go to more.

Kennedy stands up and smooths her dress out before she goes over to her jewelry box and slips on some silver bracelets and rings. "So I don't get on Gemma's shit list." She answers.

Donna would admit that is a good reason enough, but not for the outfit Kennedy is putting on to see family. "You sure this has nothing to do with Jax?"

Donna can say she is impressed that Kennedy doesn't show any surprise at her question as she keeps a blank face and shakes her head. "No. It doesn't."

Despite Kennedy's answer, Donna isn't stupid. She caught the two kissing out front when he dropped her off yesterday. She was at the hospital with him to see Abel come out of the incubator. Lastly, Kennedy didn't deny that anything happened between the two.

"I'm going to go say bye to the kids. Don't wait up, alright."

Before Kennedy leaves her room fully, Donna grabs her arm. "Don't do anything stupid."

. . . 

Kennedy takes a deep breath before she enters Gemma's home with her Mississippi mud pie. Kennedy can admit she might have slightly overdressed and she tried to ignore Donna's warning as she wasn't sure what constituted as stupid because she knows that she has already done something stupid.

Pushing the door open, she is greeted with the smell of vanilla, bread, spices, and roast along with the shocked faces of old ladies and what she assumes are some of the club's current favorite croweaters.

Yet, she finds herself brought into a tight hug by Luann. She was worried she was going to drop her pie, Luann.

"My god, you look beautiful. How are you, sweetie?" Luann greets.

"I'm good, Luann. How are you?"

"Good. Happy to see you." Luann replies as her hand cups Kennedy's cheek. "Are you here alone?"


"Oh," Luann says with some surprise and stands back as she takes in Kennedy's outfit. "With this outfit, I thought we were meeting some man."

Kennedy rolls her eyes. "It's a simple summer dress."

"I know, but there is something different about you."

"Alright, Luann," Gemma cuts in and passes Kennedy's mud pie to the porn queen to place on the table. "I'm glad you came," Gemma says as she gives her a hug.

"Do you need any help?"

"No, you can go talk to some of the guys. They'll be surprised to see you."

"Okay," Kennedy says nodding as she walks to the living room.

Gemma watches as Kennedy is instantly greeted by Chibs followed by Tig with tight hugs.

"She's really dolled up for tonight," Luann says from beside her.

Gemma doesn't voice her agreement outright. It's not like the dress is scandalous, but Kennedy's usual attire for family dinners was jeans or shorts and a nice top with a cardigan sometimes. Unlike Luann, Gemma isn't going to make a fuss about Kennedy switching up her style as it is the first family dinner she has come to since Opie's passing. Besides, she is still off her high of holding her grandson for the first time.

"Hopefully, Jax can keep his eyes on her face," Luann adds.

"On whose face?"

Both Gemma and Luann jump at the sound of Jax's voice.

Gemma doesn't hide her glare at Luann before she addresses her son. "We were talking about how nice Kennedy looks in her outfit. She is out with the guys. You should tell them that dinner will be ready in about ten minutes."

Jax nods his head as Juice's current croweater of the week hands him a beer before he heads into the living room.

Gemma watches with hawk eyes as Jax and Kennedy catch sight of each other. The two smile at each other. Jax presses an innocent kiss on her cheek with his hand placed on her waist. Gemma doesn't miss the quick squeeze he gives it.

. . . 

Despite Kennedy feeling tense in the presence of Clay and even Tig, she can admit she missed the guys. Here her brother's killers are embracing her as if they didn't cause her family pain and they are acting like everything is fine. She slightly feels like she is betraying her brother and Donna by even missing the guys and enjoying their presence in any capacity. Yet, she can't help but laugh as Tig tells her how he got bit in the ass by a Doberman because of Juice.

However, her laughter dies when she catches sight of her father, who is shocked to see her there. She hasn't seen Piney since Opie's funeral. The room quiets as the two of them stare each other down. Kennedy doesn't know when or how she and Piney's relationship became this tense. It just seemed one day neither of them could stand the other's presence for too long. And she could admit it wasn't because of Opie's passing, it had been like this for a while. Opie's passing just made it more noticeable now that they didn't have someone buffering for them.

She hastily excuses herself from the living room under the guise of going to the bathroom. She passes her father without a second glance.

Entering the bathroom, she immediately locks the door and for the life of her, she doesn't understand why she feels like crying. She turns her back to the mirror as she brings her fist to her mouth to fight the urge to scream and cry.

Kennedy is also annoyed that seeing her father makes her want to cry. She doesn't want to be so affected by the man that should be her rock. Their relationship could have been so much better than it was but his lack of emotional depth and dedication to the club stopped anything they could have been. But she knows the main reason for the surge of emotions is because Opie wasn't behind him trailing in. She would never get to hug her brother again because of the men that Opie and her father shared a patch with.

She is startled when a knock comes at the bathroom door a few minutes later.

"Just a second," she says as she turns around and makes sure her makeup is fine.

"It's Jax."

Sighing, Kennedy smooths her dress and opens the door where Jax is leaning against the doorframe practically barricading her in the room.

"Is dinner ready?" She asks with a tight smile.

Jax stands up straighter and his hand cups her cheek as his thumb rubs her skin. "You okay?"

She grabs his hand and removes it from her cheek as the last thing they need is someone seeing such an intimate gesture. "I'm fine."

Jax is skeptical but doesn't press her further. Instead, he moves back to the wall opposite the door and looks her up from head to toe. "You look good."

Kennedy rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms over her chest. "I don't need any sweet talk, especially from you."

Jax chuckles as he dips his hands in his pocket to keep himself from reaching out to her. "Just stating the truth darlin'."

"You have any croweaters wanting to entertain you later?"

Jax snorts. "I have a free schedule."

Kennedy walks closer to him and lets her fingers trail up his kutte. "The streams?"

"This late at night?"

Kennedy shrugs her shoulders. "If not, I can always go out instead. The girls –"

Kennedy is unable to finish her sentence as she is brought into a bruising kiss from Jax where their teeth clash. She finds herself being pushed back against the wall where she is trapped between the plaster and Jax's muscular frame. She feels Jax's hand trail up her legs as they dip underneath her dress. The last thing she needs is to be uncomfortable during dinner and have swollen lips, so Kennedy comes to her senses and pushes Jax back, their lips separating with an audible pop.

She narrows her eyes at him while she gathers her bearings before she walks back to the dining room.

. . . 

Kennedy isn't surprised to find herself sandwiched in between Jax and Chibs, her father is, thankfully, on the other side of Chibs and she is sitting across from Gemma and Bobby with Clay at the head. The conversation is kept superficial most likely for her benefit. There are the standard questions about her work and quick round about questions on Donna and the kids. There's no mention of Opie, and of course, she is teased about her preference for wine over beer. And then the conversation turns slightly awkward because of Juice, naturally.

"So Ken, do you have a boyfriend?" He asks with his goofy smile.

Tig slaps him on the back of the head. Her father grunts something that she can't decipher. All the remaining patches glare at Juice while the croweater, Beth, glares at her. Gemma focuses on cutting her steak as if she expected the question sooner or later.

Kennedy throws Juice a polite smile. She always liked Juice since he was sponsored by Jax. He always seemed too innocent for the life of the club. She leans forward in her chair about to respond and she is able to mask her surprise when she feels Jax's hand grip her thigh and hides his expression behind the beer he's drinking.

"No," she starts and Jax's grip tightens, "at the moment, I don't. Thanks to you guys." She adds cheekily. "Your antics from my last date scared off any potential suitors."

The table laughs as Clay asks what she is referring to, which Tig enthusiastically explains. She adds her comments when warranted, but she is all too aware of Jax's hand that is steadily trailing up higher on her thigh. She has half a mind to slap him considering the dangerous game he is playing at the dinner table. She sips her wine as she listens to Tig describe how he doesn't know what she saw in the dude when Jax abruptly moves his hand to the apex of her thigh. She immediately jumps at the intrusion and her thighs clamp on his hand.

She begins coughing as the wine goes down the wrong pipe.

"You alright?" Jax asks as he pounds on her back lightly with the same hand that was teasing her thighs. She wants to glare at him so badly.

"Yeah, the wine just went down the wrong pipe." She says after she is able to gain some composure.

"Seems so," Jax replies as they catch each other's eyes. For the life of her, Kennedy never recalled Jax being the jealous type.

Since she is the guest of honor, so to speak, Kennedy is let off cleaning duty. So she grabs another piece of her mud pie despite knowing she is going to regret it later on tonight. Most of the guys have retreated to the backyard on the patio to drink more beer and she thinks they started a card game.

She knows Jax is also out there as she has made it a point to ignore him for the rest of the night considering the little game he tried to play.

She is lost in the chocolate paradise when she is hit with the smell of Tequila. She turns her head to find her father entering the room. She chews her bite of pie slowly.

She can see her father is aging or more so he is tired. She knows this might be the end of his ride soon. He can only keep dragging that oxygen tank around for so long and she knows it's the Tequila that is keeping him alive at this point.

"Are you and Donna doing okay? Do you need anything – money for the bills?"

Kennedy shakes her head at her father and almost laughs. Her fork drops to her plate an echo throughout the room.

"Really?" She asks. "The first thing you say to me in weeks is asking if Donna and I need money?"

She can tell her father is confused by her anger as he looks at her with a grim expression. "I'm only –"

"No," she says and stands up. "Maybe you can come over and visit your grandchildren for yourself or your daughter-in-law. Or pick up the fucking phone once in a while."

"Would you've answered?" He asks tersely.

"This isn't about us. It's about Kenny, Ellie, and Donna. You not being there make it seem like you're guilty of something." She says.

Piney's eyes narrow at her. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." She mutters as she leaves the room.

She ignores the stares of the women that are cleaning as she grabs her small bag that contains her cigarettes. So much for making an effort to quit. She makes her way outside near the garbage cans and lights a much-needed cigarette and she thinks she might need something stronger.

She can hear the guys laughing over their game of cards and she honestly debates going back to apologize to her father. She wasn't really angry over his questions or offering to give her and Donna money. She thinks she is just angry over the fact that he is sharing a patch with the men that she just knows killed her brother. Or maybe it's the fact he might not even know.

However, knowing her father, she suspects he has the same doubts about Opie's murder as she and Donna. Her father isn't an impulsive man for the most part, well back in the day he wasn't, but she knows he can't just advertise his suspicion without anticipating blowback.

She was going to finish her cigarette and then go back to apologize to her father when she jumps at the sound of a bottle being thrown in the garbage can beside her. Looking up she finds Clay approaching her with what she suspects is an apologetic smile on his face, but she can't see his eyes behind his sunglasses in the dark.

Kennedy can say she tries to always avoid being in a room alone with Clay. Since she was younger she always got a weird vibe from him as she knew those ever-present sunglasses hid his secrets – his emotions. And it doesn't help he just scared her slightly while she was lost in her thoughts.

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's okay. I should be more aware of my surroundings."

Clay approaches her slowly. The sound of his steps sounds like a slow heartbeat to her ears. Maybe he is a grim reaper.

"I wanted to talk to you as the President of SAMCRO."

"About what?" She asks as she was sure she always spoke to Clay as the President of SAMCRO. He was never not formal. He was King and they were peasants. She is surprised he never made them curtesy.

"I loved Opie like a son. What happened...that shit couldn't go unsolved. I wanted to personally tell you that Opie's killer has been dealt with."

Kennedy takes a drag of her cigarette and plays along as Jax already told her he got his vengeance. "So was it Niners or Mayans?"

"Mayans." Clay replies easily.

"Are you sure they were the ones to do it?"

"You think it was someone else?"

"I just want my brother to get the justice he deserves." She replies evenly. "Besides, there was no positive ID that night."

"We were able to lift the prints off the dashboard of the SUV when they found it."

"I guess I should thank Unser then."

"No need. Our appreciation has already been given."

"Well, I hope a dead Mayan doesn't blow back on the club."

"Club has enough tragedies, don't ya think?" Clay departs as he moves to head back in the house.

Kennedy knows a warning – threat – when she hears one. She finishes her cigarette with shaky fingers and throws the butt in the garbage can. She decides it's time to head out. She gives everyone a kiss on their cheeks and she ignores Jax's discreet feel of her ass.

She finds Gemma still inside now smoking a blunt in the dining room in the chair Clay's vacated seat.

"Thanks for the dinner, Gem." She tells the matriarch as she presses a kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks for coming." Gemma replies and Kennedy goes to step back, but Gemma grabs her hand. "You need to be careful."

Kennedy looks at her confused. "Careful about what?"

"My son."

"Gem –" She says exasperated as they just had this conversation yesterday.

"Please. It's obvious. Jax's been circling around you for a while. I saw how he was looking at you as he held Abel. Right now, it's a tough time for the both of you, and the last thing you both need are complications."

"There would only be complications if we made them," Kennedy replies lowly. "I'll see you around, Gem."

Gemma watches as Kennedy leaves the dining room and rises from her chair after her. She walks to the door of her kitchen where she sees Kennedy's retreating form. Not even a minute later she watches as her son gives his goodbye to the club.

Arms wrap around her waist and she smells the scent of Cuban cigars. "We should be good," Clay mutters as he presses a kiss to her head.

Gemma isn't so sure.

. . . 

It doesn't take long to get to the streams. Kennedy thinks it's about a 30-minute ride outside of Charming – well to their secluded spot. The streams is the go-to place for kids to go parking so Kennedy had found a secluded part hidden by bushes and trees that she knew most people didn't know about since you had to venture quite deep into the wooded area.

Jax is right behind her as she parks her car. She doesn't bother with a greeting as she exits her vehicle and makes her way down to her spot. She reaches the brook and quickly removes her sandals. She moves to dip her toes in the water, but strong arms wrap around her waist bringing her flush against a strong chest.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jax asks.

"I was going to stick my toes in the water."

Kennedy finds herself being turned around and Jax's lips attacking hers as he pulls her back from the water. His hands move from her waist to her ass then to the back of her thighs where he tries to lift her up, but it is the reality check she needs as she separates their lips.

"You want to explain to me what that was at the dinner table?" She questions as she pushes him back. "I didn't take you for the jealous type."

"I'm not."

Kennedy almost snorts. "So what do you call almost finger fucking me at your mother's dining room table?"

The moonlight provides enough light that she can see his smile in the dark. "Foreplay."

"Don't be an ass."

Jax pulls her back to him and wraps her tightly in a hug. "I'm not."

"So are you going to start this conversation or me?" Kennedy asks as she separates herself from him and takes a seat on the ground.

Jax joins her and he lights a cigarette. "I think it started after Opie went inside. I watched you for five years hold it together for Ope and Donna and I couldn't help, but admire you. I was in awe of you, to be honest. The feelings just sort of snuck up on me."

Kennedy nods her head as she can agree her feelings for Jax sort of snuck up on her too. "Why didn't you say or do anything?"

Jax takes a long drag of his cigarette and releases a chuckle. "It wasn't as if you gave any indication you saw me as anything more than your brother's best friend. Besides, there is the club."

Kennedy can't help but visibly bristle at the mention of the club.

"What was that for?"

"Nothing." Kennedy yelps as Jax grabs her and forces her on his lap. His hand grabs her jaw forcing her to look at him.

"What's going on, Ken? I know you aren't gung-ho about the club, to begin with, but lately, I feel like there is something else."

Kennedy wants to tell Jax her worries and speculation that his own club – stepfather – was behind the murder of Opie. But her lips don't seem to work. She can still hear Clay's ominous words from earlier. And a part of her wants to protect Jax. She knows what this truth or even an ounce of suspicion could do to him and how it could affect his role in the club.

"Maybe this is a bad idea, Jax." She tells him honestly. There are just too many complications just from her being Piney's daughter that should give them pause in pursuing something. But now he has a son. "With the club –"

"Don't worry about the club right now."

"You're only saying that because you want to get laid." Kennedy teases, which he doesn't outright deny. She runs her hands through his hair as she takes a moment to gather her thoughts. "Outside of Donna and the kids, you're the only person I have, Jax. You're probably the only person who understands me. I don't want to ruin that because we're both horny." That earns a chuckle from Jax as he discards his cigarette and Kennedy never has found the smell of nicotine more comforting. "I'm just tired of feeling so lonely – so empty."

As Jax looks at Kennedy sitting in his lap, he can't help but think that this combination of feeling lonely and empty is a dangerous thing that could lead to disaster. He knows from experience.

"What do you see in me, Ken?"

"How loyal you are," she replies instantly.

He feels her hand snake underneath his kutte and her chilled hand rests on top of where his heart beats. "You made me feel safe after everything...when I first came to Charming and now."

Jax smiles at her words and leans forward as Kennedy presses herself closer to him as she pushes his kutte off and their lips meet and a slow kiss.

He thinks Kennedy has the softest lips he ever tasted and he can taste the peppermint of either gum or a mint she had between leaving his mom's house and arriving here.

Jax flips them over causing her to squeal slightly and has him smiling against her lips.

His hands trail down her legs and underneath her dress and he stills when he comes across no barrier.

He separates their lips. "No underwear?"

Kennedy shrugs as her hands begin to unbuckle his belt. "I took them off in the car."

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