Hetalia Q&A

By leajamjam

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A Q&A For all your favs! More

Hetalia Q&A
AN note
Aftermath of before question...it needed to be done
Mi Sorella is amazing...it's just fact!
Another question from Crysgirl1
Sicily! Whoot!
I am a horrible person for forgetting her...*le sweatdrops*
Been a while since she asked...oh well!
Belarus and A friend
Well this is an interesting question
Dancing with Sicily!
Killing America?
Wars with Canada and Siberia
Opinions and New People!
Oh dear...
Chibi Siberia and the Ghost Admin
ANGEL! (Warning: It contains sexual references {rated mid-high T for Teen})
When Sadness Strikes Us
Trespassers and Heroes!
Angel is going to have to explain some things to the younger countries...
The continents pay us another visit!
The Continents Scare Us From Time to Time...
Angel the confusing questioner
Five Nights at Freddy's~
FNAF and A Confession...of sorts...
Oh yeah, NY's in trouble...
Angel's tour of New York with her tour guide...NEW YORK!
Okay, so...
A Surprise in this Chapter
Ugghh...Sorry everyone...I still love you all tho!
Angel the angel is brilliant in every way
Important Announcement
Happy Early Valentine's Day!

Pirates, Kisses, and Brawls Oh my!

56 0 1
By leajamjam

Me: Hey look! It’s from Sicily!

Feli and Romano: Yay!

Other countries: Yay!

Me: *looks at everyone weirdly* I think Prussia slipped beer into everyone’s drink this morning…

Prussia: OI! That wasn’t going to be until tonight thank you very much!

Me: *shrugs* Anyways, it says-

Ciao! Me again,

Spain, what was it like being a pirate?

Japan: kiss me sorella Maria!

England: do you and Spain hate eachother?

Hmm… That’s all!


Alisea Vargas aka Sicily

Japan and I: *blushes* U-umm…

Japan: *leans over and quickly kisses my cheek*

Hungary: Aww! How cute!

Me: *blushes harder* I AM NOT CUTE!

Feli: *chuckles a bit* Japan’s little ‘dere.**

Me: *blushes even more* Sh-shut up.

Spain: Oh, it was wonderful! The waves, the wind, and the la-

Romano: *glares at Spain*

Spain: Laughter.

England: Really? I thought for sure that you were going to say ladies. You had a lot of those on your ship back then.


Romano: No Romano-time for you for a week.

Spain: *irk mark appears* England, you are dead!~

England: Bring it on tomato lover!

Spain and England: *starts brawling*

Me: *sweatdrops* They don’t exactly hate each other, but they aren’t exactly friends either-more ‘I won’t try to kill you as long as you aren’t a bastard’ kind of relationship… *suddenly in battle gear* Now if you can excuse me, I must break that up. *dives in the fight*

Feli: *looks at the cloud of dust* Um…Let’s hope she’ll be fine by the next question… Hasta la pasta! *waves*

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