Its not all bad~Nightmare san...

By shadowandblack

77.5K 1.5K 1.7K

Ever since you were young you would go to the tree that held the black and gold apples. You would never get c... More

The tree
A small apology
Just a bit of info/another book?
A Chat
A visit from deric and.... posion soup?
Not a chapter
A shadow
Blue strings
Im back...mabey


3.8K 87 207
By shadowandblack





Oh and you guessed it! stare

That's all that has happened between me and the black and red boned Skelly dude have been doing. Well the skeleton was glitching out more then I think is normal (ouch it looks like it hurts). But other then that we've just been staring. Perhaps if i... 

" live in this dungeon castle like place or...?"

Yep there we go that seems to of done the trick. The skeleton twitches a bit and blinks a few times before he squinted and glared at me. "I'm ThE oNe AsKiNg ThE qUeStIoNs HeRe!"

I winched slightly at the sound of his glitching voice and tone. Summoning up what courage I had before I looked at him and spoke. "Well then ask them."

After seeing the glare he gave me and the chills that ran down my spine from said glare, most of my courage quickly slipped from my grasp as if it was water and I quickly squeaked out more or less the rest that I had planned to say. "O.Or something...just sitting here and staring at each other is reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyy awkward... And creepy...and weird...And since I have no filter and apparently no self preservence rude."

The skeleton blinked a few more times before he squinted at me and glared (I think that's a glare? Maybe it's just the squint?). He stayed like that for a moment or two before he huffed and sighed. "fInE lEtS sTaRt oFf WiTh A EaSsY qUeAsTiOn...WhY aRe YoU iN mY rOoM?"

I blinked and looked at him.

He looked back.

I looked at the blue strings that held me in place and back at him.

He stared at me.

I looked at the blue strings that were all around the room (mostly on the celling ) held in place by what I assume is magic, and then back at him.

He started to glare at me...

Is his eye twitching?

Yep his eyes twitching. socket?


Before I could wonder about how a skeletons eye (socket?) could twitch (as a matter of fact he blinked a few times now that I think about it) he quickly spoke in a rather annoyed tone. "WeLl?!"

I looked at him rather stupidly. " your room?"

I squeaked out. My voice getting higher pitched at the end. Is it getting hot in here all of a sudden? I watched as his glare seemed to deepen. "ArE yOu DeAf? I JUST sAiD iT wAs."

Oh. No it's not hot in here. Nope that's just my blush that is brought on by my embarrassment at being caught in some random MALES room. Well shit quick me and explain yourself before your mistaken for some random pervert or stalker! "I'm soooooo sorry! I had no idea this was your room! Or anyone's room for that matter! I was just trying to find a room to hide out for the night and just kinda ended up here...."

He gave me a look before he sighed and lossened the strings a bit. "LeT mE gUeS... hIdInG fRoM nIgHtMaRe?"

I quickly nodded. "Yep! We have this thing...more like a unspoken agreement or something where he kills me just about each night. Last few nights it has not happened and he's been kinda nice?"

The skeleton gave me a disbelieving look. "NiGhTmArE? BeInG nIcE?"

I gave him my own bewildered look. "I know right?! It's kinda freaking me out to be honest."

The skeleton still gave me the disbelieving look before something seemed to dawn on him and he smiled almost evilly. I paused and looked at him a little frightened. " ok there?"

He chuckled and his smile grew. " PeRfEcTlY fInE. So, NiGhTmArEs LoOkInG fOr YoU?"

I have him a funny look and nodded slowly. "Yes...that's what I said. Whyyyyyyy...oh. Oh geeze. No. Please no?"

Realization dawned on me in the middle of talking. He wouldn't would he? I mean that's a pretty asshole kind of move. I watch with dread as his mouth quickly grew into a smirk. " I WoNdEr...WhAt WoUlD hApPeN iF I hAnDeD yOu OvEr To HiM."

I glared at him but otherwise kept my mouth shut. Which seemed to please him. I narrowed my eyes at him getting a sneaking suspicion that he's finding pleasure in this. His growing smirk seemed to encourage this thought. "WeLlP lEt'S gEt MoViNg."

He chuckled as he twitched his fingers lowering himself and me to the ground and headed to the door and walked out and threw the halls. I growled to myself and tried to stay put but after the skeleton got a certain distance away the strings would just pull me in the direction. After struggling with that for a bit I decided to just follow along (althow the thought of just leaning back and letting the strings drag me was a tempting thought the pain that it brought on my shoeless feet on the other hand was not tempting).

I made sure to keep a few feet behind him (if I got to close I would get this look and he would speed up a bit). After a bit we both heard someone moving threw the halls. The skeleton in front of me paused before he headed to the sound. It was not long till we both saw nightmare who looked rather surprised when he spotted the black and red skeleton. He opened his mouth to say something when he spotted me and he blinked. "Y/n? What are you doing with him? Error?"

Been a while since I have updated...welp here it is.

Looks like we're Gona be friends with error!

But who should we be best friends with?


Cross? (My personal fav)




Someone els?

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