Apart | Smii7y x Reader [DISC...

By Polar_492

5K 119 102

You are in love with your best friend SMii7Y and you want to tell him how much you like him. He is your best... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
I'm sorry

Chapter One

1.3K 21 25
By Polar_492

Things you need to know:
~You are a YouTuber that has 700,000+ subs
~You live in Canada
~No one knows what you look like other than Evan (Vanoss) and Smii7y

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I opened up my eyes and stared at the ceiling. I looked over at my clock. It was 8:13 a.m. on Saturday. I then looked at my phone, which was the reason I woke up. It was the guys. Someone texted me on the group chat. It happened to be John.

John: Hey you up for some CS:GO with Smii7y, Inotorious, McCreamy and I?

I saw he texted me this about 3 minutes ago.

Yeah. Let me get ready and I'll be on in 10

I instantly got up and showered. After that, I got dressed into some comfy leggings and a red and black flannel, and then put makeup on. Even though they couldn't see my face, I still wanted to look good because after this I was planning on going over to Lucas's aka Smii7y's. I turned on my computer and put on my headphones. I looked back at my phone to see that I was five minutes late. Oh well. I looked back at the screen and joined the call.

"Hey what took so long?" John asked after everybody said hi to me.

"Oh ya know. I spent those 5 minutes trying not to die inside." I said sarcastically. "Or ya know just getting ready to join the call and such."

Everyone in the call laughed a little.

"Oh! Also Smii7y is just getting some food he'll be right back." John said as it quiets down.

"Alright you guys ready to fucking play already?" Lucas said as he finally came back.

"Finally? We've been waiting on you Smiietaeii." 'Ainsley' said as he dragged out Smii7y's name.

We all laughed and pressed 'accept' so we could finally enter a map and start playing.

We were loosing 4-0 on counter terrorists, just getting our weapons.

"What made you get the title of being a Saint, Ainsley?" Inotorious asked as the round started.

"I touched a lot of kids." Ainsely replied which made all of us laugh.

"Like touched their hearts right? Like you touched their hearts?" Inotorious asked again.


"Ok." Inotorious said.

We all laughed.

"Uhhgg how am I gonna make a video out of this?" Smii7y asked as he stopped laughing.

"I don't know but I'm keeping that in." I said as I killed two guys on the other team.

"Oh my lord." Smii7y said as he got killed, hitting the other guy for 93.

"I got him!" I yelled going after him.

He was just sitting in a corner, probably toggling on his cheats.

"He should be low on health." Smii7y said as he was spectating me. I locked my crosshair on him. I pulled the trigger and somehow didn't kill him.

"WHAT?!" Lucas and I said at the same time.

"Hey the Canadians are in sync!" John said as he got killed by the guy I tried to kill.

"Shut up." We said in sync again. I blushed really hard. Thank god no one can see me.

I finally killed that guy and then got killed by another guy that was behind me.

"Ah man that's bullshit." I said as we lost another round. Apperently I was the only one left alive.

~time skip to the end of the game~

"That was fun. Anyone up for another round?" John asked.

"Nah I'm good that game was long enough for me." I looked at the clock and noticed that it was 9:14.

"Yeah I'm out too." Smii7y said. He was just as excited for me to go over there, as I was.

"Ooooh are the Canadians gonna have some fun~?" McCreamy asked which made me blush again.

"Yeah were gonna have fun reporting your channel if that's what you mean." I said, not really knowing I said that.

"You are a rude Canadian. I didn't think that was possible." Inotorious said pretending to be offended, as he started saving the footage from the game.

I was confused and then Smii7y texted me what I said. I laughed and explained what happened.

"Well, this has been fun but I've got to go. Bye guys!!" Smii7y said as he left the call.

Soon McCreamy left, then Inotorious left. It was just John and I left.

"So you going over to Smii7y's house again?" John asked.

"Why do you even have to ask?" I said as I saved my footage from today.

"I don't know. But you really like him dont you?"

I never told him that I liked Lucas.

"Why do you think that?" I asked trying not to sound worried.

"Its a little obvious. You always hang out, you killed the guy that got him today, and you both are close enough to where you could like him." He had a point.

"Wow, well you are correct. I do like him." That was hard to say. My hands were slightly trembling.

"I think he likes you too."

That suprised me.


"You heard me." He said as he leaned away from the mic.

"Yeah sure. But really?" I asked making sure that I heard him correctly.

He chuckled a little bit. "Yeah. If he dies and you're on the call, he will always spectate you if he can. Also he always talks about you. Like he just wonders how you are doing sometimes, or complains if you couldn't play with him."

I blushed, but this time harder than before. "R-really?" I stuttered as I started to come up with the hiccups. "God damb it." I said

"The hiccups suck, and really."

I sat in silence for a moment thinking about this. I then got a text from Smii7y saying that he's just gonna pick me up outside my house today, and that he's gonna be there any moment.

"Oh uh, I have to go." I said as I shut off my gaming computer, but left my other one on with the call still rolling.

" That's fine. Have a good day with Smii7y!" He said and logged off. There was no jealousy in his voice, if anything he seemed super happy that I liked Lucas.

I looked down at my phone and saw that he texted me.

I'm here!!

Ok ill be out in a second!

I hurried down my stairs and got my shoes on. I already had my socks on thankfully. I quickly slung my camo bomber jacket on and rushed out the door.

"Hey I told you I was gonna be here soon." He said as I hopped into the car.

"Well sorry, but I was talking to John." I said as I buckled in. I looked back up and met his eyes. I slightly blushed and looked away.

"What where you talking about?" He asked with a slight change in tone. It wasn't exactly anger, and it wasn't sadness... It was jealousy.

"Oh? Is Smii7y jealous?" I asked him with a smirk. "But we were just talking about, about you."

"I'm not jealous ok." He said while laughing and meeting me eyes again with his. "And what about me?"

"John was talking to me, about how much you talk about me. And he was saying that he thinks that I like you." My blush kept growing and growing. I'm pretty sure my face was as red as a tomato.

"Oh really?" His voice was now laced with hope and a bit of anger. "Fucking John, man he needs to learn not what to say around some people."

He laughed nervously.

"But is it true?" I looked down at my hands. "Do you really talk about me a lot?" I now looked up into his eyes. They sparkled with nervousness and hope.

"I don't know. Is it true that you like me?" He said playing his game.

I rolled my eyes and told him that we should answer at the same time.

"Alright." Lucas said before counting down. "Three, two, one."


We both said that at the same time

"But let me explain" we said in sync again. "Wait you go first." I told him as I, sadly, was let down.

"it's not that I talk about you a lot, I won't stop talking about you. I talk about you and how funny you are. I talk about you and how pretty you are, even though nobody else but Evan know what you look like. I talk about your voice and how amazing it is. I talk about everything about you. I talk about how much I wanted to date you. How much I wanted to kiss you some of the times we've been hanging out. I think I might love you." He finished talking while blushing.

"I don't like you Smii7y." I saw his face completely fall, but he tried to keep his smile up. "I think I love you too, and that's hard to say. I think about you all the time and I love everything about you. The way you laugh, to the way you focus on things. Just everything about you. I love your smile, and your eyes. Especially your eyes. They are so clear, but also mysterious. Your eyes show your curiosity, but when you talk about anything that interests you, you talk quicker, and detailed about that one thing, until you finally say all the facts you know. You are amazing from the way you look, to the way you make little jokes here and there." I finished my statement looking at my hands.

We were in Smii7y's car infront of his house just listening to eachother. He laughed a little bit and unlocked the doors and got out. He ran around to my door and opened it for me. Once I got out, he shut my door and hugged me. I hugged him back. He pulled away from me and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and he put one hand on my waist and one hand on my cheek. It was a sweet, gentle kiss that made sparks go throughout my entire body. I pulled away blushing. I realized that we were still outside his house just sitting there making out with eachother.

"We should probably head inside now." I said as I looked towards the door, than back to him.

"Yeah, lets go." He said and took my hand in his, and lead me towards the door.

I blushed and giggled while he pulled me towards the door.

"So what are now?" I asked him since he didn't really ask me out officially yet.

"Dating." He said. "Unless you would like to be my girlfriend." He said with a smile as he opened the door for me.

"Why the hell would I not want to be?" I asked him and hugged him as we both were now inside. He hugged me back and put his chin on my forehead.

I was litening to his heartbeat, when I was picked up. I noticed that I was being taken to the couch.

"I love you so much." I said to him as we sat down. I snuggled my face into him even more, litening to his heartbeat once again.

"I love you too." He said as he kissed my forehead.

I noticed I got a text from Evan.

Hey!!! I'm back in Canada!! Want to come pick me up from the airport?

I audibly groaned.

"What is it (Y/N)?"

"Its Evan." I said showing him the text he just sent me.

"Oh. OH. He sent that 20 minutes ago. We should probably go pick him up." He said as he started getting up.

"No wait." I said slightly disappointed. "We can send him an uber so we won't have to drive there." I said as I kept him on the couch.

"You really want to stay here that badly?" He asked me.

I nodded my head yes.

"Ok. Ill send him one. Tell him that we are currently sending him and uber." He said while getting comfortable again.

I can't believe everything that happened today. First, Smii7y asked me out, and then Evan was coming over to see us. And it's just day one...


Hello!!!! In know I said that I was gonna have on this up on the weekend, but this turned out to be done sooner than I thought. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you guys like it too. Its much longer than the chapters beforehand I want to keep improving my writing. Anyways ill see you in the next chapter. Buh-bye!!!

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