Falling - A Pentatonix Story

By morningthunderstorms

25K 707 981

"I really really love you, and I don't think I will ever be able to stop saying that. Just so you know." "Wel... More

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t h i r t y t h r e e
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t h i r t y o n e

547 13 29
By morningthunderstorms

"Your turn for a date tomorrow."

"My turn? How can I top zip lining?!"

"Well I know one way."

I roll my eyes, heading to the kitchen to put my plate in the sink.

"How am I supposed to plan a date when there's literally nothing to do?"

"That's for you to decide. Just do something you want to do. I'll do anything as long as I'm with you," Avi smiles, putting his arms around me when I sit down next to him on the couch.

"Fine. My date is tonight. It's a movie night."

"You're exciting."

"Whatever. I'm not creative enough for the date wars."

"You basically write songs for a living."

"Writing songs from personal experience is a lot different than thinking of random dates."

"Fine. What movies?"

"You choose."

"I literally don't care."

"Disney movies?"

"Disney movies."

"Pete's Dragon it is," I smirk, clicking on the movie from Netflix.

"Whatever you want is fine. I'll make popcorn."

"We just ate dinner!"

"Anytime is time for popcorn."

I laugh, and soon enough Avi comes back with the popcorn and a blanket.

"Literally all we've done this week is watch movies," I laugh, cuddling under the fuzzy blanket with Avi.

"Well, we're always go go go during tour, it's nice to have a two week long movie break."

"I guess in Europe we won't have downtime. We'll be sight seeing the whole time."



Scott's POV

"We should go shopping today," Mitch tells me from the other side of the sofa.

"Shopping? The last thing either of us needs is clothes," I laugh, continuing to mindlessly scroll on twitter, occasionally retweeting or liking something.

"I have, like, zero sweatshirts."

"You have like fifty sweatshirts, and they're all versace or something."

"Okay, not all of them are versace."

"Where would we even go shopping?"

"Well we could.."

"Exactly. We don't need to go shopping."

"I need more pants."

"What you need is to go to Shoppers Anonymous."

"I don't have an addiction."

"You most certainly do," I scoff.

"Okay fine. What do you suggest we do?" Mitch says whilst glaring at me.

"We can.. workout? I don't know."

"So therefore we should shop."

"We should not shop! If you can think of anything besides shopping, we can do it."

"Shopping online?"

"Mitchell, I swear."

"Fine. We can.. shop for our Grammy outfits?"

"Well, Candice needs to help us with that, and we weren't even nominated this year!"

"Well, we should've been."

"I'm happy just sitting at home. Tour is tiring."

"Sitting at home is boring. We can.. have a game night!"

"A what?"

"Play board games!" Mitch replies excitedly.

"Do we even have board games?"

"Of course we have board games. This is the Grassi-Hoying household we're talking."

"So we're sharing last names now?" I smirk.

"Monopoly or Twister?"


"What do you mean Monopoly?"

"I mean Twister is at least a four person game!"

"Okay. You were supposed to pick Twister."

"Twister, then."

"Too late," he shouts, and I hear a thud.

"Where were the board games?"

"The very top of the closet in my room."

"You could've asked for help."

"I'm not that short."

"Except I'm tall," I laugh, setting down my phone.

"Okay. What do you want to be?"

"Uh, Thimble?"

"Okay, I'll be the hat."

"I haven't played this in years, babe."

"That's fine. I think we played it at a party or something a while back while you were doing something else.

"You played Monopoly at a party?"

Mitch simply shrugs his shoulders and continues to take out everything we need.

"Okay, here's your money.." he mumbles shoving colored paper in my hands. "Do you want to be the person with the money or the person with the places?"


"Okay," he replies, shoving more colorful paper in my hands.

"Does this mean I get all of this?" I ask, holding up a fat stack of 500's.

"No, you idiot. You're the banker," Mitch sighs. "Here, read up on the instructions," this time he shoves white paper in my hand. With real words on it.

After a little bit of rereading up on the rules, I tell Mitch I'm ready to start.

"I'll go first," he announces.


"Because," he laughs.

"Fair enough."

Once we almost fully make it around the board, I land on Park Lane.

"Do you want to buy it?" Mitch asks.

"No. No one ever lands on it anyways."

"You just landed on it."

"I don't have much money. Hotels cost a lot."

"You literally haven't bought anything yet."

"I'll pass."

"You're loss."

Of course on Mitch's next turn, he lands on boardwalk.

"I'll buy it," he smirks, shoving more colorful paper in my hands. This time, though, I put it in the 'bank'.

"No one ever lands there."

"I just did."

"Well, the chances are very small."

"What chances? You have the same amount of chance to land on every square."

"Well, no one ever lands there."

"Whatever," He laughs.


"Hah! Two thousand dollars!" Mitch shouts, holding his hand out.

"That not fair! I don't even have two thousand dollars!"

"Shouldn't have landed on boardwalk then!"

"You shouldn't have bought it!"

"I only bought it because you didn't buy it!"

"You've landed on it five times! It's my only property!"

"I have every other property on the board and you never land on them! You're a cheater!"

"I'm not a cheater, you just suck at Monopoly!"

"It's impossible to suck at Monopoly!"

"Well you do!"

So our game of Monopoly got pretty intense.

Long story short, I have landed on boardwalk or park place five times. Five. Freaking. Times. I have almost every other property on the board, except for a few others Mitch owns. Somehow he always manages to dodge the ones I own.

"Fine! Take it! Take it all!" I yell, throwing the rest of my twenties and ones at Mitch.

"There's like 100 dollars here!"

"Take it!" I shout while laughing, this time throwing the 500's from the bank at him.

"You're so poor you had to rob a bank!"

"Oh yeah, well.."

"You can't even come up with a comeback!" Mitch shouts again. By now, we're both full on laughing and neither of us can stop. It gets so bad both of us fall to the ground, unable to keep from laughing. My sides are so soar I figure I'm about to pass out from laughing so hard. I can barely breathe, and Mitch looks about the same.

"Oh, damn," Mitch says, wiping his eyes once we've calmed down.

"Maybe Monopoly isn't the game for me," I comment.

"Really?" Mitch asks, sarcastically.

"Well, now what are we going to do?"

"It's like 12. We can always go to bed."


"We should catch up on sleep before we have like a twelve hour time change."

"From LA to Dublin is an 8 hour time change. Not twelve," he corrects.

"Okay, that's still a big time change."

"We'll get used to it after a while."

"Should we just watch a movie or something until we fall asleep?"

"Sounds good to me."

Both of us head into my bedroom and take off our clothes so we're just in our boxers.

"What movie?" I ask when we're underneath the heavy blankets.

"I don't care at all, honestly."

"We're watching Finding Dory."

"Okay," he replies, snuggling farther into my chest. I set the remote down and wrap my arms around him.

"I love you," I mutter.

"I love you, too."

This is short
This is trash
This doesn't have any Kesther whatsoever
This is really trash
And this is boring
I'm sorry lol
I love you all, though
I promise this is going somewhere, I just dont have anything until we get to that point so be prepared for tons of boring fillers

Also, in case you haven't figured it out already, this is kind of going like the PTX World Tour for the Europe countries so in case you get confused or wonder where they'll be next

google it ig

Sorry about the long an but I should warn yall this will probably be ending in like ten chapters? Maybe more maybe less idk

I'll go now I love you all bye


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