Mystic High ✓

Autorstwa ivanakeynes

632K 31.6K 3.5K

Oriane Moore, the new addition to the Diana Mist College, recently discovered that she is a witch. Or more sp... Więcej

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4.9K 242 10
Autorstwa ivanakeynes

In the previous chapter: Oriane, Marian, Charlotte, Zachary, and Robert confronted Elle, who admitted to joining the Rosicrucians and revealed why the cult decided to bomb the towers.



"You're not going alone," declared Marian, arms on her hips. She emphasised the point by standing and blocking the door. "Actually, none of us should be going. It's too dangerous and only the goddess knows what they're planning. Besides, this is like the second or was it the third time they've asked you to join them. Don't you find that kinda... suspicious?"

Just after the Chancellor announced the postponing of the Tournament due to 'unforeseen circumstances' to do with a chemical accident yesterday afternoon, early the next morning, the entire Student Council was sitting cramped in Marian's and Charlotte's living area. Thank goodness there was a terrace, which was now wide open, otherwise, none of them would be getting enough air. 

Despite Oriane's protests, Robert and Zachary decided it was important they shared what they now knew with Scott, Edan, and Ozzy. That morning, while Robert went to get Oriane, the rest of them showed up at the girls' dormitory to discuss the plan before anyone decided to act brashly and get a jumpstart.

They had absolutely read Oriane's mind, no doubt given her history. 

She was intending to see Elle that morning, hopefully gaining passage to see the cult leader before anyone woke, and attempt to resolve the issue herself. Reporting back to Uilliam may be a problem, given his disappearance, but she planned on heading to the staffroom to see if Carolina returned afterwards in any case. Robert knocking on her door at such an early hour thwarted her initial machinations. Quickly brushing her teeth and donning a rather large sweater and leggings, she and Robert didn't take long at all.

Charlotte, on the other hand, was thoroughly mortified when Zachary suddenly arrived without notice. She was still asleep and had hidden in the bedroom to get herself dressed. 

At that moment, they gathered around the coffee table, sharing the sofas and stools. Oriane, meanwhile, squeezed in the single armchair with Robert, tucked to his side.

They have all decided that they had a stake in resolving this as soon as possible. Not only were some of their parents on the Council, and they had to protect their families' interest, but they stressed the need to protect the order of the way things were.

However, they were currently stuck on debating whether or not they should go to the meeting Elle invited them to. Marian and Robert both agreed it was too risky. With no guidance on this matter and no one who understood what was happening, they would be powerless to rescue whoever attends should something go wrong.

"Erm... I suppose," Oriane nodded along with a frown, answering Marian. Honestly, however, she didn't see a problem. It was for the greater good and, besides, it wasn't as if they were going to harm her. She had more value as a hostage, even more so as a messenger. So, she added, "But it's not as though they would do anything to me. Elle said so herself: they want us to join them. There has to be a reason. We need to find out why."

With a look of incredulity, Marian argued, "We should find out why but we don't need to risk our lives doing that. They're probably trying to lure us in and then do something to us we'll regret for the rest of our lives."

"And what could that be?"

"By the time we find out, it'll be too late."

"And," started Zachary. "By the time we debate the pros and cons of going or not, it'll be nightfall."

Scott nodded, "Personally, I think someone should go, at least to scout, to find out what is happening. Someone diplomatic and who can wriggle out of a sticky situation."

That, Oriane agreed with whole-heartedly. "I may not have had the proper experience, but since I've encountered them the most, I still think I should go. If I acted like I was considering to join, they might be more forthcoming with information." Robert's hand tightened on her arm.

"No," objected Marian. "Absolutely not."

Robert forced her to look at him and said sternly, "You've already put yourself at risk too many times, Anna. You don't need to do this."

"I know, but I want to," she insisted. "Besides, I did what their leader asked me to do. He'd be more lenient with my questions. He doesn't know any of you and would likely mislead you more than give us any information about what is going on."

That information was what was going to help Uilliam sort things out, she was certain of it. Why didn't they see her point? The way she planned it out, they might also purge those Councillors who were in on whatever scheme they were hatching. There was a bigger picture at stake here. It would appear since no one else had a solution, and there was indeed no one they could effectively turn to, they had a responsibility to act. They had to seize this opportunity. She knew it in her heart they would be doing the right thing.

Edan had previously suggested they involve some of the teachers. Oriane had sighed with apprehensiveness. Exactly what could they do? There was a reason why Uilliam didn't reveal the situation to them. Oriane guessed it was to prevent gossip and panic. Secondly, they were more likely to pass the problem to someone else - someone like Uilliam. They would be going around in circles and nothing would get done. Not to mention, with the meeting being tonight, they didn't have the luxury of waiting around for a teacher to get up to speed on things only to not act.

Ozzy sneezed, he was the only one sitting on a high chair at the kitchen bench where Charlotte usually baked at. He rubbed his nose and said quietly, "I could modify one of my anchors, something that could track where a person is at all times. We would be able to listen in too."

Zachary's eyes lit up with excitement. "That's a great idea, Ozzy!"

The others began to discuss the viability of Ozzy's suggestion. Scott was thinking how they could hide the anchors, worrying that someone might detect the energy at work in them.

Oriane turned to Robert and asked in his ear, "What's Ozzy's affinity? What does he mean by anchor?"

"This is known only among the five of us so don't tell anyone."

She nodded.

He nodded too and explained in whispers, "Technically, he has an energy and water affinity. He specialises in electricity, though. Anchors are stones that he uses to infuse his electricity in. He's got a handful of what the morals call graphite at hand that he collects."

"These anchors would be able to work like spying and recording?"

Robert grinned. "We might not use technology the way the mortals do, but we're not without means to create equipment that does the same thing."

"I always thought technology was taboo here," she said, tucking one side of her hair behind her ears. "Even equipment that's not crystalline is rather frowned upon."

Somewhat agreeing with her observation, he shrugged. "It's true, the society is a little bit backwards like that but it's not like we don't use equipment altogether. Look at your friend Charlotte and her crystal ball for example. We all use something as a conduit or to amplify our magicks."

Feeling cheeky, Oriane asked, "What do you use to amplify your's?"

"I'll show you next time."

Suddenly, Zachary clapped loudly, grabbing everyone's attention. "Okay, it's decided. Anna, without Ozzy's anchor on you, don't go anywhere." To everyone else, he remarked, "Someone should go with her though."

Robert wrapped both arms around her. "I will."

"You sure?" asked Scott worriedly.

Robert was adamant, holding his friend's long stare stiffly. 

Leaning near the door, Marian huffed. "Fine! Do what you want. Don't listen to the one person who is talking reason." She flapped her arms unhappily. "When you get yourself hurt, or worse, killed, don't come running back to me. You're an idiot to listen to Elle's demands. After all these years, I know her and here you are, jumping to follow her 'suggestions'." She stomped off into her room. A click was heard as the lock slid in.

Charlotte tutted and sighed exasperatedly, "Don't mind her, Anna. She'll come around." She looked up and straight at her. "I understand why you have to do it. I admire you for it."

Smiling shyly at her friend's approval, she said, "I simply hope to be of use." For once in my life.


Cloaked in shadows, the Master of the Rosicrucians pinched gold dust between his fingers. Rubbing it, he shed the excess, then flicked the remainder forwards.

The dust spread, glittering, despite the lack of light. Some of it was caught mid-fall, interpolated by invisible smoke rising...

A large copper basin at his feet burst into deep red flames. They rose and rose until it reached his height, lighting up his face and the darkness pervading his space. However, the flames were no source of light. It brightened only what it needed to brighten. In the persistent darkness, nothing else could be made out but the glorifying fire and the man that worshipped it.

His breath came in short. A thrill rushed down his spine, further downwards too as his toes tingled. Voice hoarse, he rasped in elation, "Morrigan."

The red fire sputtered and hissed. 

He stepped back a little. If any of the fire landed on his robes, he was finished. These were not ordinary flames. Infused with obsidian and cloch-bais, the latter which is a type of stone only found in the depths of the Lower Realms, and ignited with a hint of magicked gold dust, these were hellfires. It burned through everything, including the soul. 

The trick was in its containment. Drawn in a circle around the basic were arcane runes used by the ancients to protect them from evil spirits. He had found a way to recreate a similar arcane formation, modified specifically for hellfires. Oh, how he had laboured over the formula.

The end goal was worth it. He even managed to summon the Morrigan as his counsel.

Suddenly, with a whoosh, in the middle of the flames, violet eyes emerged. They blinked. Once. Twice. Each time, the flame spit out more sparks.   

"Morrigan," he rasped again, this time bowing low. The black hood he wore over his head made him nearly invisible in the dark. If not for the light deliberately outlining him, he would have dissolved into the shadows.

"Daor," a voice arose. Slave. The sound was melodic, intoxicating. It was a voice easy to become addicted to. Legends once had it that a single word from her lips alone could charm men to fall at her feet. "Mo sheirbhiseach." My servant. "Kneel," she commanded.

"My queen," he groaned as he did as instructed. 

Her uncanny violet eyes landed on him, low at the ground. "Rise. Now, tell me the good news."

He hurried to get up, still keeping his head low. "My queen," he repeated. "As you charged me, it has been done. The towers fell and the prized documents within them lost too."

Her eyes narrowed. "Have you checked that they were destroyed? Absolutely destroyed? Had someone tested any of the treaties?"

He inclined his neck in affirmation. "One of the treaties was tested on. The boundary treaty. The Aegis no longer intercept teleportations, for example. I am confident the other treaties have been destroyed in the bombing. We may perform the Welcoming as soon as the blood moon rises."

Mirth reached the Morrigan's violet gaze. "Not long now. How are the preparations?"

"The ingredients have been found."

"I sense there is a 'but'."

He bowed lower, dread making him tremble. "But... there has been some difficulty inviting the Ahriman to see the truth. It will be..." He tried to find the right words so it did not offend. "...troublesome the day the moon rises to have him attend the ceremony."

"That is as expected."

He was surprised the Morrigan hadn't been angrier at his failure. 

One of the more important tasks handed to him, he had expected some form of punishment for his inability to lure the Ahriman to any meeting with him. The closest he had gotten was speaking with that little girl. It was fate. She was his key to getting the Ahriman's attention to attend, he knew it. Scaring her into submission had proved useful. Not only had he gotten one of his followers back, he looked set to gaining that girl's attention.

A new recruit had contacted him earlier last night with such delightful news. He just hoped it was enough to attract her to the meeting tonight. It was imperative that it did. Without her, he would have to start from square one. There was simply not enough time left!

Violet eyes studied him. "Yet, you seem to have found a solution?"

"Yes, my queen, but I am unsure if it would work yet."

"I know the difficulty in the task, daor. Fear not. Once the ceremony is over, it will be easy then to find him. The plan must go through with or without him. Understand?"

He looked up at the surprising leniency. That was not what she had instructed him before. 

With the importance of the role of the daevas, the Ahriman's presence was indeed the key to the successes of the next phase of the plan.

"Yes," he exhaled in relief.

The flames licked up. "Another matter has come to mind. You say you have garnered the favour of the Chancellor of this... institution. Have you spoken to him about me?"

"No, my queen."

"Who have you told so far?"

"Just Urien, my assistant. He is the only one who knows your presence in this Order, as you commanded."

"Keep it that way for now," she directed. "But you may invite him to the ceremony. Say it is an important occasion, to celebrate the Samhain if you'd like."

"Yes, my queen."

Violet eyes closed and the flames returned to his normal shape. Within a few more heartbeats, the fire died down to embers. It was always this way when he was in communication with the Morrigan. She must have doused the flames for him. To have such power... He licked his lips.

Lights slowly came back on. Urien was behind the scenes as always, managing the mundane affairs. They were in the underground repository, just behind their auditorium. How no one ever figured out their hiding place, he simply had to count his blessings.

On the ground, the arcane formations had faded along with the flames. Now useless, next time, if there is a need for another summoning, they would have to draw them by hand again. Outside of the research, the drawing was not easy. The shapes were foreign and the circle had to be perfect. Over the years, his hand had steadied but mistakes were made nevertheless. After drawing the patterns, heat must be applied. Something in the process of increasing the temperature of the compound's solidified the magicks. Shame it had to be redone every single time.

In another week, the blood moon will rise. He crossed his fingers that the ceremony would be a successful one. He had waited much too long for this and his patience was running low.

The meeting would prepare the myriad of initiates and devout followers for the upcoming occasion, even if they would never know what it was truly for.

A glorious surprise awaited them. He grinned. Anticipation was a heady drug.


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