(Deku X Froppy) Hero Love Sto...

By HyunaDiamond

155K 1.5K 2.3K

Currently Revising Some of The Story ✌✌ Midoriya can not hold his feelings back anymore. He has to tell Asui... More

Chapter 2: The Feelings Get Stronger
Chapter 3: Even Heroes Get Jealous
Chapter 4: The Confession 💘
Chapter 5: The First Date Pt. 1 (Revised)
Ch. 5 The First Date Pt. 2
Ch. 5 The First Date Pt. 3
Chapter 6: Deku & Froppy (Revising ATM)
Chapter 7: Vacation with Bae
Chapter 8: Will You Marry Me
Chapter 9: The Big Day
Chapter 10: It's a Baby Girl
Chapter 11: I'll Never Let You Go
The Lost Chapter ❤
Lost Chapter Announcement
Midoirya & Tsu's Date Revision

Chapter 1: Is This love ?

28K 291 353
By HyunaDiamond

Hello Everyone, this is my first fan fiction story, so I hope you enjoy it. Also I'm not that good of a writer, but I like doing this for fun. There are going to be some mistakes, since english is not my first language. I'm a Japanese Otaku Whore, deal with it. Any-ways, I love My Hero Academia, so Let The Shipping Begin !! 👍🙉

If you see any typos let me know. If you're an asshole about it, then don't read at all

It was Midoriya's first day at UA. He was very nervous, but also excited to meet new people. Also he's finally able to go to the school of his dreams. He quickly packed his things, and rushed to school. He then entered through the main entrance. When he got inside, he picked up his schedule for his classes. He rushed to Class 1A, which was the hero course. He opened the door, and everyone stopped to stare at him. He was very anxious, and his palms began to sweat. Then he noticed how everyone was praising him for destroying the giant robot at the UA exams. A boy with red spiky hair walked up to Midoriya.

"Dude, that was awesome what you did out there at the exams. You totally saved that girl from being crushed."

"Well I couldn't just leave her alone to get hurt. Honestly, it was just out of instinct."

"That was the manliness save I've seen in awhile. I respect that, my name is Kirishima."

" I'm Midoriya." They shake hands and exchange a smile at one another.

Suddenly a boy with blonde hair rose from his chair and marched over towards Midoriya with great hostility.

"Listen Deku! I don't know how you got your damn quirk. But I'm gonna find out sooner or later, and when I do I'm gonna blow you straight to hell." says Bakugou with anger in his eyes.

"Jeez what crawled up his ass and died? That dude needs to take a chill pill ASAP. " says Kirishima.

"To be honest, I ask myself that question too." says Midoriya

"What did you say, red head! You wanna get blown up too!" screams Bakugou.

"Is he always this intense." says Kirishima.

"You have no idea." says Midoriya in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't ignore me!" Yells Bakugou with intense rage.

Suddenly a girl with green hair and wide eyes opened the door.

"Hey, isn't that the girl you saved." says Kirishima in a whispered tone of voice.

"Yeah it is."

The green haired girl walks up to Midoriya.

"I was hoping that I would see you again, I wanted to thank you for saving me. We didn't get a chance to exchange names. I'm Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Tsu."

"I'm Midoriya, nice to meet you" He says in a nervous tone.

"It was really nice of you to risk your chances of passing the exam, just to protect me. Everyone else just ran past me. You were the only one who stopped." says Asui with a bright wide smile.

His face started to burn up and his cheeks grew pink.

"Oh it was nothing, but I should be thanking you too. You caught me when I was falling down. My injuries would've been a lot worse, if you hadn't been there."

"Your welcome, but I should also say that I'm sorry for using my tongue to catch you. I know my quirk can be a little off putting to some. I hope I didn't gross you out too much" says Asui with an embarrassed look on her face.

"It didn't bother me at all. To be honest, I think your quirk is actually pretty unique. I've never seen anything like it."

Asui started to blush, trying so hard not to let Midoriya look at her face as it was turning red.

"T..Thank you Midoriya." she smiled.

Midoriya couldn't stop staring at her beautiful smile . It looked even more adorable since she was blushing too. He couldn't help but return the favor. The day went on, and it was lunch time. The cafeteria was huge, and it was crowded as well. Midoriya was going to sit with Kirishima, but noticed that Bakugo was sitting with him. He knew he didn't want to get him angry. Since he was mad that he got into UA. Midoriya decided to sit by himself. A few minutes later Asui approached him.

"Do you mind if I sit here with you."

"Not at all, go ahead."

Asui sat right next to Midoriya. He noticed that she was sitting very close to him. This was the first time that he was this close to a girl. He started getting flustered. Afraid that he would say, or do something that would make her feel uncomfortable. Or even worse make her think he was some kind of pervert like Mineta.

"To be honest, I was worried that you weren't going to pass because you didn't have any points. That's when I talked to the principal, to see if he could give you some of mine. I just didn't want you to fail because I can see that you have the heart of a hero."

"Thank you Asu- I mean Tsu, I really appreciate it. Luckily there were rescue points, otherwise I probably wouldn't have made it. Anyways I'm just glad both of us got accepted."

He was happy that Asui was worried about him. He liked the fact that she was willing to give up her own points to make sure he would pass. His heart started racing, and his palms were getting sweaty.

"I hope you didn't hurt yourself too much, your body looked like it was about to break apart. Is your arm doing any better?"

She puts her hand on top of Midoriya's arm. His heart began pumping very loud, and his face started to get hot. Her hand was really warm and soft.

"I'm doing a lot better than before. It..still hurts a little, but I'll be fine in a few days. Recovery girl told me I should be more careful next time. So I've been trying my hardest not to strain myself."

His voice started to crack.

"That's good to hear. You know your quirk is a lot like All Might's."

"What? That's crazy, I mean sure both of our quirks allow us to jump high and be really strong. But that's really about it."

"Yeah that's true I guess. Still kind of strange that you don't have a grasp on your quirk yet. I'm Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I just have natural curiosity. At least that's what my mom says."

"No, it's okay. You have nothing to apologize for. Honestly I got my quirk later than most people. That's all."

"Well I did hear about a few cases of that happening to other people. So I guess that makes sense."

She noticed that her hand was on his arm and pulled it back quickly.

"Sorry about that." she looks the other way, to avoid looking into Midoriya's eyes.

He wanted to break the awkward silence between them.

"So um....what else can you do with your quirk." Trying his best to keep the conversation going.

"Nothing too exciting. I can jump really high, climb walls, breathe underwater, and I have a strong flexible tongue. It's kind of weird, I know." says Asui embarrassed by her own quirk.

He looked into her eyes and responded.

"Just because you have a weird quirk doesn't mean that it's not useful. I think it's what makes you special. There are a lot of pros with mutant quirks, some of which are total bad asses. I think you should learn to embrace it."

He was wondering how she would react to what he just said.

"That's really nice of you to say, Midoriya. Not only are you kind, but you know how to make someone feel better. I'm glad I got to meet you again."

"I'm glad too, I hope...that we can be friends from now on."

He clenches his fist and looks down at his food. Hoping that she wouldn't notice how nervous he was from talking to her.

"Yeah absolutely. That would be great."

She responds with a smile.

She started eating her food to avoid looking at Midoriya; since she was bright red. He couldn't get enough of her smile. It just had such a special charm that he couldn't describe. It made him feel warm and secure. He loved her personality, and the way her green hair folded into a bow. It just made her seem cuter that way.

The school day finally ended and Midoriya was happy. He was worried that he wasn't going to make any new friends, but he did. He also didn't realize he was going to have a crush on a girl like Asui. She may look different than other girls, but he loved that about her. He wouldn't change her if he could. In his eyes she was his perfect imperfection.

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