A Flash Back In Time

By JacksonNight666

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Patrick Martin Stump x Female Reader (Y/n) because best friends and more with the lead singer of Fall Out Boy... More



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By JacksonNight666

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~

Last night was rough. Really rough. I think Declan might need some help. He went through a lot and he is what? 10. Well it was the next day and Declan woke up with red rings and bags under his eyes. "Hey buddy, you alright?" I rub his head. "I guess. Just going to do more filming today. Listen to some music. That stuff." He says quietly. "That is understandable, just be safe okay? I mean I know we are to be on the busses for most of the day but still this is a place that says 'Hey look at me!' alright?" I says as he rolls out of bed. "Yeah I know." Declan sniffs. I grabs his sweatshirt, skinny jeans, and some t shirt. "Patrick, wake up." I nudge Patrick a bit. "Hmmm?" Patrick rolls over to face me. "Good morning, Declan is getting dressed." I kiss his head. I rolls over and reach for my phone. I see a news icon on my screen. I click open the news app and my eyes pop out.

"Patrick. Patrick. Patrick. Patrick." I shake Patrick who had drifted off again. "Wha~?" He wakes up again and I quickly unplug my phone from the charging cable and spin back to face the male singer. I show him my phone and his face goes white. "JAIL BREAK IN CHICAGO PRISON" He reads out loud. "FIVE ESCAPEES" I read the next part. "DAVE HARLEM AND KATE QUEENSTON" Patrick croaks out. "Is that who I think it is?" Patrick looks into my eyes. "If you are asking if those people are the kid's shit parents, then yes." I pull my phone back. "(Y/N), that prison is close and there is still a lot of cleaning up to do. We leave at 8:00 PM. They could show up at anytime. We all have work to do. What will we do if they do show up looking for Declan?" Patrick grips my hand. I stare off into space for awhile. "We protect the kid. Declan is our kid not theirs. Pete, Brendon, Josh, Tyler, you, me, and everyone is Declan's Family." I say only having the kids safety on my mind.

"Well we should tell him right?" Patrick lifts his eye brow. I shake my head and say "No, if we tell him he will be scared and have more things that have to do with them on his mind." Patrick nods his head. "What about the others? I mean they should know right?" Patrick asks me again. "That is on you babe. I can only do so much thinking this morning." I get up and stretch. "I'm going to check on Declan he is changing and is taking awhile." I swing my legs out of bed and walk over to the bathroom. I stand outside it and knock. "Hey, buddy who do you want to hang out with today. Ryan, Mikey, and Dallon all say they can chill with you." I say to the youngest. "Do I have to be with someone today? I really want to take some single shots for the video alone." Declan groans back from behind the door. "Yes you have to be with someone, so please chose or you can stay in the bus if you would like, but you would be there for the hole day till someone came back to it." I say again crossing my arms and looking at Patrick. He shrugs not knowing what to do. "Fine, Ryan. Just let me go to the bathroom." He says again. 

"Okay, come out when you are done." I say and sit back down on the bed. "AGH! WHAT THE HELL! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Declan screams from the bathroom. Patrick quickly jumps up and I run over to the door. "Declan! Is everything alright?! Can I come in?!" I say nervously. "I AM BLEEDING! BUT NOT FROM A CUT? AGHHH!" He yells again. "Okay Declan listen to me." I say calmly. "This is normal for well... someone who was born a girl and it comes around this age. I want you to clean it up, but stay sitting on the toilet." I say and look at Patrick who is raising an eye brow again. "O-okay." Declan says softly. "Good, I am going to get something to help. Alright?" I grab my bag that was next to the door. I search through it to find what I was looking for. "W-will it hurt?" Declan asks again. "It maybe weird at first, but I am going to give you the beginning stuff easy to use." I grab out a small pad. "Is this what I think it is?" Patrick asks. "Yes indeed." I sigh. "Okay, I am going to open the door a bit just to give this. You have to in wrap it then take off the paper on the back. Put the sticky part in the area of your underwear that touches.... your...area..." I say and open the door a bit. Declan takes the pack from me and the door closes again. I walk slowly over to Patrick ad hug him. Patrick hugs me back and says softly "I want him to be safe." I say back looking up at my future husband "He will be we just gotta try our best, love him, and look out for him." I hear Patrick sniff a bit and when I look up at him his eyes are red. "(Y/N) that man touched Declan in horrible ways. That woman mistreated him so badly. I want them out of this picture. Declan is too sweet and kind and loving to even look at those people." Patrick says and holds my tight. (A/N HOLD ME TIGHT OR DONT). "I know Patrick. They will be gone soon. Just not today." I pull back to look at the person I love the most. 

"I-I a r-ready." Declan comes slowly walking out. I run over and give him the biggest hug I could. "I am sorry. I should have told you about this stuff." I say thinking about how scared the kid must have been. "N-not your fault." Declan says again with a nervous voice. "Just, you still want to be with Ryan? Cause you can just chill in the bus. People will be in and out, but you can still just chill in your bunk." I pull away to look at Declan. "Yeah, I might just stay there today."


Well not true. I have been having a really really really hard time and things have not been going well. I am trying to update more, but things are hard so I will get the most in. I will be try to get writing in for you guys! Bye Bye!

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