Call Of Duty Zombies: United...

By Kwarduk

1.7K 31 10

When three groups of Zombie killing survivor's find themselves in a new world, wondering how they had got the... More

All Together
The Compound
Wave One
Into The City
Swan's In The Pipe

The Forest

440 12 1
By Kwarduk

When Dempsey came to, he opened his eyes slowly, they ached as the last thing he saw was a bright flash of light, he looked around and found that he was no longer in the giant facility, he was instead in a forest laid up against one of many pine trees, he groaned and stood himself back up on his two feet, "Damn it Richtofen, what the fuck have you done now?" he grumbled to himself, of course that crazy German would have something to do with why he was now in a forest, speaking of the man himself, he was nowhere in sight, neither was Nikolai and Takeo, they were gone, Dempsey kept swinging around until he looked at the floor, he found his black, wooden cladded Thompson SMG in the twigs, he checked his green holster and found his M1911 in there as well, he leaned forward and picked his Thompson up off the ground, he pulled out the stick magazine to check it was still loaded, he saw the top two 45.ACP rounds glistening in the moonlight, the mag also felt heavy as well, he pushed it back into the magwell and pulled the round cocking handle on the right side of the gun, with a metallic sound confirming his action, he flicked the safety off and then proceeded to walk into the forest to find the others.

Dempsey was tempted to shout for the others, but he decided that wasn't the best thing to do, of course what if there was more in this forest? The ever apparent threat there could be a bunch of maggot-sacks walking among the branches with him was bigger than ever, he gripped the handle of his Thompson even tighter, prepared for when he would end up in contact with another person or thing, he then heard the sound of twigs breaking near him, he dashed next to another tree and heard the cracking come closer, he then shot out of cover with his Thompson at his waist, pointing his weapon at the threat, there was indeed another person there, but what shocked Dempsey is that it wasn't Richtofen, nor Nikolai, neither Takeo, it was someone new.

The man was holding what looked like an anti-tank rifle to Dempsey, it had a huge muzzle break on the end and was furnished with smooth metal, the rail on top held a red sniper scope and the lower part had what seemed like two large magazines stuck in it, the bolt handle showed it was a bolt-action and itself was positioned behind the trigger, also showing that the gun was a bullpup, the toughness of the weapon couldn't be shared with the man holding it, he looked like a stereotypical nerd with large square glasses, a white buttoned shirt and black trousers, the clothes however looked worse for wear, like the man had gone through hell and back, with some tears and blood all other the cloth, the man's face looked rather scared and the rifle he was holding was shaking to highlight this, they both didn't move, both having a staring contest with each other's weapon locked at each other, Dempsey then tried to say something, but the magazine then fell out of the man's rifle in a comical way, he quickly scurried on the floor to pick it up and then jammed it back into its respective magwell, Dempsey was trying hard not to smile at the funny sight, "you thinks that's funny eh!" the man screamed with a pathetically high voice, trying to act tough despite failing badly at that, "hey calm down man, you don't have to act like a tough guy" Dempsey said, trying to at least get somewhere with him, he tried to walk forward but the man then thrusted his gun slightly forward, just to show he wanted distance, "you can stay right there!" he squeaked again, Dempsey just signed, "look, I don't know who you are, but by the looks of it you have been killing zombies, and I have as well, were both in this shit together, so just put your gun down and we'll try and sort this out, okay?" he tried to reason, but before the nerd could react, there was more rustling, the two men then turned to see a third appear before them.

This other man however again, wasn't someone Dempsey recognized, and by judging that the nerd was also surprised to see him, neither did him, the other man wore what looked like a blue shirt and over it, grey coloured body-armour with a small label with 'SECURITY' written on it, his trousers were of a grey colour and he had some brown boots on his feet, to top it all off, a blue cap which bared a white and red insignia, in his rather muscular hands was of course a weapon, but what surprised Dempsey was that it looked like his Thompson, except it was white and had a more futuristic look, he saw printed on the side the characters 'G.R. ARMAMENT', however the man had said gun pointed at them both, Dempsey and the nerd in return pointed their guns back, however, Dempsey kept the nerd in his vision to make sure he didn't try anything funny, "who the hell are you?" the security man asked, with a southerner accent in his voice, "were asking the same question" Dempsey replied, "we?" the nerd questioned, sounding rather irritated, "well, did you two come in a group of four?" Dempsey asked, both the nerd and the security man seemed to agree with that statement, "well, I did too, we all have friends out there, so I say we put our guns down, we promise not to kill each other, and we go looking" Dempsey suggested, lowering his Thompson in the process, the security man did the same and after a while, the nerd also lowered his weapon, "well where go we go from here?" the security man said, "I suggest, we'll... pick any direction and walk I guess" the nerd planned.

In another part of the forest, Nikolai had also arrived, however he had passed out drunk before all of this had happened, he was leaned up against a tree, snoring with a bottle of vodka in his left hand and his PPSh on the floor next to him, he then seemed to cough a bit "ahhh, fuck you" he said in his sleep and then returned to snoring, however he then felt something sharp tap his clothed forehead, he slowly opened his eyes, he first made out some sharp edges, then he saw that those sharp edges made up the front of a serrated muzzle brake, and that muzzle brake was attached to a pump-action, 12 gauge shotgun, and that shotgun was being held by a person, but what surprised Nikolai was that it was a woman, she looked like some sort of farmer, but she had a lot of skin showing, on her stomach and especially on her large chest as her red shirt and worn jeans did little to cover her up, she also had a cap which covered her brown hair, she would've been rather cute, if it wasn't for the fact that she looked rather pissed off and was holding a shotgun right at his face, "who are you?" she asked, with a southern accent thick in her voice, "you look like second wife, and just as angry as well" Nikolai responded going off topic almost immediately, however the woman then racked the action on her shotgun with an audible metallic ratchet, showing she meant business, "I'm gonna say again, who the fuck are you?" she asked again, "I am just an awesome, fighting, err... drunk Russian Cossack, what else do you need to know" Nikolai responded rather irritated, now standing up to match the woman's height, "what I wanna know is how you got here" she continued to interrogate, however she saw that Nikolai's eyes were fixated on something behind her, feeling the presence of another person, she then spun around and kicked her leg out, her boot making contact with the stomach of someone else, the grunt they made sounded feminine, once the farm woman had got her shotgun pointed at the right place, she saw who it was.

The person she had knocked down was another woman, who was currently sat on her backside on the forest floor, she seemed to look more mature compared to the other, wearing makeup on her face, having bright red lipstick and red nail polish to go with that, she was wearing a blue and white jacket over her upper body, which mostly covered a teal and red shirt underneath, on her hands were striped, fingerless gloves, her legs were covered by black trousers with a white stripe on each side of the legs, however these disappeared into some tall, black boots which had material almost reaching her knees, a white handbag also hanged from her left shoulder, the look on her face was one of pain as she was grabbing her stomach, especially after being kicked in said area, the farm girl kept her shotgun pointed at her, "may I ask who you are?" the farm girl kept up her angry persona, the mature one looked up at her, "why should I reply to that?" she said, her voice also sounding more mature and slightly deeper compared to her counterpart, "well who's the one with the shotgun pointed at them?" the other woman continued, the mature one swore under her breath as her futuristic rifle was out of reach, "look, I don't want any blood, I just want to know how the hell I got here" she said, "well why were you trying to sneak up on me then huh?" the farm girl countered, Nikolai bent over to grab his PPSh and moved over to the two women, they then both looked at him, the mature one looking a bit puzzled by his uniform, "are you two finished, or are you going to have bitch fight or something?, fuck my head hurts" Nikolai hissed as he rubbed his head, "who said you were in charge?" the farm girl said, "because I am the most awesome man here, I have killed thousands of zombies in my time" Nikolai responded, "probably in your drunk dreams" the farm girl said to herself loud enough for Nikolai to hear, with him grimacing in response, the mature woman then stood up and rubbed some dirt off her trousers and behind, "look, can we just not fucking argue and work out why we are here" she said, "well that's what I've been trying to find out, but I have no fucking clue" the farm girl confessed, they both turned to Nikolai, "well don't look at me, I'm too drunk to even remember" he said while holding his vodka bottle, the mature woman sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose with her red nails, this was going to be a long night.

"Urgh, I hate forests, especially as those zombies and conspiracies could be anywhere" Stuhlinger said coldly to himself, he was already wandering around the forest, holding his AN-94 loosely in his shaking hands, still desperately trying to find the others, "well come on Samuel, how can this be so bad? I mean that German voice is gone and that stuck-up bitch Misty isn't here to annoy me, this is kinda tranquil, heh" he tried to calm himself down, however, he then heard rustling in the bushes beside him, which in turn undid any sort of reassurance he had, "okay just keep calm, that was nothing, just the wind, absolutely nothing at all" he said to himself, however, a figure then burst out of the treeline, grabbing Stuhlinger from behind and placing a sharp metal weapon against his neck, Stuhlinger streaked like a little girl, dropping his rifle and holding his hands up, "AARGH! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" he screamed

The person who was grabbing him then slipped around his body into his view, still keeping the weapon pointed to and against his neck, Stuhlinger saw that the man was Asian in origin, and the weapon he was holding was a silver katana, probably showing that he was Japanese, his uniform also bearing the same traits being a brown-grey colour, having a cap with a yellow star in the middle, a black belt across his waist and brown boots that went a bit up his shins, "you have absolutely no honour, streaking like a woman" he scolded, his accent sounding just as strong as his looks, "well it isn't like I just, you know, GOT SCARED SHITLESS!" Stuhlinger shouted back, the man just shook his head, "and can you please get the sword away from me" Stuhlinger continued, but the man just pushed it further towards him, "I must know how you got here, and where my other companions are" he demanded, "look man, I honestly have no idea where we are either, I had a group of friends and they are missing too" Stuhlinger explained, there was however more rustling, the Japanese man then quickly pulled out a quirky SMG with a side mounted magazine and pointed it towards the source.

And at the source was a third man, with grey hair wearing an orange-yellow uniform and having what looked like a harness on his body, he looked like some kind of futuristic paratrooper, and the rifle and what looked like an even more futuristic-ier rocket launcher on his back reinforced this, the two men had their guns pointed at each other, the paratrooper having a slight cocky look on his face, "hey don't act too tough on the guy Mr. honour" he said rather jokingly, the Asian just snarled, "and I bet you are a man with no honour as well, you remind me of that ugly American" he said, the paratrooper just shook his head, "come on man just let off the guy and put your weapon down, look I'll do the same" he continued and lowered his rifle just as he promised, the Asian, after thinking about it, then lowered his SMG and let the katana off Stuhlinger's neck, Stuhlinger then rushed around to the paratrooper to keep his distance from the other man, "you look rather paranoid" the paratrooper asked him, "I just don't want my neck turned into a sliced mess from that crazy psycho" Stuhlinger replied shakingly, the Asian signed, "I weep for your honour coward, now I fear that the dishonoured undead will be coming for us at any moment, I suggest we move and find our companions" he planned, "you know what, that's a good idea" the paratrooper praised, they both started to walk, Stuhlinger signed, he would have to stay with that sword wielding psycho, he quickly set off after picking his AN-94 back up and caught up with them.

"Decker? Lilith? Lennox? Where the hell are you guys!" Kahn shouted into the brush, he was wandering around with his heavy Pytaek in hand, he had also realized that his exo suit was entirely missing from his body, but this only added onto the even worse realization that his entire group was missing, he thought about how the hell they got into this mess, all they were asked to do where to scout out this old facility in Poland for Sentinel, just one more thing before they could all go home, and now somehow him and probably the others were here, he didn't know if he wanted to be angry at Lennox for not allowing them to just leave the resort and go to their new lives, or Sentinel for putting them in this entire new mess, he was already as red-faced as possible at Atlas, and he had a sneaking suspicion that they had something to do with this as well, he was however ripped out of his thoughts when he heard some shaking in the bushes, but before he could turn around he heard a click behind him.

"That's one big 40mm semi-automatic grenade launcher pointed at your back boy" the old voice behind him rasped, Kahn held his hand up and turned around to face the person, he saw that it was an old, dark-skinned man with bleached hair and beard and ragged clothes pointing a revolver like grenade launcher at him, "you don't look familiar" Kahn asked as he didn't recognise the face in front of him, "and neither do you, now where the hell are my friends?" the old man calmly threatened, pushing his barrel forwards for emphasis, "look, I don't know where your friends are, I was with a group and we lost each other as well" Kahn tried to explain, "I think you're bullshitting me boy" the old man hissed, not convinced by the answer he got, "I wish I was" Kahn just replied, another metallic click however ruined the conversation, "now I wonder who you both are?" a European voice called out.

Khan and the old man turned to see a man in an orange-grey military uniform, complete with grey cap, black trousers and boots and black, surgical-like rubber gloves on his hands, holding a black SMG at them both, on his back there was a funky looking, yellow weapon with parts glowing a bright blue, "so I'm not alone in this forest, also have you seen my test- I mean friends anywhere?" he continued, with a mildly crazed German accent clear in his voice which Kahn had picked up on, however the old man had a shocked look on his face, "you, you are the man who was talking to all of us, and making Stu go crazy as well!", he accused before he pointed his grenade launcher at him, "wait! I don't know what you're talking about!" the German had his hand up but still had the SMG pointed at the old man, "you do know what I'm talking about you German ass!" the old man countered, "wait stop, what time are you two from?" Kahn brought up, trying to calm the situation down, "1945" the German answered, "1965" the old man followed, "damn, so were from different times?, some fucking time warping shit must've happened" Khan said in disbelief, "what time are you from?" the German asked, "2060" Kahn replied, with his words painting disbelief on the face of the old man, "anyway" the German quickly quipped, lowering his SMG and completely disregarding the amazing realization of time-travel, like he didn't see it being interesting, "whatever happened my dear friend to you and your friends was possibly from the actions of a slightly older version of me, but I am being honest, I truly do not know you or anyone else here, apart for the three others in my group" he continued, "I was part of a group as well" Kahn quickly brought up, "me too" the old man added on, "so that must mean... they are in this forest with us, I need to find them, especially that nice Russian and that, urgh! Stupid loud American", the German quickly concluded, "hey wait!" Kahn tried to say but the German had already scurried off into the woods, he turned to the old man next to him, "so I'm guessing were following him aren't we?" he said, "yep" Kahn replied simply, they both signed and proceeded to go in the German's direction.


Wow so is this a new CoD fanfic from me? yes it is indeed, now I will confess that I left CoD a long time ago and haven't kept up with the trends, but this is going to be set in the environment of my three favourite games from the franchise, Black Ops 1, Black Ops 2 and Advanced Warfare, now this fanfic unfortunately may not be updated often due to a very busy lifestyle (College and Gaming) But I will strive to update this as much as I can when I can, hope you enjoy and remember to give this a vote and comment as these will keep me motivated, thanks.

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